The new Tier V Travel Powers - Thoughts and Feedback

Agent White



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
What I really don't get is that I thought fly was made slower due to rendering limitations. So, if those limitations have been surpassed, then why isn't fly just faster without the need for another power choice?
My understanding is that the technical limitations set the standard for Super Speed, and Fly was set lower than that because flying has inherent advantages over SS/SJ. Or as Socorro says:

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Because that's its only weakness related to the other travel powers. It's already safer and more maneuverable
Yes, exactly; that was the original design theory, and it's a good one in principle. If we were just comparing travel powers in a vacuum I'd be more than fine with that rationale, but travel powers in this game have been progressively de-emphasized over the years, to the point where now it's trivially easy for anyone to get Fly's safety and maneuverability from a Jet Pack. Zone ports are common as dirt, too (which is why the Tier 5 Teleport power is getting panned; if it had been released in 2005 it would have received rave reviews). Hell, if I wanted to, I could fly around with speed-capped Hover, nearly full time, just by alternating the GvE and Steampunk jetpack powers.

We don't even need to take pre-requisites for travel powers anymore, so in a sense Afterburner isn't just one extra power pick; it's two extra power picks. Obviously, some builds will already have/need Hover or Air Superiority, but some builds won't. Some builds will take advantage of Afterburner's ability to mule DEF IO sets; some builds won't find that advantage compelling. (Like, say, my Tanker who already had five +DEF powers and didn't want Hover or AS.)

I don't mean to blow the complaint out of proportion; I love Afterburner. As far as I'm concerned, it's far and away the best of the new travel pool powers. The fact that I find myself compelled to sit in front of Mids and shoehorn it into all of my flying builds is a measure of how attractive the power is. It's just ... frustrating to have something so iconic and superhero-y introduced for such a high build cost so late in the game's development, when we'd already reached a point where any travel power, even at the old investment requirements, was arguably sub-optimal. As always, the inner struggle between the powergamer side of the brain and the concept-player side of the brain rages on.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Which is?
It could recharge itself.



Originally Posted by lankey View Post
It could recharge itself.
Easy code fix. IMO burnout would be way OP for some sets. Like fire off 2*conserve power/power build up/force of nature in a even shorter timeframe.

I still don't know what I should think about the t5 travel powers. First we got alternative travel powers like ninja run to skip at last one pool power. Then the give us inherent stamina to free up even more slots and enjoy the benefits. Well and now this.

Ack, not even enough power slots on some of my chars to pickup stuff like the spring attack.



I really love Afterburner. It looks awesome, and being able to fly that fast is just nuts.


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It's too bad that pre-reqs don't let you take Combat Jumping > Acrobatics > Spring Attack. I like Spring Attack, but not enough to take Jump Kick or Super Jump. Super Speed is just hands down the best travel power because you can use it to obtain invisibility, which on a squishy character becomes a practical requirement to survive some portions of late game trials. If Super Jump had Stealth I might give it more consideration (not much though because being able to speed through missions has so much value none of the other 3 travel powers can really compete).



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
You could use it to recharge itself. Thus causing the universe to recursively implode.
Originally Posted by lankey View Post
It could recharge itself.
I'm sure the standard code rant applies, but I would think that Burn Out could be flagged to recharge itself.

A curious question: does anyone know how Burn Out affects powers like One with the Shield and Strength of Will? Does it circumvent the fact that these powers are flagged to ignore +recharge?



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
You could use it to recharge itself. Thus causing the universe to recursively implode.
To prevent it from becoming like pre-nerf Hasten more broadly. Or to prevent the return of pre-Nerf Hasten.

Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
What I really don't get is that I thought fly was made slower due to rendering limitations. So, if those limitations have been surpassed, then why isn't fly just faster without the need for another power choice?
I believe the limitation is still there, however, it's not directly rendering limitations. It's combat that creates a problem. So, Afterburner suppresses off your powers [same as the Rocketboard], which allows the engine to not fail if you fly fast.

Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
Hell, if I wanted to, I could fly around with speed-capped Hover, nearly full time, just by alternating the GvE and Steampunk jetpack powers.
Your sentiment is mostly correct, however, GvE and Steampunk jetpack share cooldown .

Originally Posted by ketch View Post
A curious question: does anyone know how Burn Out affects powers like One with the Shield and Strength of Will? Does it circumvent the fact that these powers are flagged to ignore +recharge?
I believe that Burnout doesn't improve their recharge, you may try checking out the Beta feedback forums while they are still up though, I swear that's where I read that initially.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Boomie View Post
Burnout is awesome. I love to use it to instantly recharge a heal, tier 9, debuff. If I can, I'll be fitting this power into most of my toons builds.
Looking at it on Peacebringers and Warshades, it looks like it's pretty stunning. Particularly when you have all those long-recharging powers. I picked it up on my DP/En blaster, where it looks like you can do tricks like Build-Up + BO + Build-Up (it stacks, I checked), or Conserve Power+BU+Hail+BO+Hail. And so on.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Looking at it on Peacebringers and Warshades, it looks like it's pretty stunning. Particularly when you have all those long-recharging powers. I picked it up on my DP/En blaster, where it looks like you can do tricks like Build-Up + BO + Build-Up (it stacks, I checked), or Conserve Power+BU+Hail+BO+Hail. And so on.
My Traps/Beam defender is probably going to get it too. Having an emergency "Give me all my Traps and my Tier 9 back NOW" power seems really appealing for her.

