It's time to improve Broadsword




Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Broadsword should do -res instead of -def. Boom! Fixed.
At first glance I like this idea. That would be nice and easy to accomplish mechanically. It would be a matter of using small enough -Res numbers to not make it overpowered.

Oh, and the set desperately needs a cool animation for Headsplitter.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



the -res thing was brought up earlier in the thread and never gained much traction. I guess it's not a popular thing for melee sets or something.
One problem here though is, if the numbers are too small, it won't close the gap between Katana and BS. Too large and BS will take the edge in dps, which we've figured is Katana's thing.

So the idea is to change Broadsword in a way that fits the set, without making it necessarily about dps. The theme is to make BS about burst damage, ie slow, heavy hitting attacks, vs Katana's quick hard hitting attacks.

Which is how the idea of somehow changing Build Up to provide either an higher damage buff that degrades over its duration, or having it work like Fiery Embrace, whereas it only buffs Broadsword attacks with a proc for smashing damage.

I'm not too sure if it's possible to only set up a way for a buff to proc only certain attacks, which may be a limitation.

The last idea I posited was to change the set in a different way, which was to give it a chance to chain damage off the main target, but only in a nearby cone area for the single target attacks. As if the sword struck the first target with such force that it went through and hit someone else nearby (but for less damage as it wasn't a direct, intended attack).

This way, Katana, still has dps vs a single target, but with multiple targets, the sets may end up coming out even, on the average.

Right now, the simplest way to change the set, that doesn't require new mechanics, art or tons of testing, is the first, one. To change build up to have a higher damage buff that fades over its duration. There may need to be some fiddling with the recharge if the duration is increased, which may not be necessary at all. As long as the change doesn't make BS out perform Katana. The idea is burst damage (BS), will end up even with dps (Kat) given the same duration of time.



Another problem with having the set deal -Res instead of -Def is that the accuracy numbers in every power would have to be adjusted to rebalance it with Katana, since both sets currently have an inherent accuracy bonus and -Def.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Another problem with having the set deal -Res instead of -Def is that the accuracy numbers in every power would have to be adjusted to rebalance it with Katana, since both sets currently have an inherent accuracy bonus and -Def.
See, that actually aids my "Back Blade" (Dear gods, someone think of a BETTER name than that!!... Scabbarded Strike? [would that take art assets though?]) idea, since conceptually, using the weapon in an ill-fitting manner as that, you'd not be as accurate, but more bruising.

Leave the inherent Drawn Weapon accuracy bonus, since EVERY drawn weapon set (excepting Spines) gets it, and then pull the swap on the damage to Smashing with a secondary of -Res. I'd say actually pull out Slash to swap with this toggle, moving Slice down to Tier 2, which would also give the benefit of making Broadsword directed more towards AoE, since you could pick one up from Level 1 (a precedent we have coming down the pipe with Titan Weapons).

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Originally Posted by Errant View Post
See, that actually aids my "Back Blade" (Dear gods, someone think of a BETTER name than that!!... Scabbarded Strike? [would that take art assets though?]) idea, since conceptually, using the weapon in an ill-fitting manner as that, you'd not be as accurate, but more bruising.

Leave the inherent Drawn Weapon accuracy bonus, since EVERY drawn weapon set (excepting Spines) gets it, and then pull the swap on the damage to Smashing with a secondary of -Res. I'd say actually pull out Slash to swap with this toggle, moving Slice down to Tier 2, which would also give the benefit of making Broadsword directed more towards AoE, since you could pick one up from Level 1 (a precedent we have coming down the pipe with Titan Weapons).
I don't think that swapping power order or changing powers at this point is a realistic expectation. The devs have no good way of dealing with current builds with specific IO slotting.

Another problem with having the set deal -Res instead of -Def is that the accuracy numbers in every power would have to be adjusted to rebalance it with Katana, since both sets currently have an inherent accuracy bonus and -Def.
Of all the problems to solve accuracy is one of the easiest to build for, especially on a set with 5% more ToHit. I doubt many Broadsword users would complain.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
See, that actually aids my "Back Blade" (Dear gods, someone think of a BETTER name than that!!... Scabbarded Strike? [would that take art assets though?]) idea, since conceptually, using the weapon in an ill-fitting manner as that, you'd not be as accurate, but more bruising.

