Going Rogue - a year later

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
The thing is though, all that -is- new content. New content relating to older systems, yes, but new content all the same. It's content, that is new to the game and the related systems.

How on earth the writers can make jokes about Neuron's 'innovate, never renovate' mindset and continue blithely on that path I just don't know.
Maybe the writers are making subtle digs at their bosses in protest to the attitude?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I disagree. Skulls and Hellions stop spawning past level 10 almost entirely, and the rest of the factions gain super powers at levels 11 and above. There's no reason that I can see to make the lowest of low-level enemies any more "interesting." These are the levels where people are first getting to grips with the controls, the powers system and the enemy AI. We shouldn't be throwing "interesting" enemies at them until they're ready to handle that.
I mean "interesting" in the sense of the Fallen having a neat dagger or a fire blast. Very simple stuff but more flavourful than just a shotgun.



Originally Posted by Kjell_NA View Post
I mean "interesting" in the sense of the Fallen having a neat dagger or a fire blast. Very simple stuff but more flavourful than just a shotgun.
If you mean visually, then hell yes! Do you remember once upon a time when everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - used the one M16 rifle model and the one 12 gauge shotgun models? I'm talking Warriors, Tsoo, Family, the works. The Family used to use M16s, the Warriors used to use M16s and the Tsoo Green Ink Men used to use shotguns. To be honest, it kind of made sense for these guys to use modern weapons, as they were and are modern gangs, but these days the Tsoo use arm crossbows, the Warriors use bows and crossbows and the Family use drum-fed Thompsons.

I'd definitely like to see oldish, low-level villains given more identity than "pallet swap Slugger," and something more along the lines of their conceptual design. I'm not sure what that might be, but I'd expect Hellion melee weapons to have more of a satanic motif to them in some way. Honestly, not being an artist or even visually-minded, I couldn't tell you what I want, but something more would be nice. Sooner or later we'll have to update their aging outfits anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Samuel, you are right that the Praetorian lowbies are tougher and meaner then the other starting points. However, with things like Sands of Mu and the trusty Nemesis Staff it is not so bad. Nowadays Hero side startup is pretty easy. Perhaps a bit to easy. Red side is a bit harder and Praetorian is the hardest place to start. But as a vet I don't mind a challenge. Especially as it does not involve 5 billiard influence builds.

I would hate to do it without those vet powers though.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's semi-correct - Going Rogue was officialy announced around the middle of May 2009, and near the end of October 2009 we got the first major info on the Praetorian content at Hero Con - that's where we first heard about the 1-20 content range, the Resisatnce vs loyalist dynamic, the Seers, the PPD and so on - and a few days after, Positron had thes clarifications about the info given out at Hero Con:

So that's basically what we got in August 2010 when GR went live - but the key bit there is the loyalist = Villain and Resistance = Hero - because in an interview in the run-up to the launch of GR, War Witch said that the devs had been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic player response to the loyalist vs Resistance set-up, and that they'd really worked hard to try and meet player expectations, and had even expanded the original Resistance vs loyalists dynamic - which does make it sound like the original idea was for Warden and Power, with Responsibility and Crusader added a bit later - which would expalin why in the early GR beta builds all Resistance missions had the Hero completion music, and all loyalist missions had the Villain mission completion music, and why loyalists could only choose Villain titles, and Resistance could only choose Hero titles.

And as they work on several Issues at once, they would already be working on I19 and planning I20 while still completing GR - as can be seen with places like the BAF, Lambda Sector and the Keyes' Island reactors already being built into the 1-20 zones - so while the original set-up and meta-story was still focused everyone helping the Resistance to defeat Tyrant in the standard CoH style of heroic co-op content, the "late arrival" content like the Responsibility path was more for flavor rather than any long-term content plan - everyone was still going to have to fight agaisnt Tyrant and the loyalists - which is possibly why the responsibilty path has so many big cues for players to turn agaisnt Tyrant - from Inetrrogator Kang and the Seer network, through Mother Mayhem, discovering the invaison plans and finally meeting Tyrant himself and getting to hear just how insane he is.

Also, as an intersting follow-up for all the development process detectives, the Incarnate Trials were originally called "zone events" - which makes it sound like the idea was to run them like the Mothership raid, with players triggering them by doing something in the actual Praetorian zones - for example, taking down the Lambda sector turrets might have been the way to trigger the Lambda event - with possibly something similar for the BAF and its turrets.
At some point though, the devs decided to make them instanced events - possibly because there were issues with rewards/participiation if there weren't any fixed barriers to the area of the event, or that 50+ content in zones inteneded for 1-20s could cause problems for lower levels caught up in the events, or that there were simply lag issues similar to the ones that used to hit the RWZ zone event.
By keeping the locations and the stories, but putting them on instanced zone maps instead of in the actual zones, the devs would be able to help the 50s stay in the right place, give them more story-telling and info options with cut-scenes and captions, and avoid disrupting the players doing the non-Incanrate cotnent in the actual zones.
It is too bad there is still so much focus on GR. The incarnate stuff and most of the issues have been revolving around GR. I do like the idea of the trials...it is a slight change to the norm but we need alternate ways to get iXP and soon. The grind is too much. I think they would have been more fun if there was a more epic feel to them; nothing feels lamer than getting whooped by a turret . Man I wish they would add more supers type stuff



