Player Toxicity




did you read the insert about toxic players?

Originally Posted by Chocolate_Bacon View Post
Yes and yes. Thanks for beating me to it.
ditto, didnt ant to bring that into the thread, but it can be noted that polite people usually get treated politely, hostile people...well. something about reaping and sowing.

honestly things have been a bit rougher lately, but that can be somewhat understood. you have a major change in the game, change always will get some degree of response, and frankly some people seem to want to complain about anything, so long as they can complain. things will die down again and flare up again, its the circle of life. just try(and it can be hard) to not get drawn in. people rarely change their mind based on a internet fight, and you can waste hours on it.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Does anyone ever suffer fools gladly? I mean I'm sure there must be people out there who actually enjoy the suffering they experience due to fools, but they have to be an almost insignificant minority.
Well, I find it pretty easy to ignore fools. A lot of other people seem to be driven mad by the idea that someone somewhere on the internet is wrong about something.

I was here before I9 and I'm here now, and all the time in between. I haven't noticed a change in the overall community. Most people are nice and helpful, or at least most of the posts I bother to read. A lot of threads fall into a morass of misery after a few pages and I generally don't bother to read those after that point. There are certainly some unpleasant individuals, but there always have been.

Personally I find the worst community in the broadcast chats in game. Lots of people there with the unfortunate combination of being terribly ignorant about the game, and yet very assertive and bossy about making everyone else play in accordance with their misunderstandings.

Somehow though I rarely run into those people in actual teams. Also, that only seems to be a problem in the public channels like help and broadcast. In the global channels where I participate, mostly on Champion server, things are much better.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
"Thanks for the discussion everyone, I refuse to change my opinion at all. Glad we talked this over." Come on, man, really?
The OP's post seems like pure hyperbole to me.

<Not Sure If Serious Graphic Goes Here>

Using the Help channel to make judgements about the entire community? I've had the Help channel off since the start of Freedom because I knew it would turn into a hive of scum and villainy as the only global channel for free players. In time, when some solution is implimented I might start monitoring it again.



With Help, an open, cross-zone channel, becoming some players' medium of choice, and with players who haven't invested (in a literal sense) in the community coming in as free players (and importing the behavioral norms of other communities with them), I've seen a bit more ugliness in-game than I had for years, but not much more.

The forums, on the other hand, are more savage and cynical than they have been since ED. And unlike the days of ED, we don't have a group of steady, experienced posters trying to calm things down. Instead, the established community members, with only a few exceptions continue to rant and rave about how terrible the game is, whether that means gameplay design or background writing or art direction or what-have-you. For instance, recently, I saw a player come right out and claim in no uncertain terms that a developer was lying. The last time I saw that sort of thing was back in the days of Statesman-hate, and I never saw anyone post anything so blatantly hostile as a direct response to one of his posts in the same thread. The way players treat each other on the forums is even worse.

It continues to astonish me that people claim this is such a "wonderful" community when it's impossible to suggest the slightest positivity without being called stupid or a dev apologist or dishonest, and where every single announcement or positive reaction is accompanied by a jaded, "This is a terrible idea!" from the rest of the players. The only place I see any positivity at all any more is the Art forum and occasional discussions of certain artists on the Comic Culture board. Things have gotten really, really ugly around here.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

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Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Thanks for the replies guys.
Judging from the responses, I am going to consider my quoted paragraph to be the reality of the situation.

I have to ask though, Rapthorne... Several hundred mmorpgs?

It wasn't the invention system. I only noticed an influx of immaturity since the AE system was implemented. This I would show being the very fact that the AE system has little use of what it was originally intended for. Now, they've limited it's ability to gain experience a lot, but it's still used to farm and powerlevel.

Combine that with Sewer trial and others like it that allow for quick leveling, and the players completely skip out on the missions that were designed to give some story, background, and help to the players while they progressed through them and levels.

The real question- how many players with 50+ toons actually have at least 1 toon that never touched any method of powerleveling? That number is decreasing day-by-day.

Now, I'll admit that I troll like crazy in the help chat channel, but rest assurred: my ambitions, like every other "vet" (meaning long time player) in the help channel does not typically extend to decent players, but rather to the hostile ones.

Feed meh!



I've noticed that people are getting more abusive on the forums as well, usually around hot topics like farming, PLing, and changes to existing parts of the game. By and large, however, this is probably the friendliest and most helpful gaming community I've been a part of.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
I've noticed that people are getting more abusive on the forums as well, usually around hot topics like farming, PLing, and changes to existing parts of the game. By and large, however, this is probably the friendliest and most helpful gaming community I've been a part of.
Haha, if allowed I'd give you an example that would make this look like a sanctuary.



