Player Toxicity




Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
I think this is a very good possibility. Times have been rough, in the U.S. at least, people are frustrated and angry about things they often have no control over, and the general level of expressed bile has risen almost everywhere. Why should the CoH forums be exempt.

I've been hanging around for seven years, and the current forum is nowhere near the highest level of toxicity that I've seen. The enhancement-diversification-and-global-defense-nerf era holds that title.
I do agree that the flash incidents have been worse [I'd include AE/ban threat and PVP/Lighthouse with those as well]. However, those are singular events as opposed to a climate of hostility. While they do tend to leave a residue [and be more memorable], I don't really consider them indicative of the toxicity.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I do notice that people are less willing to suffer fools gladly.
Does anyone ever suffer fools gladly? I mean I'm sure there must be people out there who actually enjoy the suffering they experience due to fools, but they have to be an almost insignificant minority.

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

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There is a post right next to this one that sums up my feelings about this one.

In summary, the poster got into a team that was less than ideal. Died over and over and then got told off by the leader. He quit the team mid fight and then came to the forums because he was concerned that he abandoned the others on the team and was too much of a jerk by doing so. Most folks I've met care about each other even when they are irritated with events and actions in the game, and that is the best test of a community there is.



I just re-subbed right before Freedom hit, but have been playing the game off-and-on since the original CoH beta.

In the past, the community has always been one of the main reasons I stayed. In fact, I often used the CoH forums as a standard by which to judge all other forum communities. Most people that posted here were friendly, helpful, and fun to have discussions with.

I've noticed that, while not as bad as some other toxic forums I've been on, things have definitely gone down hill.

If you are a VIP, just read some of the posts for the latest VIP Beta test.
The responses to Titan Weapons alone has actually made me physically ill. The attacks against Synapse are inexcusable and downright vicious.

The kind of bile I've read lately actually reminds me of the Champions Online Beta forums, which is NOT a good thing.



I just try to avoid the Help channel and the City Life - CoH & CoV General Discussions forums, and everything is rainbows and puppies.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
When the OP has in the last few days used phrases like

"They are punishing us for running too many BAFs and Lams and not enough new content. Whether they follow through with the punishment or not, they have already threatened to punish us for our actions. "

"Does it even matter?
They can cancel their changes and even announce a public apology if they like.
It still doesn't change the fact that they threatened us in the first place."

I don't think they are in any position to talk about toxicity in speech from others.
This is precisely what I was thinking.

The impression I get is that the OP thinks it's OK to say bad things to or about the developers, but it's not OK to call out other gamers for the things they say.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Incidentally you are allowed to mention other games now. You can't compare and contrast or promote those other games however you are allowed to say things like I play WoW and Aion.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Adamant View Post
If you are a VIP, just read some of the posts for the latest VIP Beta test.
The responses to Titan Weapons alone has actually made me physically ill. The attacks against Synapse are inexcusable and downright vicious.
Jesus, you weren't joking were you. I admit, it's basically a small handful of Stalker fans who seem to be ludicrously wound up about how poorly treated they perceive themselves to be, but still, that's out of order.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Does anyone ever suffer fools gladly? I mean I'm sure there must be people out there who actually enjoy the suffering they experience due to fools, but they have to be an almost insignificant minority.
What!?!?! And that makes us insignificant? You insensitive fool!!
Ahhhh.... thanks

(Haha... Just hopping in for some humor, ar ar!)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Jesus, you weren't joking were you. I admit, it's basically a small handful of Stalker fans who seem to be ludicrously wound up about how poorly treated they perceive themselves to be, but still, that's out of order.
Have to agree...horrible, horrible thread. And I'm a pretty huge Stalker fan. Of course, I wouldn't touch that godawful set with a (Titan-sized) ten foot pole, so maybe that's why I'm not as annoyed by those perceived slights!

I think I have indeed seen some of the loss of civility the OP describes. Not as much, perhaps (I don't play on Freedom and I'd rather eat live bugs than have the Help channel turned on), but there has been some degradation of the community over time. I'd have to say, though, that it's still one of the most helpful and polite MMO communities I've experienced.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I do agree that the flash incidents have been worse [I'd include AE/ban threat and PVP/Lighthouse with those as well]. However, those are singular events as opposed to a climate of hostility. While they do tend to leave a residue [and be more memorable], I don't really consider them indicative of the toxicity.
I miss Lighthouse. His methods may have left a few people burned, but he got results like I haven't seen before or since.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Heck it took me until this year to decide to post at all because I was so averse to the thunderdome atmosphere of forums past.
Can't we just get BEYOND Thunderdome?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
I quit the game when the Invention System was first in beta. At the time, CoH was well regarded in the mmo community for it's friendly and welcoming playerbase. That was CoH's greatest appeal.