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
It is too bad there is still so much focus on GR. The incarnate stuff and most of the issues have been revolving around GR. I do like the idea of the trials...it is a slight change to the norm but we need alternate ways to get iXP and soon. The grind is too much. I think they would have been more fun if there was a more epic feel to them; nothing feels lamer than getting whooped by a turret . Man I wish they would add more supers type stuff
To continue with GG's serious post:

The Incarnate story has been in the works since GR beta as they were working on I-19 and I-20. After the initial trials launched in 19 and posters began b****ing about the trials and grind, it was too late for the developers to release a viable solo path as they were ALREADY working on I-21 and Freedom (per Posi in a post made relatively recently). After people began clamoring for a solo path, it was placed on their development schedule. It is coming, you (not YOU specifically, you in the more general sense referring to the above-mentioned b****ers and complainers) are just going to have to wait.

Edited to add: The story focusing on Praetoria (Praetoria /= GR. GR refers to the Alignment system) is going to continue for at least 2 more issues (including I21) culminating in a head-to-head versus Tyrant (speculation). This story NEEDS to reach its conclusion and not just end with a bunch of dangling plot threads like so much of the vanilla game.




Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post

Edited to add: The story focusing on Praetoria (Praetoria /= GR. GR refers to the Alignment system) is going to continue for at least 2 more issues (including I21) culminating in a head-to-head versus Tyrant (speculation). This story NEEDS to reach its conclusion and not just end with a bunch of dangling plot threads like so much of the vanilla game.
I hope it's all resolved too. I want to know how some of the situations in Praetoria at 20 end up the way they do by the time you're doing Incarnate Trials. And First Ward in particular leaves a lot of dangling plot threads that I hope are resolved by the time the Praetorian focus is done with.

In a perfect world, I'd like content that goes from 1-50 for Praetoria. At the very least, I hope we get one more zone that bridges the gap between everything.



Browsing the forums late night, this thread kind of caught my eye.

A friend got me into the game getting me the Going Rogue Complete Collection, so my first experiences with the game were exclusively praetoria. Especially since said friend told me the game was switching to free to play soon and the intro stuff for hero/villain side would be changing, so my first few characters are all praetorian.

The story is pretty fantastic. I really enjoyed the the depth that was put into the different faction paths and their characters, it is all pretty well done and you really get a feel for the characters and their roles. The Wardens and Responsibility crowd are generally pretty decent, the Power and Crusaders are generally pretty despicable. Missions flow really well and I really liked the alignment thing where you could play it 'pure' or go 'spy' and get different flavor options (Though I was a lil disappointed to find that it was just flavor, I'd have liked 'spying' to actually change outcomes to a stronger degree, like making alternate contact paths or alternate missions.) And each path has a particular alignment flair, though by the end yeah, being Loyalist seems pretty bad, in fact I had a Mastermind that ran through Power and Responsibility, getting the final moral choices in each. Power, I stayed loyalist. Responsibility... I had to choose Resistance. Then again, they kind of do the same with the Resistance choices, showing just what kind of psychotic Calvin Scott is.

The transfer to Prime is definitely jarring since I was so accustomed to the tight and progressive storyline of Praetoria and then... well it all kind of goes up in smoke. The Mastermind I mentioned above moved to First Ward which is a little better, he hasn't transferred to Prime so I'm seeing a continuation of the plot but at the expense of being more a spectator since I have no choice in how it unfolds, my alignment just doesn't matter. I've now got a corrupter and a blaster transferred over now and frankly I'm kind of at a loss with exactly what I want to do with them now.

Gameplay-wise... I've got to side with the folks that have been going on about the increased difficulty of Praetoria. Now that I've run a few characters through the normal blue and red sides, it really is a stark contrast. I run solo, because Praetoria is pretty quiet and still getting into the game, I only know my friend that got me into the game. But for most of my praetorian characters I've turned the difficulty down to -1/+0, just because otherwise I was getting my head handed to me on a lot of missions, especially Ghouls (SWARM D and Syndicate (90% of the spawn is +1 level. Pretty much whole missions of nearly all yellows), with some trouble with the nastier Clockwork and sometimes PPD. The only one I didn't have to change was my Mastermind, since playing one is like having your own team.

