Level 53 and weaker than a Hellion




What's important to note is these are not new complaints.

They've been rolling in ever since Apex, so it's not like the devs haven't had a chance to learn from the feedback.

In Apex they had Battle Maiden teleport in and ride her axe down from orbit, crashing into the Earth and making a crater that levels Blyde Square. She easily dispatches the heroes there. That's godlike. That's epic.

When we strike back in Tin Mage, we sneak in through the back door in Neutropolis sewers and fight mooks. Then we struggle against an angry cat girl and a half-wit. We cause no damage and our arrival has no impact, literally or figuratively. That is decidedly not epic or godlike.

People made excuses for the devs then as well. "We're just on our Alpha slot, we're not demigods yet." "This is just the first two TFs, wait until the trials."

Well now we're far into the trials and halfway up the Incarnate tree and things haven't gotten better. They've gotten worse. We're getting beaned by ****ing rocks and fighting moldy robots and we're drowning in cheating mechanics.

It's time the developers made good on their promises on Incarnate content and time people stopped making excuses when they don't.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Hey, why don't we just turn these Praetorian citizens and rocks on the Battalion. Have the Seers tell them how lousy they are and then they get beaned by rocks and drop. Coming Storm solved!

Do people even realize how ridiculous that rationalization sounds?
I'm reminded of the Spoony One's take on "no disqualification" wrestling matches. Sometimes you ask yourself questions. If there's no disqualification, why not bring a sword? Why not bring a stun gun? Bring a knife, bring a baseball bat, bring a shotgun. You can, because there are no disqualifications. But then you start to think... They'd never do that, because it would be stupid. Well, guess what? They just did it! Abyss is kidnapping audience members and torturing people backstage!

City of Heroes is a lot like that. When you stop to think about it, the whole game is kind of goofy. Bullets can't kill us, but baseball bats REALLY hurt. We can drop from a 150 storey building and walk it off or take a stroll in lava, but a guy with a sword is a giant threat. We shoot people for loitering in the street or for wearing gang colours. It's quite ridiculous, but we don't talk about it because it's easy to pretend. Well... They're thugs, plus their guns are probably crap and their baseball bats are really study. Or... We don't die from falling because that would suck.

We don't talk about these things because the storyline doesn't make it a point to highlight them. You don't get a story arc to stop a street gang from taking over the city with the newest, deadliest superweapon - the butterfly knife. You don't get story arcs to ask why civilians are immune to damage. That's just the game being the game, and the story pretends these things don't happen. You don't bring attention to these things, because it's embarrassing for everybody, both players and creators. We all know about the awkward concessions we make for playing a computer game, but you don't talk about that.

And you sure as hell don't put it as a central mechanic in your featured content! Yes, you can explain it, but the explanation is goofy. Yes, you can justify it, but the justification just points out how silly the whole premise is. This is getting to the point where Incarnates are one away from crossing over into self-referential parody. Like Tyrian, where the strongest ship was the carrot and the strongest weapon the hot dog gun. We're one step removed from ACTUALLY putting in a storyline to explain why citizens are invulnerable, immovable and all-powerful and possibly introduce an eleventh Incarnate slot: Pedestrian.

Do you realise how silly that is? Do you realise just how close we are to that?

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
In Apex they had Battle Maiden teleport in and ride her axe down from orbit, crashing into the Earth and making a crater that levels Blyde Square. She easily dispatches the heroes there. That's godlike. That's epic.
That's what I wanna' do!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
You might, but I don't. Not by any definition of "superhero" that I subscribe to. No character calling themselves a superhero, much less an Incarnate of the Gods, should ever be killable by a lucky, well-placed rock to the head.

The game engine, through a profound failure to understand its own genre conceits, allows such absurdities to occur, but that's Paragon's conception of my characters, not mine.
The concept that the only way characters can exist is by constantly climbing to new levels of power up into infinity is an inherent, profound failure as well. The idea that I have to wait x-levels just to be able to fly, or breathe fire, goes against pretty much everything that's good about super-hero video gaming.

In good super-hero games, at best you'd get new flavors of what you could already do at level one, but all of what makes Spider-man or batman or the Hulk unique was available "out of the box" which is a phrase used in every critically acclaimed, popular, or GOOD super-hero game(except X-men legends but even then, once you get past the first two levels every new character you get comes that way) out right now.

