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Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
Well I held back on saying anything til I could see where this is going....

The only way I think this really works is if you break it down into subcategories of AT's. Unfortunately, that's really just bringing us back to where we were, by having the builds back in their respective AT categories!

It's too convoluted. It's a hectic looking page and to make these builds easily accessible, a person shouldn't have to look through a bunch of posts on the FotM to find a.... Gravity/* controller build (for example).
^This. If I'm looking for a Brute or Tanker Build, why should I have to pour through Blaster/Corruptor/MM builds to find it? Sure, if I'm looking for a StJ/Elec Brute Build, finding a StJ/Elec Scrapper build should work, or even an Elec/StJ Tanker. However, the Elec/Storm Corruptor Build is nowhere near what I'm looking for and doesn't help me at all.

I, too, thought that maybe having some subcategories would be nice, but that broke down pretty quickly. Sure, Scrappers, Brutes, and Tankers could share, and you could maybe even shoehorn Stalkers in there. Then you could have another for Defenders/Corruptors, but then everyone else need their own subforum anyways. So we've really only saved three forums of space.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



My question to all of the people opposed to this forum:

Why not rage equally against the guides forum?

Based on the arguments presented in this thread, I would assume you all feel that all the AT specific guides "should" be in their AT forums, and the gameplay ones in Player Questions.

What is so different about a place for builds vs a place for guides that guides are ok and builds are not?

Note: Personally I don't care either way, the forum organization is 100% meaningless to me, I look at all forums with new posts regardless of what the subject of the forum is. So I have no boat in this race at all. I'm just curious why the guides forum is so popular and this one provokes so much nerd rage and to me they are 99.9% identical with only the guides like "how to make a character build" as the .1% difference.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Why not rage equally against the guides forum?
As I understand it, the Guides forum is an organizational issue, in that the contents of that forum are excluded from purges of old threads. So, while it's a nuisence in that the Guide to Guides posts need to be constantly updated, it's better than the alternative of losing the guides themselves if they were spread over forums that are purged.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Put me down with everyone else thinking that things would be cleaner if builds remained in their respective AT sub forums.

Unless we want to make this instead a forum category with a subforum for each AT.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
My question to all of the people opposed to this forum:

Why not rage equally against the guides forum?

Based on the arguments presented in this thread, I would assume you all feel that all the AT specific guides "should" be in their AT forums, and the gameplay ones in Player Questions.

What is so different about a place for builds vs a place for guides that guides are ok and builds are not?

Note: Personally I don't care either way, the forum organization is 100% meaningless to me, I look at all forums with new posts regardless of what the subject of the forum is. So I have no boat in this race at all. I'm just curious why the guides forum is so popular and this one provokes so much nerd rage and to me they are 99.9% identical with only the guides like "how to make a character build" as the .1% difference.
Its not nerd rage. Its lack of common sense on the side of those that make these silly decisions.

Simple example the developers of Mids have forums set up for builds themselves. It would make sense that players post there as it is there tool. You would think they look at the forums, they could answer key questions directly in their own forums. I would think if you were going to ask some key points about mids or even report an issue with mids your not gonna post it here or hope to get some answers related to some issues with mids by posting here. I would guess or hope that posting in the mids forums would get you a quicker response since its really just about dealing with mids, right ? But its the exact opposite, its a very quiet forum overall and the build forums are very stagnant, not through any fault of their own. Its just that players gravitated to posting builds about certain classes in that particular class forum ( yea I know I am saying class ). Just about every game that deals with classes or archtypes works this way. The busiest forums related to mids is the general forum and only when a new Mids is expected to come out, other then that it's a quiet forum as well.

I would think being a computer game they would be a bit more analytical about it. I am pretty sure there is a hierarchy and structure when programming. Flow charts, etc. This seems a bit opposite of that of just tossing everything together. I would completely understand if they created a sub forum under each archtype, but not this mish mosh.

