Should Travel Powers be Inherent?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
In fact there's an argument to be made that Fly, Super Jump, Teleport and Superspeed are now redundant and the only reason to take them is for character/RP reasons.
To be honest I've thought that was true of Fly and Teleport for a long time.

I have always be a proponent of choosing your movement power at character creation but I think the time for that has past

I also think that City of Heroes has its travel power progression bassackwards! You should get your basic movement power as your first pick, and combat versions or party tricks second. But then that's practically what we've got now.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
You've not explained why SS+CJ is a good system. The only reason people would largely take that is because of PVP, but who PVPs these days - and since I13 wasn't that changed slightly anyhow?

As for the rest you've confused me. Is the Pool Power system outdated or is it fine? It seems strange that it could be both.
SS is the fastest travel power (the difference between 92 mph and 82 mph is big, let alone moving even slower by not taking SS), and CJ gives much needed maneuverability. More casual players may not care about an extra 10 mph, but it does make a difference for alot of people, not to mention SS gives you stealth, which is invaluable.This isn't just limited to PvP and if you don't know this you really aren't standing in a good position to be talking about how travel powers are redundant and might as well be inherent because of inferior (with the exception of raptor packs which are more than enough for any time you need to get more vertical) temp powers available.

The Pool Power System is outdated and would need more options if anything like you are suggesting would be implemented into the game, however with that said it is fine as it is (its not broken in any way, its not inhibiting any play styles, and its not in a postion where temp powers or new systems like incarnates have reduced the effectiveness of them, they just lack options) and I would rather the developers spend their time fixing numerous bugs in game, and releasing more tfs, incarnate content, and power sets.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
SS is the fastest travel power (the difference between 92 mph and 82 mph is big, let alone moving even slower by not taking SS), and CJ gives much needed maneuverability. This isn't just limited to PvP and if you don't know this you really aren't standing in a good position to be talking about how travel powers are redundant and might as well be inherent because of inferior (with the exception of raptor packs which are more than enough for any time you need to get more vertical) temp powers available
This. 100% of my PvE toons take SS+CJ, plus for pvp it's SS+SJ.

Also I'm already hurting for slots, I really don't want more things to become inherent just so I can choose 1 slotted throw away powers.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I never said you did. The problem is what do you do with the power it gives you. You can't slot that.

you get one power for free that you can slot any way you like. Any power you choose to take because you've gotten a free power can be slotted however you like. It gives you more choice. You CAN slot that

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
you get one power for free that you can slot any way you like. Any power you choose to take because you've gotten a free power can be slotted however you like. It gives you more choice. You CAN slot that
It seems this thread should have been titled "Travel Powers should be Inherent, and here's why" :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
SS is the fastest travel power (the difference between 92 mph and 82 mph is big
Teleport is the fastest ~160mph slotted.

Travel powers are pretty low priority on many characters I make. I'd be ok with them as inherents, but I'd rather the devs made the powers more desirable rather than giving them away.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
This. 100% of my PvE toons take SS+CJ, plus for pvp it's SS+SJ.

Also I'm already hurting for slots, I really don't want more things to become inherent just so I can choose 1 slotted throw away powers.
i think about .05% of my alts use SS+CJ. Far more use teleport.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i think about .05% of my alts use SS+CJ. Far more use teleport.
Not a fan of TP, but a few of my corrs take SS+CJ+Recall friend.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Amazingly Brilliant Suggestion:
Merge all the travel powers into one power pool called "The Travel Power Pool"

Tier One consists of: Fly, Super Speed, Super Leap and Teleport.

Tier Two consists of: Everything else. Yes even the current top tiers.

Rules: Tier Two is unlocked by have one power from Tier One. Thats it. So you get a travel power at level 4 and then have access to Hover or Combat Jump or Afterburner etc etc.

