Paragon Market prices




Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The market is:
  • Overpriced
  • Slow
  • Hard to find what you want or have to scroll through dozens of pages.
  • Doesn't show what you have purchased.
  • Has error messages that are don't actually say what the error is.
  • Bundles don't say what is in them (ie. no detailed descriptions)
  • Items don't say if there is a bundle with them.
  • Just because it has to be said again: It is overpriced. $50 is the cost of a new game. $50 should not be the cost of 5 new costume slots.

I don't expect to use it much for the above reasons.

I would suggest that the development team responsible for the market to actually see how online carts work and rebuild this.
It looks like it was coded by people who've never seen a web page before, I grant. But I'm saying that's not likely to stop people from spending money in it. The biggest problem with the UI is that its not scalable to larger numbers of items. Its clumsy now, it will be unusuable eventually. But I can't state that as a fatal flaw unless and until the devs demonstrate that they are incapable of making the requisite interface changes to improve scalability.

You're assuming most of our playerbase are people that are grudgingly asking the devs to prove to them that their in-game store *deserves* their cash. I suspect the reverse is true: the playerbase is looking for ways to give them cash to get in-game stuff, and the store is only a speed bump to that.

I'm concerned about the UI, but here I think there's an advantage over my prior gripes with UI issues with the game in general. If a UI problem can be proven not just to be ugly but cost them money I think there will be far greater leverage to force whoever is responsible to fix it. We now have a definite cost/revenue metric in the development loop for the in-game store, and that is supposed to mean something to any development team.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Am I wrong, or was stuff we've already bought supposed to be hidden?

It's very annoying that it's not, either way.
From what we've been told about the current state of the market:

It is supposed to let you select anything you've bought.
It is supposed to let you proceed to the cart.
It is supposed to only give a meaningless error if you have have bought any item when you click on "place order" (Something, we're not telling you what, is over allowed quantity).

Clockwork 01 calls this "less than ideal". I call it a non-functioning online store. You decide.

I don't trust that. In order to have a functioning market, your customers have to trust you. Therefore the market isn't functioning as far as I'm concerned.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Yeah my main and really only complaint about the Market is that it looks like the UI was written by an intern who has never seen an online store. It really is terrible, although it's better than it was! Come to think of it, the one thing that Paragon Studios can be reliably expected to do badly is UI stuff; you guys do all right on the important bits, I find



While I agree the UI could use work, I can remember changing jumpers on sound cards just to play different games.

Having to click through a clunky interface is not, in any way, going to daunt me from finding and purchasing the goodies I desire.

I mean, if I wait in line at a retail establishment or restaurant and endure the inane conversations of the patrons ahead of me that don't understand what things like 'on the side' or 'buy 5 get one free' mean, I can have the patience to navigate through a few menus.

For me, there is no mistrust, there is no fear, there are only goodies waiting for me to acquire them.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Is the Paragon Market just a web browser using somethin like PHP or is it some costume built code (like C++) that just looks like a web browser?



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
While I agree the UI could use work, I can remember changing jumpers on sound cards just to play different games.

Having to click through a clunky interface is not, in any way, going to daunt me from finding and purchasing the goodies I desire.

I mean, if I wait in line at a retail establishment or restaurant and endure the inane conversations of the patrons ahead of me that don't understand what things like 'on the side' or 'buy 5 get one free' mean, I can have the patience to navigate through a few menus.

For me, there is no mistrust, there is no fear, there are only goodies waiting for me to acquire them.
Well the thing is, like Aracanville says, once we get a year or three worth of weekly new stuff in there, the thing is gonna be unusable.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
From what we've been told about the current state of the market:

It is supposed to let you select anything you've bought.
It is supposed to let you proceed to the cart.
It is supposed to only give a meaningless error if you have have bought any item when you click on "place order" (Something, we're not telling you what, is over allowed quantity).

Clockwork 01 calls this "less than ideal". I call it a non-functioning online store. You decide.

I don't trust that. In order to have a functioning market, your customers have to trust you. Therefore the market isn't functioning as far as I'm concerned.
That's odd. I tried to buy 3 aura-unlocks and I got that exact error.

They probably shouldn't give you a selectable quantity up to 10 if you're only allowed one :P



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Am I wrong, or was stuff we've already bought supposed to be hidden?

It's very annoying that it's not, either way.
Not hidden. No, but it shouldn't have the buy button next to it.

I believe I've seen someone state that they want to fix that so that things you buy are hidden but have been having fun with it. I think that was from a dev but my mind is fuzzy and full of mice.

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Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
While I agree the UI could use work, I can remember changing jumpers on sound cards just to play different games.

Having to click through a clunky interface is not, in any way, going to daunt me from finding and purchasing the goodies I desire.

I mean, if I wait in line at a retail establishment or restaurant and endure the inane conversations of the patrons ahead of me that don't understand what things like 'on the side' or 'buy 5 get one free' mean, I can have the patience to navigate through a few menus.

For me, there is no mistrust, there is no fear, there are only goodies waiting for me to acquire them.
The UI for the store is actually better than the initial version of the same thing in a pair of Turbined game or the Cryptic one. So while it isn't perfect it isn't as bad as I've seen.

