Is knockback underrated

Adeon Hawkwood



Power with random knockback which is also high magnitude are the real problem. They can't be relied on when you want the KB and if you ignore it, KB hits on random and throws the mob a long way.

High mag knockback is a tactical tool on normal teams, which means it should not be spammed. 50% mag 2 KB on a cone is a terrible thing since it simply cannot be controlled and is unreliable. Again, I am talking about teams, solo it is always awesome and fun.

The rule of thumb in powers should be that under 75% chance KB should always be under 1 mag. Slotting for more mag is always possible for those who want it.



I played an Energy/Energy blaster on a TF and never had a single word but praise
Yeah, um, about that.

Don't assume people are condoning your actions because they're silent. Hundreds of time, I've seen individuals significantly lowering team efficiency because of knockback, but as I don't care so strongly about it nor do I want to deal with the shitstorm that happens when doing so, I don't speak up.



Originally Posted by Zem View Post
About the only other one I can come up with that can have a serious downside is the mob AI "afraid" status caused by such powers as Rain of Fire. Without some additional means of slowing or immobilizing mobs in the area of effect, the scatter can do more harm than good on top of just preventing the power from dealing all the damage it could.
Another example of an effect that can have a downside is AoE Immobs... they can prevent enemies from moving where they need to when used poorly, and many contain a -KB component which renders powers like [Ice Patch]'s KD useless.

Other examples would be Intangibility powers and Cage powers. Both can be used to good effect... but they can also be used exceedingly poorly. Same goes for KB.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Another example of an effect that can have a downside is AoE Immobs... they can prevent enemies from moving where they need to when used poorly, and many contain a -KB component which renders powers like [Ice Patch]'s KD useless.

Other examples would be Intangibility powers and Cage powers. Both can be used to good effect... but they can also be used exceedingly poorly. Same goes for KB.
A point to consider ...

KB is often a secondary effect tied to other, generally useful, effects (like, say, damage). Cages are, in all cases, primary effects -- i.e., you only fire them when you want to cage something.

FWIW, one of my least favourite powers in the game is Electron Haze. In general, I like cones (no, seriously, I do), but the chance for knockback cheeses me off. You can take a nice, tight clump of mobs, hit them with Neutron Bomb, line up EH, charge into melee ... and then miss a quarter of the spawn with Irradiate because EH only KBed some of the spawn.

I would love the ability to reduce a power's KB magnitude with an IO, but, apparently, this can't be done due to engine limitations. Or simply have some form of power customization that allows you to dial back secondary effects.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Not when the foes are especially resistant to other buffs and controls and then buff up further. If they're weak to KB and strong to most everything else, and KB keeps them from using their self buffs, then KB wins.

You're letting anti-KB feelings keep you from using the best tool in the box. And sometimes, KB is the best tool. It does have mechanical advantages to it. It's not just for show.
When a KB heavy team beats my 16 min. pre-Incarnate time on an ITF, then we'll talk about it being the best tool. The best tool is and always has been killing things quickly and efficiently. And KB is the enemy of quick and efficient kills.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



From a pure efficiency point of view it is dreadful for teams. Nothing requires it, it is readily substitutable for just about anything (except perhaps intangability!) which will have less frustrating consequences.

For soloing it is fantastic when you're a bit squishy and the mitigation is very handy.

Visually and thematically it is great. It is a lot of fun to watch your enemies go flying about and perfectly fits the genre of the game.

...just keep your stupid knockback away from a team that is steam rolling everything like a good team should, because it's just slowing the pace down for us all.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
When a KB heavy team beats my 16 min. pre-Incarnate time on an ITF, then we'll talk about it being the best tool. The best tool is and always has been killing things quickly and efficiently. And KB is the enemy of quick and efficient kills.
No, it is not.

You're taking the example of a team that is so overpowered, it can ignore the high resistances and self-buffs of Cimerorans. Of course, *in that situation*, KB would slow things down.