Compared to my hero and villain sides, I've rarely died or had that much trouble. Usually if I die it's in situations where it's just bad luck or a nasty boss I wasn't quite prepared to handle (Villainside, it's been usually throwing 2-3 Bosses at me at the dead start of the mission or 2-3 bosses in a row [lookin at *you* Graves arc]. Though, being a dominator does have that downside when you can't just whack them with domination right away). but that's also kind of my own masochism for fighting bosses solo. Praetoria though, it's usually just the general mobs I've got to take small steps at a time.

I will say though, I do actually like Praetoria as a starting area, to a degree. The introduction mission that teaches you the controls, enhancements, inspirations, dialogue and gives you your first alignment choice and then dumps you in front of a trainer and other important NPCs is pretty tight and I think I prefer it over the other intro areas/tutorials for a purely 'newbie friendly' area. It just teaches you a lot of the need to know basics pretty well and pretty quickly, unlike the Twinshot/Graves arcs. Really I think the only thing the Praetoria intro *really* drops the ball on is not telling you that contacts are only for a certain level range. I outleveled myself on a few toons through most of the initial and mid contacts for all 4 paths, which *really* kind of bothered me when I'm being told to go see person X and it's not telling me where on earth to find them, til I found out I'd overleveled to be introduced to them. Then again, as far as I can tell, maingame doesn't tell you that either. The only way to know what level range you should be at is taking the trams or in Prime earth meeting Field Report NPCs.

Anyway, just my two thoughts. Honestly, I probably am going to make more Prime Earth characters now that I've seen the majority of the 4 story paths. If anything, the Praetoria contents greatest flaw is that it's a one trick Pony. Ok, so like 4 trick pony, but once you've seen all the tricks, that's about it. There's not really a lot of incentive to keep making new characters like that unless you *really* like those missions, whereas I can go red/blue and get a lot more freedom of choice. I do kind of dig that First Ward is an extension of Praetoria and I think it'd be kind of cool if they make it possible to start someone in Praetoria and work all the way to end game without having to transfer to Prime, but I dunno how likely or *good* that'll be since, as said, First Ward does away with any of the 'alignment matters' stuff, which to me is kind of one of the biggest centerpieces of the 1-20 Praetorian content.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
First Ward does away with any of the 'alignment matters' stuff, which to me is kind of one of the biggest centerpieces of the 1-20 Praetorian content.
When you get to the Incarnate content, you'll know the reason for that

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
When you get to the Incarnate content, you'll know the reason for that
Oh I know, you basically side with the resistance to fight Tyrant and a lot of the major players.

But it just seems kind of odd that you can continue from Praetoria into First Ward and keep your alignment and it really doesn't change anything and no one really makes reference to it, it's just made entirely inconsequential.

Really what they've done isn't too bad they just need to tweak it to take into account the difference choices. Once you hit 20 you gain access to Prime Earth or First Ward but they don't really write it that way, the game just kind of treats First Ward as a side quest for you to completely go off on 'just because'. I don't think it'd be that hard to just write some extra dialogue and actually make the first Ward take into account you're native praetorian and just loop it back around, once you finish First Ward then Praetorians should be called back to go to the Rift.

Or ideally, change up First Ward to offer some choices and make *it* the final alignment determiner if the Incarnate Content is really just going to outright put you in the role of aiding the Resistance to take down Cole. With all the crap in First Ward it's really not a stretch of the imagination that even die hard resistance and loyalists will end up hating both Calvin Scott and Cole, so put another Hero/Villain choice there somewhere.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Oh I know, you basically side with the resistance to fight Tyrant and a lot of the major players.

But it just seems kind of odd that you can continue from Praetoria into First Ward and keep your alignment and it really doesn't change anything and no one really makes reference to it, it's just made entirely inconsequential.

Really what they've done isn't too bad they just need to tweak it to take into account the difference choices. Once you hit 20 you gain access to Prime Earth or First Ward but they don't really write it that way, the game just kind of treats First Ward as a side quest for you to completely go off on 'just because'. I don't think it'd be that hard to just write some extra dialogue and actually make the first Ward take into account you're native praetorian and just loop it back around, once you finish First Ward then Praetorians should be called back to go to the Rift.

Or ideally, change up First Ward to offer some choices and make *it* the final alignment determiner if the Incarnate Content is really just going to outright put you in the role of aiding the Resistance to take down Cole. With all the crap in First Ward it's really not a stretch of the imagination that even die hard resistance and loyalists will end up hating both Calvin Scott and Cole, so put another Hero/Villain choice there somewhere.
Agreed. While I love First Ward, nothing really changes based on your alignment. More annoyingly, if you do the rift mission after doing First Ward, some of the people who show up to say goodbye to your character don't match up with events that happened in First Ward.



Yeah, entering the Rift is a fixed point that assumes you go into it right after finishing up the last of whatever 1-20 arcs you did. It just seems like now they've added this extension to the Praetorian content they should try to link it better.

