Really, devs? REALLY? AFK farming is ok?




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And if it's any consolation. You're neither required to like anything I say, nor agree with it.
Again, its not your ideas I have a problem with. It's your attitude, and the way that you approach it.


That's your mode.

It would actually be easier to get to your ideas if they weren't wrapped up in the effective equivalent of internet shouting.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
My point remains. Do the devs think they can make more off selling a few expensive expensive things to a small group of wealthy minority players?
That's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying the freedom model basically exists to get new players interested in the game, hopefully they will either spend money while they are here or even better become full subscribers.

My point is making a system that is already in place, more attractive, might attract customers interested in PvP. Some of them might even be PvE players who are PvP curious and would play if it didn't seem like an unbalanced system with a terrible reward mechanic implementation.

Some PvE players will never play PvP, no problem. Some might.

I'm not suggesting the devs sell PvP gear that is awesome and people want to buy it, I'm just suggesting that increasing the overall available game experience by having more to offer (like a robust PvP system, a robust PvE system, and Endgame, etc) is a potential way to drum up some business.

Much in the way that you need to be a sub to earn EMP & Astrals, my idea would be that you would need be a sub to earn PvP merits.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Maybe not to you. But you don't like my message. So that's going to color your perception.
Its not the ideas, its the communication mechanism.

Do you shout in your co-workers faces at the very start of a dialogue? How about your family?

Random shopkeepers? Do you stuff pictures in their face and fly off the handle, resorting to derogatory digs the instant you think they don't understand you?

Do you automatically assume that subtle ideas are lost on everyone else in the world, except for you?

Do you do those things in your life and consider that being honest and forthright? Do you think that is a healthy dialogue?

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
As I've said, some people simply wouldn't recognize subtlety if they were beaten to death with it and resurrected on a daily basis.
Who are some people?

You are having this conversation with me. Did you, after 1 post, automatically assume any and all subtlety would be lost on me and therefore you should most certainly go to the diametric opposite of the spectrum and launch into screaming ranting hyperbole mode?



Halve the amerit cost for purples and pvpios. Nobody buys purples with amerits, but at 10amerits each, I think it is reasonable. That is about 1bil in inf if you converted it all to lotg +rechs. Since you wouldn't have to pay market fees on each 100mil transaction, it seems OK for purchase of high value purples. 10-15 for pvpios also seems to make them much more accessible.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Sure. Why not? I want to be able to easily ask for (and get) 4 billion for a PVP Unique...
Except you wouldn't get 4 billion from people.

The people that want it (for the most part) would be the ones farming the SSAs on their toons to get the PVP recipe they wanted.

I would agree though that having a PVP (or even a purple) recipe as a reward choice for an SSA wouldn't be the best idea.

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Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Indeed, this may be the case, but I do not give a rats backside about pvp. I find the 'community' of pvp'rs to be mostly vile individuals I'd one-star and happily place on ignore.

Sorry. Maybe my experience with those gracious folks has been bad. A run of bad apples, as it were.
I think most of the 'real' PvP'ers left.
Back in the day.... before PvP got messed up, I spent a huge amount of time in RV for badges. This was when RV was the only place to find Contaminated (not to mention the turrets, heavies, signature AV's, etc).

Back then, I simply did not run into any trash-talkers. And I think I know why. I would often run into 'real' PvP'ers, who would wipe the floor with me, and were always polite and respectful. If I asked how they did something, they would explain.

I also ran into plenty of so-called PvP'ers who flat-out SUCKED. They couldn't Assassin Strike their own grandmother. I would beat these clowns like rented mules. They didn't know how to fight. They were bullies and gankers. THESE are the people who trash-talk, but only when they win. Which isn't that often, because they're incompetent.

So, when you get a lot of trash-talk and harassment, you're not dealing with an actual, skilled PvP'er. You're dealing with a clown.

Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Except you wouldn't get 4 billion from people.
Oh, I think they would. They can get 2.5 billion now. A 60% increase from there seems outrageous?