The idea that your character is fundamentally changing, progressing through "increases" of power, and getting stronger, instead of just taking on progressively harder and different challenges, and overcoming them through ingenuity, teamwork, and luck, and the peculiarities of their particular powers(bringing your fire-flinging teamates to stop the Winter Lord, for example) has been ingrained in the mindset of the devs and the player base by virtue of the perceived "necessity" of a leveling system and narrative concepts in which to frame it. It's not a failure on the part of the devs that they can't make you feel godly with their creation. It's their fault that they made you think you could, however.

Gods have immense power to shape the world around them. Destroy anything and everything in their path, create new things. Be paralleled by none. That can't work where multiple people have to exist, multiple people have to play. And multiple people have to be equal. If I can't blow up the world, I'm a pretty crappy god. heck, I'm probably just a super-hero. I probably have to overcome my challenges via new and creative methods, or the power of friendship, or something like that. It's probably very inspiring and heroic when I do, too, because it seemed impossible, but I was able to do it anyway. It also is probably not cheapened by being part of a constant, Dragon Ball z-esque stupidly-powerful arms race where we just keep blowing up planets, reviving them, because that's the only possible way that might work in a persistent world, and blowing it up again.
My choices are to accept these failures with quiet resignation, or participate in community efforts to discuss them and perhaps affect change. Hopefully I'm not the only one who sees the merits of the latter over the former.
The Problems you have with this game would not be solvable by a new engine, a new approach to story-telling, or anything other than making it a single-player game. Feel free to discuss it, I love theoretical debates(which is why I'm blathering on here right now XD). But that's all they can ever be, theory.
Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
I would note that the former set of characters probably are not doing Incarnate content, in that case.
Assuming those weaknesses mean so much to you, of course.
Considering this whole thread is about how the incarnate content fails to deliver, for numerous well-thought reasons, on the feeling of god-like power? Considering my characters can gain the alpha slot, and thus access to the trials and incarnate system without actually speaking to Prometheus and dealing with all that, and thus bypass the whole "favor of the well" foolishness?(so long as one of my characters has enough merits, and SOME of my character DO go that route) Considering the Trials as they stand are, on the surface, more about the war with Praetoria and less about weakening Marcus Cole in the eyes of the Well of the Furies to get it to love me and give me it's cookies and be my Pidgeon boyfriend? No, I'd say I'm good with my batmen characters doing the trials.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
We shoot people for loitering in the street or for wearing gang colours.
Actually. That's what YOU do.

My character is patrolling the street and attacked by those gang color wearing loiterers. then she takes them down.

And once my character outlevels them, they know not to attack and to just continue loitering.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Bruce will never, ever be taken out by a rock to the head and have it stick. He's got something that's as good as Kryptonian-level resistance to damage; he's got plot armor. His batarangs will never miss their mark when it counts. He'll never get seriously tagged by a lucky bullet. Every tactic he pulls out of his butt will always work. He'll always shake off the mind control or poison or whatever. He's seldom wrong about anything and it's a blue moon he's ever caught with his pants down.

It's a common complaint that Superman is too powerful and nothing poses a danger to him. That applies to Batsauce as well. When his writing is at its worst, he's got a plan for whatever you throw at him and it will always work, even when it shouldn't. Bat Shark Repellant.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Bruce will never, ever be taken out by a rock to the head and have it stick. He's got something that's as good as Kryptonian-level resistance to damage; he's got plot armor. His batarangs will never miss their mark when it counts. He'll never get seriously tagged by a lucky bullet. Every tactic he pulls out of his butt will always work. He'll always shake off the mind control or poison or whatever. He's seldom wrong about anything and it's a blue moon he's ever caught with his pants down.

It's a common complaint that Superman is too powerful and nothing poses a danger to him. That applies to Batsauce as well. When his writing is at its worst, he's got a plan for whatever you throw at him and it will always work, even when it shouldn't. Bat Shark Repellant.
I too await our "Bad Writing" primary Power Set.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's what I wanna' do!
Well you can't.
Rocks fall on everyones heads then you choke on spores.
The end.




Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Actually, wanna know how to make it still a challenge?

Make all the regular citizens level 5 just like they are in Praetoria.

The danger comes not from them attacking you, but the fact that even damage auras can one-shot them. Hell, looking at them too hard would likely hurt them.
What about this...