But I remember when the ITF was first introduced and teams were wiping and melee were complaining about their -Def, and controllers and debuffers were complaining about their seeming immunity to mez. In that case, KB kept the team alive. Dead teams don't complete the ITF that quickly.

So, yeah, if you want to continue the change the case study so that the parameters make KB or any other type of control irrelevant, you will always win in making your point that KB is useless. But there are cases where KB has been useful. I've seen them. I've used it. Teammates didn't complain about it. There are cases in which your premise is simply very wrong because it's not the rosy case you always present.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
No, it is not.

You're taking the example of a team that is so overpowered, it can ignore the high resistances and self-buffs of Cimerorans. Of course, *in that situation*, KB would slow things down.

But I remember when the ITF was first introduced and teams were wiping and melee were complaining about their -Def, and controllers and debuffers were complaining about their seeming immunity to mez. In that case, KB kept the team alive. Dead teams don't complete the ITF that quickly.

So, yeah, if you want to continue the change the case study so that the parameters make KB or any other type of control irrelevant, you will always win in making your point that KB is useless. But there are cases where KB has been useful. I've seen them. I've used it. Teammates didn't complain about it. There are cases in which your premise is simply very wrong because it's not the rosy case you always present.
I'm going to say that while the team was improved by your knockback it would have been better improved by say, having a decent melee that didn't suck against them (not hard with IO's) or having decent defenders/controllers who can shut down whole spawns effortlessly.

All you've said is that knockback works. It does, but it is inferior to so many other combinations that simply don't have the drawbacks that knockback also does.



I get it - people want to just stack them in a dumpster and press the win button.

I Have learned to control knockback when I choose to and at other times I just let it all hang out.

Team in danger of wiping? Torrent slams everything down and away from us.

The best rule is if you have a person using knockback and it irritates you tell them quite simply - You knock it back you kill it.



I <3 knockup and knockdown, but just really, really like knockback as a friend.

I do think it generally gets a raw deal, particularly for the self-important aoe min-maxers looking to trash 16 mobs at once that come here to complain about it -- their voices ring the loudest and mostly your hear the "What" ("knockback sucks") rather than the "Why" ("because KB'ers rob me of the limelight of being uber in my own eyes")

KB, KD, KU is such a unique game mechanic, I really hope it never changes.




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
I <3 knockup and knockdown, but just really, really like knockback as a friend.

I do think it generally gets a raw deal, particularly for the self-important aoe min-maxers looking to trash 16 mobs at once that come here to complain about it -- their voices ring the loudest and mostly your hear the "What" ("knockback sucks") rather than the "Why" ("because KB'ers rob me of the limelight of being uber in my own eyes")

KB, KD, KU is such a unique game mechanic, I really hope it never changes.
If self importance is not caring to chase mobs around as they flip flop because a person in my team meaninglessly is wasting my time then sign me up as self important!



I would rephrase the question:

Is the intelligent use of knockback underrated?

In the hands of an intelligent player, you need not fear their knockback, as it will be used it to benefit the team rather than as a tool to annoy them. Any Stormie who toggles Hurricane with the tank on follow and Gale on auto needs to be kicked from the team, because that's not a player, that's a griefer.

My pet peeve had been fools who would slot Speed Boost with 3 Run IO's, but with the introduction of Null the Gull I can now remedy that. Thanks Devs.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
No, it is not.

You're taking the example of a team that is so overpowered, it can ignore the high resistances and self-buffs of Cimerorans. Of course, *in that situation*, KB would slow things down.
This is what you said:

Originally Posted by Zombie Man
And sometimes, KB is the best tool.
That, as you have acknowledged, is false.

But I remember when the ITF was first introduced and teams were wiping and melee were complaining about their -Def, and controllers and debuffers were complaining about their seeming immunity to mez. In that case, KB kept the team alive. Dead teams don't complete the ITF that quickly.
So you're saying that teams that suck need KB?

