Rocket Board = Bad Idea




Rocket Board on a Tanker is a bad idea.

Rocket Board on a Blaster/Corrupter/Controller and anything else that doesn't exclusively rely on its toggles to survive is a FUN idea!

It was just so cool laying the smack down on Omnicore, delivering my scathing "I'm just better than you!" speech, and then hopping on my rocket board to fly away.

Even better that it was my Beam Rifle/Time Manipulation Corrupter, and he's a time traveling mad scientist.

"I just beat you, Omnicore. Now I'm gonna fly away on my totally cool rocket board... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! AWAAAAAY! TO THE FUTUUUUUURRRRRRRE! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
I created a bind for it. (I have always used the F key for 'Fly'.)
As soon as I hit F, my toon jumps on the board. Hit F again, sprint becomes active. Of course you have to retoggle any powers you want.

/bind F "powexec_name Rocket Board$$powexec_name Sprint"

(Walk can be done the same way.)
If I remember my binds correctly you can eliminate this whole de-toggling problem as well.

Just add "powexec_toggle_on Integration" or whatever toggle you want.

So it'd look like this;

/bind F "powexec_name Rocket Board$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_toggle_on Plasma Shield$$powexec_toggle_on Fire Shield"

You should be able to add all the toggles you want. That way when you turn it off, your toggles will activate.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I just got it - it's neat but kinda wish I'd held off buying it. Dropping all toggles is tiresome. I understand not allowing attacks due to animations issues, but why couldn't it behave like Afterburner does (when on, you have 'Affecting Only Self', meaning you can't attack, but your toggles don't drop)



There is only one solution:


It allows for use of Afterburner! It has the [IWinButtonTurret] attached underneath! The turret fires through the board's inherent, always-running, untouchable Personal Bigboi Pants Forcefield!

Better than that ... anything you type while riding the HB3KAB is instantly agreed to by any players or developers in zone! [Warning: If you are riding the HB3KAB while typing on the forums and another player is doing the same, the end of reality as we know it will occur.]

Isn't that worth a measly 80,000 Paragon Points?!!

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
Because it invalidates all previous character builds that didn't rely on something like Ninja Run? It's a MUST BUY for most people, which I think sets a really bad precedent.
It's a "not even considering buying" for me. Unlike a lot of people, I build my characters for concept first, and then powergame them within those constraints. Example: I don't give a chrome-plated turd that Blaze Mastery is the best APP for scrappers, I won't take it if it doesn't match my concept.

Since I don't currently have any character ideas that call for a red rocket board, it will sit in the store unpurchased until such time as I do. It's going to be there for a while.

And it doesn't invalidate a damn thing. How exactly does a travel power that you cannot use ANY of your powers while using invalidate anything? With Flight, if something attacks me while I'm traveling through a zone, I can fight it off without having to shut my travel power off. Rocket Board doesn't give you that option.

Also, how many people use the travel pools JUST for the travel powers? No one takes Hasten, Combat Jumping, Hover, Air Superiority, or Recall Friend? If you choose to ignore travel pools in favor of a power that shuts off all your other powers, you're welcome to do so, but you're going to be ignoring a lot of other useful powers as well.

Doom? Not even close.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My biggest problem with it is that it won't work on water. Unless you have power.



Better up that price a ton. From what we've been seeing on here, players would pay it. Make it 800,000,000 just to be safe.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
Because it invalidates all previous character builds that didn't rely on something like Ninja Run? It's a MUST BUY for most people, which I think sets a really bad precedent.
No it isn't a must buy. I only use ninja run with character concepts, and right now I have no character concept in mind with rocket board.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Better up that price a ton. From what we've been seeing on here, players would pay it. Make it 800,000,000 just to be safe.
Oh just to be ebil - the board is 80,000, but the battery to power it costs 998,919,999 paragon points.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



I play MM's. Cowabunga doods.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if it was intended for new players and lower levels anyway.
Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I understand not allowing attacks due to animations issues, but why couldn't it behave like Afterburner does (when on, you have 'Affecting Only Self', meaning you can't attack, but your toggles don't drop)
I think it bears repeating what Aneko said about it: LOW LEVEL characters don't usually have too many toggles to begin with.

I think it's pretty clear that the Rocket Board wasn't really intended for a level 50 Tank with like 6 or 7 toggles. It was intended for the lowbie-types as a "travel power filler" the same way Brawl is an "attack power filler" when you don't have a full attack chain yet.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
My biggest problem with it is that it won't work on water. Unless you have power.
I totally LOL'ed at that.

BttF <3

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The only problem I have is you can't colour customise it.

Even then, it'd still never replace other powers for me. None of my characters would use a hoverboard, simply put.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
Because it invalidates all previous character builds that didn't rely on something like Ninja Run? It's a MUST BUY for most people, which I think sets a really bad precedent.
Noooooo... it isn't. Nowhere close. And it doesn't invalidate any character builds - and I have *quite a few.* Not sure where you're getting either of these ideas.

Rocket board is a mildly interesting temp travel power. Doesn't particularly work with any of my characters, though.



I own the Rocket Board.

