It's time to improve Broadsword




Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
BS/FA ALREADY hits like a truck. This would make it hit like a freakin' asteroid.

And that is how it should be, the combo needs some help in my opinion.
I don't have one, but yeah, as best I can tell, the ONLY thing it does particularly well is hit like a truck. Emphasize the positive!

(OK, yes, I'm sure you could make a very survivable BS/FA if you wanted. It's just not its strength, I'd say.)

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The post that was previously here wasn't contributing much. This edited version takes my thought and actually makes it useful.

Let's say we take the standard Build Up, call it Determination, and add +30% Lethal damage for 30 seconds. This would be due to your determined attacks trying to take out your target and landing more effectively.

The boost to Lethal would affect only your sword powers and related temporary powers if there even are any. So it makes sense conceptually.

It has a longer duration than the universal boost to damage, so it helps level Broadsword with the other sets some.

It would make Broadsword's burst damage even greater, as attacks made with your sword during the first 10s would have +130% damage.

It also has no crash or debuff at the end, which has drawn objections from people reading the thread.

I liked the idea of adding smashing damage, but someone had an excellent point that there's no reason wielding a sword should make non-Broadsword attacks deal extra smashing damage. The workaround for that seemed very complicated though and a main point of the thread has been to keep the solution simple to implement. I think this may be the simplest fix that satisfies all the concerns seen so far.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Two things I've been thinking about:

1. Change the critical damage from 100% to 150%
2. Add a 100% chance to critical for the next attack or two after BU is used, or perhaps 75% for scrappers/brutes and 100% for stalkers (allowing them to use it for another critical attack out of hide). Keep a little +damage.

I think this mechanic would help both the big number jockeys and the sets overall performance.

TW/Elec Optimization



There is some quite good ideas the smashing damage and break armour concepts..however...I am still trying to work something out. WHY does Broadsword need a buff?
Not trying to start arguments..but hardly any reasons for the buffing were actually giving..besides the old 'I think it should be so.' Comparisons to Katana are made, and since I have both a BS and Kat scrapper and do not see a huge imbalance, I thought I would look at mids.
For basic Damage...BS is ahead in FIVE powers. Kat in a single one.
For DPA...Kat is ahead in FIVE, BS in one.
For Damage/End...BS is ahead in five, Kat in two.
For DPS..BS is ahead in four, Kat in two.

Is this really a huge deal? Given that the idea of Kat is fast, more elegant attacks, while BS is brute force hacking and chopping. But the comparison that BS is not as good as KAt is a silly guessed it..BS is NOT Katana. Why should it be the same, or better?

Oh hang on, my MA scrapper has inferior AoE to my spines..buff MA aoe! No, it just doesnt work. Another guy in this thread said that BS would be his last choice for a Scrapper..fine..that is HIS choice. Going back to the 'Buff set X because I say so.'

Assuming that DPA is just the magical value to which all sets are measured on..lets look at other sets compared to BS.

Battle Axe: wins in 2, loses in 5
Claws: wins in 5, loses in 2
DM: wins in 4, loses in 3
DB: wins in 5, loses in 2
FM: wins in 6, loses in 1
KM: wins in 4, loses in 3
MA: wins in 5, loses in 2
Spines: wins in ZERO, loses in 7
WM: wins in 2, loses in 5

So yeah..most sets do have better DPA than BS. Because, ya know, it is SLOW. Thats because it is a giant sword. Does anyone think spines is a bad set? Anyone? No? Well..spines has worse DPA in all 7 powers..than BS! Wow, how bad MUST spines be then??

Ok, I did slip into less nice arguments..but still. I do not see any reason BS needs a buff. COuld it use one..for sure! What set couldn't use some tweaking. I love my BS scrapper, he hits like a ton of bricks. Lets leave the set, before they change it for the worse.



I have no problems with BS being buffed.

I also have no problems with it being the weakest Scrapper primary.

If it is made exactly as good as the second weakest set, doesn't that still leave it the weakest set?

You can see where the logic goes from there: straight into Power Creep, unless the true aim is to make all sets exactly equal by some metric, in case we should state that metric up front so that all proposals can address that.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
I have no problems with BS being buffed.

I also have no problems with it being the weakest Scrapper primary.

If it is made exactly as good as the second weakest set, doesn't that still leave it the weakest set?

You can see where the logic goes from there: straight into Power Creep, unless the true aim is to make all sets exactly equal by some metric, in case we should state that metric up front so that all proposals can address that.
I think the idea is that there should be *some* kind of mechanical/mathematical advantage the set has over, say, katana which is superior in every mechanical way. If the sets are going to differ only in animations that's cool, but there should be some reason to play Broadsword so people who pick that aesthetic don't feel that they picked a set that is inferior in every way.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

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Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
I think the idea is that there should be *some* kind of mechanical/mathematical advantage the set has over, say, katana which is superior in every mechanical way.
That I agree with, perhaps trading the word 'advantage' for 'specialty'.

