Going Rogue - a year later
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
Praetoria was a good idea. Having it be a new player experience was not. There's a reason that most MMORPGs have their expansions content either increase or take place at the level cap.
If GR had been 40-50 content with our characters going undercover as Praetorians to learn about the world and the threat it poses, I'd run through it on every character. But I don't play the GR content anymore because I don't want any of my new characters to be Praetorians. I want them to be from the "real" world, not the mirror world that we end up fighting.
It's great content, regardless of gripes that I may have about some of the writing. I love being able to make choices and have that affect the outcome and future missions. I just don't want my characters to be from that world originally, and we haven't had a new 40-50 zone with a meaningful amount of solo/small-team content since Issue 10.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
I'm largely happy with the endgame as is. Incarnate powers could stand to be less laughably trivial to get, and they ought to provide a nearly-constant benefit (e.g. interface) rather than only be available once in a long while (e.g. lore). But anything that makes my characters more powerful is a good thing, and it's nice to see developers encourage multipurpose, generalist builds by giving all characters abilities they don't normally get from their powersets.
New ad campaign for Praetoria:
"And you thought the Rogue Isles were sparsely populated!"
Really just kidding - its nice having a solo option where I don't get pestered to team all the time (only took me a week to get out with my stalker, and that's because I was working on my Warshade/Widow/Dominator as well)
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
If GR had been 40-50 content with our characters going undercover as Praetorians to learn about the world and the threat it poses, I'd run through it on every character.
For me GR was a huge let down. I didn't like it at all. I only have one character make it out of Praetorian. I will never have another one make it out as Praetorian stands now. I even stop playing CoH for about six months and really haven't played that much this pass years because I didn't like GR at all. I only came back because Freedom looks really awesome.
There is also the fact that Praetoria is a horrible place for new players just starting in the City of Universe to start in. There are so many references to Primal versions of characters that they would never really get it on the same level as someone who has played blueside for even a few weeks.
Still doesn't change the fact that enemy mobs are still painfully unbalanced a year later.
...I don't want any of my new characters to be Praetorians. I want them to be from the "real" world, not the mirror world that we end up fighting.
While I thought the writing was actually pretty good, and I loved the characters (and Resistance-speak), one item that really gated the team experience was the solo-only morality missions. You'd be cruising along on a team, and then have to break up to run these single-player missions. While the choices were an interesting mechanic, the team-killing aspect of them was a constant annoyance.
I personally have no desire to go back to/through Praetoria again. Which is a shame, after so much effort was put into it. But them's the breaks, I guess.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I guess I am one of the few that really enjoys Preatoria. I believe that about 80% of my new characters have started in Preatoria. Although with the new stuff in Freedom, that balance will shift.
Is it perfect? No. Some enemies are quite difficult - not unlike the Vahz in low level Primal earth - and some times the missions are ambush heavy. BUT... the writing is amazing. I really enjoy how almost everyone you meet is a rotten individual with their own agenda. IMHO, Preatoria is a cesspool of evil. Not the tie-the-girl-to-the-railroad-tracks villany of Rogue Isles, but true psychogically warped and morally deficient evil. (Calvin Scott is probably the creepiest and nastiest of the lot.) I think it's really cool how contacts will disappear because they're DEAD....
Preatoria makes me play with a different mindset. Beta Freedom has really shown me this fact. When I play in Preatoria, I have no qualms about "killing" npcs. However, when I have been doing some of the new stuff in beta, I actually have a rough time when the decision is to explicitly hurt/kill an NPC. I can't do it... I always choose the option that causes the least pain. (Which makes it tough for me to choose villany in the tutorial - even though I like redside better.) I like the fact that Preatoria makes me play differently.
I do wish that mayhem's would be added to Ouro because I do miss thoses playing Preatoria.
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
-Caused yet another divide between players by locking toons in Praetoria for 20 levels. It seems this is being remedied in FREEDOM and makes one wonder if anyone will bother making Praetorians.
