Is knockback underrated

Adeon Hawkwood



Is knockback underrated?

ST and TAoE Knockback is fun and situationally effective. PBAoE is garbage and by the devs own admission used to curb the AoE potential of those saddled with it, like Peacebringers.

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
There are other powers/effects that can be mishandled every bit as badly as knockback -- one of the worst is mindlessly immobilizing groups when they are widely spread out, instead of waiting for them to gather on the point person (usually a Tanker, or another AT in that role). So if you're using immobilize to stop knockback, wait a few moments for the foes to clump up first.
Too right! You don't even have to be clumping them on a point person. I often try to clump enemies on patches (ice patch, tar, etc) and an early immobile happens in these situations just as often as I see it happening to tankers.

At times it feels like to me that players think there is a reward for attacking first regardless of what extra effects are attached to that attack.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
I don't think its underrated, I think that CoH's gameplay has devolved from its original taticalish designs to such a meleer, AOE, Buff/debuff love fest that certain powers moves counter to the game that the players play verses the way it was originally meant to be played.

Look at how little the impact that control as a whole has and keeps having in later designs, its not just knockback but control effects on a whole which are diminished and move counter to the ways that player play the game while teaming. Even in this very thread people were talking about improper use of immobilization, other threads talk about improper use of phase powers, and this one was about knockback being underrated/hated when used "improperly".

Players like Buff/debuff effects because they are additive to every style of gameplay. They only make the whatever character that the character is using better, they make whatever foes they are fighting worse. The only exceptions might be stealth effects and +speed effects. (note that players hate debuff effects when used against them as it changes the rules in how the game works)

Most everyone likes control when they are in control of it and dislikes control when someone else has control of it. 'You' see the right way to use these powers and everyone that moves counter to how 'you' use these powers is using them wrong. ((you as a general you, not any specific person in this thread)) You know how to use knockback, that player doesn't. You know how to use an aoe immob, that other player doesn't have a clue and is messing everything up. Ironically control is just as much about controlling how someone else plays the game as it is about controlling the mobs themselves.

Players hate being told how to play the game in a specific way, especially when that way is counter to their current playstyle.. this is what control powers ultimately do. They tell you how the game is going to be played regardless of how you play the game. You phase out a group.. no we're not fighting them at the moment. You teleport a group.. we're fighting over there. You scatter a group.. no AOE goodness for you. You immob a scattered group.. single target powers HO. You disorient a group.. look at those drunk mobs go.. and so on. Players dislike loss of control and things not behaving the way that they typically do.

Hmm. These are all good points, and address the psychology behind the issue. I think you may very well be on to the reason KB inspires such passion from both the supporters and detractors.

That said, if a group isn't on the same page, and is working at cross purposes, and each one is trying to control how all their team mates will have to fight, without communicating this to the others or reaching a consensus, it *is* less efficient in most cases.



I like knock backs but sometimes I hate it because you don't have a wall to knock to.

And I really don't like pbaoe Knock Back like the one in Solar Flare. I like pbaoe knock down.

Target AoE can also be headache too. Cone knock back is much easier to control.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



No, it's highly useful, but on the same coin can be used in unnecessary and counterproductive ways.

If the tank has herded everything into a nice tight bunch and then someone lays a Tar Patch under them, it might be a good time to stow the knockback powers for a minute.

But if your blaster friend is about to be hacked by a Tank Swiper, knockback ahoy!

The only major issues I see are with powersets that have no choice between using their AoE attacks and not knockbacking (e.g. Energy Blast/Peacebringers), and then issues like knocking off of Tar Patches or knocking things away from a Scrappers taunt aura ensue because the choice is either attack 'and' knockback or don't attack.

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Here is the beauty that surpasses..............what just what happens if we LET EVERYONE USE ALL OF THEIR POWERS!

Imagine that?

You can hold, knockback, immobilize or anything else you want to do whenever you want to do it.

Life doesn't need to fit in an 8 ounce glass. Take big bites moderation is for monks. Seriously do you see what these posts all have in common?

You want to control other people and not explore the fun of Chaos. You want the Hulk to punch people just not TOO hard. You want Ironman to use his repulsor jets - just not much. You want Thor to use his hammer but only knock things down.