Make all civilians lvl 5 and throw rocks you hardly feel. And make the league lose public opinion on a huge scale for every civilian killed by one of the league. If public opinion is down fully, the whole tf fails!

Now you have to be careful NOT to kill any civialns.. and with them lvl 5 that is a hard thing to do. Like Azure says here. Some aura's alone will kill them.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



irrespective of the "Incarnate" nonsense, that's actually not a bad idea.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



When they come up with the next Trials and solaoble content, please help test them.

In the meantime, I must chime in with Sam and Johnny on this. Presentation. If the Converted Citizens were blasting us with beams of psionic energy, there would still be complaints, but not about my character with Impervium (actually enchanted porcelain, but whatever) skin being hit by a rock. You want the citizens to stone me to death because the Seers have rendered me incapable of defending myself? Fine, throw a mag 9999 Hold on me so that it at least makes sense.

I LIKE the TPN trial overall. I love actually doing the smart thing and exposing the truth to the civilians; that's heroic. I love trying to take out the Seers without hurting the civilians; that's heroic. I love gaining public opinion by smacking around Praetorian Robocop around on national TV; that's heroic. Getting stoned to death by angry citizens? It didn't work on General Zod and it won't work on me (I overstate to make a point; I have plenty of super powerful characters that are not invulnerable).

Some constructive suggestions:

- Change the animation of the converted civilians; have them levitate and blast us psionically instead of throwing rocks.

- Instead of the Seers debuffing us, allow them to draw power from public opinion and deal huge amounts of damage when public opinion is in their favor. In addition, have them visibly draw power from surrounding civilians.

I understand what the citizens hurting us with rocks is supposed to be in-story; I get that, really. It's just one of those things that would look a lot better on a comic book page rather than in a game outside of a rendered cutscene.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Precisely. You can write whatever weaknesses you want into your characters, but some content simply doesn't work for some characters. A street-level detective hero has no place trading punches giant war machines armed with chainguns and surviving rockets to the face.
Batman says you're wrong.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Batman says you're wrong.
I have no issue with Batman slipping on those electric brass knuckles like he did in JLU to trade punches with Parademons.

I've used this example before:

When non-super Captain America downs a Frost Giant with just his wits and his shield, that just shows how badass he is. Nobody questions it.

But when you have Thor get taken out by a shot to the chest by a Luger P08, that is wrong.

The point is, they should aim high for their content, not cater to the lowest common denominator. If you don't want your street level vigilante fighting giant robots, don't. Opt out of becoming a god and never unlock your Alpha. But FFS, don't have demigods getting beaned by sticks and stones.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I have no issue with Batman slipping on those electric brass knuckles like he did in JLU to trade punches with Parademons.

I've used this example before:

When non-super Captain America downs a Frost Giant with just his wits and his shield, that just shows how badass he is. Nobody questions it.

But when you have Thor get taken out by a shot to the chest by a Luger P08, that is wrong.

The point is, they should aim high for their content, not cater to the lowest common denominator. If you don't want your street level vigilante fighting giant robots, don't. Opt out of becoming a god and never unlock your Alpha. But FFS, don't have demigods getting beaned by sticks and stones.
I don't know... I like Silver Gale's slant on the whole issue:

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
There you go, then. Mechanically, what happens is that the Scryers debuff your defenses *and* resistances making you vulnerable to the rock attack, but in-story, you can just treat it as the Scryers incorporating the rock-throwing into their mental attacks.

"Why are you here? You're not doing anything useful. Every decent citizen hates you. Look at them yelling and throwing things. You're worthless and you should just lay down and *die*."

Adjust as needed for whatever deepest fears your character has.
Considering it's actually the stacking debuffs from the Seers (as I illustrated earlier) that're causing the harm, Silver Gale's explanation has a chilling effect to it. They're in you're head, they're making you feel worthless and doubt yourself. It's just a horrifying concept and something I can easily imagine.

Hell, they should add captions to the trial that evoke that effect.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I don't know... I like Silver Gale's slant on the whole issue:

Considering it's actually the stacking debuffs from the Seers (as I illustrated earlier) that're causing the harm, Silver Gale's explanation has a chilling effect to it. They're in you're head, they're making you feel worthless and doubt yourself. It's just a horrifying concept and something I can easily imagine.

Hell, they should add captions to the trial that evoke that effect.

The problem with Silver Gale's position is simply that it would take like 4 of those seers and a couple of agent provocateurs to wander into Atlas, convince the civvies that they need to attack the heroes and hey presto, no more Paragon City.