-Using many of the same old, boring, lame maps that we've seen for years. Office, warehouse etc. Even the inside of the hospitals was the same. Just awful. Even the new Prae maps are used over and over - they're also all very similar looking and lack variety. |
-Not much unique play. Sure there were some great idea with loyalty changing etc but it was the same old instanced missions and the style of play was very similar. Stale. |
-No TFs/SFs? The door missions running the same old is just dull. No new innovations and it seems the 1-20 zone did not get much attention after launch (adding new material). |
They added the zone events (which are rather fun imo and woefully underused). I really don't see what more they would add? You outlevel stuff as it is. You can run 4 characters through Praetoria and not repeat a single mission. (except Marauder) There's more stuff in Praetoria than in Coh and CoV lvl 1-20 combined. Asking more Praet content also clashes a bit with your next point.
-Praetoria heavy! We've been bombarded with Praetoria theme, content, looks etc. It has made me sick and I am sure many others feel the same. The goatee universe is weak and should not be the lone focus of the game. Some variety would be great. Have a trial or something where we don't see Praetorians or even hear about them. |
Sometimes I wonder if the devs have become complacent and lost their zeal for the game. I'm not taking a shot at the devs with this. Not the intent. This is just my honest feeling on GR; I expected something different and have to say, I was disappointed. |
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
I think some players dislike Praetoria because they've become so accustom to blowing by the lower levels red and blue side, not to mention getting the temp travel powers, that Praetoria seems unbearably slow.
Toss in not being instinctively aware of what each critter can do, which can make the game seem harder as you "learn" through pain. I would imagine after going through Praetoria 10 times you'll grasp what tactics you need to hone here to make handling such encounters second nature.
Also asking the player to choose a path in the overall story can actually be a turn off to some ("don't want to think, want to SMASH"). Not to mention that PUGs don't really care about content normally if just leveling. Tip mission is as good as AE is as good as someone's story arc is as good as a standard TF or trial.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
I've already deleted every toon I made in Praetoria. I found the the whole 'feel' there to be desperately dull and uninspiring.
Praetoria was a good idea which was unfortunately not implemented quite the way it could have been.
I'm hanging on for the game to do something else apart from Preatorian based stuff.
It just leaves me cold, and I wish the whole Praetorian thing could be retconned back to what it was and the original Maria Jenkins arc could be reinstated.
It isn't going to happen, but I can wish anyways
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
I'll bother, because it's fun to play there. I really don't get comments like this. :S People who like Praetoria will make characters in Praetoria.
Meh. You have a bit of a point here. Making tilesets is rather resource intensive though, and personally I'd rather they spend their art resources on other stuff than maps. This is the basic gameplay of the game. I really don't see how they can change it without, well, turning it into another game. I'd like to have seen a TF of sorts to round off the Praetorian content. I was rather disappointed to learn that there wasn't one, since I really expected it. They added the zone events (which are rather fun imo and woefully underused). I really don't see what more they would add? You outlevel stuff as it is. You can run 4 characters through Praetoria and not repeat a single mission. (except Marauder) There's more stuff in Praetoria than in Coh and CoV lvl 1-20 combined. Asking more Praet content also clashes a bit with your next point. I like Praetoria and certainly wouldn't call it weak and I'm sure many others feel the same. Not sure about the Well of the Furies bit, but we'll see where that goes. This has me miffed. I can understand that some stuff (or a lot of stuff) that we've gotten over the past year(s) wasn't for you. But I really don't see how you can look at all the changes, the fulfilment of player requests, the future plans, and the obvious enthusiasm of our devs and then conclude that they've 'become complacent and lost their zeal'. Looking at your post (especially the bits about gameplay) I can't shake the impression that it is you who has lost his zeal for this game. (Not an accusation, it happens.) |
I think we will have to agree to disagree here. It really is a preference. I started this thread to get an idea of how GR has been received after a year by the players. Obviously you're liking it and that's great. I think it is 'so so' and wish they went in another direction. Finally, if you read the thread you will see a vast majority did not care too much for GR.
I think we will have to agree to disagree here. It really is a preference. I started this thread to get an idea of how GR has been received after a year by the players. Obviously you're liking it and that's great. I think it is 'so so' and wish they went in another direction. Finally, if you read the thread you will see a vast majority did not care too much for GR.
It was kicked about for years, with players indicating that they wanted it.
What they wanted was to be able to take a hero and turn it into a villain - and the reverse with villain to hero.
We go that - but they tacked on a load of baggage with Praetoria as well.
IMHO the devs should have just kept Praetoria out of it.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Finally, if you read the thread you will see a vast majority did not care too much for GR.