Really it sounds like you want the boring and mundane and not the extraordinary. Gather 'em up slaughter, rinse and repeat. Those players daring to be having FUN - well ban them to the deepest of hells for daring to muss up the conga line.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Really it sounds like you want the boring and mundane and not the extraordinary. Gather 'em up slaughter, rinse and repeat. Those players daring to be having FUN - well ban them to the deepest of hells for daring to muss up the conga line.
Yeah, that's about it! Great Summary!

The great news is most people I find are perfectly willing to maximize efficiency and rewards. So its win-win. The few poor slobs who love KB. Well, what can you do? (other than use KB, of course)

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




*Begin Cheesy 50s PSA Announcer Voice*
Ok knockback is a form of Soft Control... it keeps the enemy on they're tuckus and not shooting at you... so, #1, it is all in all a GOOD THING. Now, when it is used improperly, either irresponsibly by unknowing individuals, or purposefully to annoy teams, then it is a Horrible thing...

So Here is the Proper Way To Use Knockback...

Corner Smash...: by aiming a cone with knockback at the rear of the spawn you ensure you hit everyone in the group, you fire into the spawn knowing hte corner behind that rear member is going to funnel them all into one nifty package for your teammates to Roast/Smash/do what have you...

Center Spaced... AOE with a radial knockback are EXCEEDINGLY difficult to use properly and often involve needing height over the battlefield to see what your doing. My advice is aim to the outside of a group, with the tank in the center, and fire for that outside minion, it will knock badguys toward the tank, while minimizing the chance of knocking them away...

Single Target Knockback: Always Move... move so you are aiming your badguy, as if bowling, into corners, walls, pillars anything that will arrest his movement. This is two fold... one it limits his flight distance, two the Longer the ragdoll animation, the longer he can't attack, if you stick a bosses head in a wall with knockback well he will be there for a minute or so while he tries to get loose... be wary though in caves as the walls are made of plasters and seem to be one way... badguys get in and can't get out, causing failed trials, missions, and frustrations all around..

All in All Knockback is a TOOL, a good tool that gets misused with such enormity that people are more used to seeing it misused them properly applied. As such it has gotten a foul reputation, however if you practice your three A's "Aim, Apply, Aim Again" you'll be sweeping them off they're feet in no time...

*End cheesy 50s PSA announcer voice...*

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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Here is the beauty that surpasses..............what just what happens if we LET EVERYONE USE ALL OF THEIR POWERS!

Imagine that?

Yes, why don't do we imagine that. I will cast Ice Arrow repeatedly and never attack, the Tanker can skip her mezz protection, and the Empath can put the heal on autofire. Strategy is completely meaningless and to even talk about it an affront to players who "dare to be having fun."



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Yes, why don't do we imagine that. I will cast Ice Arrow repeatedly and never attack, the Tanker can skip her mezz protection, and the Empath can put the heal on autofire. Strategy is completely meaningless and to even talk about it an affront to players who "dare to be having fun."
Tex, I get what you are saying. Totally. I'm a sucker for strategy. But, I think you are dismissing this a little bit out of hand. Rejecting the commonly held strategy ideas, especially in an evolving game, means that you are more likely to stumble upon a better (granted, or worse, if just using chance) strategy than if you only do what has worked in the past. Disregarding the strategy status quo every so often his how we improve and/or adapt our techniques...

Obviously not every output of a totally free system will be worth anything, but some will be. Some might be even better that our currently held conventional wisdom. Maybe. I'm at least game to encourage others to try and find the upsides and downsides. I'll not discourage that. I may not experiment that much myself (but I may) but I for sure don't want to tell people not to try new things..

And, in defense of the poster you quoted, they did say, "use all of their powers,' and at no point mentioned skipping mez protection, or anything near that radical. I'm not saying I agree with the exact sentiment the poster you quoted was advocating, but I do think you weren't totally fair in your treatment of what they actually said..



First and foremost, knockback is a super-heroey effect . . . what better way to show the effect of a super-hit than to send the foe halfway across the room? So from a role-playing, having fun point of view, knockback is great.

