Breaking Typecasting...




Just a thought. What's the most extreme movie move you've seen an actor/actress pull to escape typecasting?

Brought to mind by everyone's favourite nerdbait love-to-hate Rob Pattinson. Who seems determined to ditch his sparklepony fangbanger fans. And what better way to alienate the precious emo-poppets than by appearing in a David Cronenberg movie?

Other examples:

Scarlett Johannsen as Eileen Wuornos in Monster (terrifying total transformation)

Keanu's evil scheming redneck in A Simple Plan

Pretty much anything Johnny Depp did for the first 10 years after 21 Jump St

(Incidentally, please identify which idiot greenlit this so I can throttle them...

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



How about Leo diCaprio's recent role as Hoover? Of course, he's moved steadily away from his 90s fluff-headed pretty boy image with some really good roles along the way, so it's a less shocking change now than it would've been. Still, an oddly cast role that has me mildly intrigued by a movie I'd otherwise be wholly disinterested in.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



dammit I have to go watch the original 21st Jump Street...

on a side note...people were actually complaining that Jonah Hill won't be as funny because he's not typecasted as the "funny fat guy"



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
Just a thought. What's the most extreme movie move you've seen an actor/actress pull to escape typecasting?


Other examples:

Scarlett Johannsen as Eileen Wuornos in Monster (terrifying total transformation)

Keanu's evil scheming redneck in A Simple Plan
I'm totally confused. Charlize Theron was in Monster not Scarlett Johannsen and Keanu wasn't (to my knowledge) in a Simple Plan with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton.

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Harold and Kumar 3 - Danny Trejo.. not a full break... but dude made THE best cranky father in law EVER in it.



Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity?

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'm totally confused. Charlize Theron was in Monster not Scarlett Johannsen and Keanu wasn't (to my knowledge) in a Simple Plan with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton.
As far as Keanu goes they probably meant The Gift.

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Any other answer besides Jessie Spano in Showgirls is just wrong, and you're wrong for thinking it.

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Ledger as Mr.J in the Dark Knight



Leslie Neilson in Airplane . . . before Airplane, Nielson was known only as a serious actor. His career completely turned around and he became known to a later generation only as a comic actor.

and yeah, Elizabeth Berkley wanted a complete break from her "Saved by the Bell" image, so she became the star of one of the worst movies of all time, "Showgirls."

I remember seeing Erin Moran (Happy Days) in some horrible sci-fi monster movie.

A successful one: Farrah Faucett in "The Burning Bed" about an abused woman getting revenge. She became respected as a serious actress after that.

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John Leguizamo in To Wong Foo.

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Christopher Meloni in Harold & Kumar.


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Robin Williams in both Insomnia and One Hour Photo in 2002.

Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

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Bruce Willis in "Die Hard"

I remember seeing trailers for the film a few months before it launched and people in the theater laughing at the thought of Bruce Willis, known only for "Moonlighting" and "Blind Date" at the time, being an action hero.



Was gonna say Jim Carrey for Truman Show. Was his 1st real chance to show an emotional side, with comedy as a backup just in case.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Also a little bit before that in The Majestic and somewhat Man on the Moon.

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Was gonna say Jim Carrey for Truman Show. Was his 1st real chance to show an emotional side, with comedy as a backup just in case.
I was thinking Truman Show too, but it was still fairly comic and fanciful. So more of a baby step away from it than anything else.

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Originally Posted by GibsonMcCoy View Post
Bruce Willis in "Die Hard"

I remember seeing trailers for the film a few months before it launched and people in the theater laughing at the thought of Bruce Willis, known only for "Moonlighting" and "Blind Date" at the time, being an action hero.
Yeah, I remember that, too. It was amost a joke. David Addison as an action hero? What were they smoking? Of course, it wasn't long before people wouldn't believe me when I related this.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I'm totally confused. Charlize Theron was in Monster not Scarlett Johannsen and Keanu wasn't (to my knowledge) in a Simple Plan with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton.
*dies of nerdshame* musta been way tired last night...

Keanu was indeed in The Gift.

Originally Posted by GibsonMcCoy View Post
Bruce Willis in "Die Hard"

I remember seeing trailers for the film a few months before it launched and people in the theater laughing at the thought of Bruce Willis, known only for "Moonlighting" and "Blind Date" at the time, being an action hero.
Yup, though it's not THAT much of a stretch as David Addison was quite badass when necessary...

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Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
Yup, though it's not THAT much of a stretch as David Addison was quite badass when necessary...
No doubt about that, I can see shades of Hudson Hawk and Joe Hallenbeck in the scene.



Anne Hathaway totally gets my vote for best breaking out of the mold. She went from typecasted as the Disney princess to being nude in most of the movies she does now. And I couldn't be happier about it.



No one has mentioned Woody Harrelson in Natural Born Killers yet?


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



There are a bunch of younger actress that had wholesome TV/movie roles who decided to break out in a few adult roles. Already mentioned Elizabeth Berkly is one but there are a few more.

Alyssa Milano went from who's the boss to movies like Embrace the Vampire and Poison Ivy 2 along with some others.

Drew Barrymore did poison Ivy and some other adult roles along with Playboy.

There are more I'm sure of but its early.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Leslie Neilson in Airplane . . . before Airplane, Nielson was known only as a serious actor. His career completely turned around and he became known to a later generation only as a comic actor.
Funny thing about this: Most of Leslie Nielsen's fans at the time hated him in Airplane and the other comedic movies he ended up doing. Leslie, however, felt that comedy was his true calling, and was glad that he did Airplane.

Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to break out of his action guy roles, with comedy movies like Kindergarten Cop, Twins, Junior and Jingle All the Way. None were very commercially successful, so he went back to sci-fi/action, with Eraser, the 6th Day, and End of Days.

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Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Funny thing about this: Most of Leslie Nielsen's fans at the time hated him in Airplane and the other comedic movies he ended up doing. Leslie, however, felt that comedy was his true calling, and was glad that he did Airplane.
Besides it's probably fair to say that for every fan of "serious" Leslie Nielsen who hated his comedy roles he probably gained at least another new fan that only liked (or knew) him for his comedy roles. I really don't think Leslie ever "suffered" for his change in direction in the least.

As for my example of typecast breaking how about Paul Reubens' (a.k.a Pee Wee Herman) attempt to play a "serious" evil vampire in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.

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