Is knockback underrated

Adeon Hawkwood



You see - it isn't fighting against "the man" or trying to crank out the xp/merits per second that a team should - it is the flexibility and skill required to allow something outside of the "rules" of engagement.

A great deal of you just don't even see it that FUN - yes, since we are playing a GAME is to me the beginning and end of it. It is why I keep playing after over 7 years.

I am sorry if you have become reduced to tightly group mobs, slaughter, rinse and repeat.

If the introduction of a little chaos winds you up this badly I don't blame the knockback that's for sure.



I completely believe that it is under-rated. In some situations, like for the strong and pretty badge of a BAF. It can be a pain. But with m first toon being an nrg/nrg blaster I've learned to love KB. It provides intense damage midgitation with great damage to boot.

People reccomend to skip KB because it "scatters the group and slows everyone down". I say that KB incapacitates enemies and keeps them from getting to the squishes of the team :3

It's a great thing to have.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
You see - it isn't fighting against "the man" or trying to crank out the xp/merits per second that a team should - it is the flexibility and skill required to allow something outside of the "rules" of engagement.

A great deal of you just don't even see it that FUN - yes, since we are playing a GAME is to me the beginning and end of it. It is why I keep playing after over 7 years.

I am sorry if you have become reduced to tightly group mobs, slaughter, rinse and repeat.

If the introduction of a little chaos winds you up this badly I don't blame the knockback that's for sure.
I could also turn off all my toggles and stand there waiting to die, all the while cheering about my awesome new flexibility.

Having flexible strategies is good. Having a strategy that is strictly inferior to almost all others is nothing but an indication of a poor strategy. Even after hundreds of years, no one has developed that awesome chess opening strategy that consists of nothing but single advancing pawns for the first 30 moves - and that's still a more sensible strategy than knocking a group outside of the AoE damage and outside of the taunt auras and outside of the debuff radius and outside of the aoe control effects.



If I'm on a melee toon, and my choices are between a PB spamming that God-awful PbAoE (Pulsar?) and a Controller spamming their AoE Immob, I'll take the PB.

At least those mobs have a CHANCE to make it back to AoE range...

Seriously...AoE immobs should state in the long text "This is not actually the best power ever!"

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.



As always, so many suggestions that KB is good but only if used 'properly'. Problem is, most of the playerbase does not use KB properly and never will use KB properly. These suggestions mostly fall on deaf ears. To keep preaching it hoping that the majority of KBers will someday 'get the message' is wishful thinking at its finest.

On my PB, I do try to use KB properly when teaming, meaning I spend time not killing so I can position myself to better KB mobs into acceptable areas (walls, corners) and insure that, by staying at a Mob's edge, my Solar Flare only hits less than half of the foes it could hit just so I don't scatter them 360 and upset my teammates.

So, an alternative really is needed. Make KB more desireable (perhaps extra smashing damage, like a proc, everytime a foe is KBed). Make it toggleable (perhaps via a setting from the Null the Gull). Make a unique IO that gives -KB to all your powers (like Blessing of the Zephyr but applied to your effects). Something... Anything...



Someone else mentioned it I think, but what I like least about a lot of KB powers (when I am using them) is the *chance* for KB.
I like powers like Gale and Torrent, because at least you know what you're getting...trying to position yourself when your AoE has a 60% chance of KB...meh

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.