Plus someone else brought up an excellent point. Builds also spur discussions. At least you can see or notice that some threads has popped up on top for the past 3 days on a particular forum. So you could have a good discussion going on in the Brute forum and yet another totally different one going on in the blaster forum just by looking at the main page displaying all the forums. Is it the end of the world or life ending ? Of course not. But it was an extremely helpful guide which will be lost now.

They want to add another forum when they can't even moderate what they have now. I personally tagged over 40 threads and posts that violated forum rules and policy and have went back a week later to see nothing absolutely done about it. So I don't get this. I could understand if they were on the ball, but they are not. Of course there is a reason why I did that but the reason does not matter for the point of this posting.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I do so love to rage against the machine.

Personally I think it makes a lot more sense to have builds consolidated to one area rather than spread out between every archetype sub-forum. Our AT's are not so diverse that someone who typically likes to hang out in the Scrapper forum can't offer good advice on a Brute build. Someone who likes to play Corrupters probably has some good advice for a Defender.

If all your educated builders are in one place that means that they are more likely able to see people who need help. More than this, all our educated people being in one place means that they will be able to learn from each other as well, broadening their perspective, and be even better suited for helping people than they already were.

This is simply a good idea whichever way I look at it.
Who determines who is a an educated builder ?

I've seen builds with no defenses, no resistance and no way to mitigate an attack labelled as a farm build..

I have seen players discuss defeating AVs with caltrops and being 10 levels lower then the AV and being bumped up from level 25. It was in the mastermind forums and you can search my postings in that forum to find that thread if you like. Those are the players posting builds.

I'm not going to look at a blaster build here or should say I have a greater chance of missing a particular build here in the mix of everything else then I do looking in the blaster forums.

You are bound to skim over stuff here.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
I would completely understand if they created a sub forum under each archtype, but not this mish mosh.

They want to add another forum when they can't even moderate what they have now. I personally tagged over 40 threads and posts that violated forum rules and policy and have went back a week later to see nothing absolutely done about it. So I don't get this. I could understand if they were on the ball, but they are not. Of course there is a reason why I did that but the reason does not matter for the point of this posting.
Sub forums for builds under the AT forums is an interesting idea. But on the moderating thing, my experience having been a mod for many websites (including corporate ones like Expedia) the forum organization is totally irrelevant, it only matters how many posts there are. Where they appear and how they are organized won't have any impact on the team's ability to moderate them. Or it really shouldn't anyway.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
To facilitate the sharing of information in this forum, please always use the following format if you intend to post your character build
You guys are so utterly awesome, and do such great things for the community that are way above the call of duty, but every so often, out of the blue, you do something that makes me wonder if you've ever even met the internet before.

I'm kind of torn between 'Dude, that has never worked in the history of forums, and it won't work now' and admiration for your faith in your players.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Who determines who is a an educated builder ?

I've seen builds with no defenses, no resistance and no way to mitigate an attack labelled as a farm build..

I have seen players discuss defeating AVs with caltrops and being 10 levels lower then the AV and being bumped up from level 25. It was in the mastermind forums and you can search my postings in that forum to find that thread if you like. Those are the players posting builds.

I'm not going to look at a blaster build here or should say I have a greater chance of missing a particular build here in the mix of everything else then I do looking in the blaster forums.

You are bound to skim over stuff here.
I'm not sure where your argument is going? You seem to just be stating the obvious of 'some people don't know what they are doing.' The obvious remedy to that is to educate them.

I am much more likely to skip over things I'm never going to see, which is what happens when builds are divided into a bunch of sub-forums. It is for this reason that I prefer to the existence of this forum.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I am much more likely to skip over things I'm never going to see, which is what happens when builds are divided into a bunch of sub-forums. It is for this reason that I prefer to the existence of this forum.
People that are "experts" on an AT are more likely to spend time in that forum IMO. They will probably give good advice, and relatively quickly. So yes, you probably wont see posts about ATs that you don't play much, but do you really want to?

