The new Tier V Travel Powers - Thoughts and Feedback

Agent White



I've not seen a lot of chatter yet on the new Tier V Travel Powers - Afterburner, Long-Range Teleport, Burnout, Spring Attack, and the Kheldian equivalents - Shadowslip and Quantum Acceleration.

So far, I've only used LRT, and I'm rather disappointed with it. It doesn't permit teleport to Hazard Zones (except for The Hollows and First Ward), or any co-op zones. Nor does it permit crossing the Hero/Villain/Praetorian line even if you're a Vigilante/Rogue and capable of doing so normally. Implementing the latter I think is difficult with how they coded Hero/Villain crossovers, but I'm confused at the former. Bluezone characters especially have a large number of Hazard Zones, afterall.

Thoughts anybody?



I would sooner take and slot Walk than use 3 slots on a power barely faster than a free jet pack, but I guess I'm not part of it's demographic.



I'm enjoying Afterburner. But then again, this is on a Gravity/energy dominator, so I have too few good powerpicks to begin with.



I love spring attack, its not a min maxer's power, but for aoe limited builds, it works and it gives me a good thematic power for a very agile martial artist type character. I have used it on my ma, and im looking at it for kin melee and super strength. and for my sj character it will likely be used too. the 2 power picks is rough though, one pick would be better for utility enhancer powers like afterburner and zone teleport. though as per the last ustream, i understand thats a coding issue.



The thing I like most about LRT was no matter what zone you teleported to you ended up in a convenient location, either by the tram, trainer or the market.

LRT is an awesome power for Vigilantes and Rogues.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
The thing I like most about LRT was no matter what zone you teleported to you ended up in a convenient location, either by the tram, trainer or the market.
Aren't most of the LRT drop-off locations similar or identical to the drop-off for Ouroboros/Base Teleporter/Market Teleport?



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Aren't most of the LRT drop-off locations similar or identical to the drop-off for Ouroboros/Base Teleporter/Market Teleport?

For the most part, they deposit you in a nice, convenient location.

Ouro Portals tend to deposit you out of the way. (It's a secret, after all)



Similar to ourobos and market but nothing like base teleporters. The base teleporter system rarely drops you off in a convienent location.



I liked LRT and Afterburner well enough. I didn't get a chance to try Burnout and Spring Attack. But of the four, I'd say Burnout is least likely to ever be taken by me.

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Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post

For the most part, they deposit you in a nice, convenient location.

Ouro Portals tend to deposit you out of the way. (It's a secret, after all)
Ouro portals don't drop you off in secret locations at all! The Talos Island exit is right next to the train; the Cap Au Diable exit is practically in the middle of Aeon City.



I haven't used LRT on all locales yet, but most of them drop me off right at the Train Stop (at least Blueside), while IC dropped me off at the trainers. The Hollows and Faultline dropped me off at or very near the zone entrance, but First Warden did drop me in the middle of nowhere (at or near the center of the zone).

Overall I feel that it's just a mediocre power - not terrible, but not useful-enough to warrant taking it. If it's utility was improved (the ability to teleport to more zones) or the requirements reduced (change the 2-power requirement to a single power, decrease the activation time, and/or reduce the recharge time), then the power may be worthwhile.

I'm crossing my fingers thinking the power is bugged somehow - that it's supposed to allow teleports to Hazard Zones but only the Hollows and First Ward got included.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Ouro portals don't drop you off in secret locations at all! The Talos Island exit is right next to the train; the Cap Au Diable exit is practically in the middle of Aeon City.
...It's an open secret.




I was underwhelmed by LRT. If you could teleport to specific points like chosen contacts or active missions (and the tech seems to exist for both), I'd like it. If it is just going to function as a train when I already have trains, Pocket D, Oro and in many cases base teleporters available I can't see taking it on any primary builds.

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I'm having way too much fun with Spring attack. Sorely tempted to make an elec/shield brute to have three teleport into the middle of action attacks on tap.

Burnout? I like it, but it's a shame that it's limited to just primary and secondaries. It seems to me, to be the sort of thing you'd keep in reserve, so you could double up on your tier 9 attack or something to get you out of a bunch of slows and no attacks sort of situation.



I haven't tried anything yet, but spring attack seams like it'd be great for stalker sets that lose their AoE for assassins strike.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I would sooner take and slot Walk than use 3 slots on a power barely faster than a free jet pack, but I guess I'm not part of it's demographic.
Yeah, Afterburner has me a little conflicted, FWIW. On the one hand, Afterburner is really attractive from a conceptual standpoint. Afterburner's visual/sound effect alone is maybe one of the more superhero-y things I've seen in 7 years of CoH.

On the other hand, I almost resent the power's existence, gated as it is behind two other power choices, at least one of which I may have no interest in. I've been staring at builds over the last few days in my spare time, trying to find ways to shoehorn Afterburner into them, because otherwise I'm not even sure Fly is worth it to me anymore. Afterburner is simultaneously that conceptually pleasing, and that expensive.

