Why do you play COH?




I like all things Super Hero.

With the possible exception of "My Super Girlfriend" That was ........

What keeps me in the game is the Monday night Skype/CoH sessions I have with RL friends. When we stopped doing those before I dropped out of the game. Now they've started again I am back.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Best escape and therapy I ever had.

Fun galore!

I can be extremely creative.

I can FLY!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



To crush enemies. To see them driven before me.



I play CoH because:
1. it's a great place to hook up with women
2. none of my friends or family play here
3. no one gives a bleeping bleep that I play alone
4. upon logging in, I just love reading red letter notices about the old drivers on my 2 yr old Netbook
5. the continuing comedy of the Incarnate system provides more and more unintentional laughs with every "expansion"
6. I hope one day to see Golden Girl post an honest opinion instead of saying only what she thinks the devs want to hear
7. nowhere else in the MMO genres do I get so many opportunities to say "No Thx" to teaming
8. it's one of the few places on the Internet where I can pretend to be a dumb, rude, a*****e and pull it off (it's all an act, folks)

Other reasons I play:
1. it runs on my Netbook
2. it is the most enjoyable thing for this retired grandfather to do between visits with his grandchildren
3. I can FLY/travel anywhere in the open world with no forced pathing
4. the character development process is fun and a good outlet for creative urges
5. I can take my time playing and not feel rushed to do anything in the game
6. it's Okay to take 6 months or longer to develop a character to their full potential; it's Okay to NOT power level a new character to 50 in less than a day
7. to experience the joy of living the games brings me each day
8. I like the toy chest/sandbox feelings of being able to create your own style of play; only do the things you want to do and pretend to be who you wish you could be if you lived the life of a comic book character
9. to witness and experience the few new good things the dev staff is doing these days (there are some gems amidst all the muck)
10. it's the one game I always wanted to play when I was away playing others. It just gives that feeling of being something special in the gaming world and I like being part of that.



A big reason I play? My characters are mine. They're my creations, my concepts, and I put them together. Sure, someone might have the same power sets as my dual blades/willpower scrapper... but they're someone else, with their own look going on. I find that so rarely in MMOs, where everyone feels so cookie cutter most of the time. Everyone's the same mage/smuggler/whatever. Being unique helps me stay interested.

Additionally, the community. On the whole, the CoH crowd, including both the devs and players, are generally pretty nice and well behaved. Sure, there are jerks. There are jerks everywhere. But I've met a lot of great people here and made some great friends.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



- the character customization
- the super hero-villain theme
- the great community
- always new stuff coming

and killing a bunch of mobs in +4x8 ...



There's a game that comes with forum access?

I kid. I play CoH because I can fly in it. And shoot energy blasts. And shoot energy blasts while flying. Try doing that in any other game.



Oh, I forgot something: Super Jump.

Seriously. Even more than Fly, Super Jump is my favorite power ever. I love using it around the city, bouncing off power lines and whatnot. It's just... fun jumping 150 feet in the air, or over a building, or onto a third story balcony to punch bad guys in the face.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I play for the character concepts, and that's the extent of it. Like Minecraft is a tool for the creative far more than it is a game, City of Heroes is a tool for the budding artists among us who just aren't particularly skilled at any of the visual arts. I can't draw for ****, I can't model, and while I CAN write, it's not visual enough. City of Heroes gives me a tool to put my imagination into a tangible form, and then play with it as though it were a toy. When I was a kid, I had a series of action figures (Batman, Robo Cop, Skeletor, etc.), but was never satisfied in how limited they were in motion. I always wanted to have a cartoon... No, a GAME made after my own imaginary characters.

Now I can!

City of Heroes has been by far the greatest source of inspiration in my entire life. This is less so because of what it offers as source materials and more because almost anything I can think of, I can make here, and I can have make sense with some degree of effort. This kind of freedom is stimulating, it causes me to try and come up with ever more unusual characters, ever more interesting characters, ever more absurdly amazing designs, as if to test the limits of what I can achieve. And there really is no hard limit on what you can create in City of Heroes. Where hints of it exist, we can simply appeal to the development team, and those limits will usually go away. I wanted to have a giant green troll woman with a giant sword. As of yesterday, I finally can.

The rest of the game is "not bad." I've played a lot of MMOs since I started City of Heroes, and this one is just about the only one which doesn't irritate me and waste my time with busywork. Missions are straightforward, for the most part - find instance, kill and click everything inside, hope your objective is achieved when you do so. The story is actually pretty interesting when it doesn't try too hard, giving me both examples of good writing and very cool ideas from time to time and it very rarely pisses me off.

Essentially, City of Heroes - to me - is a creativity tool that I love attached to a game that does not bother me.
This for me, as well. Very well put!



I'm not a "hard core" gamer... I don't have the coordination or reflexes for twitch-play or the interest in number-crunching it takes to be a serious min/maxer. I honestly don't care all that much about challenge, complex zero-room-for-error raid tactics, or having the most UberLeet, over-engineered toon on my server. For the most part, I just like jumping into casual raids with friends, or doing my own thing at my own pace as a solo, in a duo or with a small team. I'm not the least bit bothered by "OMG! Everything is Easy Mode!!11!" Most MMOs (and video games in general-) aren't designed for people with my mindset. At least parts of this one are.