I see ~20 threads in this forum specifically asking for some kind of help and getting zero replies. This place is still new, but as the clutter grows I expect this place to get even less helpful.



This forum seams dead to me. >.<



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
This forum seams dead to me. >.<
Has it ever been alive, apart from the spastic movements it made at the start?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Has it ever been alive, apart from the spastic movements it made at the start?
This thread has been quite active, time to post ponies!



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
People that are "experts" on an AT are more likely to spend time in that forum IMO. They will probably give good advice, and relatively quickly. So yes, you probably wont see posts about ATs that you don't play much, but do you really want to?
This is my thought too. I am interested and willing to give advice on Storm Summoning (especially for defenders) as it is a power set that I feel I know quite a bit about. I have no interest in giving advice on scrapper, brute, stalker, blaster, mastermind, tank, dominator, kheldian or SoA builds. Granted it is still pretty easy to scan the titles for builds I might be interested in providing feedback for, but it is not something I am likely to do.

My mind may change over time, but my initial thoughts are revulsion towards this forum. I like to think about providing advice on builds as part of a larger discussion on how to play a certain powerset that is more involved than simply saying, "here play this build". I like to think that people who post asking for builds have already spent substantial time reading and synthesizing the information that is available rather than simply posting a build and saying, "Plz fix!" Although I don't know that such an attitude would prevail with this forum, separating out builds from the rest of the information involving the AT would seem to encourage that sort of thinking.

I will wait and see, but am not thrilled with this change. (I think updating the guides section in the various forums might be more beneficial than simply adding a builds forum.)

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Its not nerd rage. Its lack of common sense on the side of those that make these silly decisions.
I wish I had your life along with a few others that have posted in the thread. If you can be SO over critical about a change on the forums, your world must be the best...
The level of fervor in which you criticize this issue, I havent even seen people display in real world "real" topics like the plight of starving chidren or why the US is in other countries fighting wars considered unnecessary etc etc

As for the posted sentiment that some have brought up that you have to pour over thousands of MM/Blaster/Brute builds to look for a Troller specific build...try using the Search function, its the bee's knees.

I can see the concept behind this as explained by the red names and dont think anything malicious or silly in making the decision. You either use it or you dont...not sure what the big deal is.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
I wish I had your life along with a few others that have posted in the thread. If you can be SO over critical about a change on the forums, your world must be the best...
The level of fervor in which you criticize this issue, I havent even seen people display in real world "real" topics like the plight of starving chidren or why the US is in other countries fighting wars considered unnecessary etc etc

As for the posted sentiment that some have brought up that you have to pour over thousands of MM/Blaster/Brute builds to look for a Troller specific build...try using the Search function, its the bee's knees.

I can see the concept behind this as explained by the red names and dont think anything malicious or silly in making the decision. You either use it or you dont...not sure what the big deal is.
This is coming from a guy who has posted zero help in these forums ?? At least I contradicted my words to help someone out.

Didn't you ever hear those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ?

I just did a search of your postings and your in every place but here. Matter of fact this is your first post in this forum.

So whats your point ?
You like it and you agree but you won't help anyone out ?
Please don't come to square away my home when yours isn't in check.

And yea I have it good. Because I bust my backside so my wife and kids can have it good. On top of all of that I do donate money and my time for inner city kids in NYC. I've been doing it for the last 21 years without any praise or recognition and I will continue doing it. I've shaved my head for the last 5 years for cancer patients. So please, please, please don't assume to know me even for a minute.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
This is coming from a guy who has posted zero help in these forums ?? At least I contradicted my words to help someone out.

Didn't you ever hear those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ?

I just did a search of your postings and your in every place but here. Matter of fact this is your first post in this forum.

So whats your point ?
You like it and you agree but you won't help anyone out ?
Please don't come to square away my home when yours isn't in check.