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Oh look, another thread where someone it telling me how to spend my $15/mo. (Well, $30/mo since I have two accounts).

Seriously though, how about you play the game your way, and I'll play my way.

I'm surprised no one has started an "omg how can the devs allow bad costumes, they hurt my eyes!" thread.

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Originally Posted by recalx View Post
1. afaik, regen detargets. you're dumb. do your research.
Do your own research. Yeah, the self-rez breaks targeting. And this does not create the slightest hindrance to the farming.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
I'm surprised no one has started an "omg how can the devs allow bad costumes, they hurt my eyes!" thread.
Oh, we get those occasionally.
You can probably find one if you search for the phrase "fell into a box of crayons".

Paragon City Search And Rescue
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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
You know what I'd like to see fixed?

The use of "really" as a repetitive rhetorical question.

Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Really? I mean, really?


Sorry, just couldn't resist

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post

That's your mode.
No. Actually it isn't. It's one of those side effects of text being really poor at verbal shading and conveying subtlety. And because I state things bluntly, you're assuming that I'm assuming you're an idiot. It's not, it's my desire not to waste time with "Well I really meant..."

It would actually be easier to get to your ideas if they weren't wrapped up in the effective equivalent of internet shouting.
Sad experience leads me to have to disagree with you.

That's not what I'm saying.
No, that's what *I* was saying. Developer time and money to fund it are finite resources. Paragon and NCSoft have to make choices about what's likely to bring in the most bang for their developer buck.

At that point, PVP is going to lose based on simple financial principle.

You can argue "But PVP COULD {INSERT HERE}".

Financial trends will still keep them away from this sort of speculation.

I'm saying the freedom model basically exists to get new players interested in the game, hopefully they will either spend money while they are here or even better become full subscribers.
And you're being told flat out that PVP is NOT a priority because nobody in their right mind at Paragon actually believes that PVP appeals to more than a miniscule percentage of the community (paying or otherwise). And it's been shown pretty conclusively that no amount of alterations are going to significantly increase PVP participation to the point where investing more time and money will be profitable. It's a money pit.

My point is making a system that is already in place, more attractive, might attract customers interested in PvP. Some of them might even be PvE players who are PvP curious and would play if it didn't seem like an unbalanced system with a terrible reward mechanic implementation.
The system's never going to be terribly balanced. There's too many variables in there to ever balance it properly. As such, you'll continue to see reliance on "the right build" with everything else losing out.

At which point, they may as well build a separate "CoH FPS" where everyone starts off as a clone character with zero differentiation between players.

Some PvE players will never play PvP, no problem. Some might.
While you look at "some" and see "thousands", everyone else is looking at "some" and thinking, maybe another 10-100 players.

I'm not suggesting the devs sell PvP gear that is awesome and people want to buy it, I'm just suggesting that increasing the overall available game experience by having more to offer (like a robust PvP system, a robust PvE system, and Endgame, etc) is a potential way to drum up some business.
You're not listening. The PVP system is NEVER going to be "robust". Why? Because of the twin-yet-opposing need for BALANCE. They have to normalize everything so that everyone has a competitive advantage. At which point it's essentially a separate game with only cosmetic similarities to CoH. The problem is, by "normalizing" values, they also introduce yet more inequities due to how various powers work. It's like trying to build a house of cards in a hurricane.

Much in the way that you need to be a sub to earn EMP & Astrals, my idea would be that you would need be a sub to earn PvP merits.
Again with another currency. The only problem is, the devs are inevitably going to limit the currency down far worse than any random drop rate. Making spec-buying punitively expensive.

Its not the ideas, its the communication mechanism.
Honestly, I think it's both. I'm telling you something you don't want to hear. And I'm not couching it in suitably soft, soothing terminology.

Therefore you're not going to react well because you don't like it.

You're missing one small piece here. An important one.