Your statement above makes it sound like GR is almost universally hated and it's not.
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
The reason I love Praetoria is that unlike the other lowbie content, and indeed most of the other content in the game, it feels very much like a recent, well-made non-MMO RPG. You can't sleepwalk your way through it. It has a story that engages you mechanically as well as through the writing. The scripting is radically better than anything that came before it.
The difficult enemies are excellent because they mean you get some modicum of challenge even running on 0x1, which you should do because even on that setting you'll need to turn experience off to hit even half of the arcs playing entirely solo. It may bespeak a different sensibility than the legacy content's "quantity equals challenge" method, but keep in mind that the developers never intended that to be how the game worked. Emmert was committed to the end to the three minions = one hero concept. Was it ever true? Of course not, and due to player demand they grudgingly added the difficulty system and then finally expanded it to where you could opt to fight small armies by yourself. That doesn't mean that that should be the only way to get any challenge in the game.
My only complaint about Praetoria is that it's over so soon, but First Ward is a very large step in the right direction. I hope in issue 23 or 24 we see another expansion to 30-39. This would eject characters from Praetoria just in time to get into the high-gear primal content that culminates with the invasion itself.
The GR concept is great.
It was kicked about for years, with players indicating that they wanted it. What they wanted was to be able to take a hero and turn it into a villain - and the reverse with villain to hero. We go that - but they tacked on a load of baggage with Praetoria as well. IMHO the devs should have just kept Praetoria out of it. |
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Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia
The main thing I don't like about the Praetorian Content is the lack of once I leave Praetoria.
I've taken toons back to Praetoria and they aren't recognized by old contacts or trainers. Tina MacIntyre doesn't think to ask me what I know about Praetoria as a native or-- to my knowledge-- even recognize that's where I'm from.
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What is need is more tips missions for heroes and villians who do not want to flip. Yeah I know there are alot more players playing grey but give us pure players some bones please.
I would imagine after going through Praetoria 10 times you'll grasp what tactics you need to hone here to make handling such encounters second nature.
Here's the thing - at level 20, I get sent to Primal Earth, and regardless of what I fight, the difficulty of the game drops sharply. Suddenly, I go from feeling like a loser and a winp to feeling like a champ, because everything dies much easier and I don't get killed nearly as much.
If I were looking for a "challenge," I am well capable of increasing my own difficulty settings. Not only am I NOT looking for a challenge, but this challenge doesn't actually grant proportionate rewards. If base difficulty in Praetoria is intended to be so much harder than base difficulty everywhere else, then enemies and missions should grant much more experience the way Rikti Comm Officers do. They don't.
As long as I have the choice between a side that kills me constantly and doesn't compensate me for it and one which DOESN'T kill me constantly, I'll pick the latter. Praetoria is not and should never have been a beginner's experience. Years ago when the Hollows was first introduced, low-level Hellions were given elemental attacks and even Imps/Jack Frost. At the time, the development team had the good sense to realise a level 5 character wasn't up to the challenge of fighting a full-fledged boss with imps, so they gave them "Hellion powers," instead - clubs, axes, knives, guns. It wasn't until level 10 that Hellions got their elemental powers back. Praetoria is this, only no-one ever realised this IS NOT low-level content, regardless of what the level number on the NPCs says.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
If you don't like the challenge, you still have two other options for starting areas. Players who did want an interesting challenge had no options before Praetoria. The difficulty slider is a lame option because it admits that there is no challenge to the legacy groups and that the only recourse is more and more of them.
Tell us, what would you have had the devs do to come up with new lowbie groups for praetoria? Two pistol attacks and a brawl for every minion, and lieutenants with a submachine gun attack? I think they've well exhausted the possibilities of that strategy in the hero and villain content. A great way to make the expansion instantly unappealing would have been to simply port over existing lowbie groups with new skins on them! Instead they broadened the tools available to them and came up with some genuinely novel challenges that sadly do force you, the player, to use your noodle now and then. It's almost like they wanted there to be a credible threat of defeat and failure! Fitting for the overall atmosphere of Praetoria, no?
Edit: The only way to claim that the lowbie groups are clearly jury-rigged highbie groups is to have little experience fighting the high level IDF, clockwork, et cetera, by the way. They're radically, hugely stronger than their lower level stand-ins.