So, yeah, if you want to continue the change the case study so that the parameters make KB or any other type of control irrelevant, you will always win in making your point that KB is useless. But there are cases where KB has been useful. I've seen them. I've used it. Teammates didn't complain about it. There are cases in which your premise is simply very wrong because it's not the rosy case you always present.
My first post in this thread said that KB can be useful. You did not say that. You offered the premise that KB is sometimes the best tool. KB is NEVER the best tool.

The best tool is and always has been making defensively strong, AoE strong teams that can kill a spawn in seconds. I'm not saying that's how everyone should build their characters or that that style of play is the most FUN. I'm just saying that in this game, it is the best tool in the box. That doesn't mean it's the one you will always use or have available. Just that it's the best.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The best rule is if you have a person using knockback and it irritates you tell them quite simply - You knock it back you kill it.
The best rule I've found is to not play with people who play in a way that irritates you. The only time that bites me is when I'm leading a team because as a personal policy I will not kick people for having and using KB powers. I tend to just suffer through it, or if I'm on one of my stronger characters just do the objectives so I can end the team quickly.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



In my experience KB is one of the best and worst tools in the game and the cause for grief lies not only in the hands of the inexperienced ranged KB user but in the ignorance of the Melee loving, KB hating, experienced player.

For a squishy soloing (and in the case of an experienced KB user, teaming) KB is some of the best mitigation in the game. A KB'd target puts out 0 damage which is 5% less than capped defense and 10% less than capped resistance (except in the case of said squishy where its 25% less than capped resistance).

My Nrg/nrg/Force blapper solos x8 spawn with 7ish% total defense. 2 AoE KB powers leave 1 or 2 mobs in a spawn in melee range. If 2, power thrust takes that down to 1. That 1 target gets Energy Punched, Bone Smashed, and then Power Thrusted and then it's time to repeat Energy Torrent and Explosive Blast. Rinse and repeat to solo an 8 player spawn so long as you don't get mezzed.

The problem with the experienced Melee players that hate KB is that they have never played a KB heavy toon and really have no idea how it works (or how well it can work) and focus on the annoyance instead of good play.

I've seen said KB haters charge into the middle of a room on a map and gather up all the mobs AND THEN STAY THERE like the ignoramuses that they are and then yell at the Energy blaster when they unleash their AoEs. All the ignoramus has to do is gather that pile of mobs into a corner and they have no problem at all even with an inexperienced KB user.

It's not only that we need smart KB users its that we need to educate the ignoramuses on the mechanics of KB so that they don't inadvertently become their own worst enemies.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I've seen said KB haters charge into the middle of a room on a map and gather up all the mobs AND THEN STAY THERE like the ignoramuses that they are and then yell at the Energy blaster when they unleash their AoEs. All the ignoramus has to do is gather that pile of mobs into a corner and they have no problem at all even with an inexperienced KB user.

It's not only that we need smart KB users its that we need to educate the ignoramuses on the mechanics of KB so that they don't inadvertently become their own worst enemies.
If the mobs are in a nice clump like that, why the heck would any ignoramus Energy blaster blow them all away. And why should the melee player be expected to waste time moving them to a wall or corner to accommodate the ignoramus KB user. In fact, what ignoramus still plays Energy Blast in 2011 when you can recolor Fire and have a good set? <--- THE PRECEDING IS SARCASM IN RESPONSE TO MILADYS KNIGHT'S USE OF THE TERM IGNORAMUSES TO REFER TO MELEE PLAYERS! PLEASE SEE RELEVANT PORTION BOLDED ABOVE IN THE POST

See other people can use unjustified insults too! <- THIS IS THE TAG SHOWING THAT I WAS NOT SERIOUS ABOVE!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
The best tool is and always has been making defensively strong, AoE strong teams that can kill a spawn in seconds. I'm not saying that's how everyone should build their characters or that that style of play is the most FUN. I'm just saying that in this game, it is the best tool in the box. That doesn't mean it's the one you will always use or have available. Just that it's the best.
K, you win. It is never the best tool because you can imagine the situation changing so that it's not the best tool.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
If the mobs are in a nice clump like that, why the heck would any ignoramus Energy blaster blow them all away. And why should the melee player be expected to waste time moving them to a wall or corner to accommodate the ignoramus KB user. In fact, what ignoramus still plays Energy Blast in 2011 when you can recolor Fire and have a good set?

