Graphics "Flashing" Since Today's Patch



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
Gah! I wasn't getting very much of this. Until now.

I went to Atlas to pay base rent, went back towards tram and got tons of it. Zoned into Talos, and had tons of it.

Maybe reading this thread causes flashing in game.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Ok, how about this. What add ons do people having the problem use? Map pack? Icons? Sound mods? etc...?

Also have you changed character order around and saved that?

Basically anything other than just installing the game and letting it do its own thing.

There has to be something in common with people experiencing this.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



I think the issue with screen flash COULD be related to the Bats Aura. I didn't have any screen flash until my character flew with the Bats Aura on in Cap au Diable. Then, when I took it off of him, and restarted the game, it was gone.

Perhaps other people in the same area as you with the aura is what is causing the issue? When I logged back in it was early in the morning and NO ONE was around in the zones I went to.



I have no add-on programs running with CoH. The idea it might be the bat aura is worth looking into because I think it started the first time I logged on and was standing next to someone with it. Also, it often starts when I enter a new zone. Certainly possible that there is a person with the aura there.


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457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Been having the same issue. Faster I move, the more the flickering. My drivers are up to date, and I am rolling with an ATI Radeon HD 5770. Tried defragging hard drive, then repair, then tried adjusting the Screen Resolution/UI to 'Windowed' as support recommended I do. No dice.

The screen flashing is causing me severe headaches, to the point where I can't play. I can handle some flashing (movies, for example), but this is a constant, steady stream of pain for me. Mind you, this only happens when outdoors, and only sporadically in missions.

I'm just glad I wasn't the only one having the 'Flashing Strobe Light' issue.

I truly hope this gets resolved, and soon, as I feel that I have been paying just to get a headache of late.

And no, I am not running any add-ons. I usually play music while goofing off in CoV/CoH, but shut that down. Still no effect. Still having the 'Strobe Light Effect'.



"When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare." -Tom Robbins



Im so glad to see this thread. I got this flickering yesterday didnt have it before and now that I see someone mention bat's aura. I ran into someone with it yesterday before it started flickering. Not sure if this is the issue. If it helps Im also running a nvidia card.



Has anyone gotten anywhere with support on this issue? They keep acting like this is an issue with my system when it's clearly bigger than that. Getting very frustrating.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Using NVidia GeForce GT 240M card and had the flashing after the patch. I saw this post and the comments about updating drivers so I went out to Nvidia and saw I had the lastest ones. Reinstalled them anyway and the problem went away.

My suggestion to those having this problem is to install the latest drivers for your card even if you already have them, see what happens.

For those on Nvidia cards they just released new drivers in the last couple days.



Same here, graphics flashing particularly outdoors when flying or turning around. When really bad, character will appear on a black background for a sec and I can see all other characters and NPCs through buildings. Often can see other player's auras through walls, even when not flashing.



I just installed nVidia 285 drivers (latest) and the flashing has gone away. So, don't know what changed in game, but nVidia seems to be on top of it

nVidia 460 1GB



Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
I just installed nVidia 285 drivers (latest) and the flashing has gone away. So, don't know what changed in game, but nVidia seems to be on top of it

nVidia 460 1GB
Oh, it's not just me then. I thought my GPU was dying!

Currently running a GTX 460 on 280.26 (was having the same problem on 275.33)

I'll install 285.62 and hope that sorts it.



glad it isn't just me.

205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



Finally managed to capture a few images of the "occurrence", posted those at the bottom. I've also included a few links and tools I've gotten from support as resolution attempts in case anyone wants to try any of those. Unfortunately, I can not report any complete success. The new Nvidia drivers from the 24th seemed to help considerably but not completely..

I think I have conclusively eliminated the Bats Aura hypothesis as well ;
I still had toons in "Outbreak" with no Bats Aura and not a soul in sight who might have had it.. So used those to test with. Still ended up with flashing/flickering..
It was a good theory though..

Link and Tools from support ;

Disabling the Aero feature of Windows Vista/7 has helped with issues similar to what you are experiencing. Please try disabling it by doing the following:

1. Right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize.

2. In the Personalize window scroll down and choose one of the "Basic and High Contrast Themes."

3. Accept the changes and try running the game again.

Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail

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137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End



The same problem you've all been describing hit me yesterday, and after a couple hours of play today it returned with a vengeance. I have an ATI Radeon HD 4550 and run Windows XP(32bit) at 1600x1280 with bare minimal Ultra settings(low shadows, low water, low reflections, with no occlusion as I know the card simply can't handle it).