And yea I have it good. Because I bust my backside so my wife and kids can have it good. On top of all of that I do donate money and my time for inner city kids in NYC. I've been doing it for the last 21 years without any praise or recognition and I will continue doing it. I've shaved my head for the last 5 years for cancer patients. So please, please, please don't assume to know me even for a minute.
warning - TLDR

I just found this thread/forum...hope that explains my inactivity. You could have asked and I would have told you, but I can tell that you have a lot of free time, so cool.

I think my point was/is clear...I feel your reaction about a new forums venue seems overkill. Its the formation of a new place on coh.com to post builds, not a philisophical debate on the differences of modernism VS postmodernism perspectives of theology in a society where the need for a god figure seems to be less necessary. You are putting a lot of weight into a topic that seems very meh to say the least.

Im simply baffled by your posts in this thread because you seem soooooOOOOOOOOooooo mad. Examples that I hope visualize my point:

"This is totally ridiculous. Its as if your just making stuff up to justify your existence."
Refer to the soooooo mad statement above...

"I have never in this game had a dev, moderator, or GM ever do anything helpful for me. To me they are like false prophets and snake oil salesmen."

"Its not nerd rage. Its lack of common sense on the side of those that make these silly decisions."
Actually, this is the epitome of nerd rage.

"They want to add another forum when they can't even moderate what they have now. I personally tagged over 40 threads and posts that violated forum rules and policy and have went back a week later to see nothing absolutely done about it."
You tagged over 40 posts? Really? Like I said, I want your life because you have the time, energy and inclination to tag interweb stuff.

I could continue quoting, but I hope you can pick up what Im putting down at this point. All Im say is that you are very very very upset over this idea. If its such a bad plan as you have pointed out...isnt it simpler to just skip this area and continue operating as usual? Especially in light of all of your real world activity...the amount of time you have spent here with such a negative viewpoint seems so unbalanced.

edited - I think you would be an excellent political activist

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
warning - TLDR

I just found this thread/forum...hope that explains my inactivity. You could have asked and I would have told you, but I can tell that you have a lot of free time, so cool.

I think my point was/is clear...I feel your reaction about a new forums venue seems overkill. Its the formation of a new place on coh.com to post builds, not a philisophical debate on the differences of modernism VS postmodernism perspectives of theology in a society where the need for a god figure seems to be less necessary. You are putting a lot of weight into a topic that seems very meh to say the least.

Im simply baffled by your posts in this thread because you seem soooooOOOOOOOOooooo mad. Examples that I hope visualize my point:

"This is totally ridiculous. Its as if your just making stuff up to justify your existence."
Refer to the soooooo mad statement above...

"I have never in this game had a dev, moderator, or GM ever do anything helpful for me. To me they are like false prophets and snake oil salesmen."

"Its not nerd rage. Its lack of common sense on the side of those that make these silly decisions."
Actually, this is the epitome of nerd rage.

"They want to add another forum when they can't even moderate what they have now. I personally tagged over 40 threads and posts that violated forum rules and policy and have went back a week later to see nothing absolutely done about it."
You tagged over 40 posts? Really? Like I said, I want your life because you have the time, energy and inclination to tag interweb stuff.

I could continue quoting, but I hope you can pick up what Im putting down at this point. All Im say is that you are very very very upset over this idea. If its such a bad plan as you have pointed out...isnt it simpler to just skip this area and continue operating as usual? Especially in light of all of your real world activity...the amount of time you have spent here with such a negative viewpoint seems so unbalanced.

edited - I think you would be an excellent political activist
You see, you can call it what ever you like. But unless your personally next to me viewing my actions and emotions you can't say I'm upset one single bit.

Again to me, I reiterate to me the devs and mods are just another extension of the market for this game. Its all about the dollar nothing else, and if you really think its something else your a bit naive.

