Graphics "Flashing" Since Today's Patch



imac here,
same issue of Screen Flash, it only happens if i am moving around a bit, or if i load onto a new map it will happen a bit at first, then only if i move around.
I managed to get the flash to change from black to purple/blue to white by adjusting various graphics settings, none of which actually stopped the flashing.
On my Kin with sprint, ninja run and siphon speed all up, the flashing takes on strobe intensity.



Update: there was a lot of flashing right after the patch yesterday. Today, I ran a 'repair' before going in, then a defrag. The flashing is all gone and my game is beautiful again.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I haven't had to try yet, but my ticket response was to see if 'safe mode' made any difference. Not as a fix but as a troubleshooting step. Didn't see in here anywhere that anyone had tried that. Has anyone ? Did it make any difference ?

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I ran repair and it's still there. Very distracting and just go the standard "it's you not us" response from support.


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Running the repair *seems* to have worked for me, as well, but I haven't had a lot of time to play and check.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



Fingers crossed...

But I haven't had any more issues with the flashing since I did a fresh install of drivers.

I have been getting some major lag, but I assume that has more to do with running ToT with 5 MMs on one team.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Some positive news.

The repair function seems to have fixed the flashing in-game- but I'm still getting it slightly in the 'stume creator, of all places, while stepping through items in drop-down menus, as if the menu is forcing a screen refresh every time a new item is highlighted.

At least the game is playable again...for now. For me. YMMV.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



Guess I'm joining the list of the flashing victims. Updated drivers. ect... blah blah. It's gotten pretty bad. I actually started avoiding playing because it just irritated me so. Turning down my resolution didn't help. I also have several friends suffering from the same issue. I seriously hope they fix it soon!



just went on now for first time since the patch. flickering, stuff goes invisible, every time i move. especially bad when moving forward and turning at the same time. installing another new version of drivers now, as it seems ATI put out a couple new versions since i got advised of the update earlier in the week.

edit: looked like it was fixed, but it came back after a half hour or so.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



It was fine for almost a day until I got invited to a team in PI that had 3 MMs, 1 had bubbles. When I arrived the flashing started again and would not go away even after I left the team, loaded into other zones/missions. I wish there would be some word that they are looking in to this, because the game quickly becomes unplayable when this happens.


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457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
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or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Apparently this problem has also been happening for people who have an ATI card and play rage.

AMD has released a preview version of their latest driver The AMD catalyst 11.10 version 3 preview. This seems to have solved the problem in rage. Hopefully it will solve the problem in CoH as well. I can't test it myself since I use Nvidia but one of you might try it.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



I have it as well, new drivers installed, as I was warned there was a problem. It usually starts for me in Atlas, and gets WAY worse as I move into Atlas Park plaza. There used to be a problem like this many moons ago where a specific costume part caused crashes. I am sure they are looking into it.

@Purple Lynx
Heroes - Circle of Light
Villians - Ultimate Supremacy



11.10 driver I listed is a beta driver so it won't be listed as the officially latest driver. And being a beta it could have other problems. But it was rushed out specifically to correct the flashing problems people were having while playing Rage.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
11.10 driver I listed is a beta driver so it won't be listed as the officially latest driver. And being a beta it could have other problems. But it was rushed out specifically to correct the flashing problems people were having while playing Rage.

I have a GeoForce GTS 450 using the latest Nividia drivers, so this is not just an issue with one graphics card. Repair seems to fix it for a while, but it always comes back and gets progressively worse.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
I have a GeoForce GTS 450 using the latest Nividia drivers, so this is not just an issue with one graphics card. Repair seems to fix it for a while, but it always comes back and gets progressively worse.

interesting to hear someone using Nvidia graphics as well. It was seeming like it'd be yet another issue affecting only users with ATI cards, but maybe it'll be alooked at as possibly being an issue with the game itself. Maybe?

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



I had major flashing right after the patch. A repair from the Launcher corrected it for the most part, but it still happens from time to time. Basically, the "world" disappears for a tiny fraction of a second, leaving only characters hanging against the "skybox" backdrop.

Running nvidia GTX 460 here, 280.26 drivers (newer beta drivers are available, but I'm loathe to try betas to fix a problem in a single game) on Windows 7 Home Premium (x64).