I came back to the game in April to a very different atmosphere. I have played 9 (that I can recall) MMOs besides CoH and the current playerbase seems to be the most toxic of the bunch. Just a quick browse of these forums is a testiment to that - a horrendous amount of posts contain personal insults between peers. This isn't something that was particularly common prior to my leaving CoH.

Is this a consequence of the Invention and Incarnate systems and a shift to a system more prone to power-gaming?
What as a community can we do to bring CoH's atmosphere back to it's former glory?
Interresting, I've heard of worse things happening on the 800lb gorilla of MMOs.

And I havent found the atmosphere of CoH to be all that different now than from what it was way back in i3.

Same attitude new arguements/debates.

What?! You didn't 6 slot Stamina with END REC SO'S?! No wonder you're running out of END so fast! YOU NOOB!

See. Same thing, different wordings.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
When the OP has in the last few days used phrases like

"They are punishing us for running too many BAFs and Lams and not enough new content. Whether they follow through with the punishment or not, they have already threatened to punish us for our actions. "

"Does it even matter?
They can cancel their changes and even announce a public apology if they like.
It still doesn't change the fact that they threatened us in the first place."

I don't think they are in any position to talk about toxicity in speech from others.
Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
This is precisely what I was thinking.

The impression I get is that the OP thinks it's OK to say bad things to or about the developers, but it's not OK to call out other gamers for the things they say.

Yes and yes. Thanks for beating me to it.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
I quit the game when the Invention System was first in beta. At the time, CoH was well regarded in the mmo community for it's friendly and welcoming playerbase. That was CoH's greatest appeal.

I came back to the game in April to a very different atmosphere. I have played 9 (that I can recall) MMOs besides CoH and the current playerbase seems to be the most toxic of the bunch. Just a quick browse of these forums is a testiment to that - a horrendous amount of posts contain personal insults between peers. This isn't something that was particularly common prior to my leaving CoH.

Is this a consequence of the Invention and Incarnate systems and a shift to a system more prone to power-gaming?
What as a community can we do to bring CoH's atmosphere back to it's former glory?
I don't think it's all that far off that mark. Prior to coming back as part of the wave of returning players for CoH: Freedom, I was gone about one year (I left just before the Incarnate system came online). In the meantime, I had shifted my focus to that other, more popular MMO. The player base there is horrendous. Try to get help in the main chat channels and you're just asking for a hard time. Everything from being called "noob" to out and out questioning of your sexuality. It's an MMO for that special 12-year-old in all of us. Coming back here was a homecoming, a refreshing reminder that what I left was the most friendly MMO on the planet. AND I play mainly on the Freedom server. Sure, you still manage to get one 12-year-old guttermouth once in a while, but he's usually shouted down by more mature players.

Now I remember what made me love this game from Day One.

And I'm glad to be back.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Jesus, you weren't joking were you. I admit, it's basically a small handful of Stalker fans who seem to be ludicrously wound up about how poorly treated they perceive themselves to be, but still, that's out of order.
It is really bad, and makes me wonder about the state of parenting in the world. I am speaking of the Titan Weapons thread, not the boards in general. Over the past 7 years I have just figured out who is going to have something negative to say in advance, and I overlook them.

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Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
I don't think it's all that far off that mark. Prior to coming back as part of the wave of returning players for CoH: Freedom, I was gone about one year (I left just before the Incarnate system came online). In the meantime, I had shifted my focus to that other, more popular MMO. The player base there is horrendous. Try to get help in the main chat channels and you're just asking for a hard time. Everything from being called "noob" to out and out questioning of your sexuality. It's an MMO for that special 12-year-old in all of us. Coming back here was a homecoming, a refreshing reminder that what I left was the most friendly MMO on the planet. AND I play mainly on the Freedom server. Sure, you still manage to get one 12-year-old guttermouth once in a while, but he's usually shouted down by more mature players.

Now I remember what made me love this game from Day One.

And I'm glad to be back.
And we're glad to have you back.
*does silly dance for no reason*
Oops, i blame all the toxins.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I think it's a mistake to judge the environment based on the forums. The official forums for EVERY MMO are pits of toxic waste; CoH's are better in that there are, occasionally, threads of value and worth as opposed to being all complaints, all the time.

But every MMO forum, of every MMO I've played, has equal parts buff/nerf whining, passive -aggressive pissing on anyone who isn't playing with the One True Build Of The Month, "My Class Should Have All The Upsides And No Downsides", or the always popular "Quit Having Fun In Ways I Don't Like" as seen in the arguments for/against Incarnate Trials.

