The new Tier V Travel Powers - Thoughts and Feedback

Agent White



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah I don't see any good reason why LRT doesn't allow teleport to any non-level gated area on a given side (like The Hive being 45+).

Maybe that was the problem? Some trick of the level gating code, since old hazard zones were.
LRT feels a bit like a throwaway t5 power. There was (and still is!) an opportunity to actually make use of those exploration badges to drop people off at specific spots.




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
LRT feels a bit like a throwaway t5 power. There was (and still is!) an opportunity to actually make use of those exploration badges to drop people off at specific spots.
One thought I had was that if you had all of the exploration badges for a hazard zone, you can then use LRT to visit that zone.

Although you gave me another idea, (one that we'll never see implemented but just sounds cool anyway) is that LRT could drop you off at whatever exploration badge you currently had active (if any).



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
One thought I had was that if you had all of the exploration badges for a hazard zone, you can then use LRT to visit that zone.

Although you gave me another idea, (one that we'll never see implemented but just sounds cool anyway) is that LRT could drop you off at whatever exploration badge you currently had active (if any).
EXACTLY! Although, I'm pretty sure we aren't the first two players to think of it ( ' ;




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I love thread necro. Please check last post date.

It's today!

So, to stay on topic, I really like LRT. I don't need it as such, but it's really convenient. If only I could find room for it more often

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah I don't see any good reason why LRT doesn't allow teleport to any non-level gated area on a given side (like The Hive being 45+).

Maybe that was the problem? Some trick of the level gating code, since old hazard zones were.
I suspect the only reason is that it would require the Devs to place a teleport marker on every map. Just guessing though.

I'd be more tempted by LRT if it could teleport you everywhere and if I didn't have so many ways of teleporting round zones anyway. What with Oroboros and SG base teleports and contact teleports and market teleports and mission teleports and even a few magic doors littering the place you kind of want more bang for your buck if you are going to use an actual power selection

LRT should also be a permanent mission teleport.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



1:Could someone hypothetically use Only Hover and Afterburner to get around the city at a reasonable rate?
2: Does afterburner allow for flight poses?

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



1: Not really, since Afterburner just increases the fly cap. From what I understand, it is impossible to reach the fly cap with Hover. Hover + Afterburner is only good for the def it may provide.

2: Afterburner just raises the fly cap, so it's pretty much unrelated to fly poses. The effect is certainly compatible. But it's based on the underlying fly/hover power, rather than afterburner itself.

That handy link will explain more than you might have wanted to know about flight.



I like Afterburner...I've always wanted a faster flight...and it's a conceptually great. requires you to select another power instead of Fly...and I hate that with a passion.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I love thread necro. Please check last post date.
It's not that bad of a necro.

I personally feel it would be worse to create a whole new thread for something that was just discussed 1 month and two weeks ago.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I love thread necro. Please check last post date.
I was pleasantly surprised to see my thread brought back from the grave. I feel though it's still a pertinent thread. The powers aren't all that old, and there's still many people that haven't used all of the new Travel Powers and thus haven't expressed their opinions of them yet.



As a dual pistol/energy blaster, I really enjoy Spring Attack. Boost Range allows this power to be cast from a good distance, and the power itself is very convenient and visually fun with the last DP power.

Jump in the middle of a pack, watch'em fall down (thanks for the KD component), then use your best gun kata to tear them appart.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I like Afterburner...I've always wanted a faster flight...and it's a conceptually great. requires you to select another power instead of Fly...and I hate that with a passion.
Well, you can stick a LotG recharge in it - that lessens the loss. I did exactly that in the PB version of afterburner