My characters who can fly will still be keeping Fly.

Why? Because it's part of -their- character. Zortel flies with her suit of power armour. Rushmore flies because it's iconic. Fusebox will use Fly and Rocket Board because she's a geek enough that even if she can fly, a rocket board is just too cool to pass up. Tina P. Caustaf will fly as she's a demon with wings. Fear Trigger will fly as its telekinesis.

Jus' like that.

Also, fly can be slotted with Knockback protection, Stealth and Slow Resistance. Rocket Board can't.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I'm doing just fine without it. It is no MUST buy.
Same. I don't need to buy it.

It's ridiculous in a game with so many travel options to say that a new power that lets you go 5% (or whatever the percentage is) faster is somehow bad for the game. Like your other travel options are suddenly useless?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



It's kinda annoying to effectively get Afterburner for points. But I think that says something more about afterburner than the Rocket Board.

Let's Dance!



I am yet to get off my rocket board

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Not sure how an un-enhancable travel power that locks out all other powers is a bad idea compared to Fly. If I want more options, I choose Fly.

I wonder if Afterburner works with the Rocket Board...



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Are you aware that when you activate the rocket board all your toggles go off and all your other powers are inactive, as they do with walk? That means, for characters that have a lot of toggles at least, it's not a practical substitute for a real travel power.

It's actually much more hamstrung than Ninja Run or the animal pack run power, which have been around for a long time and aren't seen as game-breaking.
OH NOES! I has to take 5-10 seconds turning my toggles back on befores I enterz a mission. My life iz ruined! Woe iz me!

Less QQ more pew pew.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
But will I ever likely make a character who's ONLY travel power is the Rocket Board? Probably not. The detoggling simply makes it unusable as a "real" travel power.
Same here. It's GREAT on low levels, or high levels that are exemplared onto low-level teams.

Originally Posted by Twoflower View Post
But, now I won't feel I HAVE to get those travel powers in there early on if I want to get somewhere higher level without getting mashed into paste by street mobs. That's handy.
That's what I'm using it for. And it is =very= handy.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
My biggest problem with it is that it won't work on water. Unless you have power.

Chalk me up as one who loves the Rocket Board. My technology origin heroes are mostly inventors, and they now use it as non-combat travel just because it's fun. Also, fun fact: Rocket Boots activate while using the Rocket Board. DOUBLE ROCKET POWER!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



My claws/elec used it last night to grab the redside exploration and history badges. I found it a lot easier exercise than when I did the same run last week using a super jumper. Primarily she'll still be using super speed, but, well, she is Valley Kitten. When she needs to fly, avoid water, and look totally cool doing it? Surf's up, dudes!

Ricki will be using the rocket board frequently, since we both share the same amusement at seeing a night widow in full armor surfing across the Rogue Isles. Tide Shifter will definitely be using it up until he gets pirate ship travel powers.

So, yeah, if its fun and its cool, its rocket board time. Its the little things like this that make me giddy for Freedom.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I loves me the Rocket Board! Sure, at higher levels, the detoggling can be a nuisance, but by then Ive got plenty of travel options. Rocket Board really helps speed up the 10-20 game when all the un-enhanced old contacts want to send me to the ***-end of nowhere. Plus, I love that its not subject to travel suppression- if things look bad, I can hop on it and streak away at faster-than-lvl50-Fly-speed immediately. Sure, it means I have to be a bit more careful with my landing spots, but so far, I havent been put in any danger because of it, anfd its actually pulled me out of the fire a few times.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
If I remember my binds correctly you can eliminate this whole de-toggling problem as well.

Just add "powexec_toggle_on Integration" or whatever toggle you want.

So it'd look like this;

/bind F "powexec_name Rocket Board$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_toggle_on Plasma Shield$$powexec_toggle_on Fire Shield"

You should be able to add all the toggles you want. That way when you turn it off, your toggles will activate.
You can only turn on one power per bind. You can turn off as many as you want, but the opposite doesn't work.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I just got it - it's neat but kinda wish I'd held off buying it. Dropping all toggles is tiresome. I understand not allowing attacks due to animations issues, but why couldn't it behave like Afterburner does (when on, you have 'Affecting Only Self', meaning you can't attack, but your toggles don't drop)
The fundamental reason they can't go with "only effecting self" is that you'd be able to activate new powers on the board. And since the board flies, you'd be using the flying versions of those animations, which would look, well, very wrong.

Changing that is non-trivial. And if you have ambitions for other travel-gadgets that you don't stand on (magic brooms, mini-copters, etc...) every one of them would also require yet-another-special-case for animations. It would be a nightmare.

Something more likely (although still requiring some new tech) would be to disable activations and suppress all powers, instead of detoggling them. That wouldn't require entirely new animation data/travel modes, and would be universally applicable. You'd still be powerless while in the air, but at least you wouldn't have to turn them all back on again when you got off.

Near-term, any new travel toys we get are likely to be a) uncustomizable, and b) detoggling.

Oh, and just in case it's not clear, ALL powers are disabled on the board - not just toggles. So passive powers like health, stamina, or the melee sets passive resists are also not in effect while on the board.

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004