Villians how to fix redside




Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
That's BS public relations hype. They never have. They never will. Even I21 falls extremely short in this regards.

Atlas Park gets a complete overhaul.
Mercy Island gets a mission revamp.

The line about "distinct architectural style of the Rogue Isles" is just a BS excuse that they will continue to echo every time they revamp another Paragon City zone. The fact of the matter is that it just means that the tech used in the Rogue Isles will fall behind both Paragon City and Praetoria, giving one more reason not to even bother with the villain content at all.
The fact of the matter is that the tech used in Paragon City has already fallen behind the tech used in the Rogue Isles. Atlas and 70% of all hero zones are far more in need of update than the Isles.

The same goes for the old original hero content vs the orginal villain content. The villain stuff outstrips the old hero stuff by leagues and bounds for the most part. Yes, there's the issue of feeling like a lacky. But the quality of the stories and the actual missions (in terms of variety and fun) are superior to most of the original blueside stuff.

So, this villain player is happy with the attention to original game is getting. Maybe now I'll actually play through that stuff more than once.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
This statement only goes to show how skewed your position is. You yourself said that the art work took more time and resources, but let's for just a moment assume that they put as much work into the mission revamps, shall we?

This would mean that 50% of the resources went to mission revamps, and 50% to art revamps. Now the red side got half of those mission resources but none of the art resources. This would mean that the total resource division was 75% to Blue and 25% to Red. Again using YOUR numbers, how does this jive with a 60/40 split?
It's more like 40/40/20 if you count in those pesky Praetorians!

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Right. Because Founders Falls looks just like Talos which looks just like Dark Astoria which looks just like Skyway... oh, they don't?
Founders Falls has it's charms. Dark Astoria has ... fog. Yay. Underneath that it's just the same generic, bland, boring, uninteresting, incoherent cityscape that is shared by all the city zones. The Rogue Isles may be dinky but at least they have character. (The CoH hazard zones are actually quite interesting imo, but besides your initial exploration/badge hunt and a random out of the way mission every now and then, why would spend any time there?)

And you "expect" Grandville - the seat of power for Recluse - to look like a trash heap? A trash heap with a metal bit sticking out the top? If *ANYWHERE* should be meticulously clean, it should be the "Seat of Power." Not only for looks (I mean, really, how powerful can someone be if they essentially let their own nest remain fouled?) but for security. (And building these *massive metal structures* on top of old buildings just looks... bluntly... *really stupid* and poorly planned out. One thing I do appreciate is the occasional bit of dialog from the Banes mentioning "I don't think the old buildings can handle all this." C'mon, a line soldier can see this but none of the upper levels can?)
You seen any photos of Tripoli? Old Soviet cities? You'll notice that the public places and government buildings are all big and imposing, like in Grandville, but once you enter the parts inhabited by the regular population it deteriorates fast, like in Grandville.

I think that Grandville functions pretty well as the "Seat of Power" of a ruthless comic book dictator, especially an anarchist like Recluse.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I always love these debates. I usually play both sides but prefer blueside for teaming and redside for solo, mission story, setting and atmosphere. On redside, people complain how it looks gray and depressing but seem to neglect how boring blueside looks/feels/paced. And the contacts on redside are quite diverse and I never quite feel like I'm doing the same thing since the climax usually pertains to a different hero I'm suppose to face. Heroes tend to feel like they're busting the same old thugs on the same old streets...but theen it's been a while since I played a hero.

Sam's post about size brough some things into perspective though. I love the redside look, but what he described does make a lot of sense. I think Mercy and Port Oaks seem fine but I could see revamping the zones to be more like Praetoria in that the islands are all close together in a way that you can see them in the distance so it looks like you're hopping from one isle to the next. Maybe dropping some of the more useless points (like the Freakshow forts) and either pushing them to a farer section of the map and increase their scale so they're more significant...there's lots of open water just begging to be taken up by 'stuff'

As to how to fix red side? Forced content.

Kinda like what I do. I make my own villains that my own heroes run into either as backstory or as their Rogue's gallery. I make them villainous, do arcs and TF to make them a threat that my heroes must face.