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Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

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Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
I think the idea is that there should be *some* kind of mechanical/mathematical advantage the set has over, say, katana which is superior in every mechanical way. If the sets are going to differ only in animations that's cool, but there should be some reason to play Broadsword so people who pick that aesthetic don't feel that they picked a set that is inferior in every way.
Right. Let's make it inferior only in SOME ways.

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Originally Posted by Lord Rahvin View Post
Right. Let's make it inferior only in SOME ways.
Broadsword exceeds Katana in burst dps, don't forget that. It's not totally inferior.

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Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
Broadsword exceeds Katana in burst dps, don't forget that. It's not totally inferior.
As far as I understand, that'd be only through Damage per Power. Once you drop a time length into it (e.g. 10 seconds of Build Up), with Katana's quick animations, it pulls ahead.

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Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
Broadsword exceeds Katana in burst dps, don't forget that. It's not totally inferior.
This is only true if by "burst damage" you mean one attack and one only. With 2+ katana catches up and even starts to pull ahead because, as errant mentioned, time becomes a factor and it has quicker animations. Even if burst is just 10 seconds, katana is slightly better.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
Broadsword exceeds Katana in burst dps, don't forget that. It's not totally inferior.
The burst stat is best encapsulated in Damage per Activation. And Katana smokes BS in that.

I look at it like this. Headsplitter delivers about 3 damage scale for 2.33 seconds of animation.

Golden Dragonfly + Gamber's Cut delivers 3.5 damage for 2.5 seconds. While at the same time being able to deliver two chances at procs, crits, etc.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Comparing two attacks from Kat to one from BS doesnt really work..since you get two chances to miss.

And adding procs into the mix? How does that give an indication of which sets are better or worse? It simply depends on what sets have more proc-ability. Going by that, it would make rad or dual pistols far and away better than most other blast sets. And the general consensus is..they arent.

Looking through Mids comparing DPA of kat to other is better than a lot of them. Does this mean they all suddenly need a buff too? Make any argument you want about that, but I think it is because the devs said its gonna be a fast quick set. Hell, look in the powerset description..'A quick elegant weapon, faster than broadsword.' You know..faster?? Like..not as slow?

Just about every time I see a decent BS scrapper on a team, it makes me want to play mine. Because of the damage as much as how it looks. If you don't like the set..don;t play it.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Comparing two attacks from Kat to one from BS doesnt really work..since you get two chances to miss.
True, but that's not really a good or bad thing, it's just a thing. With a normal 95% hit chance, Broadsword has a 1/20 chance to do zero damage with its one attack, while Katana only has a 1/400 chance to do zero damage with its two attacks together.
And adding procs into the mix? How does that give an indication of which sets are better or worse? It simply depends on what sets have more proc-ability. Going by that, it would make rad or dual pistols far and away better than most other blast sets. And the general consensus is..they arent.
The procs alone don't make it a stronger set, but it's yet another point in Katana's favor.
but I think it is because the devs said its gonna be a fast quick set. Hell, look in the powerset description..'A quick elegant weapon, faster than broadsword.' You know..faster?? Like..not as slow?
Yes, but "faster" does not have to also include "just plain better".

Comparing the DPA of every melee set is not nearly as useful a comparison because those sets do vastly different things. Spines or Electric Melee have worse DPA, but they also have more AoE than Broadsword, so you have to account for more things to make a comparison. Katana is the most direct comparison, and it's a comparison where Broadsword comes out behind in every meaningful way. You can compare it to all of the other sets and account for all of the differences, and Broadsword again comes out behind.
If you don't like the set..don;t play it.
But I DO like the set. And I DO play it. I have not one, but two level 50 Broadsword Scrappers. One of them is my oldest character, and was the first character with which I did basically everything up through I18. The other was the first character I took to the iTrials. I would just like to play them without that nagging feeling of "I could be better in every way if I rerolled with Katana or War Mace."

On the last page you said:
I do not see any reason BS needs a buff. COuld it use one..for sure!
...but that was already the tone of this thread from the very first post. I haven't seen anyone say Broadsword is a bad set, just that it should have something special to call its own to make it not just "Katana except inferior". Lord Rahvin said it nicely:
Originally Posted by Lord Rahvin View Post
Right. Let's make it inferior only in SOME ways.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Yeah, I see your point, but that's WAY complicated. Just make it a Fiery Embrace clone, swap damage types, and call it a day. You get 95 percent of the verisimilitude you want for 5 percent of the coding effort.
There is no coding involved. This can all be done with the existing powers system. My version is actually less work. The FE change was extremely labor intensive because EVERY power for Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes had to have fire damage added. My version requires only BS powers to change.