The emotionality of your response is a matter of supreme indifference to me. Like a drill sergeant, whether you like what I'm saying is irrelevant so long as you listen.

Do you shout in your co-workers faces at the very start of a dialogue? How about your family?
Occasionally, when the situation calls for it. The thing is, they're able to gauge a response based on direct observation of my visage and tone of voice in a way you're completely incapable of here.

Random shopkeepers? Do you stuff pictures in their face and fly off the handle, resorting to derogatory digs the instant you think they don't understand you?
Again, verbal-visual contact there allows me to convey my message in a way that's impossible to do here.

Do you automatically assume that subtle ideas are lost on everyone else in the world, except for you?
Do you want the NICE answer or the HONEST one?

Do you do those things in your life and consider that being honest and forthright? Do you think that is a healthy dialogue?
This is an internet bulletin board system.
I also have years of dealing with people who simply will not assimilate an idea because of "do not like" within systems like this. And several individuals here have all the hallmarks of that form of reaction.
As such, I feel precisely zero reason to frustrate myself (and feed sub-bridge dwellers) by trying to mush-mouth a "PC" reply to people who won't respond to it in an honest manner anyhow.

Who are some people?
Serious this time. Do you want the NICE answer or the HONEST one?
Most of the time people who ask for the HONEST one are still secretly hoping it'll be the NICE one.

Additionally, keep this in mind. Calling people out on the boards is a violation of TOS. Therefore, I try to keep to a neutral "them". It keeps Moderator {Insert Number Here} from needing to e-mail me to tell me he deleted or edited a post into incomprehensibility because I violated TOS.

You are having this conversation with me.
No. Actually look back. I'm responding to several people throughout the thread. You just happen to be the most vocal bully-boy of the moment.

Did you, after 1 post, automatically assume any and all subtlety would be lost on me and therefore you should most certainly go to the diametric opposite of the spectrum and launch into screaming ranting hyperbole mode?
You also seem to be ignoring (or ignorant of) the fact that this topic has surfaced multiple times in various forms over the last few years. What you see as a brand new discussion is simply an extension of several years worth of verbal wrangling.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Except you wouldn't get 4 billion from people.
If the supply were low enough? Yeah. Yeah I would.

The people that want it (for the most part) would be the ones farming the SSAs on their toons to get the PVP recipe they wanted.
Maybe. Remember, my customer base aren't the diligent "I'll earn it myself" types. They're the lazy "WANT IT NAO!" types.

I would agree though that having a PVP (or even a purple) recipe as a reward choice for an SSA wouldn't be the best idea.
I'd be hammering SSA's like there was no tomorrow.

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Originally Posted by recalx View Post
1. afaik, regen detargets. you're dumb. do your research.
It does? If that's the case, how did I get my fusion generator, using my ancient katana/regen as the poor victim?

2. thanks, i eagerly await the chance to buy glad javs for 750M off the market.
Nah, I'm a packrat. Anything I get, I'm keepin'.

Hell, I might have to start another base!



Originally Posted by Rikti View Post
I'm playing on a macbook, genius.
Yep. Because this prevents you from dual-booting to Windows and running multiple instances.

Regardless of how powerful it is, it simply doesn't load 2 instances of CoH
Shenanigans. See above method.

The problem isn't a technical one for you. It's a PEBCAK one.

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Originally Posted by recalx View Post
you're stupid enough to get a mac, you don't deserve pvp ios. end of story.
As I just pointed out. It's not like he couldn't dual-boot Windows an run the Windows client.

The problem is him/her. Not their machine.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Oh look, another thread where someone it telling me how to spend my $15/mo. (Well, $30/mo since I have two accounts).

Seriously though, how about you play the game your way, and I'll play my way.

I'm surprised no one has started an "omg how can the devs allow bad costumes, they hurt my eyes!" thread.

Can I get a "DAMN SKIPPY!"