So, initiate a string of contacts/missions/story points that will pit your heroes against villains from your own server list. But those villains have to be leveled, run the content and hit the story point to be available for your hero to run against (and vise versa).

Example: You make a villain that ran arcs in Nerva where he takes over Argincourt and turn over occupation to Arachnos while you research something with CoT or the Devouring Earth in Primava. [insert conclusion to plot].

Then you level a hero who runs across an arc in that lvl range where you're saving longbow from Arachnos, liberating Agincourt and arresting the above villain of your creation. The reverse would happen on certain arcs but you'd be on your villain while the hero from you list pops up to ruin your research.

You can even have double rewards, one going to each of your created characters involved. If you don't have an equivalent hero/villain on your roster? Better team with someone who does. :P



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
As to how to fix red side? Forced content.


If you don't have an equivalent hero/villain on your roster? Better team with someone who does.
Sooo... your idea to address the relative unpopularity of the player-character villain experience is to force people who ordinarily wouldn't to play villains, to avoid crippling their heroes' story progression?

That may actually be the daftest, least likely to have the desired effect, most infuriating-if-implemented idea I've ever seen seriously proposed* on these boards, and it's not even on the Ideas forum. Congratulations.

* This assumes Friggin_Taser's suggestion for nonstop Rikti invasions until issue 21 drops was not serious, which, admittedly, is sometimes hard to say for certain when Taser is involved.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Oh... he was going for drool?

I assumed he meant "droll." Which didn't make a heckuva lotta sense, now that I think about it...
I did mean "droll," in the context of "look at the silly slobberers running around pretending people spell words wrong." Had I realized at the time how similar it is to "drool," I would have set up the flame bait most spectacularly rather than react to a happy accident.

And had I realized this thread would get so many posts, I'd have checked it yesterday so as to not make this reply so late in the game. D-:



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I did mean "droll,"
Well, that's even worse. "Droll" doesn't work in that sentence at all. Think before you ask these questions, Mitch. Twenty points higher than me, thinks a big guy like that can wear his clothes?



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Sooo... your idea to address the relative unpopularity of the player-character villain experience is to force people who ordinarily wouldn't to play villains, to avoid crippling their heroes' story progression?

That may actually be the daftest, least likely to have the desired effect, most infuriating-if-implemented idea I've ever seen seriously proposed* on these boards, and it's not even on the Ideas forum. Congratulations.
It's more likely you simply don't comprehend the suggestion then.

This has nothing to do with 'your hero's progression' and all to do with 'intertwining the experience between your heroes and your villains'. If you had no villains to relate to your heroes, then you can't cripple something you never had. If you simply want to experience the content, you can fight another player's Rogues gallery.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
This has nothing to do with 'your hero's progression' and all to do with 'intertwining the experience between your heroes and your villains'. If you had no villains to relate to your heroes, then you can't cripple something you never had. If you simply want to experience the content, you can fight another player's Rogues gallery.
How is that "forced", then? The way the suggestion reads, it looks to me like you're saying "make people build villains for their heroes to fight, and if they don't, their heroes won't be able to proceed through the story arcs at that level." Which would certainly be forced, and would also be frickin' annoying. The line "Don't have an equivalent villain? Better team with someone who does" implies that unless you do, you're not going anywhere once you've reached the point in the arc where your villain would appear.



Oh, what the heck, I'll put my two cents in because people expect me to be serious around here about as much as they expect the Spanish Inquisition.

I play both sides and enjoy both sides equally. And I would like to say right off the bat that BOTH sides need work. Blue side isn't perfect... if it were then they wouldn't be re-vamping Atlas Park and the low-level experience like they are for Freedom.

That being said, the topic of discussion here is Red-Side, so I'll limit my wish-list to that. Since I think better in lists, here are a few things I would change about red-side:

* Evil Is As Evil Does: I want to be a villain. By signing on at the character creation screen as a villain I hereby agree that I will NOT be offended by the heinous things that villains do. I am an adult and everyone who plays the game is allegedly a teen or older. We, as teens or older, accept that Villains are NOT GOOD PEOPLE. We are fully prepared to murder, steal, cheat, commit arson, hurt innocent people and do whatever we can to make ourselves more powerful. I want to be EVIL, not "slightly naughty but always willing to help out the other guy."