See other people can use unjustified insults too!
If you read it, the mobs were not in a nice clump. They were gathered in the center of the room and left there. It would have taken a similar amount of time to gather them near any object so you aren't depriving your team of the Blaster's AoE damage. I would call that team work. It should flow both ways. Smart should be expected from everyone on the team not just the KB user.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
In fact, what ignoramus still plays Energy Blast in 2011 when you can recolor Fire and have a good set?
Until energy is removed from the game (which it will never be), it's a valid powerset choice and marginalizing players who take it is being a bit of a dick.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Until energy is removed from the game (which it will never be), it's a valid powerset choice and marginalizing players who take it is being a bit of a dick.
Jeez, please follow the conversation chain. That was sarcasm in response to MiladysKnights use of 'ignoramus' to refer to people who don't like KB. Hell just read the whole post, where I make it clear that its sarcasm.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
K, you win. It is never the best tool because you can imagine the situation changing so that it's not the best tool.
No, KB is not the best tool, because it's not the best tool. You gave a specific scenario where you thought KB was the best tool. I showed that it would have been better to just have a stronger character. You falsely accused me of changing the scenario. I didn't. In both cases it was an ITF. In both cases we are talking about the tools characters have to meet the challenge.

Your use of KB in that instance was reasonable and sound. It was not the 'best' tool. Best means

Originally Posted by Merriam-Webster
: excelling all others <the best student>
: most productive of good : offering or producing the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction <what is the best thing to do>
: most, largest <it rained for the best part of their vacation>
Best is killing the mobs as close to instantaneously as possible. That's not a bias. That's simply fact. Dead mobs do 0% damage, have 0% defense, and are no longer an impediment to your goal.

Knocked mobs, by contrast, are incapacitated. That's useful, but they still retain all their health and the ability to eventually retaliate. When they are dead they don't.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



KB is one of the few effects in this game that actually make you feel very powerful. I love KB in the hands of my Blasters and I get great laughs from taking my 50 +1 NRG/NRG Blaster to Atlas and Power Thursting SKuls a mile away.

KB can be a hinderance to a team if used inappropriately. But that's no different than an idiot scrapper, blaster, etc aggroing a 2nd or even 3rd mob.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
In fact, what ignoramus still plays Energy Blast in 2011 when you can recolor Fire and have a good set?
Geez EG, that's a pretty ugly thing to say but par for the course for you.

I have a NRG/NRG Blsater and a Fire/Fire Blaster (both 50+1). They play radically different but I'm guessing you wouldn't know this assuming, based on your hate for KB, that you have never played a NRG/ Blaster for any serious amount of time.

By the way, there are a couple procs worth slotting in NRG's ST blasts that really help make the set that much more effective in ST damage. Sure, it probably won't beat out Fire Blast but it's still a very fun set to play. I'm sorry you feel otherwise.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Geez EG, that's a pretty ugly thing to say but par for the course for you.

I have a NRG/NRG Blsater and a Fire/Fire Blaster (both 50+1). They play radically different but I'm guessing you wouldn't know this assuming, based on your hate for KB, that you have never played a NRG/ Blaster for any serious amount of time.

By the way, there are a couple procs worth slotting in NRG's ST blasts that really help make the set that much more effective in ST damage. Sure, it probably won't beat out Fire Blast but it's still a very fun set to play. I'm sorry you feel otherwise.
Do you people just not read whole posts?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
No, KB is not the best tool, because it's not the best tool. You gave a specific scenario where you thought KB was the best tool. I showed that it would have been better to just have a stronger character. You falsely accused me of changing the scenario. I didn't.
Yes. You did change the scenario -- to one with a stronger character.

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