It's time to improve Broadsword




Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I'm hoping I've clarified rather than confused the issue, but it's hard for me to know.
Werner, I think you've clarified the issue in an excellent manner. Your post very clearly defines the difference between Broadsword and Katana that I, and others I'm sure, assumed everyone reading the thread already knew. In fact, your post should be the opening argument of any formal request for a buff to Broadsword.

Now, if we could only agree on the nature of the buff needed we could write up an informative and detailed description of the problem and our solution. I'm now thinking that a change to Build Up might actually be too much in Broadsword's favor. I'd rather see a flat increase to damage in Broadsword attacks to bring it even with Katana numerically. I'm not enough of a math wiz to calculate the increase that would be needed though.

Another idea I had was to change Slash to deal more damage or cost less endurance or something. That would possibly allow for Broadsword to pull ahead in burst damage and/or DPS by making Slash more ideal in attack chains. I'm not sure if that would be the best solution though, since I'd expect Broadsword to conceptually deal greater AoE damage than Katana.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Any new BU like power could always be made to be unaffected by recharge, like WPs T9. Then it could start with a low-ish recharge time, but be impossible to perma.
Christmas on a stick, no. Stop suggesting things that make the set worse.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I think the real argument is more along the lines of what I stated at the top of this post. That said, a DPA argument (which I am NOT making) WOULD be much more relevant to a comparison of Katana and Broad Sword specifically because their powers are functionally identical. The same cannot be said of Spines. They are drastically functionally different. The result is that Spines excels at AoE and is poor at DPS (and burst is questionable, as it would be good at burst AoE and only mediocre at burst single-target, and I haven't felt the need to draw a distinction before, but of course there is one). Now, how do we compare a set that is good at AoE and poor at DPS to, say, a set that is bad at AoE and good at DPS? That gets very subjective, and depends on play style, what you normally fight, and so on. Apples to oranges, as already mentioned. But when comparing Broad Sword and Katana, we're comparing apples to apples in a way that no other two Scrapper sets can be compared.
Can we add Mace now that it is a scrapper primary as well and while it lacks parry/DA it is otherwise very, very similar to katana/broad sword.

and that third point of data might shed light, might muddy the waters, I dunno. But we now have a third that is very very similar and that might help clarify some with the "kat is good, BS is middlin' why buff and cause power creep when you can nerf and balance" question.

Anyway, I dunno. Just tossing it out there.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Mace is altogether a different set design and all things considered, isn't horrible.

The discussion at hand came about because originally, Kataka and Broadsword powers are exact copies of each other except for animation time differences and some damage differences.

The idea (we believe) is that Katana would lesser damage, but faster. While Broadsword would do higher damage, but take longer. So that when the sets were compaired over a set period of time, they'd be even. But it doesn't work out that way, Katana ends up slightly ahead of BS except when looking at a single attack being done to a single target.

For the normal player, I don't think that this is a noticeable issue and the choice between the two sets is aesthetic (concept).

Yet for those that are concerned with numbers, or just Scrapper sets in general, this difference is at least something interesting for comparing, theorizing, discussing, and a great place to ultimately put some ideas out there and see where we, as a community, end up.

Thus far I think this is where things lie:

Change Build Up to grant a higher damage buff that decreases over time, with a longer duration, and higher recharge.

Change Build Up to grant a Smashing damage proc to all attacks for its duration. Duration and recharge time again may need to be altered.

And my last idea which I'm wondering if its workable or even desireable, is to leave Build Up alone. Instead, grant BS single target attacks a new mechanic called Follow Through. If the primary target is hit, this then causes a chance to have damage spread akin to how Disentegration or other chain powers jump to targets, but keep the range of the spread small so as to only affect nearby targers (from the primary) and limit the number hit to 2-3. The spread would be pure damage similating that the weapon hit with such force that you unintentionally struck those nearby as well.

So, while against single targets, Katana still pulls ahead, but, hopefully if done right, against multiple targets, the sets end up pretty even over a given period of time.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Can we add Mace now that it is a scrapper primary as well and while it lacks parry/DA it is otherwise very, very similar to katana/broad sword.

and that third point of data might shed light, might muddy the waters, I dunno. But we now have a third that is very very similar and that might help clarify some with the "kat is good, BS is middlin' why buff and cause power creep when you can nerf and balance" question.