The major advantage I see of doing this would be that you could add new modes of transport without having to create a new complete power pool. So it would be easier to add something like Beast Run into the mix.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



To first answer the OP: I am indifferent. I have characters that, for conceptual reasons, have not taken a travel pool and just use some of the inherent powers (Rocket Board, etc.). Having an inherent travel power on those characters would neither help, nor hurt them, and would probably be a boon to my characters who do take travel powers. So in that respect, I would not mind if something like this was implemented.

That said, I think customization would go a long way toward increasing travel power value. Sure, the min/max community would continue using SS + SJ/CJ, but the rest of us would really appreciate it. Different effects for Super Speed, Teleport, and Fly could really flesh out some concepts (not sure what they would do for Super Jump).

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Not a fan of TP, but a few of my corrs take SS+CJ+Recall friend.
Recall Friend to teleport all the people who took teleport as a travel power but can't run to the end of the mission because they don't have a form of stealth or can't keep up cause teleport is horribly slow inside indoor missions?



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Recall Friend to teleport all the people who took teleport as a travel power but can't run to the end of the mission because they don't have a form of stealth or can't keep up cause teleport is horribly slow inside indoor missions?
That, and for recall/veng lol.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I don't own any of the paid temp travel powers. I've never liked the look of Ninja Run, I don't play beast characters, and the non-customizable Rocket Board doesn't conceptually fit any of my toons. Still, I don't feel that it's necessary to make them inherent.

Most people now, as soon as they get in Atlas/Mercy join the first Sewer Trial and can get their first travel power before that's even done. Thus making them inherent is essentially just giving us an extra power pick.

What I'd rather see is an overhaul of the existing Travel Powers. There's several powers that are only mediocre in their use, and some that are downright useless. I was starting to type examples, but it was getting lengthy enough I'll probably post my thoughts in a different thread.



As someone who is STILL respeccing old alts into Inherent Fitness, I am going to ask that anybody advocating making pool powers into inherents again have an unassailably good reason for asking, or else be willing to respec all my alts again for me.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
The major advantage I see of doing this would be that you could add new modes of transport without having to create a new complete power pool. So it would be easier to add something like Beast Run into the mix.
And in the process invalidate 90% of my characters.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Recall Friend to teleport all the people who took teleport as a travel power but can't run to the end of the mission because they don't have a form of stealth or can't keep up cause teleport is horribly slow inside indoor missions?
Yeah, because SS works soooo well in tunnels. *pfft* Yeah, i don't use teleport in cramped maps except when it's useful. Like... i don't know... getting to the other side of a crowded fight to help teammates or line up cones. Or teleporting into the middle of a crowd to fire off a PBAoE or three...

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Yeah, because SS works soooo well in tunnels. *pfft* Yeah, i don't use teleport in cramped maps except when it's useful. Like... i don't know... getting to the other side of a crowded fight to help teammates or line up cones. Or teleporting into the middle of a crowd to fire off a PBAoE or three...
You can do any of the above with SS+CJ while still being able to use other powers while you move.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Last I heard, Air Supremacy was considered a decent power.
I don't think I could deal with travel powers going inherent. Since Inherent Fitness came about I've already been having trouble choosing powers all the way to 50.
That's because Air Supremacy is a decent attack. I have it on several of my tanks to add another attack. It does decent damage and has the added benefit of knockdown.... which of course slows the attack rate of whatever is in your face.

Also don't be so quick to dismiss Recall Foe. While not used as much as Recall friend this does come in handy for thinning out mobs that are close together before a team launches an attack. (this part is to the OP not you Tenzhi ).

I agree with you on slotting .. I have played long enough that I can skip any additional powers and just take Fly, SS, ect. So along with now getting stamina without the need to take 2 other powers I never slot I have 3 power choices I never got to take until after level 20. Many of my characters don't see triple damage slots, or whatever until the 30s now because I get powers quicker but because I have so many I want to make better I can max anything out before then. I have actually taken to grabbing things like hasten (one recharge reduction and done) and Recall Friend (again one recharge) so I can use a few slots here and there to improve my primary and secondary attacks faster.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Amazingly Brilliant Suggestion:
Merge all the travel powers into one power pool called "The Travel Power Pool"

Tier One consists of: Fly, Super Speed, Super Leap and Teleport.