I will say, I did like the touch that at the end they basically flat out say which paths matched to which alignments, Wardens support Paragon, Crusaders support Rogue Isles. It was also kind of cool getting to speak with most of the living contacts before leaving.

But yeah, I wouldn't mind an event trigger that finishing First Ward affects that scene or grants you a new scene.



In general, Praetoria is still my favorite starting point. It's definitely slower now compared to the Sewer-Riffic madness of the low level sewer trial, but I still prefer starting there than Atlas.



I actually haven't done the sewer trial on Live yet. I find this quite bizarre. I've been having some fun running the legacy content (I know, weird) after a discussion on another thread with Samuel Tow regarding the old mission styles compared to the new.

And I have to say that the legacy content, although clearly dated, seems better now that we have more choice. I've even 'enjoyed' for want of a better word the occasional hunt, although that's in part me knowing to avoid certain mob hunt missions at lower levels after a number of years playing, as opposed to thinking that Hunt Missions as a general concept are a really good idea .

That's not to say that I don't hope to see the very-gradual redesigning of older zones and an injection of new content for them, but I'm happy to have legacy co-exist alongside new shiny.

I was never a big fan of the old 1-5 missions in Atlas and Galaxy though. And I'm glad there's now one starting zone per side.

Praetoria - I haven't touched since i21 went Live. Because now I can roll the ATs I want to for each side and just pick the appropriate action in the tutorial. I enjoy the content there, and will go back to it once in a while, but after doing a couple of 'turn off xp and experience the full content' on two characters, as well as meticulously badge hunting (damn you River Rat and Resistance Plaque History Badge!) with Praetorian toons and a few of my non-Praetorian mains, I can leave it be for a while.

I think there's a slight flavour in the initial intro contact dialogue for First Ward depending on faction, but I may be wrong, and I too think it's a shame that alignment doesn't quite 'add up' when doing First Ward as a non-rift-enclosure'd Praetorian.

But First Ward is so full of win (and there's so much content in there) that I can waive that away for now.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
The new zones look great. I think there will be too many and they don't offer anything too unique as far as play but they sure look nice
I just _do_not_ understand how people can like the new zone look, that is unless their character never move. While the meshes and shaders would be considered improvements over classic COH the problem is the second a character actually moves in the environment I see nothing but a shuddering mess of popping moving and flickering.

As you pass (even close) level of detail boundaries:
  • Tree foliage disappears and flickers back.
  • Trees change shape completely
  • Trees change colour (hugely so on lower end cards)
  • Shadows "pop" into existence
  • Building change height and width
  • Lit window patterns change completely
  • Windows move
  • Textures rotate on (first ward) tentacles.
  • Doors change colour drastically
  • Rocks change shape completely (New Atlas park)

*deep breath*

This all results in me spending most of my time ignoring the scenery as much as I can, which is a terrible shame because _when_still_ it can look really good.



I like Praetoria stories, ability to switch sides and spy opposing side, look of new zones and I even like that enemies are harder then in Atlas/Mercy.
I like Praetoria missions more then new Atlas/Mercy missions, that to me feel like prolonged tutorial with lot of street hunting (which I never liked).
(DFB is fun, but not more then once, twice per alt)

Things that are bad about starting in Praetoria are:
- Missing first two bank missions (especially if you plan to go to red side where it is needed for accolade)
- Can't join 2 TF in level range on blue side and 1 SF on red side (but at least you can do them on higher levels)
- Can't join SG
- Too many ambushes in missions.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



I like the ability to play Loyalist or Resistance, and the sub-factions within each of these. However, I learned early on that if you play Loyalist, you spend most of your time above ground, enjoying the sight of the beuatifully-rendered zones of Praetoria. if you play resistance, most of your 1-20 play experience will be underground in those nasty, claustrophobic tunnels, fighting Ghouls. I HATE the Ghouls!

I've taken many alts through Praetoria. Brutes and Scrappers are great, rarely dying. Controllers/Corruptors/Doms, though, are like pulling teeth. My Elec/Ice Dom never made it past level 15 before getting deleted out of utter frustration.

No matter the AT, leveling up is much slower than red or blue side. This COULD be okay, if the leveling up made you feel like you were accomplishing something worthwhile. Instead, it just feels harder and slower and more frustrating than red/blue side.

I'm currently running one alt (a former Praetorian Brute) through First Ward, and enjoying it very much. I have no idea how many story arcs are there, or if they all come together into a single story (I hope they do), but I'm getting several levels from brand new content, so I'm happy about that!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Dividing the playerbase further was just a bad idea.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You need a different computer or graphics card then - the new zones look awesome on mine
So, nothing I've commented on happens to you? Or it does happen and you just don't notice?

I would be _very_ surprised if my PC was to blame, but I'm open to alternatives.