Being an old-school, tabletop RPG player, I also get very attached to my characters as individuals. I like playing them through the City world, interacting with it and with other characters. I'm a very casual "in-game" role-player at best, but it's still fun on an internal level to think about how Kes or Pally or Shade would react to some of the people and situations they encounter.

And yeah... They can fly.

How can you not love that?

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Bad habit I picked up in early 2004.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Because the devs allow you to have real powers and use them

Other games very much limit what you can do and where you can go. If you get to a bridge with a tower, you have to cross the bridge (fighting everything in your path) and then walk up the tower (fighting everything in your path). No matter your character, the game is fighting along a pre-determined path to get to the end. In CoH you can fly there, stealth there, fight your way there. The world is your environment to act in, not a tunnel for you to be forced through.

Also, because of the multiple villains per hero, things like holds actually work. In other games a controller cannot be allowed to really control because you fight one at a time. If you hold your only foe each fight, it is trivial. Whereas 3 villains per hero means there are many viable ways to fight and have them all be challenging. One shotting a villain is another example - they can't allow that in games where you fight one at a time.

In shorthand - the cool guy on the box, you get to be him.



Because my spreadsheets tell me to...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Invention and heroics.

I can look at the powers certain characters have and imagine the synergy. I can then twist this into a theme and create a new life.

I was in a trial the other day and had been trying to be the good team player, we group wiped 3 times and still no closer to winning. I then filled up with 3 greens, 10 purples and the rest oranges, entered and popped the entire lot and went hog wild destroying everything. The team was stunned and I explained I was tired of them being in my way.




Lots of variety in costumes.
Can PL alt to 50 in no time flat, making me want to try more powersets and combinations.
Epic loot falls off any mob (purples), so no need to camp anything.
Feel powerful fighting dozens of mobs at once.
Helpful community and dev team.
Troll lite community.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I'm a self proclaimed comic-book nerd, and as such I made up fantasies about my own heros as a kid and this game helps bring them to life. Being able to leave the game for a minute and come back to see my tank surrounded and being attacked and just standing there like nothings going on gives me a sense of my character being near indestructible as a tank like that should be, not so much that the game is simplistic, but that the different powers and especially the enhancements allow for specific types of heroes so even if you run across another with the same sets you will still be unique enough in a world filled with supers.

The second most reason is the player base, I've became friends with some interesting people playing this game and interacting with others on the channels keeps me coming back just about as much as the gameplay itself. And come on, tell me I'm not the only one that feels being able to beat on Longbow isn't another good reason.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



3 reasons for me.
1: I'm a bit of a mad scientist. I like to try different things and styles to see how they work out. And this game has more variety in an easy to operate form than any other game that i've seen so far. You can create and run and be almost anything you can imagine.

2: The incredible customization. I'm severely disabled in real life. I can't walk and have trouble using my left hand. But thanks to the incredible customization of this game through keybinds and macro's, various ideas contributed by others on the forums, and my 30+years of video game experience, i can play well enough to solo comfortably at higher settings and pull my weight on any team i'm on. Even as a healer or front liner on a TF. I've also had some success in PVP. I started about 3 years ago (not on forums then) and wanted to see if i could blend in, keep up, and not seem any different than anybody else, never mentioning my condition. Except for my slow typing, i think i've succeded. The mechanics of this game are easy enough for me that i can focus more on being creative and having fun. I broke my own rule about not mentioning my condition. It won't happen again

3: The player community and devs are fun to be around (with the occasional rude player as an exception, but that's life).



Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
It's fun.
I wanted to say this, but it was already done.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Because after 7.5 years... its still fun!



The SHORT answer is "Because playing CoX makes me feel like I'm playing the Champions RPG with Mego action figures".

Long answer? There are many. I'm about as comic-booky and super-hero-y as a person can get, so I find myself very comfortable in these surroundings. Someone upthread also mentioned it's not just spandex-clad supermen and women with powers that populate CoX, but also a "melting pot" of heroic and villainous characters such as time-lost warriors, plainclothes detectives with exotic gadgets and weapons, aliens, supernatural monsters, and so on.

I like feeling heroic and saving the day. I occasionally like feeling villainous and ruining the day. CoX lets me do both.

Flying is awesome. Fly poses are awesome icing.

Defeating enemies, be they "good guys" or "bad guys" feels good almost every time.

Getting your costume or outfit "just so" is fun. So is updating or changing it.

Not to mention being part of "the big story" through Mission Architect.

I could go on, but I think that's enough. See y'all in the city!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Because it is not World of Warcraft.

I can make my character look like whatever I want without having to spend an inordinate amount of time doing so. I don't have to worry about gear upgrades making my character look like they shop at a gypsy yard sale.

I don't have to raid every day for weeks when a patch comes out to stay in the elite 1% of the game that the raid is designed for. I don't have to continue to raid because one specific piece of gear won't drop for me, or it did drop, but the stupid warlock rolled higher then me for it.

There is no damn gearscore. I can get into a Trial without having everyone judge me based on some mathematical addon.



cross faction chat in pvp.
i can talk ish while taking an ish on someone.



I can fly.
-I can apply any concept.
-Robust chat mechanism
-The ability to feel like I'm in a world populated by players even while soloing.
-New stuff comes fast enough to keep me intereted.
-The people

I CAN FLY!!!!!