The future sets
They've already said that they have something in the works for Dominators...what exactly it is we don't know yet but the suspicions are that its a new power-set or two since they were left out of the last round of proliferation. Be patient.
The problem with new travel powers is that unless the animations are very similar to the current ones, which it doesn't sound like what you want, is it would require all new animation transitions for them, or for the power to disable all other powers, like the rocket board, also not too useful. A plane or car transformation would basically be fly or super speed, but with a ton of extra work to figure out the logistics of how the other hundreds powers will work with them and doing that. Sure it might look cool, but functionally it wouldn't add anything to the game except taking time away from doing other things that could add more to the game, for a limited amount of concepts.
Then there comes the argument about how they should look, which plane or car to use. Power customization could come into play here, but they already have issues swapping character models for power customization (would be the same issue they have with kheldians and stone armor now) so new tech work and a ton of animation work all to get players that is essentially the same as what they already have, just with a different look.
The Ironman-like mechanized armor/suit can be handled via costume changes pretty easily.
New god-like ATs present a problem of balance. If an AT can do anything, then everyone will play that and only that. Chances are we'll never get that because balancing it will either nerf out the powers you want or make someone WAY too overpowered, and arguably we're already overpowered for some things in the game.
I could see them take the power-sets and instead of tying everything to an element basically make the power-set have a specific secondary effect of the specific powers, but then open the power customization WAY up. Keep the power effects and allow players to change the powers in, for example, electric blast, to look like a fireball instead, or radiation blast, or whatever, and keep the power effects. Blast sets are pretty standardized and I think it could be done there. Other sets might have issues, but anything is possible, just somethings might take more time.
As far as cosmic powers like you're describing, much of it can be handled with the current power customization. Simply choose the secondary effect you want your powers to have, find a power-set that handles that most closely, and customize your powers to look how you want. Granted its not perfect, and some imagination might have to take place on your part, but a lot can be handled now currently in the game.
They've already said that they want to proliferate as many of the power-sets and concepts for powers as they can between all the ATs. All of this requires work and time. Its a lot quicker to port existing powers over than it is to create new ones. If there is a specific set you want on an AT, let it be known, but realize it will be a few months most likely before it comes out. The devs have indicated that their schedule is packed for the near future with other things so the closer to existing sets a power-set is, the more likely it will take less work and come out sooner.
What we really need is Fire and Ice themed Kheldians.
Silver Surfer style movement.... Surfboard that zoooms.
Some other sets I would like to see.
Street type fighting for blasters secondary not as flashy and strong but perfect for natural types.
A gun + sword melee set, put some limitation on the gun so as not to overbalance the set.
being able to combine range sets for different element attacks would be cool, having 1 fire, ice, electric blast.
More customization in the sets so you could make them look more magical or even cosmic.
Animal trait power sets would be cool, not changing shape, something like powers that Animal Man or Vixen has. Melee set getting a claw attack, spit venom, and rhino charge. Along with something like elephant hide, fast reflexes or even a built in travel power for flight or speed.
Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list
As far as powersets go?
I'd love to see a sonic assault for doms, but more for mechanical reasons than anything else
How about a psi epic for melee types?
I'd love to see a conceptually non-restrictive spines type set for melee. Spines is basically an assault set for scrappers, which is great, so long as I want to be covered in prickely bits.
I love the playstyle, but I've only got two characters where I made the look feel right.
In terms of entire ATs? how about assault/buff-debuff and assault pets (needs to be a mez shield in there somewhere)
The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!
I'm still waiting on Dual Archery Defense.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I'm probably reading into this too much, but Animal controll/doms?
Edit: Hey post # 666! Yeah, I'm wrong...
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
We need sharks with lasers on their heads.
Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)
We need... energy control!
Protect your team with the power of knockback !!
Don't worry mister brute, I'll keep you safe by putting a repel shield on you
No, you can't cancel it.
It's pet spams knockback heavy energy attacks on everything.
Forget new travel powers, we just need this as a back option.
Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".
As long as these new sets come with a preview period, it'd be enough to make me happy.
They've already said that they have something in the works for Dominators...what exactly it is we don't know yet but the suspicions are that its a new power-set or two since they were left out of the last round of proliferation. Be patient.
Going to nip this potential rumor in the bud. There is no immediate plan to revamp, remove, alter, change, nerf or buff this archetype as a whole. I never said changes were coming. I said we had plans for the archetype. As in plans for power sets. So, stay tuned for that in the future! (And by future I mean post I21.)
Also, if you didn't see your set proliferated it is likely because we plan on having another round (or rounds) of proliferation in future issues and we only had enough time to implement as many sets as we did. Regards, Synapse |

In recent Ustream, Posi and Zwil were asked again about an animal MM set. They both said they'd love to but needed all new 4 legged rigs which were not yet in the game. Since we now know that a 4 legged rig will indeed be added with the halloween trial as a wold model, I would be shocked if such a MM set wasn't already being worked on.
Light powersets, if the Carnival o' War is any indication. Considerin' Galaxy Girl is an established character in the game with said powers, I'm surprised it hasn't come out previously. They'll probably be a wash o' Energy Manipulation/Melee/Attack, sort o' how Energy Aura got the Electric Armor treatment, but with less stuns and KB and more blind/ToHit debuffs and maybe some semi-solid objects.
For Masterminds, I could see a Clone powerset. They've touched on some clone stuff in some previous storyarcs, and with Neuron's Army of Neu and Trapdoor's Bifurcation ability, and maybe if you [spoiler] your clone, you'll unlock it. I don't think they would literally be full powered clones, but Lts to your boss level status. Perhaps the tier 9 could temporarily merge all your active clones into you and you get a pseudo-level boost.
Those are really the only two that spring to mind immediately, but I'm sure if I had to, I could come up with a humorous one, like the ubiquitous Carp Melee to slap enemies around with a fresh trout.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
I'd like to see some new sets added to the power pool.
Tempt me away from my favorites. Make me have to weigh my decisions carefully.
This is something that could have a positive impact on all toons
Waaaaay back when they introduced Kheldians, they stated the possibility of other epic ATs in the future, either unlocked through some Trial being completed on the account or through attaining a required level. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this. At this point though, I would expect the wall that any new "epic" ATs were locked behind to be one of cash rather than of accomplishment.
- Garielle
Waaaaay back when they introduced Kheldians, they stated the possibility of other epic ATs in the future, either unlocked through some Trial being completed on the account or through attaining a required level. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this. At this point though, I would expect the wall that any new "epic" ATs were locked behind to be one of cash rather than of accomplishment.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Ok lets be honest, we have had a nice few new sets so far, street justice is not bad, time manipulation is quite fun, and titan weapons so to be released in a couple of weeks, and staff fighting a few months.
But what about the future?
Personally something for dominators would be nice, also something for blasters i.e the concept of cosmic powers is amazing, plus psychic melee and psychic armor were ideas thrown around becore,
I also urge a new travel power, I duno like transform into a car would be cool, or a plane, also mechanized assault could be good, like iron man type powers, cosmic assault and cosmic control for dominator, what about a new AT?? Like a celestial AT, or an incarnate AT well we got the powers so that wud be pointless, but maybe a kind of godlike AT with a bunch of various powers from other sets, a mix if you will, i.e lightning bolt, fire ball, but the colours would be the same unchangeble, white but eith a cosmos feeling with lil stars and a bang type of animation.
Anyone else feel they could work for coh? Lol
Well I saw the idea on the forums for radiation armor and melee, sounds good, I do feel pressed to say that we want more dominators powers :-)
Let me know what you guys think.