As for the flagging post thing you took that out of context for your own spin. Because the next few sentences clearly state I wouldn't get into it as it was my own personal reasons. Further not for nothing you make it sound as if flagging a post takes 10 hours to do when it takes a minute. But again its my own personal reason why suffice to say the post were clearly in violation of the forum rules and I wanted to see what the mods did. Finally some of those post were with a 2nd account I had in my possession for a short time testing something totally different out in game.

But what you decided to do is make it personal comparing my postings to a petty issue or complaint and if I was only so concerned with real life issues as I was with forum issues the world would be a better place. Unfortunately for you I do my share, heck I know I do more then my share. Remember you brought up the comment not me. I'm just addressing your concerns.

You say you don't have the time because your such a busy man but you seem to be able to reply well enough and you seem to reply well enough in other threads. So I have no clue why you would try to pretend as if your time was so valuable that you can't spare you time wasting it on something like this. "Oh if I only had your time to waste it all away posting here", but wait I do so let me retort to your reply. Either you don't have the time to post or you do. But don't faint one then do the other.

See I will post just to debate, I don't care.
I have the time.
I don't pretend not to have the time and then post. I have the time and will.

Maybe you should take your own advice and stop wasting your time when you could be posting someplace else.
Like per say in the forum itself helping out another player with their build..

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
You see, you can call it what ever you like. But unless your personally next to me viewing my actions and emotions you can't say I'm upset one single bit.

Again to me, I reiterate to me the devs and mods are just another extension of the market for this game. Its all about the dollar nothing else, and if you really think its something else your a bit naive.

As for the flagging post thing you took that out of context for your own spin. Because the next few sentences clearly state I wouldn't get into it as it was my own personal reasons. Further not for nothing you make it sound as if flagging a post takes 10 hours to do when it takes a minute. But again its my own personal reason why suffice to say the post were clearly in violation of the forum rules and I wanted to see what the mods did. Finally some of those post were with a 2nd account I had in my possession for a short time testing something totally different out in game.

But what you decided to do is make it personal comparing my postings to a petty issue or complaint and if I was only so concerned with real life issues as I was with forum issues the world would be a better place. Unfortunately for you I do my share, heck I know I do more then my share. Remember you brought up the comment not me. I'm just addressing your concerns.

You say you don't have the time because your such a busy man but you seem to be able to reply well enough and you seem to reply well enough in other threads. So I have no clue why you would try to pretend as if your time was so valuable that you can't spare you time wasting it on something like this. "Oh if I only had your time to waste it all away posting here", but wait I do so let me retort to your reply. Either you don't have the time to post or you do. But don't faint one then do the other.

See I will post just to debate, I don't care.
I have the time.
I don't pretend not to have the time and then post. I have the time and will.

Maybe you should take your own advice and stop wasting your time when you could be posting someplace else.
Like per say in the forum itself helping out another player with their build..
"But unless your personally next to me viewing my actions and emotions you can't say I'm upset one single bit."
Based on your real life description, you sound like the kind of guy I would like to know in the real world and I can appreciate all the solid stuff youre doing (no snark intended).

"Further not for nothing you make it sound as if flagging a post takes 10 hours to do when it takes a minute."
Its not that I thought flagging takes 10hrs, I just dont see why anyone would waste the time doing that...I mean you are very busy IRL and there IS an actual game to play. Even if it only took 10mins, thats 10mins youll never get back that could have been spent doing something more productive. I suppose I see your reasons, but my life isnt half as busy as yours and I dont feel like I would have the time to flag anything.

"But what you decided to do is make it personal comparing my postings to a petty issue or complaint and if I was only so concerned with real life issues as I was with forum issues the world would be a better place... I'm just addressing your concerns."
Concern - to relate to; be connected with; be of interest or importance to...
Sexy redheads concern me, soldiers fighting/dying concern me, the economic state of this country concerns me. This stuff we're ichatting about is just entertaining. We are on the interweb and anything you take personally is on you...I dont feel the same about anything that you have said towards me, I just enjoy a healthy debate sometimes when I see something that I consider strange/out of place. Again, your posts in this thread seem very over the top considering the idea that is being discussed...thats just me or maybe not since others have said similiar things to you here.

