Player Summit Ustream Highlights: Costume Design Panel




Avatea introduces David Nakayama, Second Measure, War Witch, and Eric Chen.

Ustream chat is kind of upset that we're not getting the Powers and Endgame panels.

Random doodling as Second Measure talks about the design process.

SM: "Tech sleek armor, potty suit. Err... power suit."

A lot of sci-fi and retro future suggestions.

SM: "Techno ninja pirate catgirl crossed out, bear written in."

"Costume for my mans."

"Steampunk Transformers."

"Nonhumanoid body types, four legged, blob, etc."

"Disguises. Like groucho glasses."

"More mustaches."

"More shorts."

Predominating themes are street clothes and retro sci-fi.

Giving player models fingers was looked at, but the amount of data required would increase by a great deal as well as the time needed to be put in. I think they said the entire rig at the moment has 14 "bones," each hand has like 15.

Suggestion that the bubble helmet be a neck option rather than a head option.

The older monster heads look so bad due to them trying to get them to conform to standards of the normal feature placement of auras and the like. They're standardized from the skeleton.

Texas Justice suggests the bubble helmet going with it by itself, having it headless, kind of like Mysterio from Spiderman.

Suggestion of a classic KITT/Cylon aura.

"Can we get a rifle with a plunger looking thing like a Dalek? Who doesn't want to go around in a bubble helmet with a plunger gun going "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!""

Asymmetry costs a lot in resources. Not so much geometry as in texture space. If they went nuts with asymmetrical options they would essentially knock out the bottom 10% of computers.

There's apparently a cool background of Romulus Augustus.

Goldfish in boots.

Peanut Gallery: "Talsorian Suspenders!"

"Ming the Merciless super collar!"

Panel says that the collar would clip with a lot of hairstyles. Chat is saying that long hair ALREADY clips with high collar capes.

"If you make the ring vertical it's Uranus!"

"Lusca baby backpack!"

Screens will be forthcoming.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Thank you, Von Krieger!

I hadn't realized how much there was to the panel until reading your recap.

My vote still goes that the belt options (planet/star) also be neck chokers.



"Asymmetry costs a lot in resources. Not so much geometry as in texture space. If they went nuts with asymmetrical options they would essentially knock out the bottom 10% of computers."

This makes me so sad. It's the one thing besides clown MM henchmen that I really want in game. Oh well. I guess I'll get over it now...



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Predominating themes are street clothes and retro sci-fi.
Please - and let's not wait until the Moonbase for retro sci-fi. (I may be alone in wanting the "fat suit" blazer that the NPCs wear to expand their girth.)

Texas Justice suggests the bubble helmet going with it by itself, having it headless, kind of like Mysterio from Spiderman.
This is a perennial suggestion, but surely the popularity of the brain-in-a-jar helmet from Halloween should prioritize it?



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Please - and let's not wait until the Moonbase for retro sci-fi. (I may be alone in wanting the "fat suit" blazer that the NPCs wear to expand their girth.)

This is a perennial suggestion, but surely the popularity of the brain-in-a-jar helmet from Halloween should prioritize it?
They drew out concept art, as one can see in the images for this stuff. As far as I know it's actually going to be going into the game.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
"Asymmetry costs a lot in resources. Not so much geometry as in texture space. If they went nuts with asymmetrical options they would essentially knock out the bottom 10% of computers."

This makes me so sad. It's the one thing besides clown MM henchmen that I really want in game. Oh well. I guess I'll get over it now...
And odd given Noble Savage's comment the other day.
I'm disappointed.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
They drew out concept art, as one can see in the images for this stuff. As far as I know it's actually going to be going into the game.
The several sketches that were done on the overhead only whetted my appetite. They should be at the top of the list for X-mastime store sales.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
And odd given Noble Savage's comment the other day. I'm disappointed.
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Was there any mention/suggestion of something loin cloth-like? I know the Sybils in the ITF aren't possible but what about shorter versions that are the same length as kilt and higher cuts up the side.

You could make variations of it. Barbarian, tech, proper dress.

For a visual example of what I mean:



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.
yay. thank you.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.
That is music to my ears. Looking forward to seeing what this might be!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.
I hope this doesn't just mean "select pieces will have asymmetry already built in which is in no way customizable."