I like how the OP has pegged Inventions as the downfall of humanity. Perhaps it merely gave those people who were already predisposed to that sort of behavior an avenue to spew their venom, rather than creating a problem where there was none before. It's not like they weren't also going crazy over the state of PvP, or ED, or any number of previous additions to the game.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I've noticed one or two specific people throwing out insults but nothing too wide spread.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I like how the OP has pegged Inventions as the downfall of humanity.
I thought it was particularly funny because the Market and IO section has of some of the nicest, most generous and helpful people on the forums posting in it.

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I like many people had very big issues with the Exalted server. Not because of what it was but because tearing myself from Virtue which has been my home for 4 years (I did have another account at one point, which I lost in the divorce) was almost impossible.

I have noticed some trends, and a sort of wow mentality! People are frustrated with the actions of people now more than before. Team wipes etc. Before a Team wiped and most of us LOLed...some would ragequit, but I look at a team wipe as learning thing, or just a OH DAMMIT I got an ouchie" type deal.

The problem with player toxicity is communication barriers. Before If I was doing something dumb or someone else was doing something dumb, I could take it into tells, or communicate some way with someone. Now the issue is that the only way to communicate any form of critisism for Free players is either Local or Team because they cannot communicate back. Which actually brings everything to the attention of all the players as opposed to keeping it under low wraps.

I see this all the time when people are speaking in Local. And if you are out of earshot you see people reply in Broadcast and only get one part of the story, which sometimes sounds downright toxic. Usually if the Broadcaster was being a jerk other Virtue members would at least voice something that would then again boost the positive experience, however now that is not the option.

We also have no way of telling in help channel who is and who is not a Prem, Free etc, which means stupid questions sometimes get met with stupid answers or mean answers. Many times people would send tells to the person stearing them on the right path, however that is not an option again, and now has to be taken public.

As for the forums being more toxic. It think the word might be a little more frustrated because we have always been very oppinionated people about what we like and don't like, and we have become a little snippy. I admit I am a little snippy here and there, but for the most part I try to treat people with respect.

But, it's been a while since I have been playing now, and I have not a single person on Ignore, Global ignore or a Forum Ignore. It's because toxicity, while apparent is not worth the time hitting the ignore button. I could easily erase you, remove you or never see you again, but to be honest, negative people just don't phase me.

What does phase me is in game! And that In game issue right now for me is the lack of being able to communicate, directions, orders, giving help and assisting people, and since I see that as a barrier, sometimes frustration turns to toxicity.

I feel thats why things are more toxic "Sounding". It's because now it has to be public.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Is this a consequence of the Invention and Incarnate systems and a shift to a system more prone to power-gaming?
No, and you are wrong.

What as a community can we do to bring CoH's atmosphere back to it's former glory?
You can quit making posts like these and make it seem like something's wrong and needs to be fixed.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



I just wanted to give an example.

What would you rather...

A) You do something wrong in the office, or workplace. Your boss comes out and yells at you publicly in front of other staff.


B) You do something wrong and your boss calls you into their office and speaks to you about the issue to gain resolution.

One brings toxicity to the office environment, while one might breed some resentment to the boss/employee, but remains between those two parties.

It's the only example of toxicity that I could dream up at this very moment, but I wanted to apply toxicity in general in a real life environment.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
No, and you are wrong.

You can quit making posts like these and make it seem like something's wrong and needs to be fixed.
Be nice...this is a toxic thread remember



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Is this a consequence of the Invention and Incarnate systems and a shift to a system more prone to power-gaming?
I don't think so. Most minmaxers and powergamers I've met have been helpful, friendly types, while I encounter the most hostility from people who claim to support playing what you like and having fun (except, it seems, when other people's definition of fun differs from their own).

What as a community can we do to bring CoH's atmosphere back to it's former glory?
I suspect that's just nostalgia at work. I wasn't around for it, but when I read about the hubbub over ED, the GDN, etc, I get the sense that the playerbase of today is no more or less hostile than it was in the "good old days".



I blame the forum's auto-logout bug.

If you're calm and rational in your first post, and the *&^(*&@#$# board eats your hard work when you submit it, you're less calm and rational during the %%^$^(*$% rewrite.

* Somewhat appropriately,this was not my first response to the thread.