Rocket Board = Bad Idea




Originally Posted by _Synchrotron_ View Post
The fundamental reason they can't go with "only effecting self" is that you'd be able to activate new powers on the board. And since the board flies, you'd be using the flying versions of those animations, which would look, well, very wrong.
Actually, a big part of the reason is the same reason Afterburner has the same restriction. Flying faster than certain speeds breaks parts of the game. A way the developers have found to allow somewhat faster speeds is to block out power usage.

Let's Dance!



See, the important thing here is that Van Ellen, my high-tech astronaut and the second character I ever made, was intended to have tech versions of all of the travel powers. Piston boots were good, but jet boots never struck my fancy and tech wings were pretty much not even on the table.

Now, she has a rocket board and she is AWESOME!

That's what's really important. The fact that all of my other characters can fly around at level 2 if they want to is gravy.



I've been getting a kick out of flying the skies on my Rocket Board while listening to "Benson Arizona"

A million suns shine down
But I see only one
When I think I'm over you
I find I've just begun
The years move faster than the days
There's no warmth in the light
How I miss those desert skies
Your cool touch in the night

Benson, Arizona, blew warm wind through your hair
My body flies the galaxy, my heart longs to be there
Benson, Arizona, the same stars in the sky
But they seemed so much kinder when we watched them, you and I

Now the years pull us apart
I'm young and now you're old
But you're still in my heart
And the memory won't grow cold
I dream of times and spaces
I left far behind
Where we spent our last few days
Benson's on my mind




While they are at it... Paragon Studio could expand on this. Like a ridable skiff as a travel power - complete with customization options.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



I love my rocket board. Goes with my tech characters very well.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
OH NOES! I has to take 5-10 seconds turning my toggles back on befores I enterz a mission. My life iz ruined! Woe iz me!

Less QQ more pew pew.
Travel powers are often required inside missions. For example, in one mission of the Lady Gray Task Force you have to fly up to mitos and use melee attacks. Which you can't do with your rocket board because you can't use any other powers when it's active.

Some brutes, tanks and scrappers have as many as 8 or 9 toggles. It's not a total deal breaker to waste 10 seconds turning them on again, but it gets old mighty fast. There are several other missions where you have to zip around vertically a lot -- the one where you fight on a Sky Raider platform comes to mind -- or the Sutter TF, and using a rocket board there would be very tedious and dangerous. There are also some rooms in the CoT caverns that are a lot easier if you can fly, and the rocket board is a pain there as well.

It's not uncommon for tanks and brutes to zip through missions using their travel power to quickly bypass mobs (this is common in the last mission of the Lady Gray TF). If you try that using the rocket board you will potentially take a lot of damage and will probably get held by the dozens of Rikti mesmerists standing in the hallways.

Again, not a tragedy. But if you're depending on the rocket board for all your travel needs, you'll suffer some annoying limitations.

I see the rocket board as useful for someone who prefers Superspeed, but occasionally needs flight. But, because of things like the LGTF, you're still going to have to keep a jet pack in your back pocket.

The point is that the rocket board is not game breaking because it suffers from so many limitations. It's not a one-for-one replacement for flight, as the OP opined.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
What he said.
That's my only gripe too. Unfortunately, I didn't think of that before I bought the thing.



I bought it, and I still have several characters who have, and use, fly.



Wait, let me get this straight.
They introduce a paid-for travel power, and using it completely shuts off ALL your other powers, even passives? That's hilarious. Count me as being very glad I didn't buy it, nor will I ever do so after learning this.



It doesn't shut off passives.
The rocket Board isn't particularly useful for a significant part of the game but it is damn fun. I have been flying around with nowhere to go and loving every second of it. People often seem to forget that games are designed for fun...

As a side note, the Rocket Board is the only power that works in those new lowbie missions that make you walk in, click something and walk out. It speeds that process up a few seconds and those few seconds feel like much much more than they are - I am sure we all equally despise being forced to crawl through there at snail pace.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
It doesn't shut off passives.
The rocket Board isn't particularly useful for a significant part of the game but it is damn fun. I have been flying around with nowhere to go and loving every second of it. People often seem to forget that games are designed for fun...

As a side note, the Rocket Board is the only power that works in those new lowbie missions that make you walk in, click something and walk out. It speeds that process up a few seconds and those few seconds feel like much much more than they are - I am sure we all equally despise being forced to crawl through there at snail pace.
I thought someone on the first page of this thread mentioned it shutting off passives too? Ah well, it doesn't matter. The fact that it locks out everything else makes it a no sale for me. That and how utterly hideous the thing is. The board would clash horribly with the visual theme of most of my characters.



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
You can only turn on one power per bind. You can turn off as many as you want, but the opposite doesn't work.
Making a string of powexec_toggleon commands will allow you to repeatedly press the same button and activate all powers in it in sequence from right to left, however. It's a quirk in how the engine works.

Personally, I'm getting more than a little tired of getting legitimate travel powers for money. I now have more tempermanent powers on my character than all of my build powers combined, and at some point this starts to take over. I do not like it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Unlike a lot of people, I build my characters for concept first, and then powergame them within those constraints.
Yes, that's completely unlike what I do. I build my characters concept first, then play them in the crappiest way possible. I don't see a use for the rocket board, but I would pay for a teleport power that doesn't suck.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
It doesn't shut off passives.
I'm pretty sure that it does. Just like Walk.