I've had no problems with these settings up until yesterday, and it simply makes the game unplayable. When I stand still, everything's fine, but the instant I move it's like a strobe light. If I were epileptic it would probably give me a seizure it's just so bad.

I don't have vidiotmaps installed, just the regular game client. My drivers are as up to date with the official ATI drivers released on 9/28/11.



Might as well add myself and Strife Fox to this list. Both of us have Windows 7 x64 and are running ATI Radeon HD 5570. Both of us have uninstalled and reinstalled with only temporary fixes. Both of us have ran the Repair feature. Again, temporary fix.

We both have Vidiot maps installed though I do not think that is making a difference. Also, no bat auras for either of us. And like everyone else, it only started after the last patch.

Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr



Yep. I've had this problem as well recently. I've never had a problem with any graphics on my computer, and have not changed anything, settings or otherwise since Going Rogue initially came out.

I'll be able to run the game for 2-3 hours, and the screen flashing will start up. If I DARE to edit one of my SG bases though, it starts up within several to 15 minutes thereafter. Only way to resolve the flashing is to exit the game and restart it.

I have a Windows XP with GTX260 and had downloaded the new nVidia drivers two days ago; it seemed to help a bit but, I'm still getting the flashing at around the 3-4 hour mark, which seems to correspond to the average time I can stay logged in before the game crashes on me as it routinely does every 4 hours or so or steady game play (usually crashes in a trial, zone invasion, or during base editing).

I truly hope this gets resolved soon; if this is an issue for veteran players/forumites, imagine the effect this is having on the F2P folks that don't have a voice here in the forums or are uninformed/unwilling to posting a support ticket; I'm sure they're not inclined to continue to play a game that starts going to epilectic screen flashes after a few hours of gameplay.



Getting this problem, although not as bad as some others in this thread.

However, on the Beta Test server, I'm getting it much worse. :/



Hello all!

Our technical team is investigating this issue but needs more data. If you haven't already, could you send them a ticket via the support /petition command in game or our Support centre (see link in my signature below)? That'd be most appreciated.

Thank you!

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had this problem as well, i ran a repair and it hasn't re-appeared



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Hello all!

Our technical team is investigating this issue but needs more data. If you haven't already, could you send them a ticket via the support /petition command in game or our Support centre (see link in my signature below)? That'd be most appreciated.

Thank you!
w00t ! Thanks for the heads up Avatea ! It's good to know that this is now an officially recognized issue. I have a ticket in already and will continue to provide updates and I strongly urge anyone who hasn't already done so to do as Avatea mentioned and get a support ticket filed. [ see Avatea's post for links ] If we get them enough data we can hopefully get the issue identified and resolved !


Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail

22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End



I'm suffering from the flashing screen as well, and I also have the most up to date drivers on my computer.

The flashing actually started with the release of i21, but it was not on zone maps. The first flashing I noticed was on the loading screens. Part way through loading the screen flashes black and then back again and sometimes I can see the graphics reloading.

With both the loading screen and the zone maps, what it reminds me of is typing /unloadgfx only the effect is faster and harder to catch, but if I'm getting a lot of lag I do catch it.

Could this be something that is an attempt at keeping us from crashing due to the memory leaks of the graphics?



I've had flashing twice. Restarting the game always solves the problem for me. If it happens again, I'll send my info in.



Fortunately I haven't had the issue recently so I don't have any info for the tech team but if it happens again I'll definitely submit it.



I think I had this same problem Monday night. My screen would flash/flicker black almost constantly. Only way to have it not happen was to stay completely stationary. Odd thing was that Monday afternoon, no problems. It got me so frustrated I did a full reboot of my computer and no more problems.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



I've been suffering from this as well. Game runs fine in the beginning, but then it will suddenly start flickering. When I travel or when in combat. Once it starts it wont completely stop unless I reboot. I have not done much to try and fix the problem other then changing some graphic option in the game to see if it helped (it didn't). Typing /reloadgfx after the flickering issue starts produces a real interesting smashed looking load screen.

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
MoBo: Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2GB
DirectX Version: DirectX 11