"You say you don't have the time because your such a busy man but you seem to be able to reply well enough and you seem to reply well enough in other threads. So I have no clue why you would try to pretend as if your time was so valuable that you can't spare you time wasting it on something like this."
It not the quantity of time spent for me, but the quality. I comment in a lot of threads and for the most part, the light hearted aspect of my posts are nowhere near the supernova massive gravitational pull of the comments that you have in this thread. I dont dig through anyones thread history so I dont know if you sound this "angry" all the time or not. People hate discussing heavy topics with me IRL b/c if I feel strongly about something, I go all out in that discussion. You have displayed even more tenacity in this thread about the creation of a new forum type as I do when discussing politics, race and religion with friends and family. To each their own, but this IS a video game topic.
Secondly, I work stateside for 6 months and do the other half of the year in Afghanistan. No family etc etc and I applaud you on all the things you have going on...some great stuff, but when Im home, I just like to play the game and screw around on the forums. Ive always felt if a person pours so much angst into a forums topic, they must really have a great life and this is an outlet of sorts. I just see too much outside of the game to get worked up about anything inside the game.

Ill leave it at this...do me one favor and take a look at your posts here and if you dont feel like doing that, then look at a few of your quotes from my earlier talk with you. If you honestly dont see ANYTHING wrong with at least some of the things you are laying out in this thread and I am so off the mark in the the way I described them...then my next post will simply be an apology.

Take care man.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Still no redname reply on this issue?

Oh well, i just stick to AT topics

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



IMO this forum is a waste, look at how many ppl have posted builds, asked for critiques, etc and have received no response whatsoever.

You are better off just going to the appropriate AT forum and posting a build there.



need critique- stalker build PvE/PvP - ninja/ninja build included

right now i am 11 levels short of getting to lvl 50 and this is my highest lvl character at the moment, at the moment i can fight at -1/1 to +1/1 with little to no difficulties but i want to fight at +4/8 but im not sure it will work out, is there any way to get my ninja that powerful, any advice on my incarnate choices when i get there and as a rouge who should my patron be, i was thinking ghost widow myself, advice is helpful criticism will be taken as well

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.952

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Sta1ker: Level 50 Natural Stalker
Primary Power Set: Ninja Blade
Secondary Power Set: Ninjitsu
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Sting of the Wasp