Knockback is a form of control . . . as mentioned, foes can't attack if they are trying to get up. Knockdown works great this way, but knockback accomplishes the same thing only better, as the foes spend time flying back and bouncing. And if they were knocked back some distance, it will take them a little while to get back into melee again, which further mitigates damage . . . or they might have second thoughts and run away (which again fits with a role-play, having fun point of view).

From a melee fighter's point of view, or an AoE controller or damager's point of view, large amounts of knockback disrupt the optimal use of your powers. When I'm playing a tank or a scrapper, I mostly hate knockback that I can't control.

But there are some situations where knockback is great:

From the point of view of a single-target ranged attacker, knockback is wonderful . . . even AoE knockback. It gives more time for your powers to recharge and keeps you safely at a distance.

From the point of view of a squishy character who needs that extra second for his powers to recharge, knockback is wonderful.

In a few limited situations where doors or hallways may be blocked so that you can't get through, then knockback can be wonderful.

For a ranged fighter who is being overrun with melee foes, knockback can be wonderful. Sometimes you just need a second or two . . .

Strategically, even AoE knockback can be used effectively as an aggro tool. Fire off a PB AoE knockback, then run back around a corner or through a doorway . . . the foes will be a bit spread out as they come around the corner or through the doorway to chase you when they meet their doom one by one.

Despite the general hate for PB AoE knockback, there ARE a few situations where it can be used strategically . . . usually not on large teams. Solo or small teams, it can have a some strategic uses.

But most importantly . . . sometimes knockback is just fun.

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Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Tex, I get what you are saying. Totally. I'm a sucker for strategy. But, I think you are dismissing this a little bit out of hand. Rejecting the commonly held strategy ideas, especially in an evolving game, means that you are more likely to stumble upon a better (granted, or worse, if just using chance) strategy than if you only do what has worked in the past. Disregarding the strategy status quo every so often his how we improve and/or adapt our techniques...

Obviously not every output of a totally free system will be worth anything, but some will be. Some might be even better that our currently held conventional wisdom. Maybe. I'm at least game to encourage others to try and find the upsides and downsides. I'll not discourage that. I may not experiment that much myself (but I may) but I for sure don't want to tell people not to try new things..

And, in defense of the poster you quoted, they did say, "use all of their powers,' and at no point mentioned skipping mez protection, or anything near that radical. I'm not saying I agree with the exact sentiment the poster you quoted was advocating, but I do think you weren't totally fair in your treatment of what they actually said..

You're right, it came off harsher than I intended.

My point was that knockback is strategy and that using it when it just sets you back is just as bad as rocking auras or trying to tank using only passives.

Unrelated: Suddenly I want a Empath called the Rocking Aura Picture Show.



Knockback is something used irresponsibly the majority of the time it's used.
This is why people dislike it. A large number of abilities in this game benefit more from having everything clumped together. This includes defensive toggles for tanks.

Irresponsible knockback = Friendly fire debuffs. You're debuffing your team by using it incorrectly.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
On the ITF, before Incarnates made them trivial, Torrent from a Dark Defender would KB the entire spawn, including Bosses (in the same direction) giving everyone two free shots. Thus, no need for anyone to take the Alpha, and also preventing the Cimmies from using their team buffs. This means follow up controls and debuffs actually worked on them.

Otherwise, the Tanker would jump in, all the Cimmies would fire off their team buffs, and then they'd be hard to hit and nearly impossible to mez.

Also, during the Imperious fight, it pushes the adds away from the healing Nictus so they can be killed.

The same tactic does wonders for +4 Praetorians. On a Lambda run, where we're focused just on destroying the objects, spamming Torrent keeps everyone alive. On a Keyes, it knocks the IDF from the reactor leaving the terminals to be powered up.
And I say again a person could have easily used some other power thats more effective in dealing with the situation whether its a debuff, a blaster nuke (without knockback of course), or a really buffed up tanker where the hits barely matter as to what the cimmies will do. I call shenanigans on anyone saying knockback is useful vs all the other possible powers that could be used instead. Hell I would sooner say use dimension shift before I say use knockback powers.

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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I decided to embrace the wonderful Chaos that is Knockback.

I have come to absolutely love it and I only see people complain because the groups aren't in neat little packages with ribbons on them waiting for the slaughter.