Speaking as one of those "bottom 10%" people who have been blasted by graphical changes in the past, I'd still like to see asymmetry added to the game.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



They'd have to redo the skeleton to incorporate anything BESIDES the occasional asymmetrical piece. Which would mean redoing all the emotes in the game, and all the animations. Probably not high on the priority list.

edit: Well, for legs anyways. I suppose they already have the robot arms upper body which shows that the upper body at least can handle arms of different sizes. Regardless, I don't think we'd ever see a part size slider.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



This was a surprisingly cool panel which I honestly hadn't expected as much from when it got UStreamed. As someone whose tastes in costumes is very much rooted in the classics, I've bemoaned the barrage of techno-armor costumes and jackets and corsets lately, since that doesn't really help me as much (though I admit, I love the goggles from the Science pack). Seeing bubble helmets, ray guns, and more retro styling would be very cool in the game.

Very glad I watched this panel, and wish I could've been there in person.

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Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.
The limitations are understandable. To be honest, I'd be happy just to see something that tells us you haven't completely ignored the concept. Perhaps some non-robot options for the robot arms categories in the editor? I would certainly love to see a mutated version. I'm not sure how much work that'd be... but hell, atleast the UI is set up for it.






Any comment on the file named Statesman_Dead_Teaser.psd that was visible on David's computer? O.o

I'm sure it has nothing to do with what came to mind. O.O



Originally Posted by Flagrant_Fowl View Post
Any comment on the file named Statesman_Dead_Teaser.psd that was visible on David's computer? O.o

I'm sure it has nothing to do with what came to mind. O.O
That's one of the SSA teasers - there was one for Manticore and BAB too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Flagrant_Fowl View Post
Any comment on the file named Statesman_Dead_Teaser.psd that was visible on David's computer? O.o

I'm sure it has nothing to do with what came to mind. O.O
probably the story for his SSA



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
FYI, asymmetry is still very much on the table. Fire and Ice will have it, and there's more to come. There are limitations about where it can go, but that certainly doesn't rule it out.
That's good to hear. I've never understood why asymmetry was so hard though.
We have shoulder pads and a couple jackets that are not symmetrical. Those are some of things I'd like to see. Also more arm choices for the robotic arm option. Legs like Noble Savage's would just be a giant bonus! Check out Zynrgy's thread in the Art forums for more examples of cool symmetry. We know you look in there devs because some of his designs have been put in game.

And as for the excuse that asymmetry breaks emotes... Try doing some emotes with a shield toon. I seem to be able to live without certain emotes with those toons. If I lose emotes for the sake of being pretty/awesome looking, then so be it.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
They'd have to redo the skeleton to incorporate anything BESIDES the occasional asymmetrical piece. Which would mean redoing all the emotes in the game, and all the animations. Probably not high on the priority list.

edit: Well, for legs anyways. I suppose they already have the robot arms upper body which shows that the upper body at least can handle arms of different sizes. Regardless, I don't think we'd ever see a part size slider.
I don't think different sized body parts are what most players mean when they talk about asymmetry - they mean being able to have different costume parts for the right and left sides of their body - like choosing to have your left leg be armored, but your right leg have normal pants - or a single shoulder pad instead of always havign to have 2.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't think different sized body parts are what most players mean when they talk about asymmetry - they mean being able to have different costume parts for the right and left sides of their body - like choosing to have your left leg be armored, but your right leg have normal pants - or a single shoulder pad instead of always havign to have 2.
This is exactly what I mean. Arms are the classic - right heavily armored up to the shoulder to hold the sword and left lightly armored to hold the shield, true gladiator type armor. Blouses that hang on one shoulder would be another. I never understood why we couldn't have separate categories for left and right shoulders, arms, and gloves at the very least.

It isn't like we have no asymmetry at all in the game. We have lopsided capes and the whole single-shoulder cape category. I think the male barbarian chest straps are asymmetrical as well. I'm mystified by this whole "graphics intensive" argument. It just doesn't ring true.



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
It isn't like we have no asymmetry at all in the game. We have lopsided capes and the whole single-shoulder cape category. I think the male barbarian chest straps are asymmetrical as well. I'm mystified by this whole "graphics intensive" argument. It just doesn't ring true.
Those parts aren't graphics intensive - they're still just single costume parts with built-in-asymmetry - the graphics intensive part is giving player models all the extra textures to render that would come from having spearate left and right costume parts.
For example, right now the game only has to render one texture for your legs, because you can only have one type of leg part - but by letting players have separate left and right leg parts, the game then has to render twice as many textures for the legs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hehe asymetries for costume sets (Fire and Ice T9) I will never get.
Cant hear about new costume sets to come.