And I personally don't want it unless/until they add customisation. And even then it's a bit iffy.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Travel powers are often required inside missions. For example, in one mission of the Lady Gray Task Force you have to fly up to mitos and use melee attacks. Which you can't do with your rocket board because you can't use any other powers when it's active.

Some brutes, tanks and scrappers have as many as 8 or 9 toggles. It's not a total deal breaker to waste 10 seconds turning them on again, but it gets old mighty fast. There are several other missions where you have to zip around vertically a lot -- the one where you fight on a Sky Raider platform comes to mind -- or the Sutter TF, and using a rocket board there would be very tedious and dangerous. There are also some rooms in the CoT caverns that are a lot easier if you can fly, and the rocket board is a pain there as well.

It's not uncommon for tanks and brutes to zip through missions using their travel power to quickly bypass mobs (this is common in the last mission of the Lady Gray TF). If you try that using the rocket board you will potentially take a lot of damage and will probably get held by the dozens of Rikti mesmerists standing in the hallways.

Again, not a tragedy. But if you're depending on the rocket board for all your travel needs, you'll suffer some annoying limitations.

I see the rocket board as useful for someone who prefers Superspeed, but occasionally needs flight. But, because of things like the LGTF, you're still going to have to keep a jet pack in your back pocket.

The point is that the rocket board is not game breaking because it suffers from so many limitations. It's not a one-for-one replacement for flight, as the OP opined.

We have so many temp travel powers that no one actually needs to take a travel power ever.

I've got level 50's that never took a travel power and still are using the original jetpack they got from the AP safeguard mission for their travel power needs.

The Rocket Board is simply there for coolness and character concept. No one has to feel forced to use it in combat.



Originally Posted by Psycho_Sarah View Post
I love my rocket board. Goes with my tech characters very well.
Ditto. Fits my "boy genius inventor" hero to a T.

On Liberty:
Aardwolf - level 50 claws/invulnerability scrapper
Anchor - level 50 level gravity/forcefield controller
Dr. Dusk - level 50 mercenaries/dark miasma mastermind



I almost didn't buy it, because I don't really need it. It is also a huge pain for most of my characters. I pretty much only play scrappers and brutes, both are toggle heavy. Which means when I land, I have to retoggle before jumping into a fight.

I could see where it is a great power for any AT with very few toggles though.

I still bought it, because I want more things like it. If it sells well, I am sure they will make more cool stuff like it. I want a motorcycle so bad.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Making a string of powexec_toggleon commands will allow you to repeatedly press the same button and activate all powers in it in sequence from right to left, however. It's a quirk in how the engine works.
Yes, but in the bind he had, it would have also been toggling the Rocket Board on off, therefore shutting off the power he just turned on. Not what he was aiming for I don't think.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
I'm doing just fine without it. It is no MUST buy.
Indeed. Of all my characters I have none for which a hover board would fit their concept. To that end, I haven't bought it. And the toggle off all powers part? Fail. I like the suppress-toggled-powers until you dismount idea though.



I bought it but only as an extra mode of transportation. Since the introduction of ninja run only two characters I have out of 40 or so have a travel power. There are so many temp travel powers that actually picking one from a power pool is a waste of a power pick, barring concept of course. I have several concept toons but I never try to fit in a travel power unless there isn't anything else I want. My biggest reason to go ahead and pick the board up is so that I don't even have to worry about using up a temp when I can use this or my GvE jumpjet or the steampunk jumpjet.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Making a string of powexec_toggleon commands will allow you to repeatedly press the same button and activate all powers in it in sequence from right to left, however. It's a quirk in how the engine works.

Personally, I'm getting more than a little tired of getting legitimate travel powers for money. I now have more tempermanent powers on my character than all of my build powers combined, and at some point this starts to take over. I do not like it.
I'm confused. I thought we've established that the Rocket Board isn't a legitimate travel power because you can't use any other powers while it's active, like Walk. Yeah, you can get around, but it's useless in missions and useless if you need to go where the enemy can hurt you. It's really just a quicker, flashier version of walk, a power just to show off with.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
I'm confused. I thought we've established that the Rocket Board isn't a legitimate travel power because you can't use any other powers while it's active, like Walk. Yeah, you can get around, but it's useless in missions and useless if you need to go where the enemy can hurt you. It's really just a quicker, flashier version of walk, a power just to show off with.
No. A legitimate Travel Power is one that gets you to your destination much faster than the various Sprint powers. Rocket Board does that and that's it.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
It's a "not even considering buying" for me. Unlike a lot of people, I build my characters for concept first, and then powergame them within those constraints. Example: I don't give a chrome-plated turd that Blaze Mastery is the best APP for scrappers, I won't take it if it doesn't match my concept.

Since I don't currently have any character ideas that call for a red rocket board, it will sit in the store unpurchased until such time as I do. It's going to be there for a while.
Well, according to one of the effects devs during the UStream chat on Tue., the possibility of us getting other things which could use the same tech as the rocket board (like flying carpets for magicy characters, etc) depends entirely on how many people buy the rocket board.
Given that I want a freaking flying carpet, I bought the (admittedly wicked-cool) rocket board, and have been encouraging as many of my friends to do the same.



I don't like the fact that you cannot change the stance on the board. In game the stance is "regular foot" - left foot forward and right foot behind. But in real life my stance is "goofy foot" - right foot forward and left foot behind.
This totally ruins my game immersion.