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Do your own research. Yeah, the self-rez breaks targeting. And this does not create the slightest hindrance to the farming.
it does if you're doing a hardcore, truly min/maxed multi-farm, but that's all i'm going to say.

rage at my cryptic-ness plz



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Probably the simplest is to allow inactivity logoff when on an oro tf. But I'll leave the exact mechanism to the dev's, it's what they're paid to do.
Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Obviously I'm not versed in how one does pvp afk farming would that help?

A person can still have two accounts going doing afk farming without being on an ouro (or any other) tf/sf.
Doesn't look like any one else covered this so I'll give it a shot:

If you go afk in a zone (as opposed to in an instance), the game will eventually log you out.

You can't pvp inside an instance, you can only pvp in a zone.

But, if both toons choose an ouro mish as their active mish, but don't actually enter the ouro mission instance, that will prevent them from being logged off while in a zone.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



I think the solution, as has been stated previously, is to simply increase the drop rate of PVP IO's. If they were more readily available, there would be no need to farm them (AFK or otherwise).

If that's not viable then, this:

Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
But, if both toons choose an ouro mish as their active mish, but don't actually enter the ouro mission instance, that will prevent them from being logged off while in a zone.
should be changed so that a character will log out due to inactivity whenever they are not in an instance (regardless of being in a TF/Ouro/whatever or not).

But really, I don't see this as an issue in the first place.

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Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Doesn't look like any one else covered this so I'll give it a shot:

If you go afk in a zone (as opposed to in an instance), the game will eventually log you out.

Yeah but that was kind of my point...I know of a way to "be active" according to the game without actually being there....

Heck farming badges required some of that (back before the badge reqs were "nerfed" ). Just have a program that clicks on a certain power every 1-10 seconds and wa-la, you're "active."


Thanks though for responding Just don't see an issue with this issue for the most part.

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

I'd be hammering SSA's like there was no tomorrow.

You and me both

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Yeah but that was kind of my point...I know of a way to "be active" according to the game without actually being there....

Heck farming badges required some of that (back before the badge reqs were "nerfed" ). Just have a program that clicks on a certain power every 1-10 seconds and wa-la, you're "active."


Thanks though for responding Just don't see an issue with this issue for the most part.

I'm pretty sure using third-party programs to play the game is pretty solid banning territory. But maybe I'm wrong?

Regardless, I sure as hell ain't gonna do it.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

I'm pretty sure using third-party programs to play the game is pretty solid banning territory. But maybe I'm wrong?

Regardless, I sure as hell ain't gonna do it.
i'm pretty sure people have been jamming their spacebar keys since like i3.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

I'm pretty sure using third-party programs to play the game is pretty solid banning territory. But maybe I'm wrong?

Regardless, I sure as hell ain't gonna do it.
Well, there a number of programs and hardware like gaming mice and keyboards that support macros, and i'm not sure if those are forbidden since they can't actually play the game as such. The simplest can be set to periodically trigger a power/keystroke. i suppose that technically counts as botting, but it's really on the low end of exploiting in my opinion. Of course there's always damage auras and using a MM.

The suggestion i like most is just roaming PvP zones looking in the nooks and crannies and then taking over an AFK farm when you find one. Kill the farmer and then spend a few minutes killing the farmer's target dummies whenever they rez. Lather, rinse, repeat, move on.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Just have a program that clicks on a certain power every 1-10 seconds and wa-la, you're "active."

yes a "program" >.> lol



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
yes a "program" >.> lol

Hehe, you can call it whatever you want

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



What I've learned from this thread:
Create multiple free accounts.. say 9 of 'em and 1 real account with IO market access.
Build the 9 so that they have a self-rez recharging at a good clip.
Join all 10 into Ouro arcs to block the auto-logoff.
Find your way off the map through a geometry hole.
Set the one to use an non-targeted AoE to attack the 9, all clumped around the one.
They die, they rez, repeat.
Go to bed. Wake up to find many/several pvp io recipes.
Sell them.
That about sums this whole thing up?
It seems so easy.

Be well, people of CoH.