Tier Two consists of: Everything else. Yes even the current top tiers.

Rules: Tier Two is unlocked by have one power from Tier One. Thats it. So you get a travel power at level 4 and then have access to Hover or Combat Jump or Afterburner etc etc.

The major advantage I see of doing this would be that you could add new modes of transport without having to create a new complete power pool. So it would be easier to add something like Beast Run into the mix.
Oooo...I like this even more. (well being able to grab a travel power at lvl 2 would be awesome too).

You stull have to take a pool, but you dont have to take MULTIPLE pools, so you can take another one, that you might have always been able to fit in if they did this OR just fit in another power, if you didn't want the Preq.

They could even make it so you have to have 2 Powers before the new powers Tier 1 (Fly/SS/SJ/TP), Tier 2 (everything else), then Tier 3 (the new powers) and I really wouldn't mind at all.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Amazingly Brilliant Suggestion:
Merge all the travel powers into one power pool called "The Travel Power Pool"

Tier One consists of: Fly, Super Speed, Super Leap and Teleport.

Tier Two consists of: Everything else. Yes even the current top tiers.

Rules: Tier Two is unlocked by have one power from Tier One. Thats it. So you get a travel power at level 4 and then have access to Hover or Combat Jump or Afterburner etc etc.

The major advantage I see of doing this would be that you could add new modes of transport without having to create a new complete power pool. So it would be easier to add something like Beast Run into the mix.
This sounds familiar.....



I always take combat jumping and sometimes take hasten but I never take a travel power. That change would severely screw up most of my builds. You would have to leave the current tier 1s in tier 1, leave the travel powers in tier 2, and have everything else be tier 3.



I think giving characters all four travel powers as inherent powers would be a bad idea for the same reason that Sprints do not accept universal travel power enhancements. The benefits of "free" slots for the global IOs there are a bit to good.

Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I agree with you on slotting .. I have played long enough that I can skip any additional powers and just take Fly, SS, ect. So along with now getting stamina without the need to take 2 other powers I never slot I have 3 power choices I never got to take until after level 20. Many of my characters don't see triple damage slots, or whatever until the 30s now because I get powers quicker but because I have so many I want to make better I can max anything out before then. I have actually taken to grabbing things like hasten (one recharge reduction and done) and Recall Friend (again one recharge) so I can use a few slots here and there to improve my primary and secondary attacks faster.
I think this is a very valid concern with making Travel powers inherent. All build rely on having a few powers that only need 1 or 2 slots to make up for the powers that need 5 or 6. Technically making the travel powers inherent doesn't make this impossible but it does reduce the choices players have to make in builds which makes builds more generic since more people will take the same one-slot-wonder powers (i.e. powers like CJ, Hover, Stealth and Haste become more common).

Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
1) Make ONE travel power Inherent upon character creation. So, you can pick one of the existing four at creation. This will be greyed out as a taken power when you later go to the Power Pool tables. If you want MORE than that one travel power then you have to spend a slot on it as normal. In any case, the inherent power chosen will count as credit towards later pool powers that require "credit" to choose.
As long as the choice is changeable during a respec I'd have no objection to the introduction of a single travel Power Only power choice being added to characters. I don't feel that it is necessary but it would be a nice little bonus.

Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Personally, I want MORE pool powers. Heck, I'd like to see a HUGE pool power system, with virtually every powerset in the game offering a pool "lite" version available to other players.
Honestly, I doubt we'll ever see something like that. I do agree that it would be nice to have wider options in pool powers and the introduction of some non-generic ones but it's the sort of thing that ends up being a game balance nightmare (for the same reason that pure free-form powers are problematic). The compromise solution I would like to see is adding even more variety to Epic pools with things like a Dual Pistols epic pool for melee characters



People still take travel powers?