Tanks can't hold aggro? Move your large behind and keep moving.

Can't get AoE on all of them? Tough you have single attacks too!

Can't heal/buff/debuff all of them? Tough that's why you have teammates let them help too.

I LOVE Knockback and have in the past ran teams that REQUIRED the use of knockback powers - like insisting on Handclap on the tank. Yes, and add to the wonderful awesome Chaos by fighting Coucil as they have strong Knockback Mojo of their own!
Hope you enjoy solo play.

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Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
Here's what I don't get ...

We used to get devs telling us that distance is damage mitigation ...

We had strong hints from Statesman and Geko that distance by any means was unreservedly good ...

But some controller AoE immobs grant mobs KB protection -- in one case, even when the set has an AoE KB power (fire).

It's also odd that players can grant mobs AoE KB protection while, pre-Clarion, they couldn't grant AoE KB protection to other players.

The only thing I can wrap my head around is that they devs were making a distinction that they didn't bother to communicate to players: KB is always good if you're talking about mitigation; KB is (possibly) bad if you're already able to keep mobs at range AND layer on further debuffs and controls.
I have always hated when they said distance or range was defense. Its not it never has been and in fact it can get you killed faster than melee in some cases. The problem is every freaking mob can just about outrange our characters. This is the only mmo I have played where its like this where kiting is virtually useless against mobs with range because they can just sit there and pick you off.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Here is the beauty that surpasses..............what just what happens if we LET EVERYONE USE ALL OF THEIR POWERS!

Imagine that?

You can hold, knockback, immobilize or anything else you want to do whenever you want to do it.

Life doesn't need to fit in an 8 ounce glass. Take big bites moderation is for monks. Seriously do you see what these posts all have in common?

You want to control other people and not explore the fun of Chaos. You want the Hulk to punch people just not TOO hard. You want Ironman to use his repulsor jets - just not much. You want Thor to use his hammer but only knock things down.

Really it sounds like you want the boring and mundane and not the extraordinary. Gather 'em up slaughter, rinse and repeat. Those players daring to be having FUN - well ban them to the deepest of hells for daring to muss up the conga line.
No I just dont want to take forever and a day to clear missions cuz someone wants to be an idiot with knockback. If you want to use kb then you dont need to team simple as that. Its not fair to everyone else.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Here is the beauty that surpasses..............what just what happens if we LET EVERYONE USE ALL OF THEIR POWERS!

Imagine that?

You can hold, knockback, immobilize or anything else you want to do whenever you want to do it.

Life doesn't need to fit in an 8 ounce glass. Take big bites moderation is for monks. Seriously do you see what these posts all have in common?

You want to control other people and not explore the fun of Chaos. You want the Hulk to punch people just not TOO hard. You want Ironman to use his repulsor jets - just not much. You want Thor to use his hammer but only knock things down.

Really it sounds like you want the boring and mundane and not the extraordinary. Gather 'em up slaughter, rinse and repeat. Those players daring to be having FUN - well ban them to the deepest of hells for daring to muss up the conga line.
Or what you find is fun, others find very annoying and uneffective. You have every right to use whatever powers you want, doesn't mean I have to like it.




You see the narrow minds. I used to run an ALL knock back TEAM.

It was required to have one disorient, knock back or other "undesirable" power and to use it.

It was AMAZING to see what we could do. Taking a +1 Elite Boss throw him into the air and knock him cartwheeling and dead on the floor - was awesome to behold.

I played an Energy/Energy blaster on a TF and never had a single word but praise - because - I lined up my knock backs properly. I used 'em all and tore stuff up. It can be done to use knock back and if you talk to the tank and folks with powers like - Tarpatch, say to them can you drop it after I use torrent? I will zap all of them into the wall. Then the tank knows, hey I will taunt over by this wall here and I knock all the mobs TO him.

You need to lighten up and have fun, for folks who are supposed to be the uber gamers you lack in adaptability!

Gale? Is an awesome power for pulling stuff! You knock 'em down and run back to the group. Using your powers and letting others use there's requires - skill and patience. So could you play with a 7 year old on your team who is just having fun knocking things around?