Anyway, I dunno. Just tossing it out there.
I would place Axe closer to BS/Kat vice War Mace. Axe just has damage and KU/KD, no other soft-control.

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If we were/are going to put together an actual proposal for the Devs, I'd like to suggest that any solution change at least 3 powers. That way, any balancing doesn't 'miss' everyone who chose to skip that particular power.

So I would think that we would want to propose minor numbers changes to the first two powers (the must takes) and the Rename/Mechanical buff turning Build Up into some sort of Berserker mode.

The main question at this point I would think is how much (5 seconds, 10 seconds 20 seconds) of a Burst advantage Broadsword should have over Katana, and against what rank (minions, lieutenants, boss+) targets.

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Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
And my last idea which I'm wondering if its workable or even desireable, is to leave Build Up alone. Instead, grant BS single target attacks a new mechanic called Follow Through. If the primary target is hit, this then causes a chance to have damage spread akin to how Disentegration or other chain powers jump to targets, but keep the range of the spread small so as to only affect nearby targers (from the primary) and limit the number hit to 2-3. The spread would be pure damage similating that the weapon hit with such force that you unintentionally struck those nearby as well.
Alternatively, this gave me an idea. This could create a sort of hybrid approach where (some?) BS attacks apply a no-op effect on targets, and affected targets potentially suffer bonus damage on subsequent attacks. Essentially this would be stealing Disintegration's bonus damage effect, as opposed to the "spread" effect you mention. Some variation of combining the two ideas is of course also possible.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Steal some of Titan Weapon's momentum mechanic. After you hit with one Broadsword power, additional ones are sped up a bit. Not to the point of being equal to Katana, but closer.

Or make a much more significant mechanical change. Turn Whirling Sword into Pommel Sweep, which is a cone with the same arc and range as Slice, but with the back of the weapon so it inflicts pure smashing damage. Give it a small (10-15%) chance to inflict a mag2 disorient, bump the damage up a bit from Whirling Sword (since it's no longer a 360 degree AOE) and decrease the recharge by a small amount. Of course the drawback there is that it turns Broadsword into a pure cone-and-single set. Would it still be appealing with no PBAOE power at all?

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Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
Steal some of Titan Weapon's momentum mechanic. After you hit with one Broadsword power, additional ones are sped up a bit. Not to the point of being equal to Katana, but closer.
That would almost certainly take too much time. It would require animations work.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Matuse, ya gave me a genius idea.

At level 1, grant a Toggle power akin to Swap Ammo - "Back Blade" (Please, think of a better name y'all)

Back Blade - Toggle, 1 Sec Rech, 0 EPS.

Your training with the Broadsword has taught you that not all targets should be cut down. So you beat them instead. By using the dull, backside of your blade, your attacks deal blunt force wounds and trauma, instead of cutting. These blows bruise when they hit, instead of weakening your opponents defenses.

Swap all BS Powers to Smashing Damage, same scale as normal, and all attacks now give a stackable -Res, same mag as the -Def.

Allows the Broadsword user to tailor damage on the fly.

Only issue I can see is it would need to be an added 10th power, automatically granted.

Alternately, could swap Slice and Slash's tiers, and then swap Slash for Back Blade. (losing a marginal ST attack for a mechanical trick, and making it completely optional)

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Mace is altogether a different set design and all things considered, isn't horrible.
Actually it is very similar. Only two major differences: knockup comes at T3 instead of T8 replacing one AoE. A stun instead of parry. Otherwise you have knock instead of -def but basically the patter of the attacks, the animations etc are very similar to kat/bs. But yes I agree that kat is a better match since the powers are exact duplicates.

For the normal player, I don't think that this is a noticeable issue and the choice between the two sets is aesthetic (concept).
I think you're very wrong here. I've seen it hit people hard. I've been in pugs with level 20s and seen a BS user get so upset at how much better the kat player was doing the dropped the team and rerolled. I've been that person on my bs/regen with an outrageously expensive build, standing next to my friend with a middlin' kat/wp and he does 98% of the damage per hit, has more survivability, deals more over time, kills things that I'm still stuck in attack animation against, and spent a hell of a lot less inf to achieve. I've seen stalkers complain about it, scrappers, and now even brutes. People do notice it.