  • (A) Damage Increase IO: Level 25
  • (3) Recharge Reduction
  • (3) Accuracy
  • (43) Defense Debuff
  • (50) Recharge Reduction
Level 1: Hide
  • (A) Defense Buff
  • (5) Defense Buff
  • (5) Defense Buff
Level 2: Gambler's Cut
  • (A) Damage Increase
  • (7) Recharge Reduction
  • (7) Accuracy
  • (43) Defense Debuff
  • (50) Defense Debuff
Level 4: Ninja Reflexes
  • (A) Defense Buff
  • (9) Defense Buff
  • (9) Defense Buff IO: Level 25
  • (11) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 34
  • (11) Endurance Reduction
  • (13) Endurance Reduction
Level 6: Danger Sense
  • (A) Red Fortune - Endurance: Level 42
  • (13) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge: Level 28
  • (15) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 42
  • (15) Endurance Reduction
  • (17) Endurance Reduction
  • (17) Endurance Reduction
Level 8: Assassin's Blade
  • (A) Damage Increase
  • (19) Mako's Bite - Damage/Endurance: Level 35
  • (19) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 35
  • (21) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 40
  • (21) Accuracy
  • (23) Accuracy
Level 10: Build Up
  • (A) To Hit Buff
  • (23) Recharge Reduction
  • (25) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Recharge: Level 35
  • (40) To Hit Buff
Level 12: Flashing Steel
  • (A) Cleaving Blow - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 22
  • (25) Recharge Reduction
  • (27) Accuracy
  • (42) Defense Debuff
  • (50) Defense Debuff
Level 14: Placate
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 30
  • (27) Recharge Reduction
  • (29) Recharge Reduction
Level 16: Kuji-In Rin
  • (A) Recharge Reduction
  • (29) Endurance Reduction
  • (31) Endurance Reduction
Level 18: Divine Avalanche
  • (A) Damage Increase
  • (31) Endurance Reduction
  • (31) Accuracy
Level 20: Kuji-In Sha
  • (A) Aegis - Resistance/Recharge: Level 27
  • (33) Miracle - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 23
  • (33) Triage - Heal/Recharge: Level 24
Level 22: Fly
  • (A) Flight Speed
Level 24: Assault
  • (A) Endurance Reduction
  • (40) Endurance Reduction
  • (46) Endurance Reduction
Level 26: Soaring Dragon
  • (A) Damage Increase
  • (33) Endurance Reduction
  • (34) Recharge Reduction
  • (34) Accuracy
  • (34) Knockback Distance
  • (43) Defense Debuff
Level 28: Tactics
  • (A) Endurance Reduction
  • (42) To Hit Buff
  • (46) Endurance Reduction
Level 30: Air Superiority
  • (A) Endurance Reduction
  • (45) Damage Increase
Level 32: Golden Dragonfly
  • (A) Damage Increase
  • (36) Accuracy IO: Level 25
  • (36) Recharge Reduction
  • (36) Accuracy
  • (37) Knockback Distance
  • (45) Defense Debuff
Level 35: Superior Conditioning
  • (A) Endurance Modification
  • (40) Endurance Modification
Level 38: Kuji-In Retsu
  • (A) Endurance Modification
  • (39) Endurance Reduction
Level 41: Maneuvers
  • (A) Endurance Reduction
  • (42) Defense Buff
  • (46) Defense Buff
Level 44: Focused Accuracy
  • (A) Endurance Reduction
  • (45) To Hit Buff
Level 47: Physical Perfection
  • (A) Endurance Modification
  • (48) Healing
  • (48) Healing
  • (48) Healing
Level 49: Laser Beam Eyes
  • (A) Accuracy
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Recharge Reduction
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Run Speed
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Recharge Reduction
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Flight Speed
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Healing IO: Level 40
  • (37) Healing
  • (37) Healing
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 40
  • (39) Endurance Modification IO: Level 35
  • (39) Endurance Modification IO: Level 35
Level 1: Assassination
Level 4: Ninja Run
Set Bonus Totals:
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
  • 1.26% Resistance(Fire)
  • 1.26% Resistance(Cold)
Set Bonuses:
Red Fortune
(Danger Sense)
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
  • 1.26% Resistance(Fire,Cold)

The path of Villainy is an arduous one, but one that must be tread because without it there would be no heroes, and what would the world be like without either. So for all those heroes out there I chose Villainy.



Originally Posted by kharnstalker View Post
need critique- stalker build PvE/PvP - ninja/ninja build included

right now i am 11 levels short of getting to lvl 50 and this is my highest lvl character at the moment, at the moment i can fight at -1/1 to +1/1 with little to no difficulties but i want to fight at +4/8 but im not sure it will work out, is there any way to get my ninja that powerful, any advice on my incarnate choices when i get there and as a rouge who should my patron be, i was thinking ghost widow myself, advice is helpful criticism will be taken as well
You missed the forum :P

Seriously though, your build needs quite a bit of help. You should repost it outside of this thread, or in the stalker forum.



I like the concept of this forum, but could you please have a dev-run sticky thread that organizes links to the builds in the forum. It would be a lot easier than wading through all the threads.



Maybe this forum could have a section for each AT? Would save a lot of time, not having to muddle through all the builds that I've no interest or knowledge about.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