My Ice/Thorns is probably going to pick up Spring Attack as well, SJ is fine for me as a Travel Power (I have fly but it really doesn't suit him). I'll pick up CJ as well which is a nice "doesn't need any additional slots" power (essential on a mid-level Domi).



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Looking at it on Peacebringers and Warshades, it looks like it's pretty stunning. Particularly when you have all those long-recharging powers. I picked it up on my DP/En blaster, where it looks like you can do tricks like Build-Up + BO + Build-Up (it stacks, I checked), or Conserve Power+BU+Hail+BO+Hail. And so on.
Well hai thar Talen.

Yeah blaster nuke tricks could be pretty fun especially for my Ice/Em. Aim+BU+CP+Ice Storm+Blizzard+a blue inspi+BO then Aim+BU+Ice Storm+Blizzard+a blue inspi should destroy. Man I need to dust that guy off real soon.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
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The only concern is you have to be REALLY quick with that chain. AIM+BU+Power+BO is going to eat a lot of time if you want to stack aim and build-up.

Which of course, I want to do.



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Your sentiment is mostly correct, however, GvE and Steampunk jetpack share cooldown .
No they don't.

I quite often switch to the Jump pack mid-air when Steam Jump runs out.



LOVE Spring Attack, just what my SS/Elec and Stone/WP Brutes needed

Not tempted by either LRT or Afterburner, the faster travel is already possible with all the teleports and just old fashioned leg work between zones. I don't think the extra 20mph is worth it, really.

I really want to try Burnout, it looks like it could be an awesome panic button panic button. Used all your panic buttons? Use Burnout for more panic buttons. Kinda want it on an Elec/Regen Scrapper, or my Inv/SS Tank for chaining Unstoppable, Dull Pain and Rage together for epic stacking and god mode time.

Been thinking about Burnout theory for really abusing the power. Multiple Carrion Creepers? Dual Gang Wars? Illusion/Storm Controller with every pet out twice? Stack Empathy/Pain/Thermal/Cold buffs/debuffs on everybody.. Could be a fun tactical power.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I really want to try Burnout, it looks like it could be an awesome panic button panic button. Used all your panic buttons? Use Burnout for more panic buttons. Kinda want it on an Elec/Regen Scrapper, or my Inv/SS Tank for chaining Unstoppable, Dull Pain and Rage together for epic stacking and god mode time.

Been thinking about Burnout theory for really abusing the power. Multiple Carrion Creepers? Dual Gang Wars? Illusion/Storm Controller with every pet out twice? Stack Empathy/Pain/Thermal/Cold buffs/debuffs on everybody.. Could be a fun tactical power.
Unfortunately, Creepers will replace the old set so you can only have one at a time. And if you're thinking two sets of PA, it works the same one: we're only allowed one at a time. You could, however, throw out multiple lightning storms and tornadoes with a stormie.



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
No they don't.

I quite often switch to the Jump pack mid-air when Steam Jump runs out.
Cool deal, either another case of brain seizure or it got changed at some point after I first got it .

Let's Dance!



Last night I finally got around to levelling one of my older toons and picked-up Spring Attack, and I must say, that's pretty handy - decent damage and a targetable location instead of an enemy. The recharge on it is a little slower than I think it should be, but tolerable. I'm still debating how I'll slot it out.

As for Burnout, there's a lot of combo possibilities, but the long recharge on it keeps it from being something usable very often. I forget, does Hasten reduce the cooldown on Pool Powers & Incarnate powers, or is it like Burnout that only affects Primary/Secondary powers?



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Cool deal, either another case of brain seizure or it got changed at some point after I first got it .
It hasn't changed, though it's probably easy to make that mistake if you use the other while one is still active. If you do that, it will only extend the time and the previous one won't recharge until the new one is done.



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
Last night I finally got around to levelling one of my older toons and picked-up Spring Attack, and I must say, that's pretty handy - decent damage and a targetable location instead of an enemy. The recharge on it is a little slower than I think it should be, but tolerable. I'm still debating how I'll slot it out.

As for Burnout, there's a lot of combo possibilities, but the long recharge on it keeps it from being something usable very often. I forget, does Hasten reduce the cooldown on Pool Powers & Incarnate powers, or is it like Burnout that only affects Primary/Secondary powers?
Hasten affects everything that can be affected by -recharge.



Been trying out Afterburner. It doesn't seem so fast when you're flying high in the air, but when you skim the ground it's definitely noticeable. Afterburner is fast. I like the wave of air it has in front of it, although it looks a little silly when hovering, backwards.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
I'm crossing my fingers thinking the power is bugged somehow - that it's supposed to allow teleports to Hazard Zones but only the Hollows and First Ward got included.
The Hollows isn't technically a hazard zone any longer since it has a hospital and a trainer.



Originally Posted by Galactor View Post
The Hollows isn't technically a hazard zone any longer since it has a hospital and a trainer.
By that metric, Crey's Folly and Dark Astoria aren't really hazard zones either. Heck, Dark Astoria never was.

They're hazard zones. They spawn large groups, they have red icons on the maps.



Yeah I don't see any good reason why LRT doesn't allow teleport to any non-level gated area on a given side (like The Hive being 45+).

Maybe that was the problem? Some trick of the level gating code, since old hazard zones were.



I was quite excited by LRT until I heard that it just drops you off at a train station. That sounds awful conceptually. Does it work like the Wentworth's teleport power, ie when you arrive you come out of a door? If the arrival for LRT is the same experience as arriving via the train, then I think it's terrible. I'd like it to have access to EVERY zone your character can access, and put you at a totally random location in said zone whenever you use it, to offset its usefulness then.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."