If a few Seers can debuff Incarnate PCs to that level, that quickly, that a rock or two fells them, then that tells me the Devs are bereft of ideas. The overwhelming power of the Seers to debuff us puts all the other incarnates we've encountered in the shade. It's a good job for Cole and Mother that they are on side... they are way over-powered.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Maybe they could raise the aggro cap for civilians in the TPN to 500. And then everyone's PC could melt.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I don't like the cheesy mechanics in the trials. It's at the point for me, that I don't consider the trials to be done "in-character" for my characters. The storyline rationalizations are too thin, too obviously just rationalizations to cover bad mechanics and limited AI, and the tactical elements of the trials are too much aimed at players clicking adeptly and at carefully choreographed places and times instead of the characters being super-powered, for me to think of them as being part of my character's history and evolution. But, like many others, I want the powers, so I run them, and run them, memorize the maps and monkey-rote clicking, and then grind them, and grind them again. Then, also like many others, I come up with explanations for these powers that fit my character and have nothing at all to do with the Well, Praetoria, or incarnate trials. This is not a good place to be.



I think the civilians using Psi attacks is probably the most logical change that could happen. The Maria Jenkins arc (I think) already establishes that something like that can happen. It's really not that big a deal to me, although, it does seem out of place that your character runs through a hail of gunfire inside the buildings and then is killed by a rock thrown by a schoolteacher. If nothing else though I would like future trials to feel more epic. I think both MoM and UG succeed on that front (and I'm saying that as a not very big fan of UG).

Unrelated to this, it's also strange that video cameras and civilians are potential targets but the HD TVs you're trying to protect are not. Not that I'm asking them to be made so, it's just an odd point of logical consistency within the task given.

Of course, it's also a little weird, logically speaking, that civilians we're trying to protect can't be hit with buff powers that would make them less likely to die. I don't expect that change to happen, but if this fight were actually happening in a comic book I think the first thing that would happen is the league Force Fielder would be encasing the crowd to protect them. Maybe there are other things at work though (eg I doubt if the general non-super hero public would appreciate the Cold or Thermal buffs even if they were there to protect them, and maybe Empathy just doesn't work on "normal" people).



I think what also compounds the problem is that we've had so long since a mission that really made us feel powerful, especially for heroes. Villians get their blood coral fueled rampage against 400 enemies, praetorians get their 100 depowered destroyers, heroes only get that single mission in the alpha arc where you club a few AVs in a couple of minutes. The next time we get a large invasion event I want to see something like this. (from 3:50 to 5:50)

(My personal favorite is Question's method of fighting)

That should be the battalion invasion, all the normal spawns erased and tons of level 1 enemies spread out over -all- the zones. It would solve so many issues I've had with previous invasions. People won't have to form a giant mosh pit to survive it, we won't have to worry about full zones and everyone could spread out and have their own adventures in being a hero or villian. The last event we had was a trainwreck (at least on virtue) it got to the point where people were so sick of zoning and moshing with 30 billion seeds that when zwill was going "Ooooo I'm attacking atlas park!" everyone was ignoring him and not paying a bit of attention to any of his spawns. The next invasion shouldn't be about giant mobs of heroes fighting mobs of god level purple spawns, it should be about every character getting their own moment to feel like a badass even if it's only for a few hours.

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

"A good evil villian kills with style"-Galgarion
"Ha you're more full of yourself than I am!"-Jack Spicer



Originally Posted by ElementalFury View Post
I think what also compounds the problem is that we've had so long since a mission that really made us feel powerful, especially for heroes. Villians get their blood coral fueled rampage against 400 enemies, praetorians get their 100 depowered destroyers, heroes only get that single mission in the alpha arc where you club a few AVs in a couple of minutes. The next time we get a large invasion event I want to see something like this. (from 3:50 to 5:50)
We're not going to get that. Ever.

We're going to have groups of 'demigods' ganging up on man-sized L54(+8) AVs, dodging colored near-instakill patches on the ground and ultra mag holds that ignore your mez protection and unresistable damage, probably coming from a stone hurled by a civilian in a business suit.

Forget about ramming a tank through a dropship, let alone even fighting one with less than 30 people. We're not allowed to be that cool. Remember Rikti raids? Their tiny dropships aren't even fazed by an Incarnate, so why would the Battalion be weaker?