I'm particularly sensitive to it, because my bs/regen is my favorite character. So I'm that guy who bought a red car and then thinks everyone else did too because I suddenly see them everywhere. They were there all along, but if you're not looking for it, you won't see it. Once you get tuned into it, there's quite a bit of it out there.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Don't get me wrong, my second Scrapper that I levelled was a BS / Regen that teamed through the 30's primarily with a Kat / Regen Scrapper. (Pre IO days mind you). And yes, I noticed the difference quite too. It'd be very obvious if we split up to take on two different equal spawns, or start off at a single hard target at the same time.

But I've also been on teams with BS and Kat users and neither complained about what was going on. So perhaps it's all subjective. So let me restate, that from my own experience, the average user hasn't seemed to take notice of any major difference between the two sets. All things considered, BS isn't that bad off when there are other more glaring issues for other powersets out there. But it's worth discussion because because it's closest couzin, Katana does beat it out in almost every scenario.

I still don't agree that Mace should be compared to BS and Katana. While its in the same family, and we've already gotten the apples to oranges comparison before in this thread, then I'll call it comparing bananas to apples :P

With regards to the momentum mechanic being applied to BS, I'm not too sure that'd be anywhere near likely. Each attack that uses momentum actually replaces the animation with the sped up on. It doesn't actually increase the animation itself. That's a lot of work for a set that's pretty much okay.

Which is why the idea of chaing Build Up, or adding a short-cone-range chaining effect would be more likely as it doesn't require all that additional animation work.

The simplest change is to rework Build Up in 1 of the 2 ways I previously summarized upthread. It doesn't require a new animation or art work, only numbers work for the damage boost, duration, and recharge time.

The damage spread would require more work, but does make the set more unique.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
I still don't agree that Mace should be compared to BS and Katana. While its in the same family, and we've already gotten the apples to oranges comparison before in this thread, then I'll call it comparing bananas to apples :P
I still think it's more like pears vs apples vs apples. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
If we were/are going to put together an actual proposal for the Devs, I'd like to suggest that any solution change at least 3 powers. That way, any balancing doesn't 'miss' everyone who chose to skip that particular power.

So I would think that we would want to propose minor numbers changes to the first two powers (the must takes) and the Rename/Mechanical buff turning Build Up into some sort of Berserker mode.

The main question at this point I would think is how much (5 seconds, 10 seconds 20 seconds) of a Burst advantage Broadsword should have over Katana, and against what rank (minions, lieutenants, boss+) targets.
I agree with this idea, except I think it should be sufficient to change Slash and Build Up. Hack is a pretty excellent power as is.

Slash is a power that almost everyone skips as far as I know. I think it needs a reason to be selected. Suppose that an additional secondary effect was given to it. If it contained a -Res effect from a painful wound, DoT from bleeding, or a slow from severed tendons then I think it would become a much more appealing power.

Build Up has been debated quite a bit in this thread. I would like to put forward a new proposal, based partly on the ideas of "Back Blade" put forward a few posts back. What if Build Up functioned as a Swap Ammo power which changed Broadsword damage to Smashing and added a substantial amount of Lethal DoT. Conceptually, this would be a Berserker mode in which you struck with incredible force and left deep, bleeding wounds. Mechanically, it would have the effect of increasing Broadsword damage directly in the form of DoT and indirectly in the form of being less resisted by a considerable number of enemies. It would also be a gimmick to attract players to the set, since it would be the only Swap Ammo sort of power in a melee set - as well as the only such power to be a click power and not a toggle.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I'm very late to the so many ways. While I have calculus thru the multi-variable level I bring (happily) absolutely no numbers to this. No Arcana time, no DPs, nada. I do bring my years of RPGs, and art though.

You gotta give Broadsword just one little cool thing. Doesnt have to be a major buff, doesnt have to bring 'parity'. You just gotta give it something so a % of players love it for that one unique thing.

Could be increasing one attacks damage, the big wallop. Just enough so that crit number looks even cooler.

Or, give it something (else) Katana does not have. It already has the ability to be paired with shield. What other cool little thing can it have that makes it attractive without changing game balance at all?

