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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Given that this forum is already on its second page of threads... seems to be working out.
Looking at views and replies, I'd have to disagree.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's not as bad as hysteria over rationality.
IMO, there seems to be more rationality in what you perceive as hysteria than what went into the implementation of this fiasco.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
... There's going to be a lot of awful builds never contested in this section...
Glad I'm not the only one that thought this.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
SHARING or NEED CRITIQUE - PvE or PvP - Archetype - Primary Power Set / Secondary Power Set - Mid's Build included or excluded
    • Example: NEED CRITIQUE - PvP - Corruptor - Sonic Attack / Thermal radiation - Mids' Build excluded

I think the order needs to be like this:

PvE or PvP - Archetype - Primary Power Set / Secondary Power Set - SHARING or NEED CRITIQUE - Mid's Build included or exclude.


People designate themselves to certain things, first PvE or PvP, then they do Archetypes.

After seeing them instantly at the start of the line they can then see what powersets are going to be up for discussion then decide on whether the next bit makes them interested or uninterested:

Sharing and need critique

Lastly its quite rare for Mids to not be included so it will be rare for people to find out that they can't look at a non Mids Build.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Fiasco, eh? Nope. No hysteria here.
Calling something a failure based on the observation of views, posts, and logical arguments against it, does not make me "emotionally fearful". Nice try.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



On the syntax debate, it would make the most sense to order by how much each part narrows down your results--since there are the most powersets, a powerset would be listed first, and since PvP/PvE is only two possibilities (tied with Mids' build included/excluded), it would be last. Then again, PvP/PvE are of set length, so it's just as easy to read everything else and easier to read PvP/PvE if you put it at the beginning.
If there were any optional properties (such as a specific purpose), it should be last so as to not interrupt the constancy. Anyway, a "build without IOs included" property would also be a great one to add into the titles for free and premium players. And since people will very rarely, if ever, be searching for a "no Mids' build included", it should be acceptable to leave "Mids' build included" out (but don't leave out "no Mids' build").

PvE Powerset/Powerset Archetype (No IOs, for soloing)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
No, but your hyperbolic language does.

And calling the responses, observations and logical arguments here "hysteria" isn't hyperbolic?
That's rich.

I think it's cute how you defend it, though.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Hurr durr this here forum has been here two days and some people aren't getting replies! Time to call it a failure. /sarcasm

Really folks, let's give this a chance.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If there are problems with this new forum, they should be stated, not shouted.
They have been stated, several times, in several ways, in several voices.

But if you prefer, we can observe each made topic one by one and see where it flaws?

Funny one those, dispite wrong title, its the first one i see that really adds something to just a 'build dump'

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Ok, I guess I've got more then one last thought on this forum...

Problems with this forum have been stated. There doesn't seem to be proper "logic" behind this.

If say, I've got a collection of books organized on each bookcase by style, I know where to find that mystery or a sci-fi book. I look on the correct bookcase.

This forum is the equivalent of having someone come along and randomly throw books on a book case. Yeah, eventually I'll be able to find the Comedy I was looking for, but right now I've got to weed through someone else's "Romance Novels" to find the Comedy I'd be interested in reading. (And no, not a big fan of Romance Novels, sorry.)

Oh, and occasionally, but not always, there is a copy of the book on the sorted bookcase. So, instead of looking at one bookcase, now I have to double check both to make sure I didn't miss it on the Random House of builds? Where's the logic there?

As I mentioned earlier, from my perspective, this splinters everyone's attention to builds across more forums then is necessary. And that, in my opinion, doesn't make sense.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Funny one those, dispite wrong title, its the first one i see that really adds something to just a 'build dump'
Entirely deliberate, my dear sir.

All opinions considered, I think they should disable this forum for the time being and re-purpose it specifically for Free players (or just new players in general). It'd be great if we could actually get a bunch of topics in a similar format to mine (not saying that mine's perfect).



I would just like to second(or third, fourth) the request to add/sticky the different ATs to this sub forum. I might even recommend adding the AT's primary sets as a subforum to the ATs.

There are way too many build possibilities. I doubt I will ever get past the third or fourth page.

Also, Is there a way to go back and change the title of a thread? I mean, what if there comes a time where I am not actually interested in any more feedback? What if with the help of my peers the build has achieved perfection? The tittle would be there, mocking people, because they couldn't infact make any constructive feedback?

While we are fixing up the forums, any way we can fix it so I stay logged in? Or because free players arn't as invested in actually going through the log in rigmarole, is the forum logout bug now just being called a security feature? "oh, SD didnt log out before he shut down his browser... lets do it for him!"

*Not actually blaming free players for anything. The bug existed long before I knew there were going to be free players.*



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Right now, we're looking at things from the viewpoint of folks who have been around for a long time, who know the ins and outs of this forum. But what about from the viewpoint of people who have either never been to the forums or are completely new to our Community?
Still think it's not needed.

I mean, "If you have questions about your class/AT, go to that class/AT forum" isn't an earth-shattering concept. When I played Aion and had questions about my Ranger, I went to the Ranger forum. When I wanted to know about a Gladiator, I went to the Gladiator forum.