That said the others all improved so I expect that this one will too.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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I agree that the UI is surprisingly bad, especially since this is supposed to be the seamless heart of the whole Freedom push. You'd have thought that they would have hired in some e-commerce interface people to do it. it is a bit concerning that it didn't get much, much more attetion paid to it during beta. It probably does need a from the ground rebuild.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



The UI and experience is at least better than it used to be in closed beta. I'm finding it much easier to get around and find things than it used to be, and it makes more sense. I would agree that it needs more detailed descriptions of items and could resize better, but I'm hopeful that those things will be adjusted, given the improvements since July.

Prices, I dunno. I don't mind SOME powersets needing to be purchased, since we get points as VIPs. I won't be so happy if we start getting no new "free" powersets, though. I think the discount to Beam Weapons made it a more palatable purchase as well, though I'd still say a permanent price point of 600 points is much more reasonable. The Archetype unlocks are also unreasonably high, along with some of the other things mentioned here (costume slots, enhancement slots, etc.). I don't think all of that stuff should be dirt cheap (like 200 points or less), but I think they're on the high side. If they were more reasonably priced, I think you could see more people springing for them than you do now, making the profit margin go higher.

I am quite happy to see costume sets on there as bundles, however. That is a nice feature and makes the shopping easier, and also provides a nice discount. Most of them are certainly worth the 400 points, too. I'd like to see that approach taken with more items (not that everything be 400 points, but that the price match what you are getting more). You can also get just the specific things you want from the sets... case in point, I wanted the steampunk set and got it, whereas I just wanted parts of the Valkyrie. Quite happy with that.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That's odd. I tried to buy 3 aura-unlocks and I got that exact error.

They probably shouldn't give you a selectable quantity up to 10 if you're only allowed one :P
I think you're trying to buy 3 of something that is a global unlock. The abilty to pick up to 10 items is for items that are consumable like XP boosters.



I put my free points where my mouth was and happily bought the cape and aura unlocks.

Well worth 320 points.

Edit - it's definitely account based.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I think you're trying to buy 3 of something that is a global unlock. The abilty to pick up to 10 items is for items that are consumable like XP boosters.
Wait, what? I thought I was paying for an aura unlock on ONE character. Are you saying that's global and I never have to run that mission again EVER?

If so, I'm buying the cape unlock RIGHT NOW.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Wait, what? I thought I was paying for an aura unlock on ONE character. Are you saying that's global and I never have to run that mission again EVER?

If so, I'm buying the cape unlock RIGHT NOW.
I was unaware of this as well.

Dammit Paragon, don't you know I have bills to pay?!

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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I was unaware of this as well.

Dammit Paragon, don't you know I have bills to pay?!
It is CHEAP! It's UNBELIEVABLY cheap, especially given the cost of the other global unlock items. 160 points to NEVER do those chains again on ANY character?




Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Is the Paragon Market just a web browser using somethin like PHP or is it some costume built code (like C++) that just looks like a web browser?
I think its using an ajax based toolkit.

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When they see what people are buying and what not, prices are going to change.
If something is not selling that will eventually get discount.
They couldn't see that on beta because with free points we were buying everything possible we could, for real money people won't be buying what they doesn't need, so overpriced thing might become cheaper.

(And like I said on beta - I am willing to buy server transfers for 1$ or 2$, but would never buy them for 10$ or 20$ - so thanks for that discount)

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The market interface is not conductive to making pricing notes.
It's even less conducive to actually buying anything.

IMO the interface will be a bigger sales hurdle than the prices.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Is the Paragon Market just a web browser using somethin like PHP or is it some costume built code (like C++) that just looks like a web browser?
It's definitely using an embedded web browser, because I got a stock 404.

It's written as an AJAX app but clearly by somebody who is not particularly experienced at web development. My pet peeve from a programming, not interface, point of view is that it forces you to reload the menu at each individual click.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



The rearranged the buyable enhancements, so now if you are looking to buy something specific, you need to know the max level of the set. Why is that a useful piece of information? Wouldn't lowest level of set be better because then you could be sure to only look at things you can use now? How about set type - like in the market - so you can quickly look at options for the powers you actually have.

For organization, it seems odd to pick one of the more insignificant aspects of the sets and to organize by that.

As for the pricing, I bought my way to t9, and I expect that will last me until this game no longer exists. I bought beam weapon and a costume piece (thinking of buying a second piece, but still not sure), and I don't really want anything else in the store.

Vault storage is a perfect example. I have probably 30-40 completely empty vaults, because getting stuff from vaults to move between characters is annoying - it's easier just to use the market. Give me a 20 space shared vault that holds recipes and I will buy it just to avoid the mediocre mail system, but getting more of something that is already of limited use is not a tempting deal.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Vault storage is a perfect example. I have probably 30-40 completely empty vaults, because getting stuff from vaults to move between characters is annoying - it's easier just to use the market. Give me a 20 space shared vault that holds recipes and I will buy it just to avoid the mediocre mail system, but getting more of something that is already of limited use is not a tempting deal.
Once you're at T8/T9 however, Vault is all but the same as your personal storage (/vault).

Still questionable use, but it's not as worthless as you it would be before getting /vault.

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I can find the "aura unlock" via text search. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out which menu they have it buried under.

I'm now just curious to figure out where the heck they stuck it just for the sake of knowing.

Any clues?



Costumes/Tailor/Aura Unlock