People who spend all their times on game forums aren't spending enough time on the game, but that's just me.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
I don't think it's all that far off that mark. Prior to coming back as part of the wave of returning players for CoH: Freedom, I was gone about one year (I left just before the Incarnate system came online). In the meantime, I had shifted my focus to that other, more popular MMO. The player base there is horrendous. Try to get help in the main chat channels and you're just asking for a hard time. Everything from being called "noob" to out and out questioning of your sexuality. It's an MMO for that special 12-year-old in all of us. Coming back here was a homecoming, a refreshing reminder that what I left was the most friendly MMO on the planet. AND I play mainly on the Freedom server. Sure, you still manage to get one 12-year-old guttermouth once in a while, but he's usually shouted down by more mature players.

Now I remember what made me love this game from Day One.

And I'm glad to be back.
Welcome home

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Can't we just get BEYOND Thunderdome?
Only if we ride a talking motorcycle.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Ok, joking aside and despite my earlier silliness, I think I kind of understand what the OP means.

I've noticed a certain level of shrillness if you can put it like that as there is a realignment of many players on the VIP server, returning players and brand new players.

I wouldn't call it toxicity but I think it's almost like the reset button has been pressed for many and people are finding their own level in a new environment and that sometimes means people are, how can I put this... "unnecessarily assertive"

There've been a lot of server changes recently, from the list merge, Freedom, Exalted etc and it's bound to have an effect given that there's are a lot of people trying to rub shoulders with relative strangers.

Once new things settle down, new communities form and people find their place I expect things will quieten down a lot.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Actually...I did run into some toxicity today...but it was countered by everyone in Global and a team of one bad apple.

I was running a league of 24 fror a ToT. The roster changes a lot during those types of events because people drop, people leave etc. One person joined and I was having a hard time moving him into team 3. I explained it would be a second because we had to wait until the team lead of 3 zoned back in.

I went to move them but accidently hit kick! *Facepalm* My bad. So didn't mean to do that. So I resent the league invite and an appology. But I got the whole, the person you are trying to contact is hidden blah blah blah.

So then I get this huge tell saying how Im fail and on ignore. So I asked someone on the league to send the message that I accidently kicked when I was trying to move him.

Then in broadcast dude was freaking about how I kicked him...(which I did do on accident mind you) and how not to join my team, calling me fail and every other thing he could without getting bannded. But the team I was on stuck up for me.

So yes. Toxic people do exist, but 1 out of 50 players I played with today was bad. So really, I feel that he OP remembers more the negative comments or experiences, and forgets the fact that there is many more positive players than toxic ones.



I haven't noticed any jerks at all. I've run into lots of returning VIP's and premiums who are a bit confused at all the changes. I've seen tons of helpful players showing them new things and answering questions about all of our new content. Seems like business as usual for our player base. Also as a side note I play on multiple servers and haven't noticed a change in people's willingness to help on any of them. The most ******** I've seen from the player base involves the difficulties with not being able to send tells to free players and help them learn the game.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Actually...I did run into some toxicity today...but it was countered by everyone in Glabal and a team of 24....
What in Ursala Andress's under garments is GLABAL"??
If you can't bother to communicate properly... GET OFF OUR FORUMS, NOOB!!!
2010 register date... Pfffff.. Figures!! Don't they make people that can spell anymore???
Aren't you that League Kicker guy I heard about??


(I hope you realize I am entirely kidding!!)

Haha, and that tale is ridiculous, but I'm glad others came to bat for you.
I have pity for jerks... Even though they tend to wear that out pretty quickly, hehe.

Anyway, you are entirely correct. The negative always stands out. It is so unfortunate.
Just take a look at how that works on the forums.
The more outrageous and negative of an OP, the more replies it gets.
Replies within each thread tend to follow suit.
It is a shame that more people don't make sure to reply to the good posts and replies and opt to not respond to the obviously negative tirades and such.

Hey, we all slip up now and then (sometimes just because we feel especially strong about something... stupid chemically-induced fleshy monsters in our skulls!)...
However, even when someone posts a hot-headed or misguided thread about something... The OP will ignore the one or two kind responses and reply to the nastier responses.
Much of that, I suppose, is a matter of self defense and all, but still... on forums, especially, the nasty wheel gets the replies!

Good day, sir... and sorry for your inability to type global... I'm sure you were tortured throughout your life about that and I callously opened up those old wounds.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm addicted to you cause you know that you're toxic.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.