Leave the inherent Drawn Weapon accuracy bonus, since EVERY drawn weapon set (excepting Spines) gets it, and then pull the swap on the damage to Smashing with a secondary of -Res. I'd say actually pull out Slash to swap with this toggle, moving Slice down to Tier 2, which would also give the benefit of making Broadsword directed more towards AoE, since you could pick one up from Level 1 (a precedent we have coming down the pipe with Titan Weapons).
I actually like this a lot. I'm going to be honest, I don't really care how much it takes in terms of art assets. It could actually start as taking no art assets at all and being Swap Ammo meets Broadsword then getting new animations later on when the devs find the time.

It's conceptually awesome, it gives Broadsword a mechanical difference from Katana besides being worse, and it gives the 3 sword sets each a niche. Katana is ST/DPS, Titan Weapons is AoE, and Broadsword is a middle of the road mix.

It does need a better name though. My Google-fu has failed to reveal alternate names for using the flat of the blade to strike your opponent.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I don't recall if this has been brought up in this exact form yet or not, but I can see how Back Blade might be too much of a change in the eyes of some players.

So, let's say we replace Slash with a Pommel Strike (I know, we suggested that name before) power. It could deal high Smashing damage and have a powerful -Res effect with a long recharge. BUT, it automatically recharges when you get a critical hit. This would allow Broadsword to hit harder and have a fun mechanic, while making conceptual sense and sticking with the theme of burst damage (your damage spikes with Pommel Strike, both from the attack itself and the debuff it provides). It would also allow builds using Slash as a set mule to be largely unaffected by the change.

I would include actual numbers with this suggestion, but City of Data is currently down so I would have nothing to compare it to.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
I don't recall if this has been brought up in this exact form yet or not, but I can see how Back Blade might be too much of a change in the eyes of some players.

So, let's say we replace Slash with a Pommel Strike (I know, we suggested that name before) power. It could deal high Smashing damage and have a powerful -Res effect with a long recharge. BUT, it automatically recharges when you get a critical hit. This would allow Broadsword to hit harder and have a fun mechanic, while making conceptual sense and sticking with the theme of burst damage (your damage spikes with Pommel Strike, both from the attack itself and the debuff it provides). It would also allow builds using Slash as a set mule to be largely unaffected by the change.

I would include actual numbers with this suggestion, but City of Data is currently down so I would have nothing to compare it to.
Interesting, but I could see that causing a net DPS increase, and possibly getting into Power Creep with Katana, since with Slice, Whirling Sword, and Headsplitter and a nice group of mobs, you'd be able to assure a recharge every 8ish seconds. Mebbe make it akin to Concentrated Strike, where Pommel Strike recharges just offa Criticals on Headsplitter?

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Originally Posted by Is_Errant View Post
Interesting, but I could see that causing a net DPS increase, and possibly getting into Power Creep with Katana, since with Slice, Whirling Sword, and Headsplitter and a nice group of mobs, you'd be able to assure a recharge every 8ish seconds. Mebbe make it akin to Concentrated Strike, where Pommel Strike recharges just offa Criticals on Headsplitter?
Good point, that'd probably work out better.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I think before numbers can really enter the picture, we really need to define intent.

Currently, Katana pulls ahead of BS after two attacks in terms of damage.

So, how many attacks should it take for Katana to pull ahead of BS after we buff BS' burst? Three? Five?

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Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
I think before numbers can really enter the picture, we really need to define intent.

Currently, Katana pulls ahead of BS after two attacks in terms of damage.

So, how many attacks should it take for Katana to pull ahead of BS after we buff BS' burst? Three? Five?
Well, I'd be inclined to say five or more. However, I'm heavily biased as I play Broadsword and don't play Katana.

I'd think that the duration of the -Res from Pommel Strike (if we are still discussing that particular solution) would play the biggest role in that. A 5 second debuff would make Katana pull ahead much more quickly than a 10 second debuff for example.

Another option is to take another look at our original definition of what we wanted the relationship between the sets to be. Would it be acceptable, for example, if Broadsword dealt consistently higher damage at a high endurance cost while Katana became the DPE king? The mechanical choice between the sets would then become one of whether or not you wanted to be chomping blue inspirations like candy. Pommel Strike would allow such a change without forcing current Broadsword players to use it. If they are happy with the status quo, they could simply keep playing the way they already are in almost every case.

Also, maybe call it Pommel Smash? Do we like that more than Pommel Strike?