About the only thing similar we can expect is when Star Sapphire gets one-shotted in the back and when Atomic Skull messes around instead of doing his job in the trial.




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I think the civilians using Psi attacks is probably the most logical change that could happen. The Maria Jenkins arc (I think) already establishes that something like that can happen.
I think Mother Mayhem's Children of Anger (the ordinary citizens launching psi attacks) were in the pre-revision Maria. Post-revision, it's just more Seers.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I think the civilians using Psi attacks is probably the most logical change that could happen. The Maria Jenkins arc (I think) already establishes that something like that can happen. It's really not that big a deal to me, although, it does seem out of place that your character runs through a hail of gunfire inside the buildings and then is killed by a rock thrown by a schoolteacher. If nothing else though I would like future trials to feel more epic. I think both MoM and UG succeed on that front (and I'm saying that as a not very big fan of UG).
Now that you've mentioned it, Maria Jenkins' arc has a mission on a world where time has been sped up and the civilians have gone crazy and are somehow able to challenge level 40+ heroes with knives and baseballs bats. So why am I less angry about that? Well, for one, it's just one throwaway mission that may as well not have happened, not a cornerstone storyline. For another, the civilians are PATHETIC. The minions only have brawl, the lieutenants have melee weapons and possibly small arms and the bosses have shotguns and rifles, and none of them are particularly strong. Nowhere near what your average level 50 alien or super operative could provide in terms of danger. Finally... Yeah, it IS kind of stupid.

Having the civilians shoot psychic blasts like they're possessed would be far superior if they're supposed to carry some sort of danger. If they're not supposed to carry any form of danger, then make them all level 1. Make all of their attacks autohit, but give them 0.00 damage. They'll probably still interrupt our interruptible powers, but they won't actually be able to kill us, and we'll be in the very real danger of killing them by sneezing in the wrong direction. Forget powerful debuffs. Bathe people in civilians they're not supposed to kill and you hamper them far, far more badly.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
We're going to have groups of 'demigods' ganging up on man-sized L54(+8) AVs, dodging colored near-instakill patches on the ground and ultra mag holds that ignore your mez protection and unresistable damage, probably coming from a stone hurled by a civilian in a business suit.
To be honest, I don't specifically mind amazingly dangerous bad guys who are still man-sized or even small in stature, and I certainly don't mind them holding great personal power. Requiem is one of my favourite villains, after all (and was even more so before he became the Centre's *****, but that's besides the point). In terms of presentation, yes - fighting one average-height guy in a simple uniform who nevertheless wipes the floor with your glowing, armoured, godlike self can be humiliating, but it can also serve to put forward the bad guy as being more dangerous than he looks. I certainly don't want to fight ONLY building-sized leviathans or endless armies of bumbling goons.

But the key here is balance and moderation. I like man-sized super bad guys, but I want more than just that. ONLY man-sized super bad guys is bad planning. If it's just one - say Praetorian Marcus Cole - then I can buy it. He's special, he's awesome, I can dig it. When there are dozens of them, then it starts getting ridiculous, and then it starts feeling like these guys aren't the exception: I AM! I'm not the strong one, I'm the weak one and everyone else is strong.

The game needs a balance between singular unstoppable godlike super bad guys and weaker, more regular bad guys who need to team up to stop us, and it's this balance that's completely missing. Even in a raid environment, you can challenge people in ways OTHER than throwing Arthas at us in every damn encounter.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think part of the problem is that I imagine flooding you with low damage, vast mobs would be ineffective. Having that many mobs on the map that you could take notable damage would probably crash a lot of peoples computers/video cards. So how do you get these people into the fray? Drinking Enriche, as was brought up earlier, seems like a reasonable way of doing it. Mind and body control in a bottle.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
I think part of the problem is that I imagine flooding you with low damage, vast mobs would be ineffective. Having that many mobs on the map that you could take notable damage would probably crash a lot of peoples computers/video cards. So how do you get these people into the fray? Drinking Enriche, as was brought up earlier, seems like a reasonable way of doing it. Mind and body control in a bottle.
Or, as has been said repeatedly, just have them con grey and unable to affect anything more than your popularity - which would drop faster when they hit you with a rock due to mob mentality.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



If you make the citizens level 1 or even con grey, they will be that much easier to accidentally kill and therefore fail the trial. I would not like that.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad