Paragon Market prices




Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Costumes/Tailor/Aura Unlock




You people must be playing a different game than I am.

I've forked over no actual money whatsoever.

Yet, I've gotten a new account-wide powerset, a new account-wide flight power, and a new costume piece.

And I have 500 points of play money left over to trade for whatever's coming out in the rest of the month.

Nothing has changed in the game for me other than the addition of a new type of loot and a new market to spend that loot in.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



I was hoping the character slots would come down some. I know they were the equivalent prices on beta as they were in the past, but was hoping they would come down because that is the biggest purchasing i will be doing across my accounts.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
$20 for 10 slots. Did they raise the price on this? I thought it was $10 for 10 slots in beta. I was planning to buy this, but I won't pay that price.
Nope, it was $20 for 10 (not figuring "discounts" we get for being VIP or for bundles) since I was in Beta, which was when it went open.

Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
The storage prices are way too high...
1600 points for 10 enhancements.
800 per salvage/ah/recepie upgrade...
800 for a costume slot...

Just... too high, noone will buy those... noone with any sense anyway.
Funny...I knew when I heard there were a total of 10 costume slots, that I would buy them at almost any price. I remember saying back when we all wanted more slots "if you just give them to us, we'll give you tons of money" and many of us said we'd "willingly pay the price of an expansion almost" just to get them. Well, that's what we got, and I'm actually damned happy about it. SEVEN costume slots at level 1, if you're willing to use Halloween Salvage. MORE slots at ONE than we've had through 50 to this point. I happily paid it. The enhancement tray was a bit steep, but i suspect there's some good reasons which I'll elaborate on below. I ended up spltting my initial 50 on 3 costume slots ("enough for now") and the one tray (would've liked both, but one is enough) Have no immedeate need for Beam rifle, so skipped it. Bought Barbarian costumes cause they seem neat. Still have enough points to get either another costume slot, OR a powerset at 800 if one comes out, not counting what I'll get from here on. It was also enough tokens to put me over into tier 9, and get me one of the celestial bits, and a signature summon for my main, so I'm happy there. I can round out the rest of celestial over the next 1.5 months, and from there it's gravy until it changes, so I'm pleased. I agree the trays should either be 400 less, or 4-800 less if "bundled". I won't likely buy Vault/Recipie/Salvage storage until/unless the price drops, or there is a sale. Not gonna dignify the "all Powersets should be free to VIPs" bit, has been covered repeatedly. They haven't been "free" since GR, if not a bit before.

Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post

Yes, buying the ability to hold 10 more lousy enhancements at a time, is some how more costly than the alignment system....

And I feel like the whole store thing has a lot of links to it, which I don't like. It's one of the main problems I had with a couple other F2P games, every time I open a new screen I've got the "spend money on this" button showing up in my face. This isn't as bad as some of the other games, but honestly I think a link in the in game menu, one that's an optional part of the UI, and one in the char select screen should be enough. I don't need one in the costume select screen, in the costume creator or anywhere else for that matter.
Everyone's forgetting those "10 extra lousy enhancements" help marketers a lot. They ALSO mean you can potentially pull out THIRTY enhancements for the measly price of a respec, rendering those unslotters all but useless unless all you wanted to do was switch 1-2 things. *THAT* is exactly why they're so expensive. Makes respecs "just to get stuff out" a lot more worth doing.

As for the Links to the store. If you're a VIP you can disable the floating "Paragon Rewards" and "Store" links, if you're free/premium you cannot. At that point it shows up as a very discreet almost invisible "shop" button under your salvage window (handy IMO) and on the menu (which the the only place rewards shows up if you remove the button, aside from login). Other than the ones in the tailor/costume creator, which are needed if you want to look at a piece, then decide to buy it and equip it right there if you're making a character. It makes perfect sense to have those buttons at login as well.

That renders your complaints largely invalid on that front. As for "Free/Premium account holders should be able to disable the button too" No..really they shouldn't, that's something we as paying subscribers are allowed to do, and that's fair.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
This is pretty much what I did at lunch. Seeing the actual pricing made me content to drop a hundred on it. Still have 5K or so points left, gonna spend that on storage when I get home.
I plan to drop some cash for points in a few days also.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Nope, it was $20 for 10 (not figuring "discounts" we get for being VIP or for bundles) since I was in Beta, which was when it went open.
Hmm. Too rich for my blood.

I would have bought as many as possible at $10 for 10 slots, but won't buy any at $20 for 10 slots. If others are happy to pay that price, more power to them.



I just thought I would have more points than I did .. a little let down, but I guess I'll get over it.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
I just thought I would have more points than I did .. a little let down, but I guess I'll get over it.
They gave everyone 400 points a month, starting from July 1st.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
The prices for Enhancement boosters are fantastic. 200 for 5, 900 for 30, 1800 for 90.
They're still a complete waste of points/money for the ridiculously low enhancement values they provide.

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Originally Posted by Arkham View Post
Then don't buy anything and let the 400 points/month you get as a VIP accumulate.

Or you eventually decide that since you've got the points anyway, might as well get something.
You're missing the basic point here. The prices are too high.

This is supposed to be a MICRO-transaction system we've converted over to.

There's nothing "micro" about a median price point of $10.

They're trying to get free-players to spend real money for points to purchase inconsequentials.

With most of the stuff being roughly in the $10-20 range, it's more economical just to buy a monthly subscription via time-card. $9.50 a month.

They're essentially pricing themselves OUT of the F2P market.

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Well I can finally post now....

But yes I was planning on buying the enhancement storage increases but...for those prices?! yikes, don't think so!

Tonight I looked at all the storage increase prices....those prices need to come like a good 800 points I say

I've bought the Beam Rifle set so far and that's it....saving the rest of my points for other powersets that are/will be coming out (Street Justice, Titan Weapons and that possibly leaked bo/staff powerset).

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Nearly every single item in this store is more expensive than the competing MMO's store
Nearly everything in the store is more expensive than buying a monthly subscription with time cards.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Am I wrong, or was stuff we've already bought supposed to be hidden?

It's very annoying that it's not, either way.
You're wrong. Everything is always visible on the market. Even if you already own it. And there is NO indicator as to what you have bought already.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You're wrong. Everything is always visible on the market. Even if you already own it. And there is NO indicator as to what you have bought already.
Bleh. That needs to be changed ASAP.



I think that there should be a one-click "hide all purcahsed items" filter for the whole market - or even put it as a choice in the main options menu.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



  • We are still working on a way to filter past purchases, however there's some snags with how the database plays with individual items, past purchases and bundles. It's a known request and something we're working with our partners to figure out.
  • There's certain restrictions we have to operate within when implementing a in game web browser (the Paragon Market) in a way that it doesn't impact game performance and is lightweight enough that it also doesn't impact client install. We're always going to be looking for ways to improve the interface, and appreciate your feedback.
  • Pricing wise, items will go on sale, on a weekly basis. So be sure to watch for the featured items as we rotate them out. And who knows, you may even see those enhancement slots .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



There are prices on the market that are a complete and total steal, and there are prices on the market that are too high.

The costume pieces individual and ala carte? Are perfect. I happily dropped 15 dollars today to unlock what seemed like dozens of pieces that I was missing without having to buy the full 10$ pack before for the other pieces I DIDN'T want. This was awesome.

The costume unlocks? Are priced too much. As are some of the storage unlocks. While I wouldn't drop them to next to nothing as some are implying, going down to about 5-7 dollars would seem fair for the current 10$ price point. I would drop 25 dollars for all 5 costume unlocks in a heartbeat. 50? I'm hesitant.

~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server



Wow Z, you guys even been to sleep this week?

Bravo on the stellar issue! Loving the store so far, can't wait til it's streamlined.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Hey there, did someone say Paragon Market prices...?

Chad needs to stop doing spreadsheets and have some fun for a change.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Wow Z, you guys even been to sleep this week?

Bravo on the stellar issue! Loving the store so far, can't wait til it's streamlined.
I cannot agree more. In its current state, it's a great start. It can only get better.

~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server



Originally Posted by FullMoonRising View Post
The costume unlocks? Are priced too much. As are some of the storage unlocks. While I wouldn't drop them to next to nothing as some are implying, going down to about 5-7 dollars would seem fair for the current 10$ price point. I would drop 25 dollars for all 5 costume unlocks in a heartbeat. 50? I'm hesitant.
If it helps, the costume slot unlocks and the storage unlocks are *global*.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios




They know what people are and aren't buying. If the price is too high, they'll lower it.

You have to understand, it's MUCH easier to start out a little high and lower prices or have sales than it is to start out too low and convince your players that you need to raise prices--especially so since there are no production costs for the products you're selling!

Also, you have to consider that they're going to be giving away the financial equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of Paragon Points each month to the VIP subscribers. Yes, they could lower the prices of everything to one or two hundred Paragon Points, but then where is the incentive for you to spend any money at all if you can just wait three or four months and have everything in the store for free?

The idea isn't for you to drop hundreds of dollars on the store today. (Though if you want to, I'm almost certain they won't object!) The idea is that each month, you'll drop a few bucks here and there that, added with the allotment you get with your VIP subscription, will allow you to slowly build up your inventory of acquired stuff.

It's interesting to see human psychology at work like it is in these types of situations. The same thing happened when the Incarnate account unlockables were pushed out. People took a look at the list, did some mental calculations, and freaked out because ZOMG it will take me forever to earn all this stuff! Now, it's several months later, most people have unlocked almost all of the unlockables, and you just don't see that much complaining any more because it doesn't seem so bad when you realize that pretty soon, you'll have everything and don't have to worry about it any more.

Similarly, people see a store chock full of some stuff they don't have and think ZOMG I'll have to spend hundreds of dollars to get all of this stuff! Well, 1) you don't have to buy all of this stuff, 2) you get a lot of it for free in time, 3) you'll have plenty of opportunity over time to get the stuff on the cheap with sales, 4) prices of a lot of this stuff will inevitably come down over the course of time as new shinies come on the market that they want to sell as premium products, 5) over the course of a year (which is a scary short amount of time once you suddenly realized it's passed), you get between 4,800 and 6,600 points for doing friggin' nothing except keeping your subscription active, and 6) once you buy something like inventory additions, it's yours forever, across your entire account, never to have to be purchased again!

More DOOOOM!-crying happens in this place because people totally blow off the concept of earning stuff over time and only think in terms of having it all right this second. So don't worry. Be happy. Give it a little time.

Edit: F-pazzin'! (Or, if you prefer, FPAZN.)

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I have the patience of a semi-saint, soooo I'm fine waiting for some stuff to be discounted.

*looks at the enhancement slots*

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
If it helps, the costume slot unlocks and the storage unlocks are *global*.
I think it's more sticker shock than anything else. Plus I'm sure more than a couple people only need them on one character at the time they go to buy it so in their mind they're spending $10 or $20 for just that one character. Or at least that's their initial 'gut' feeling.

Just a thought, but I know it says they're for each character in the item description, but maybe put that they're global unlocks in the text on the items list or even rename them (if that's possible) things like 'Account Wide Enhancement Increase', though I don't know if there's a character limit for item names (though from the shortening of inventory to 'inv' I'm guessing there is).

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