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I'm not certain if that's the right way to look at balancing the sets.
Instead, I'd say that they should be balanced to end up as even as possible given an amount of time.

So say, in the time that it takes for BS to pull off 2 attacks, Katana does three. The result is nearly the same amount of endurance cost for nearly the same amount of damage done.

This is an extremely general description, because as we know, what attacks are used, how long of an amount of time should it take etc..

It's one thing to say, if we had a graph of both sets performance over time that there were spikes that showed Katana was ahead at certain points, and BS ahead at others, but when the interval was done, they were nearly even. As it is now, at least in dps comparisons, katana pulls ahead, and stays ahead.

So, if we stick to dps comparisons, that pertains to single targets (generally, since there's no discusion of aoe dps), than BS needs something to catch up to Katana.

The only alternative to is move away from single target analysis and look at multiple targets, so that the sets end up at the same place, at the same time, against a group of foes. In that instance, BS needs a new mechanic which is what I suggested earlier. While I like the idea, it's not ideal since it requires adding a completely new dimension to BS vs. the simplest change which is to temporarily increase BS damage via changing it's Build Up.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
I'm not certain if that's the right way to look at balancing the sets.
Instead, I'd say that they should be balanced to end up as even as possible given an amount of time.

So say, in the time that it takes for BS to pull off 2 attacks, Katana does three. The result is nearly the same amount of endurance cost for nearly the same amount of damage done.

This is an extremely general description, because as we know, what attacks are used, how long of an amount of time should it take etc..

It's one thing to say, if we had a graph of both sets performance over time that there were spikes that showed Katana was ahead at certain points, and BS ahead at others, but when the interval was done, they were nearly even. As it is now, at least in dps comparisons, katana pulls ahead, and stays ahead.

So, if we stick to dps comparisons, that pertains to single targets (generally, since there's no discusion of aoe dps), than BS needs something to catch up to Katana.

The only alternative to is move away from single target analysis and look at multiple targets, so that the sets end up at the same place, at the same time, against a group of foes. In that instance, BS needs a new mechanic which is what I suggested earlier. While I like the idea, it's not ideal since it requires adding a completely new dimension to BS vs. the simplest change which is to temporarily increase BS damage via changing it's Build Up.
I'm not sure that the idea of Pommel Strike/Smash doesn't accomplish the same thing as changing Broadsword Build Up in single target comparisons, though I suppose it accomplishes much less to help Broadsword AoE.

I have an alternate solution to help Broadsword AoE as well: increase the arc of Headsplitter by 10-20 degrees. That would make it somewhere in the neighborhood of a 30-40 degree cone which would make it significantly easier to catch multiple targets.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Make it less end heavy for sure.
If you mean that Broadsword should be made less end heavy, I'm not sure that's at all the way to go. Broadsword is supposed to be end heavy, but the reward used to be higher damage. We don't really see that anymore unless it's in the window of a single attack. Hence, the discussion throughout this thread.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
If you mean that Broadsword should be made less end heavy, I'm not sure that's at all the way to go. Broadsword is supposed to be end heavy, but the reward used to be higher damage. We don't really see that anymore unless it's in the window of a single attack. Hence, the discussion throughout this thread.
I enjoyed my broadsword scrapper until I saw him being outdone by katana scrappers in speed, damage, and end use. I certainly agree with the first post, though. I always liked the variety in weapons for BS.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
I'm not sure that the idea of Pommel Strike/Smash doesn't accomplish the same thing as changing Broadsword Build Up in single target comparisons, though I suppose it accomplishes much less to help Broadsword AoE.

I have an alternate solution to help Broadsword AoE as well: increase the arc of Headsplitter by 10-20 degrees. That would make it somewhere in the neighborhood of a 30-40 degree cone which would make it significantly easier to catch multiple targets.
The thing about changing Build Up is that it's simple. No new artwork, animation changes, or changes to attack powers. It also works for both single target and aoe comparisons. The only things that are needed is how high of a damage buff, for how long, and what cool down is needed if the duration is lengthend.

So that while both Katana and BS use their build-up, BS will do more damage per hit, but katana will still pull ahead after muliple attacks. This also negates the issue of BS consistantly out performing Katana by using -res on attacks.

