Powers Panel




Haven't seen anyone post any information about this panel...Anyone have a transcript or highlights?

They did mention Dark in the opening Q&A and mentioned other sets being proliferated....what were they?



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i'm especially interested in knowing whether they mentioned anything about what's in store for Doms.
It was my impression Dark Control, Dark Assault and Dark Affinity was the big thing for Doms. Three new sets for them.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
It was my impression Dark Control, Dark Assault and Dark Affinity was the big thing for Doms. Three new sets for them.
I've only heard mention of Dark Control, nothing about Dark Assault. And what would Dark Affinity be? Couldn't be an Epic pool, they've already got Soul Mastery for their netherworld needs.



Dark Affinity is the support equivalent of Dark Miasma and is for Controllers as a secondary...



A couple of folks posted some info on the new sets in the thread titled "Unanswered pummit questions", here is a copy of the best post on the powers, as well as a link to the original post:


Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
Ok, here's what I've got from my notes:

Time Manipulation fun fact- swirl direction changes depending on if you are buffing or debuffing someone. Clockwise=Buff Counterclockwise=DeBuff

Titan Weapons-
-Available to Scrappers, Tanks, and Brutes (sorry, not for stalkers, then again kind of hard to be sneaky with a giant a$$ hammer)
-Essentially allows 1 power to do 2 things (with momentum or without momentum)
-Goes off of a momentum system.
-No momentum, slow attacks, if you have momentum you have shorter animations and more AoE goodness.
-So far Hammer and Sword, potential for Axe as well.

Dark Control- Sorry, no tentacles people
Move list:
Shadowy Binds- DoT/Imob
Dark Grasp- Mod Dmg/Hold
Living Shadows- Wide Cone/Dot/Imob
Posses- Confuse (with glowing eye goodness)
Fearsome Stare- Cone/Terror
Heart of Darkness- PBAoE/DoT/Disorient
Haunt- Summons Shades Dmg/Fear/Taunt (to the shades). Essentially, the shades will go out and attack the mob in question, casting taunt and fear on them while attacking them. If the mob dies, they will move on to another (like gangwar, we can't control where they go) to attack. They ARE killable, and somewhat squishy.
Shadow Field- Ranged AoE/Hold
Tier 9- TBA

It looked really interesting, with all the dreary, inky effects.

Staff Melee- Scrapper, Brute, Tank, Stalker
Power Staff Mastery- much like Swap Ammo, in where you can pick from three styles
Mind = gives boost to recharge
Body= Gives boost to Damage
Soul= Gives end discount
Perfection is built thru attacks, and there are two attacks that will either build or spend it.
Eye of the Storm and Sky Splitter.
Staff will have a longer range than most melee classes.

Dark Assault for Dominators

Two new darkness powers (I believe for controllers in the prestige pool? Was hard to hear)
Soul Absorption- Regen+ after defeating enemies (for whole group
Fade- Targeted, like a mini MoG for others.

Stalker changes have already been mentioned, so won't bring them up again

Video Examples!:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmmeswm4Nkw and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS5jy55HvC4 for titan weapons

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJOc4bkfeIw for staff fighting.

Sorry, nothing to find on Darkness!
And as they stated in the panel,
Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that dark miasma was being ported to controllers, with fearsome stare and petrifying gaze replaced by two new powers so the set wouldn't have to much control in it. I would guess the last powers mentioned by firemoth (soul absorption/fade) are the replacement for FS/PG in the controller version of dark miasma.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Staff Fighting, like Dual Pistols, is something I've been looking forward to since Beta. So glad to see these finally seeing the light of day.



Haunt sounds awesome



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Haunt sounds awesome
Yeah, I am curious now what the tier 9 will be. The PBAOE stun is interesting since the immob is a cone.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah, I am curious now what the tier 9 will be. The PBAOE stun is interesting since the immob is a cone.
I would be happy with the shadow imps that show up in some of the Peregrine Island missions.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
I would be happy with the shadow imps that show up in some of the Peregrine Island missions.
Those little dudes in the Rularuu ship maybe.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
A couple of folks posted some info on the new sets in the thread titled "Unanswered pummit questions", here is a copy of the best post on the powers, as well as a link to the original post:


Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that dark miasma was being ported to controllers, with fearsome stare and petrifying gaze replaced by two new powers so the set wouldn't have to much control in it. I would guess the last powers mentioned by firemoth (soul absorption/fade) are the replacement for FS/PG in the controller version of dark miasma.

Yeah, it was Dark Miasma where they were putting in those two new powers. Brainfade on my part.



Heart of Darkness- PBAoE/DoT/Disorient
Anyone know if this will be a toggle or a clicky? I really want to hope that it would be like a combined Hot Feet + OG, but at the same time I kind of doubt it.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Dark Affinity is the support equivalent of Dark Miasma and is for Controllers as a secondary...
I thought it was a new ancillary pool for Doms.




Dark Control sounds like Mind Control but with immob and pets.

Which sounds great to me. I'm all in even before knowing what the t9 is (a permanent pet of some sort would be nice though).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Oooh, thanks for the links/info!

So looking forward to Staff Fighting....was one of the sets I've been waiting for, for a long time

Kilik ftw!

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
The new Dark stuff sounds nice. But even nicer would be not having Fearsome Stare in any of them. *sigh*

Then again, having them there makes it easy to skip a power...
What don't you like about Fearsome Stare? It's a good power

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
What don't you like about Fearsome Stare? It's a good power
But you can never use a mirror again. SOME of us care about personal grooming!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
What don't you like about Fearsome Stare? It's a good power
It's in (almost) ever Dark set. I want some variety, gosh darn it!

I'm a meleemans, so I don't wanna hold 'em, I wanna fold 'em.

Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
But you can never use a mirror again. SOME of us care about personal grooming!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
What don't you like about Fearsome Stare? It's a good power
Really? I thought it was terrible. Doesn't it have a long animation and low base duration?

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Really? I thought it was terrible. Doesn't it have a long animation and low base duration?
Fearsome stare is one on the best powers in Dark Miasma also in the top powers in the game. Not only can it lock down a large group but it has a very nice -tohit along with, usually slot for -tohit as well. That along with darkest night is why you can safely "tank" as a dark defender, corr or MM.

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Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Really? I thought it was terrible. Doesn't it have a long animation and low base duration?
I personally like preventing alpha.

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Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Really? I thought it was terrible. Doesn't it have a long animation and low base duration?
Fearsome stare is amazing.

-29% To Hit for a defender at ED cap and -23% for a corrupter.

No reason not to take it.

Oh yeah, it also fears everything in a truly massive cone allowing you to break spawns easier.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
But you can never use a mirror again. SOME of us care about personal grooming!

Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
It's in (almost) ever Dark set. I want some variety, gosh darn it!

Ah okay

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
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