Edit: I see other posters have the same misconception. Making BS's BU into a full FE treatment is only conceptually simpler. It's far harder to implement.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



How is the proccing ability in KATs favour when both sets can take the SAME amount of procs??

You want to get rid of the feeling of wishing you rolled kat or GO and roll those sets. There is nothing at all stopping you. Different sets, different performance. I already said that BS could use some tweaking and a unique feel, but so can just about any of the older sets.

Again, I do not see any issue with BS having worse DPA than Kat..its meant to be slow. Is it an issue that the sets are very very similar? Perhaps it is. All I know is..BS hits harder. If you are that torn up over a minor difference in dpa (I think its minor, at the most) you are too busy playing numbers, rather than playing the game.

Also.. no matter what set you pick, there is ALWAYS going to be a time on a pug, with lots of other sets around..when you say to yourself..Man, I wish I had THAT power..

I had never once been on a team with my BS scrapper, seen a katana scrapper at work, and though..gee I wish I picked Kat instead... But, on the other had, I have seen BS scrappers, on my katana..and wished I was doing their damage.

To quote a convo I JUST saw..

[VirtueUnited]Terra Ryzing: I'm BS/WP atm. Will I suck compared to Katana/WP?
[VirtueUnited]Nightphall: No, Terra
[VirtueUnited]Ouul: Katana tends to flow better, but BS has more CRUNCH to it.

There you have it.


[VirtueUnited]Doctor Tornelco: But BS has that fun smash feel to it.
[VirtueUnited]Doctor Tornelco: But I personally say screw'em both and play Warmace.

So there you BS, no KAt..war wace all the way.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
How is the proccing ability in KATs favour when both sets can take the SAME amount of procs??

You want to get rid of the feeling of wishing you rolled kat or GO and roll those sets. There is nothing at all stopping you. Different sets, different performance. I already said that BS could use some tweaking and a unique feel, but so can just about any of the older sets.

Again, I do not see any issue with BS having worse DPA than Kat..its meant to be slow. Is it an issue that the sets are very very similar? Perhaps it is. All I know is..BS hits harder. If you are that torn up over a minor difference in dpa (I think its minor, at the most) you are too busy playing numbers, rather than playing the game.

Also.. no matter what set you pick, there is ALWAYS going to be a time on a pug, with lots of other sets around..when you say to yourself..Man, I wish I had THAT power..

I had never once been on a team with my BS scrapper, seen a katana scrapper at work, and though..gee I wish I picked Kat instead... But, on the other had, I have seen BS scrappers, on my katana..and wished I was doing their damage.

To quote a convo I JUST saw..

[VirtueUnited]Terra Ryzing: I'm BS/WP atm. Will I suck compared to Katana/WP?
[VirtueUnited]Nightphall: No, Terra
[VirtueUnited]Ouul: Katana tends to flow better, but BS has more CRUNCH to it.

There you have it.


[VirtueUnited]Doctor Tornelco: But BS has that fun smash feel to it.
[VirtueUnited]Doctor Tornelco: But I personally say screw'em both and play Warmace.

So there you BS, no KAt..war wace all the way.
EvilGeko explained how Katana has a proc advantage when comparing DPA of the two sets.

As for the rest of your post, it's all subjective and does little to aid the discussion, because the discussion is certainly about the numbers. If you don't care about the numbers than this clearly wasn't the conversation for you to be in.

The real fact of the matter is that no idea is going to find a large consensus in which it can be presented as a solution. Is this even an issue that is on the developer radar yet?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
How is the proccing ability in KATs favour when both sets can take the SAME amount of procs??
IO procs have a flat chance to fire. If you use the power more often, the proc goes off more often. This is why procs are great in buzzsaw chains, and lackluster in nukes. Katana powers are faster, so it uses more powers than Broadsword in the same amount of time, so the procs go off more often.
Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
You want to get rid of the feeling of wishing you rolled kat or GO and roll those sets. There is nothing at all stopping you. Different sets, different performance. I already said that BS could use some tweaking and a unique feel, but so can just about any of the older sets.
Indeed. Every now and again there are threads brainstorming ideas for those other older sets, too. Right now you happen to be in the Broadsword one. Different sets having different performance is great; I wouldn't like my various melee characters nearly as much if they all played the same. Different sets having strictly superior/inferior performance is another matter.



I know my post was subjective. That's because I previously stated numbers, showing DPA of various sets an example of why i do NOT think BS needs a buff.

If anything, it should be altered, not buffed. In order to make it different to Katana, not just because a set that is meant to be faster, is, amazingly! faster.