Same's true here. I look up specific information - *including* build ideas and suggestions - in the AT forum. I'm not sure what's so confusing about "I have a blaster, so I'll look in the blaster forum."

Now, we're splitting attention. Or, someone will post in *both* their AT and here, and get possibly conflicting information.

I don't really *care,* to be perfectly honest. Most of the builds aren't (IMHO) useful to anyone not at 50 with time to fiddle with the market for purples/PVP IOs/etc with the general forum fascination with "softcap-perma-blah-blah-blah." I just don't see it being quite as helpful as Z might think.



Just want to repeat my suggestion.

I believe it is possible to use vBulletin categories to have threads display in two places. So create a category for "Mids Build" and then any thread created in an AT forum that is categories as a "Mids Build" would also appear here.

Still think having two places to go for the same info is a bad idea. If this forum is a success then the AT forums will suffer.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



If it must exist, then you need to set it up for each AT so if someone wants to they can drop it down in the right place and still discuss it in the original place. I agree with previous suggestions, set up the AT sections to show subforums for builds and general info. That makes more sense



I appreciate the attempt to try something new. I'm willing to give this a shot but I'm not sure if this going to be the most effective way to do it. Just looking through what is here right now, it's mostly ATs and power sets I'm not qualified to comment on. IMO there is very little overlap between, say, a Tanker and a Defender and having them in the same forum, along with 10 or so other ATs, is a lot of distraction to deal with. Controllers and Dominators are ATs that seem very alike but have somewhat different purposes and build priorities. I fear we're going to get back into fights about this and that control set being "better" on one AT or another rather than talking about the actual AT the build was posted for.

There are a couple of reasons there isn't a storehouse of builds anyone can identify. One of the biggest is that they are constantly changing. Just this issue epic powers opened up at 35 and we got new travel powers. Prior to that we got incarnate powers proper. Prior to that, the alpha slot. Prior to that, inherent Stamina. I just don't have much worth sharing that for sure is going to still be worth reading about again in 8 months.

Another possible issue is that a person "sharing" a build implies that it is not there to be commented on, but may in fact be not very good and in need of "critique." Or it might be ultra-specific for some purpose or player. Of the people commenting on the Controller boards, we very rarely come to a complete consensus on build goals or design. And pretty much every build comes with caveats about cost, practicality, purpose, and how far the player is willing to dig into incarnate content.

I also have a couple of builds I consider good, but the number of people looking specifically for, say, Ice/Fire Dominators is so low, and the build updated so frequently, that it is IMO more economical to just respond to individual requests rather than put up a post hoping someone finds it.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Also, Is there a way to go back and change the title of a thread?
Yes, go back and edit the thread and choose Go Advanced.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Alright... I think everyone has found every possible way to word, "This is silly and unnecessary," so I just wanted to stop back in to say that I'm at least grateful that the mods aren't moving every single build thread that pops up in AT forums to this one.

If we were being forced to stop using the more organized and intuitive system that we use already I would be upset. Instead, I'm just slightly confused... A much better alternative.



I do so love to rage against the machine.

Personally I think it makes a lot more sense to have builds consolidated to one area rather than spread out between every archetype sub-forum. Our AT's are not so diverse that someone who typically likes to hang out in the Scrapper forum can't offer good advice on a Brute build. Someone who likes to play Corrupters probably has some good advice for a Defender.

If all your educated builders are in one place that means that they are more likely able to see people who need help. More than this, all our educated people being in one place means that they will be able to learn from each other as well, broadening their perspective, and be even better suited for helping people than they already were.

This is simply a good idea whichever way I look at it.



I must confess I was slightly perplexed by the need for this forum but as others have said, since it's obviously getting some use, then maybe people are feeling some kind of benefit from it.

One thing I've noticed with bulletin boards is they fairly soon settle down to their own level - by which I mean there are some that will be constantly busy, others that won't and some may turn into specialist subjects.

I guess the community team's argument would be simply that because this game is as accessible as they can make it, from a casual to a dedicated player's perspective, then so should the forums be as accessible too. Maybe this is where the new player will look initially... the Build Workshop is kind of self-explanatory. Once they've found their favourite AT and decided to experiment a bit then it'll be time to gravitate towards the AT specific boards. But at the very least, we now have a useful jumping off/on point for a new player and a decent repository of information for the experienced forumite. That's for the cost of one extra board so it's not that big an issue I guess. Those who absolutely don't want to use this board are entirely at liberty to not use it.

Just one thought - a potential suggestion maybe:

Make this the main "AT & Builds" Board and make then AT specific boards child boards of this. That may then turn this section into the "General build discussion" section and then the AT boards... well we know what they do anyhow. I'm not saying that's the best way, but it's one notion that kind of came to me as a possibility.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Well I held back on saying anything til I could see where this is going....

The only way I think this really works is if you break it down into subcategories of AT's. Unfortunately, that's really just bringing us back to where we were, by having the builds back in their respective AT categories!

It's too convoluted. It's a hectic looking page and to make these builds easily accessible, a person shouldn't have to look through a bunch of posts on the FotM to find a.... Gravity/* controller build (for example).

Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Sure thing. Highlighted part...
Hrm. Somehow I missed that. @Zwil: my apologies.