... of course, that was back when we had NINE planets.
how do you tp to contact?!
When you use the Find Contact feature.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
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TELEPORT to contact?
Really? Why can't the freems just - idunno - RUN to the contact like I useta do? Thru the snow. Uphill, both ways. In 98 degree weather. From a mission door in a green line only zone. And the contact in a yellow line only zone. |
Because they don't have any investment in the game so if they find it difficult they will quit and never come back!
Make it easy for them to spend their money.

Thelonious Monk
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Nobody can say that to NCSoft's payment backend.
NCSoft's payment backend is a very good description. It's a backend that treats deposits as odorous and unwanted and somewhat inaccessible.
Despite NCSoft, Paragon Studios are making a good fist of things.
I may have mixed some metaphors. Sorry if you've got inhuman acts involving cows in your mind now

Thelonious Monk
Because datamining has shown that anyone who plays for a full month is likely to be retained *for ever* at a retention rate of 98%.
Keep 'em playing. Remove all frustration bumps. At least, for the first month.
Thus, this is the exact opposite of traditional MMO thinking where you put up purposeful difficulty barriers to be worked past so as to have a sense of achievement.
That is why there is the Death From Below trial, and fast low level leveling, and travel powers at level 4.
Do not discourage the newbies.... who pay. Subs are still the number 1 priority, so don't bring up the chat barriers for the freebies.
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Damn Kids...
I remember when you had to wait until 14 and Take a Prerequsite power befour you could fly.
I also remember when the contacts wouldn't let you call them until you were 3/4 finished with their arc. and you had to go Uphill both ways in 10 feet of snow on Dial Up...
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
Damn Kids...
I remember when you had to wait until 14 and Take a Prerequsite power befour you could fly. I also remember when the contacts wouldn't let you call them until you were 3/4 finished with their arc. and you had to go Uphill both ways in 10 feet of snow on Dial Up... ..now GET OFF OF MY LAWN |
One step closer to my dream of being able to instantly teleport anywhere for a mission.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

I havent used this feature, so not sure if it's available to VIPs, but if it is, I might just have to use this on my teleporting concept.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
- Or back in the days when we could only sidekick one person at a time...
- Or back when most of the hazard zones had a minimum level to even enter..
- Or back before we had the Oroboros teleporter...
- Or back before it was so easy to get temporary travel powers..
- Or back before the Hollows was revamped...
God, if only it worked this way when getting to work in the morning.
Ahhh the "Good Ole" Days back when...
Stamina wasn't inherant and between having to wait till 14 and take an added power before getting a travel power you also had to take 2 powers from fitness to obtain STAMINA at 20. Which generally mean between levels 12 and 20 you took absolutely no powers from your primary or secondary!
The Positron Task Force was only slightly shorter than Doc Q, ran you all over multiple zones (without travel powers) and usually required 2 days to complete.
There was no such thing as Invention Origin or Wentworths and Single Origins were the sought after enhancement in game (at least until later 40s when you could head to the hive and battle to obtain Hami-Os. A time when telling someone your character posssessed 1 million in INF was highly impressive and players in their 30s were still buying Double Origin and Training origin enhancers just to have SOMETHING in the slots!
Ahhhh .. back before vet rewards when the only way to respec your character if you messed up was to wait till level 24 and go run a respec trial.
There were no radio or newspaper missions and the ONLY way to level, outside of street hunting, was to run missions from contacts.. contacts that almost always sent you off to another zone to zomplete their tasks .. then you ran back so they could send you off to another zone on the next one! [special note .. see part about no travel powers before 14 above. Run here means ... RUN and usually through areas with street villains conning purple]
Ahhh a real good one .. Back when people begged to join SGs because they had teleporters that could get you to other zones faster!
and here's one that isnt even very old.. Back when you had to wait until 25 level to obtain an Ouroborus Portal and use it as another means to transport quicker.
lol Okay now for something more on the topic of the thread. I have seen but have yet to try this new feature... does seem like it would make it simpler to gain access to a new contact and begin running their missions.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
The new teleport to contact feature is great. Now when you inevitably get sent to talk to Wincott you can just port straight to him.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
You can only teleport to a contact once, and only if you've never spoken to said contact. This is a feature for finding contacts, not for travelling around. I see nothing wrong with it.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
All you young whippersnapper heroes and your fancy travel powers at level 4.
When I was a new hero, I had to walk through 5 zones to get a travel power, at level 14. And I needed a prerequisite too. Want to fly? Better get hover or Air Superiority. And we didn't even get those until level 6.
You think you have it rough? Imaging needing to waste 3 power slots to get Stamina by level 20! You get Stamina, Health, Swift AND Hurdle, at level 2.
Dang Kids.
We had to level the hard way too. We ran missions. We did street sweeping. And we LIKED it. You young kids and your Sewer Trials and Mission Architect.
Edit: We miss you Pluto!
You can only teleport to a contact once, and only if you've never spoken to said contact. This is a feature for finding contacts, not for travelling around. I see nothing wrong with it.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
As far as I'm aware, you can only teleport to a contact:
A: If they're in the Find Contact Window
B: If you haven't spoken to them before.
So it's more 'Hey, come see this guy, we'll beam you over there if you don't know where he is, then you can find your way back to him.'
Back in my day if you wanted to Respec, you deleted and re-made the toon.
Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender
I remember when the level cap was 40. (Twice)
And when 2 recharge SOs made Hasten perma. (A few weeks after launch.)
And when Invulnerability/Unyielding rooted you, so most of the Invuln tanks took teleport.
When scrappers roamed the streets with perma-unstoppable.
When Instant Healing was a fully-enhanceable toggle.
When there was no purple patch and a single /fire tank would Burn down huge swaths of +6s in no time.
When there was no aggro cap.
When there was no diminishing returns on enhancements, and great debates were had about 1acc/5dmg vs 2acc/4dmg and those people taking tohit powers so they could go 6 dmg.
Heck, I remember when people still loved Jack Emmert.
I remember when aoe holds had about 1/4 the recharge and twice the duration they do now.
I remember when there were no AT inherents. (The only powers that had crits were the big ones that have bonus crit chance now.)
I remember when this was an amazing amount of influence to get off of a single sale:
(And then I remember when Nethergoat outed LotGs... my first big market niche.)
I remember getting to L50 on a fire/em tank and getting a screenshot where the pedestrian said, "You have been playing for 0 hours." (or, in other words, I remember Winter Lords in 2004). (And then I deleted because it felt too cheesy.)
I remember when you got one costume slot, and you couldn't change it.
I remember when there was no such thing as a respec.
I remember when there were no capes in the game.
I remember when there was no PvP. At all.
I remember when sonic resonance was changed because so many people claimed it gave them migraines.
Good times.
I hate these threads. Not because I wasn't around for all this... but because I'm doing well if I can remember breakfast.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
TELEPORT to contact?
Why can't the freems just - idunno - RUN to the contact like I useta do? Thru the snow. Uphill, both ways. In 98 degree weather. From a mission door in a green line only zone. And the contact in a yellow line only zone.
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy