Graphics "Flashing" Since Today's Patch



Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
you don't even have to do that much. In the last week I've accepted SG invites on three characters. Immediately after accepting the invite the flashing started. In one case turning caused a flash about every 5 degrees of rotation and for every step the character took. Only cure in all cases was to exit the game and shut down my computer. Just exiting the game and restarting it had no effect at all.
When you accept a SG invite it automatically sets the SG Emblem on your chest. I think that triggers the flashing.



Just uploaded patch, went to check on one of my SG's, changed a bit of wording. Loaded old character up and hey presto start getting black screen flicker in Atlas. Never happened before. Not happening in dungeon I went down, seems to be confined to outdoors only but I could only stay on for 1 hour before it started to do my head in.... Going to try and log in again and see if it has gone away




Seems to be any of several SG adjustments - changing the SG emblem, updating the motd, etc. Exiting out of the game entirely, and logging back in from scratch, corrected the issue for me, at least. YMMV.

Side note: this was occuring before today's patch.

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I'm still having this problem, which I didn't find out about until just now.

Each month when I pay the rent for my multiple SG/VG's, I usually put an abbreviated comment in the SG MOTD of when I paid the rent for that particular group. As it was the first of the month, I paid the rent for three of my SG's, changed each SG's MOTD and THEN noticed the weird flickering, so came to the forum and found this thread!

Just like everyone else, exiting to desktop clears it, but exiting to switch characters did not.

I'm guessing that I'm not the only one who's still seeing this.

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30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



After I saw this diagnosed quite clearly on the boards some days ago I assumed it was fixed. However, it happened to me last night as soon as I joined an SG. I am hoping the log out/log in thing works. i'm trying to get my wife into the game, so I'm on an old box with lots of problems, why add flickering?

And why I am really posting...When will it be fixed? It's a pretty ugly obvious bug that has been clearly diagnosed. Can we get a fix?



I've also been hit with this. I didn't even change anything, simply looked at the total prestige we had on an SG via Settings, came out of it and within seconds was seeing the black flickering on the screen.

Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;



I wish NC would provide accurate feedback on the issue.
People seem to be hoping that something fixes it..
Without knowing 100% what causes the flashing, nothing can seem to fix it..

It is happening across multiple different video cards and multiple different video card manufacturers.
Here are a list of what I believe I have learned, but I can't tell if it is the same for everyone.

1) There is no pattern, it comes and goes without anything that I can use to figure out what's causing it. This can prevent the fixing of it. You can only think you've fixed it, due to no pattern just because it's gone does not mean it's not coming back.

2) The rate at which flashing occurs increases depending on which direction I'm moving and the speed at which I'm moving.. (Jumping seems to have a worse effect for me, Super Jump is worse then Super Speed... for me...)

3) It has gone away for a day or so without doing anything. No attempt to fix it, the same with various attempts that I THINK fixed it.. Which prove futile..

Due to the randomness in how this occurs, and that I can effectively say there have been moments where it has happened for MULTIPLE people at the exact same time, I can say with close to a guarentee that it is NOTHING that the player is specifically doing.
This leaves NC (If they say it's not them: It either isn't, or they can't figure out what it is yet...), similar and recent changes that span multiple Video Card Manufacturers, Video Cards, or other possible hardware?

Unless all of the Manufacturers (or hardware/software peoples) have made similar changes to their products, it's possible it isn't them either.

This means the problem could be NCSoft releasing an update that has an effect on a semi-new update from Manufacturers.
It could contain code they've never used before, or that they use every year but due to a recent change by Manufacturers this year it developed problems for a lot of people..

I can't pretend to know, and I can't say all of this is fact..
Because a lot of it probably isn't..
It's opinions, and I'm quite sick of the flashing which has lead me to the conclusion that due to many people trying to fix it which don't share much in similarity.. It may be NCSoft's problem...