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



We've got 3 nVidia machines here, and 2 of the 3 have shown this issue. The 9800GT and GTX 260 machines both have had the flickering. The GTX 285 machine has not had this. All 3 are Win 7 and none have had their drivers updated outside of the Windows update.

The odd thing with ours is it seems to happen most often after doing a lot of alt+tabbing. We played last night with no flickering on either of the machines in about 3 hours after they had both had the symptoms previously. No repair, no update of drivers - nothing.

I'm lost on this one as I can't repeat the symptoms at all.

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just another random dude



Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
I had major flashing right after the patch. A repair from the Launcher corrected it for the most part, but it still happens from time to time. Basically, the "world" disappears for a tiny fraction of a second, leaving only characters hanging against the "skybox" backdrop.

Running nvidia GTX 460 here, 280.26 drivers (newer beta drivers are available, but I'm loathe to try betas to fix a problem in a single game) on Windows 7 Home Premium (x64).
I have the GTX 460 and I'm using ancient drivers. I haven't updated them in about a year. I never bother updating my drivers unless I have a performance drop that is actually noticeable. Since CoH plays the same for me as it did a year ago with good frame rates I haven't bothered.

Since I am experiencing no flashing issues what so ever so if you don't absolutely need the newer drivers for some other game you are playing you might want to try stepping them back a few to see if that fixes it.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I have the GTX 460 and I'm using ancient drivers. I haven't updated them in about a year. I never bother updating my drivers unless I have a performance drop that is actually noticeable. Since CoH plays the same for me as it did a year ago with good frame rates I haven't bothered.

Since I am experiencing no flashing issues what so ever so if you don't absolutely need the newer drivers for some other game you are playing you might want to try stepping them back a few to see if that fixes it.
Maybe, but these drivers haven't been updated since August, and CoH ran just fine with them until the latest patch. Considering all the people posting here about the flashing issue starting just now, and the fact it's happening with both ATI and nvidia cards, it seems likely the game is just broken. I doubt a driver rollback would help.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Has anyone been able to capture a screenshot of the effects ? I've tried to grab one to include in my ongoing support ticket but not a single attempt will yield the effects in the image, each one turns out perfectly fine..

Also, is there any consistency at all to when anyone else is deteriorating to the 'flashing' ? I can run fine for hours then make a toon and get hit instantly when getting to Atlas. At first I thought it was related to Epics as well because that's when I was noticing it most but I think that was just coincidence..

We've established it can't be graphics card specific, we've got ATI and Nvidia going on..

We've established it can't be drivers, we've got people using most recent and ancient ones with both fresh installs and un/re-installs..

We've established that the Repair function seems to work initially / for a bit but doesn't resolve the issue..

Some other practices I've seen ( none of which have worked anything but temporarily for me ) ;
-running a defrag
-running msconfig and clearing start-up programs and services
-complete game un/re-install

Anyone else have anything to add to the compilation ?

Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail

22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End



My experience is that restarting the game seems to fix it for a while. Like someone mentioned above it seems to be at least partially related to alt-tabbing but that isn't conclusive.



Originally Posted by Dragon_Surge View Post
[B]Has anyone been able to capture a screenshot of the effects ? I've tried to grab one to include in my ongoing support ticket but not a single attempt will yield the effects in the image, each one turns out perfectly fine.
I ran through PI taking screenshots as I ran....lots of misses,but I finally caught it mid-flash.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



That's a great screen shot Wrong_Number!

I played for about 2hrs last night without issue. Used the Wentworth teleporter to go to Altas: had flashing until I logged out 10 minutes later.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Nice catch Wrong_Number...that is the exact "culprit". I have the ATI 5400 chipset in my laptop and it is having the same issue. I am using the 11.9's and I tried the beta 11.10's with the same issue. The "repair solution" fixed it for a few hours, but the flashing came back.

Tonight it happened when I logged off one toon and returned with another. I ran the "repair solution" again and the flashing stopped, so I believe there is some form of "leak" going on with the game. Weird thing is neither of my two desktops are experiencing this problem at all, and they are both ATI' a 5870 and the other is a 6670.



Gah! I wasn't getting very much of this. Until now.

I went to Atlas to pay base rent, went back towards tram and got tons of it. Zoned into Talos, and had tons of it.