Oh, and on a point that was brought up earlier, I don't see how they could have made the plot much more accessible to novices. There's a difference between being able to follow the plot and being able to instantly know everything there is to know about the universe. Yes, it has a lot of references to primal earth stuff, but nothing that would keep a new player from being able to understand the subplots happening there.
Praetoria remains one of my favorite things about this game. Even if the mobs are more difficult to fight (sometimes annoyingly so...if you're a squishier toon, the mobs can be really annoying), I love the story there enough that I'm willing to put up with it.
The storyline there just wasn't something I expected from City of Heroes, and it was a refreshing change of pace. I liked the fact that there were hero/villain aspects to both loyalists and resistance, I loved the design of the world, the whole dystopian feel, the backstory for the mobs, the balance of power, etc. It's just so interesting to me. I admit, I'm a bit biased, because I LOVE alternate universe types of stories.
But there are a few things I don't like, which a lot of others have mentioned. The fact that it's only 1-20 content (well, 1-29 now I suppose, though First Ward doesn't have the same feel as the 1-20 content.) I really, REALLY wish that you could go from 1-50 in Praetoria. I wish the story had gone all of the way, or at least, picked back up again at some point so you could return there by the end of the game.
As others have mentioned, the fact that the story pretty much drops off once you get to Primal Earth is very disappointing. The new story arcs in the 20-29 range help a little bit in that regard, but even then, it's minimal, and most characters treat you like a hero that's always been there and people in Praetoria forget about you. It's like the story doesn't really matter past that point, save for the trials, which are already set in stone and pro-Resistance.
I wish that you could form SG's in Praetoria, and that you could go to Primal without having to become a hero or a villain. They could have just flagged Praetorians like they flag rogues and vigilantes, and make it so you can't start any content, but you can join teams or run newspaper missions or something.
I really hope they continue adding new content to Praetoria. But on the other hand, if it's all going to be like First Ward, I'm not sure how much I'll like it. As much as I like the feel and story of First Ward, the fact that it's pretty much the same, without any moral choice or side-switching, makes it feel less interesting than the 1-20 content that came before it. But I can understand why they did it that way - they wanted it to be accessible to people who left, as well as people who are still there, because of the fact that you are otherwise required to leave at 20.
That being said, I still love it. Even with Freedom, I only plan on making one toon that starts in Atlas. The rest, I'll continue to make in Praetoria. I love the story enough that it's my preferred starting area.
If you don't like the challenge, you still have two other options for starting areas. Players who did want an interesting challenge had no options before Praetoria. The difficulty slider is a lame option because it admits that there is no challenge to the legacy groups and that the only recourse is more and more of them. |
The truth is the sub-SO game doesn't need a difficulty increase because it's the only part of the game that works. The game doesn't take a flying leap into munchkinland until SOs and sets show up. You're also forgetting that new players were getting shoved into Praetoria by default if they'd bought into the game with GR. Then they were getting their behinds handed to them with a side of fries repeatedly. GR ended up not doing any real good in adding new players to the game. I can't imagine why.
Tell us, what would you have had the devs do to come up with new lowbie groups for praetoria? |
Two pistol attacks and a brawl for every minion, and lieutenants with a submachine gun attack? I think they've well exhausted the possibilities of that strategy in the hero and villain content. |
A great way to make the expansion instantly unappealing would have been to simply port over existing lowbie groups with new skins on them! |
Instead they broadened the tools available to them and came up with some genuinely novel challenges that sadly do force you, the player, to use your noodle now and then. |
And at the end of the day, the devs abandoned the idea for F2P. The new starting experience is the old starting experience. Overpowered newbie mobs failed; you lose.
Edit: The only way to claim that the lowbie groups are clearly jury-rigged highbie groups is to have little experience fighting the high level IDF, clockwork, et cetera, by the way. They're radically, hugely stronger than their lower level stand-ins. |
Oh, and on a point that was brought up earlier, I don't see how they could have made the plot much more accessible to novices. |
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Yeah the design flaw with Praetoria is easy to see. Basically, it was designed with veteran players in mind, but it was also supposed to draw in new, novice players.
Only part of Going Rogue that I like was side switching and more new powers. New powers drives my enjoyment.
I do have to admit that Tips missions have added some longevity to the game, and I hope more are to come.