Midnight, see this:

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Thank you all for providing information about this issue, we have now been able to reproduce it and are preparing a fix to address the problem. You don't need to try and reinstall drivers at this point
We're just waiting for the patch that fixes it to be finished, pass QA, and get pushed out to the Live Server Environment.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Midnight, see this:

We're just waiting for the patch that fixes it to be finished, pass QA, and get pushed out to the Live Server Environment.
And it may not happen all that quickly. It's kind of like saying "We've confirmed that the problem with your engine running roughly is the fuel mixture." Well since there are a ton of things that can cause a wonky fuel mixture you have to work your way through them till you find out what is causing the imbalance, then try to find out why it's doing that.

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Haven't had the issue recur myself since I started avoiding any and all SG setting and base adjustments, which were the only things causing this for me. Only thing I haven't done that I'll need to is pay base rent. Hoping to delay that til the first try at a fix goes through.

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I'm glad to hear that this is what's causing it. Was making SG adjustments yesterday and Atlas was just, well awful, Hollows wasn't much better, finally logged to desktop and back in again, that helped for awhile. It started again but I was still doing SG adjustments. Never figured this was the problem so I am happy to know why it's happening.

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Sorry folks, but I don't use an SG base, and I still get the flickering, so that is not the cause of it. I have also noticed since I21 came out a much heavier load on my GPU than before.

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I agree this is not an SG issue. I was getting the problem and had never joined a SG on any of my toons. This issue never occurred until the release of the Halloween patch, that is the exact day that it started. What is also very telling is that if I do a /reloadgfx when I enter a mish the problem goes away until I re-enter a zone affected by the Halloween events. Then I can /reloadgfx until my fingers bleed and nothing changes until I enter a non-Halloween area again.



Would agree that it's not an SG issue for everyone. For me, that's been the only common cause.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Hi all,

A fix has been worked on and will be rolled out through one of the next couple of patches, provided it can be verified that it is not causing further issues. I'm not certain that it will resolve the non-SG related issue but I'm inquiring about it now.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Incoming update! The root cause of the flashing issue (whether caused by the SG interface or not) should be fixed in an upcoming patch!
First after redname obligatory comment... Yah...

Avatea, any idea when the patch will come through. This is making it very difficult for me to play the game... The constant flashing seems to be headache inducing at least for me, and as such I have been having to cut my playtime down vastly over the last two weeks.

Thanks for any further information,

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Avatea, thanks so much for posting that info here! It is always such a positive thing when the-powers-that-be let us know what's going on via feedback.

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Haven't experienced this issue since my first post in this thread... but it is back.

Hopefully that aforementioned patch is on the way soon.



Some people I have talked to have reported the graphic flickering as early as Issue 19/I19, and, yes, this is for both ATI and Nvidia chip users. Un-installing the latest driver and cleaning up the leftovers with driver sweeper or what-not, then, installing an earlier driver helps for a time. A few have reported limited success with Catalyst 11.3, and I have tried it myself, and had nary a flicker until I entered my base, then it returned with a vengeance.

When using the latest drivers, it was a strobe light for me, as well, and did seem to be the worst when jumping, but, even running it would appear, and, after a while, even turning, or standing still, I would still have the flickering graphics/strobe light flashes. The game is nigh-un-playable for many, and as others have said, this is not a good thing for first time users to see when they try out the game. Fixing this should be one of the highest priority items the devs should work on.

The Catalyst 11.10 has been released, but . . . after all of their earlier attempts have resulted in failure, I am leery of trusting yet another one. Let's hope that the patch works, and works for everyone. At this point, however, I'm going to believe it when I see it.

Any E.T.A. on the patch?

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The patch to fix this has just been posted to the Training Room. If you are experiencing this issue, especially those that can't seem to get rid of it permanently, please update your Test client and see if it's resolved.

If you don't test it and they push the patch live without it actually fixing the problem then the time has been wasted.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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I recently returned to the game and am having these screen flashes under win7 x64 , nvidia gtx 570.

I notice the last post on this has been some time ago, and there was a patch to address this.

Tweaking settings seems to have zero effect.

Any one elses client still plagued by this very frustrating problem?

Edit: using latest nvidia drivers



If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'll take that as "I don't know".