All of that said, Afterburner is a lot faster than a jetpack. We're talking ~88 MPH here, versus the old flight cap of ~58 MPH (that's at level 50 with one IO in Fly and two IOs in Afterburner). The problem is that the game has been de-emphasizing travel power picks for years now; picking up Fly itself was arguably sub-optimal before, and now you need an extra power pick to make it truly feel like superhero flight.

On the upside, Afterburner apparently accepts the Luck of the Gambler proc*, so depending on your build you might wring a numerical advantage out of the deal.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
I've not seen a lot of chatter yet on the new Tier V Travel Powers - Afterburner, Long-Range Teleport, Burnout, Spring Attack, and the Kheldian equivalents - Shadowslip and Quantum Acceleration.

So far, I've only used LRT, and I'm rather disappointed with it. It doesn't permit teleport to Hazard Zones (except for The Hollows and First Ward), or any co-op zones. Nor does it permit crossing the Hero/Villain/Praetorian line even if you're a Vigilante/Rogue and capable of doing so normally. Implementing the latter I think is difficult with how they coded Hero/Villain crossovers, but I'm confused at the former. Bluezone characters especially have a large number of Hazard Zones, afterall.

Thoughts anybody?
LRT is the embodiment of disappointment. As you said, no hazard zones, co-op, it'd be barely above the Ouroboros portal if it weren't for the fact that it's got a loooooooooooong animation, long recharge, can't be used from inside missions, and it's INTERRUPTIBLE (I mean, seriously folks, wtf!). As it is, it's less than Ouroboros, or even having a freaking base with teleporters installed.

I took it on a character that needs to respec into Inherent Stamina anyway. Good thing, that.

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Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
LRT is the embodiment of disappointment. As you said, no hazard zones, co-op, it'd be barely above the Ouroboros portal if it weren't for the fact that it's got a loooooooooooong animation, long recharge, can't be used from inside missions, and it's INTERRUPTIBLE (I mean, seriously folks, wtf!). As it is, it's less than Ouroboros, or even having a freaking base with teleporters installed.

I took it on a character that needs to respec into Inherent Stamina anyway. Good thing, that.
Likewise I picked-it up on with one of my mid-level characters during her freespec. However with its disappointing utility I don't plan to take it with any of my other teleportating toons. My Redside characters have no use for LRT, since they all belong to a fully-operational VG base, while my Blueside characters are more than used to using Trams, O-Portals and Wentworth TP's.

I'm contemplating burning one of my account respecs to get rid of LRT (and probably Teleport Friend, since I have ATT now) but I'll probably wait for a few weeks to see if we may see some tweaks to LRT. Like I mentioned earlier, the fact that there are two Hazard Zones we can teleport to, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there's an error and we're supposed to teleport to other Hazard Zones as well.

(edited for clarity)



As far as I'm concerned, these are concept fillers for me. I LOVE Afterburner's sound effect and animation. They are absolutely perfect for my rocket-boot-sporting energy blaster, and make me feel like I'm flying at super-sonic speeds (even if I'm not actually). I'm not overly please with the fact that I have to slot it up to reach max flight speed (unlike Fly itself), but I usually end up with one or two slots to spare in my build anyway, so I will be getting a decent amount of mileage out of that power (no pun intended).

I haven't tried Spring Attack yet, but again, I can definitely think of a few concepts that would be glad to have it (i.e. if I had a character on par with The Hulk).

Burnout seems like the min-maxer's power. When I first saw the power's name, I was thinking/hoping for something more, well, speed-related rather than recharge related. Something like a limited-duration large range PBAoE Slow that also made you untouchable, so as to simulate a "so fast you can dodge anything" trait, but that probably would have been broken. As it is, I probably won't take it unless I make a speedster one day.

LRT is, again, great for my teleporter toon, but I doubt I'll be taking it on many other characters. As for the zones you can or cannot reach, I think it will be a benefit more often than a hindrance.

Overall, I'm happy to have them.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Burnout? I like it, but it's a shame that it's limited to just primary and secondaries.
There's a reason why it doesn't apply to pool powers.



Originally Posted by SkullThuggery View Post
There's a reason why it doesn't apply to pool powers.
Which is?



You could use it to recharge itself. Thus causing the universe to recursively implode.



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
On the other hand, I almost resent the power's existence, gated as it is behind two other power choices, at least one of which I may have no interest in. I've been staring at builds over the last few days in my spare time, trying to find ways to shoehorn Afterburner into them, because otherwise I'm not even sure Fly is worth it to me anymore. Afterburner is simultaneously that conceptually pleasing, and that expensive.
What I really don't get is that I thought fly was made slower due to rendering limitations. So, if those limitations have been surpassed, then why isn't fly just faster without the need for another power choice?



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
What I really don't get is that I thought fly was made slower due to rendering limitations. So, if those limitations have been surpassed, then why isn't fly just faster without the need for another power choice?
Because that's its only weakness related to the other travel powers. It's already safer and more maneuverable



Does Spring Attack benefit from Controller Containment?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.