You can argue numbers and buffs all day long, or debate, or discuss or whatever. They might even get implemented, gratz. But what is gonna make people really enjoy the set (andrun it) is that they love it. Show it some love.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Christmas on a stick, no. Stop suggesting things that make the set worse.
I like how you assume from the little bit I suggested that it would make the set worse. Depending on the recharge, duration, and the +damage values, it could be a drastically OP improvement. IE: if it had a base duration of 4 hours, was stackable, had a base, unenhanceable recharge time of 1 minute and a damage bonus of +500% it's pretty hard to argue that the unenhanceable recharge automatically makes it worse. So therefore, we're just left with finding the area where such an unenhanceable recharge BU would be an improvement, yet not an overdone improvement.

Granted, it still may not be the best solution, and it may not be your preferred solution, but that doesn't equate to it being automatically a performance degradation just because you don't personally prefer it.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
If we were/are going to put together an actual proposal for the Devs, I'd like to suggest that any solution change at least 3 powers. That way, any balancing doesn't 'miss' everyone who chose to skip that particular power.
I think that's a very smart idea.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I'm very late to the so many ways. While I have calculus thru the multi-variable level I bring (happily) absolutely no numbers to this. No Arcana time, no DPs, nada. I do bring my years of RPGs, and art though.

You gotta give Broadsword just one little cool thing. Doesnt have to be a major buff, doesnt have to bring 'parity'. You just gotta give it something so a % of players love it for that one unique thing.

Could be increasing one attacks damage, the big wallop. Just enough so that crit number looks even cooler.

Or, give it something (else) Katana does not have. It already has the ability to be paired with shield. What other cool little thing can it have that makes it attractive without changing game balance at all?

You can argue numbers and buffs all day long, or debate, or discuss or whatever. They might even get implemented, gratz. But what is gonna make people really enjoy the set (andrun it) is that they love it. Show it some love.
What if they changed BU to something like Follow-Up. Made it an attack that could do damage (maybe all smashing) and had a buff effect that persisted for some period of time after..



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
What if they changed BU to something like Follow-Up. Made it an attack that could do damage (maybe all smashing) and had a buff effect that persisted for some period of time after..
That would kill the burst damage. Turning it from a burst damage set into a DPS set is I suppose an option, but not an option I'd be in favor of. I think it violates the "feel" of the set too much.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
That would kill the burst damage. Turning it from a burst damage set into a DPS set is I suppose an option, but not an option I'd be in favor of. I think it violates the "feel" of the set too much.
Unless the buff was really high and short lived with a long cooldown so it was still bursty and not sustained.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Yeah, but then it's not much of a Follow Up, it's just a Build Up with a tohit check.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Yeah, but then it's not much of a Follow Up, it's just a Build Up with a tohit check.
It means that you don't need to stop attacking to use it and done right it is a fun change to the usual head-hack-dis-hack so that every third rotation or something it's follow-head-hack-dis-hack.

But I have a personal loathing for click powers that aren't attacks. I want all of them to be toggles or auto. =) When I'm smashing things I don't like to have to stop even if what I'm doing means I get to smash even better.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Broadsword should do -res instead of -def. Boom! Fixed.



If nothing else, I would love to see some alternate animations for Broadsword. Some of the powers look or feel slower because of the animations. And some variety for us weapon types would be appreciated.

Counter that with a small increase to overall damage and I think BS would see some new life.

Not that I think there's anything wrong with it now, just ideas and options that could change things up.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
It means that you don't need to stop attacking to use it and done right it is a fun change to the usual head-hack-dis-hack so that every third rotation or something it's follow-head-hack-dis-hack.

But I have a personal loathing for click powers that aren't attacks. I want all of them to be toggles or auto. =) When I'm smashing things I don't like to have to stop even if what I'm doing means I get to smash even better.
I agree with Gavin on this one. In fact, as a melee player for 4 years (mostly SS Brutes) one of the reasons I have avoided Scrappers is the click-no attack BU regularly. I know it increases DPS, but it feels wrong. (I also hate redraw with a passion, so that leaves me few options) Anyways, if they could alter BU so that it feels like it flows better, I might even give BS a chance. I cant figure what it would look like though, pommel strike to the face with an auto hit seems fun, but awkward range.