I realise that is sorta not very helpful, because I am agreeing and disagreeing..but still!



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I know my post was subjective. That's because I previously stated numbers, showing DPA of various sets an example of why i do NOT think BS needs a buff.

If anything, it should be altered, not buffed. In order to make it different to Katana, not just because a set that is meant to be faster, is, amazingly! faster.

I realise that is sorta not very helpful, because I am agreeing and disagreeing..but still!
No one is saying that BS should be buffed because Katana is faster. What they are saying is that when the Devs balanced speed vs damage, they gave too little damage. There is a point where kat and BS would do the same damage over time, kat making more attacks, BS making fewer but hitting harder. People are asking to get to that point, but to do it in a way that makes BS different from Kat.

Right now the two sets are functionally the same, but kat has better numbers in every category except if you measure one single hit.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
So yeah..most sets do have better DPA than BS. Because, ya know, it is SLOW. Thats because it is a giant sword. Does anyone think spines is a bad set? Anyone? No? Well..spines has worse DPA in all 7 powers..than BS! Wow, how bad MUST spines be then??
All the things Spines has that BS doesn't:

A ranged ST attack
Slow + Toxic + recharge debuff in all attacks
A Damage Aura (Did you really, truly try to compare Quills to a standard attack?)
A 15ft radius AoE
A ranged Cone

Certainly there are other sets like Axe that could use a pass, but the structure and power order of Katana and BS are nearly identical. But the devs did not ensure that BSs damage made up for its much slower animations. Comparing the DPA of an AoE focused set to BS is irrelevant. It's comparing apples and oranges.

But I must thank you for your arguments, for they have keep the discussion lively.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I still like the idea of changing Build Up to Berserk where it grants a higher amount of damage that degrades during its effect, or better yet, down scaling chance to proc smashing damage from 100% - say 20% over a set period of time.

The other idea I head was what if a new mechanic was added to BS called Follow Through.
Follow Through: your attack was delivered with so much force that your weapon managed to strike another target nearby.

Think of it as a chance to proc additional damage, but in a small area cone like Head Splitter, and only used for single target attacks. The proc damage shouldn't be in the extreme range, but in the range of normal procs, as its meant to impart the idea that you didn't intend to hit the second or third target, but rather it was incidental because you managed to cut through your intended target with such intensity.

Sure against single targets, BS still loses out to Katana, but in area effect, may pull ahead, or even out over time between both sets vs. multiple targets depending on the proc chance, the area of effect, and the proc damage.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I like this idea.

Broadswords are big and heavy, it would make perfect thematic sense for it to deal some smashing damage as well.

I see a lot of talk about adding some smashing damage being better than just adding damage. Or adjusting it so that the current damage is now partially smashing, partially lethal. Is this a real mechanical change? Doesn't almost every single thing int eh game have the exact same numbers for smashing defense and resistance as they do for Lethal defense and resistance. Other than Broadsword and Katana Parry, I can't think of any other way to end up with a different numbers for smashing and lethal. If it's reasonable to assume most enemies are designed somewhat similarly, than adding weird splits between smashing and lethal would have almost zero actual game effect. And if broadswords performance really does need an adjustment, then it strikes me that this can't be a real solution.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Doesn't almost every single thing int eh game have the exact same numbers for smashing defense and resistance as they do for Lethal defense and resistance.
No, there are quite a lot of enemies with lethal resist, but less/no smashing resist. Malta Titans, for example, have 50% lethal resist but only 30% smashing according to Paragonwiki. Rikti Drones seem to actually be vulnerable to smashing, but not lethal (never taken a power analyzer to this one but I always get unusually large hits on them with my SS/ brute), and Carnies are vulnerable to lethal but not smashing. Robots in general seem to resist lethal far more heavily than smashing.

Edit: If the NPC is getting resistance from a version of a player power, like Temp Invulnerability, then it will give equal parts smashing and lethal resist of course, but their base resistances are quite another matter.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
If the recharge is similar to Soul Drain, then extreme recharge builds would have near perma Build Up, and outdo Katana's DPS in addition to beating it at burst damage. But if you raise the recharge even further to prevent that, now the other 99% of players are waiting a really, really long time for their burst damage. It's also fixable with DPA adjustments, of course, but now you're less dominant in that first ten second burst. It could probably be balanced out, though.

I'm not entirely opposed, but I'd personally prefer to do more damage more often, just for a shorter period of time, instead of chasing a perma Build Up build. It also probably makes it easier to balance against Katana if they have the same duration and recharge, even if their effects are different.
Any new BU like power could always be made to be unaffected by recharge, like WPs T9. Then it could start with a low-ish recharge time, but be impossible to perma.