I did and it is what changed my attitude towards it.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
And I say again a person could have easily used some other power thats more effective in dealing with the situation whether its a debuff, a blaster nuke (without knockback of course), or a really buffed up tanker where the hits barely matter as to what the cimmies will do. I call shenanigans on anyone saying knockback is useful vs all the other possible powers that could be used instead. Hell I would sooner say use dimension shift before I say use knockback powers.
Not when the foes are especially resistant to other buffs and controls and then buff up further. If they're weak to KB and strong to most everything else, and KB keeps them from using their self buffs, then KB wins.

You're letting anti-KB feelings keep you from using the best tool in the box. And sometimes, KB is the best tool. It does have mechanical advantages to it. It's not just for show.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I have always hated when they said distance or range was defense. Its not it never has been and in fact it can get you killed faster than melee in some cases. The problem is every freaking mob can just about outrange our characters. This is the only mmo I have played where its like this where kiting is virtually useless against mobs with range because they can just sit there and pick you off.
Years ago, I ran some tests on my FF / rad defender.

Force Bubble would reduce incoming DPS by about 20% if left on all the time.

Repulsion Field would reduce incoming DPS by about 30% if left on all the time (and with the available endurance).

KB and its cousin, repel, absolutely, no ambiguity, reduce incoming DPS.

Whether or not the ghetto damage debuff is worthwhile (leaving aside the value of KB and repel as positioning tools) comes down to how much damage mitigation a team needs versus the generally lowered ability to leverage AoEs ... including Gauntlet and actual damage debuffs like Darkest Night (-37.5%).

My rough tests showed that the incoming DPS was more than offset out a reduction in outgoing DPS so that my bubbler took more damage over the course of a mission with Force Bubble always on. The corollary, of course, is that my XP / minute dropped with Force Bubble on.

However, from a non-power gaming standpoint, Force Bubble is hella cool. And KB is both fun AND comic book-y. But ... they're just not always useful.



Quick summary:

* Knockback has its benefits, namely: damage mitigation; mob positioning

* Knockback can be highly entertaining

* Knockback takes skill to use, and a bit of communication with other teammates and pre-planning doesn't hurt

* Knockback can be easily misused, particularly be unskilled or careless players, and that can cause irritation or even endanger a team

* Knockback increases the level of chaos, which is enjoyed by some who value dynamism and challenge but generally not by those who value order and xp/min

So, it's one of those powers that sees it effectiveness start off below average when used by inexperienced players, but which becomes more effective when used by more experienced players. However, on average it's probably less effective than most other secondary effects, and its main benefits are selective.

That about sum it up?



I think knockback is generally under-rated, or at least the case against it is overstated.

Teammates can do a number of things to unintentionally ruin your day.
Area Immobilises that leave enemies spread out, as mentioned earlier.
Overconfident melee artists who run in before everyones loaded, and then die, leaving aggro'd enemies at the missions door.
Scaredy-tanks who need a personal "ready" off everyone befroe engaging a spawn.
Empaths who only buff the tank.
Its the price of playing with other people instead of AIs, I guess.

I love knockback, use it well, and rarely see it causing trouble from other teammates.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I played an Energy/Energy blaster on a TF and never had a single word but praise - because - I lined up my knock backs properly. I used 'em all and tore stuff up. It can be done to use knock back and if you talk to the tank and folks with powers like - Tarpatch, say to them can you drop it after I use torrent? I will zap all of them into the wall. Then the tank knows, hey I will taunt over by this wall here and I knock all the mobs TO him.
Wait, isn't this just what everyone's been saying? That knockback's fine when used "properly"? Would the paragraph above be as convincing if it said "I fired my knock backs without any regard to where the mobs landed. I never communicated with the guy using Tarpatch and instead just threw everything off it every time. When the tank was trying to taunt everything I scattered them all away from him."

I'm getting mixed messages from you on this subject - you seem to have a lot of points advocating pure chaos, people using knockback pretty much at random just because it's fun (at least for the one doing the knocking back), and not worrying about controlling it so as to work with the rest of the team. But then the above paragraph (and some others) seems to be advocating the same position as everyone else: that knockback's fine when used intelligently, working with your team rather than against them. Just seems odd having that used in support of tolerance for random uncontrolled knockback.