The downside, is that it's not entirely interesting as so many other ideas that provide the set with something that sets it apart from katana in how the set plays. I'm not sure if that's an absolute necessity at this point as I still contend that the difference for most players is probably at first, asthetic (concept). Which is why it may not be necessary to re-evaluate how the powerset plays by adding an entirely new mechanic. I'm betting that's partly why new mechanics are being delivered to players in new sets instead of changing old sets.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
So, how many attacks should it take for Katana to pull ahead of BS after we buff BS' burst? Three? Five?
I'd be inclined to say that Broad Sword should be ahead for the first 15-20 seconds of the fight. I think of Burst as a 10 second duration, equivalent to Build Up. If we have a super build up, we're going to be ahead for the first 10 seconds, and I'd like it to be enough ahead to be interesting. Katana's going to have some ground to make up to catch up in 5-10 seconds in that case. That's why one of my suggestions was actually nerfing DPA a little - it would allow for a stronger Super Build up while still allowing Katana to catch up reasonably quickly after it expires. I don't expect that to get any traction, though.

A more reasonable alternative might be to shorten my conception of burst to maybe five seconds. So maybe the super buff lasts only five seconds, then you're at a regular build up for five more seconds. That lets Katana start getting traction after the first five seconds or so. I'd still say 15-20 seconds for them to be even. That might be a bit too long for most people's tastes, though. I like to fight uplevel and lots of enemies, so my fights last longer than that, much longer with a mostly single-target set, so to me, Katana is still ahead if it pulls ahead after 20 seconds. But for a large portion of the game, Broad Sword would be a clear leader. I'm not sure we want it to be that clear.

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Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
The thing about changing Build Up is that it's simple. No new artwork, animation changes, or changes to attack powers. It also works for both single target and aoe comparisons. The only things that are needed is how high of a damage buff, for how long, and what cool down is needed if the duration is lengthend.

So that while both Katana and BS use their build-up, BS will do more damage per hit, but katana will still pull ahead after muliple attacks. This also negates the issue of BS consistantly out performing Katana by using -res on attacks.

The downside, is that it's not entirely interesting as so many other ideas that provide the set with something that sets it apart from katana in how the set plays. I'm not sure if that's an absolute necessity at this point as I still contend that the difference for most players is probably at first, asthetic (concept). Which is why it may not be necessary to re-evaluate how the powerset plays by adding an entirely new mechanic. I'm betting that's partly why new mechanics are being delivered to players in new sets instead of changing old sets.
I have to say, as much as I like the idea of putting in something new, a Build Up change is still the most probable change if any make it at all. A lot of the other changes are too much like Titan Weapons. Pommel Smash has potential, but weighs heavily in the single target sphere. It also has some troubling problems with the way powers can and can't be changed in the game. Numerical changes to Build Up simply avoid all of these things and have been widely accepted by the posters in the thread already.

If someone more acquainted with game balance would like to suggest numbers for a change to Build Up then we should be able to formalize it as an official request coming out of the discussion in this thread. I believe that the general consensus was that the Build Up change should try to avoid a self debuff at the end, so that's somewhat limiting on how high the numbers can get. It also means that the only real way to balance it then is to increase recharge.

I'm still a fan of going the Inner Light route myself, but simple increases might work as well.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



maybe mix skills with -def and -res Hack, Slash Whirling sword have -def and Slice , Disembowl and Headsplitter have -res and -def.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I'd be inclined to say that Broad Sword should be ahead for the first 15-20 seconds of the fight. I think of Burst as a 10 second duration, equivalent to Build Up. If we have a super build up, we're going to be ahead for the first 10 seconds, and I'd like it to be enough ahead to be interesting. Katana's going to have some ground to make up to catch up in 5-10 seconds in that case. That's why one of my suggestions was actually nerfing DPA a little - it would allow for a stronger Super Build up while still allowing Katana to catch up reasonably quickly after it expires. I don't expect that to get any traction, though.

A more reasonable alternative might be to shorten my conception of burst to maybe five seconds. So maybe the super buff lasts only five seconds, then you're at a regular build up for five more seconds. That lets Katana start getting traction after the first five seconds or so. I'd still say 15-20 seconds for them to be even. That might be a bit too long for most people's tastes, though. I like to fight uplevel and lots of enemies, so my fights last longer than that, much longer with a mostly single-target set, so to me, Katana is still ahead if it pulls ahead after 20 seconds. But for a large portion of the game, Broad Sword would be a clear leader. I'm not sure we want it to be that clear.
I think I understand what you are saying and if I do, I think I agree completely so I hope the idea gets the traction you don't think it will.

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