* Dominate The World Or Be A Subservient Lackey? Decisions, Decisions: Actually that over-simplifies things. Villains even more-so than Heroes have a wide variety of career paths. I would LOVE to see something similar to the contact trees from Praetoria in the Rogue Isles. Think of it... you arrive on Mercy and someone asks you what you want to do with yourself. You can choose from a short list of good solid villainous stereotypes: Megalomaniac Bent on World Domination, Homicidal Maniac Who Kills for Pleasure, Richest Man In World Ambition, Mercenary Who Works For Anyone Who'll Meet His Price. Like the current Praetorian model you can switch among them at will, but you get the chance to play your character as you've envisioned them. And only have to do the bidding of someone more powerful than you if you WANT to. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the entire "chosen one" story line go right into the recycle bin.

* More Good Guys!: I can see SOME fighting the other villain factions from time to time, but aren't we supposed to be battling heroes? On the other hand, I get very tired of fighting nothing but Long Bow. And honestly, why do we have to fight organized hero groups anyway? And why are they in the Rogue Isles to begin with?! One of the biggest things I would like to change is to have LESS missions in the Rogue Isles and MORE missions that take you to Paragon. Levels 1 through 20 you are proving yourself and don't get off the isles to do so... 21 and on you begin getting more and more strike missions against the heroes and businesses of Paragon. I feel more villainous taking out the PPD or some group of heroes than I do fighting Arachnos...

Most of my concerns are role-playing in nature. I want to FEEL like a Villain when I play a Villain and FEEL like a hero when I play one of those. As it is, BOTH sides end up making me feel a little purple.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



It's forced because, if you don't have a villain in the 20s (using the example arc), taken the villain to Nerva and began/finished the example arc, it wouldn't even be accessible to your hero. You'd be locked out. Same deal for a non-equivalent arc being locked off your villain if you don't have a hero leveled and picked up the arc.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's forced because, if you don't have a villain in the 20s (using the example arc), taken the villain to Nerva and began/finished the example arc, it wouldn't even be accessible to your hero.
Oh. That's not forced, it's just unlockable. "Forced" would be if there was no other way to proceed than by having your own villain at the same level.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
You don't get it.

Most players do not like being evil or playing bad guys.

On a recent competitor mmo that launched in January of this year, the hero to villain split on their servers is 3 to 1. And that mmo launched with EQUAL content for each level range on each side.

Folks don't like playing the bad guy. There isn't much the devs can do to change that.
There's another item that falls into what I said earlier, though. COV, for the most part, doesn't have you being the bad guy (and for about 2 contacts has you doing stuff that jumps way over the line, really, to where someone would probably feel uneasy.) It has you being a thug, not really working your way to being the boss or doing things *you* set in motion.

AE's about the only way to give that experience, though, and most people don't particularly want to write their own way to 50 (especially with the way XP is set up in there, etc. thanks to exploits.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
There's another item that falls into what I said earlier, though. COV, for the most part, doesn't have you being the bad guy (and for about 2 contacts has you doing stuff that jumps way over the line, really, to where someone would probably feel uneasy.) It has you being a thug, not really working your way to being the boss or doing things *you* set in motion.

AE's about the only way to give that experience, though, and most people don't particularly want to write their own way to 50 (especially with the way XP is set up in there, etc. thanks to exploits.)
The fact that the game is called "City of VILLAINS" is more than enough to put off some people. My point was it doesn't matter what the ACTUAL content is. A lot of folks have a natural hang-up on playing a villain, based on what they traditionally saw/read/heard a villain do.

What the content the devs actually built in this game is irrelevant, for those types of people.

EDIT: Case in point, there is a thread in the current open beta where folks discuss the current low level villain revamp, where villains DO feel like they are doing actual Villain stuff and don't feel like a lackey. Many folks chimed in stating that some of the arcs felt too dark. That speaks volumes.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
The fact that the game is called "City of VILLAINS" is more than enough to put off some people. My point was it doesn't matter what the ACTUAL content is. A lot of folks have a natural hang-up on playing a villain, based on what they traditionally saw/read/heard a villain do.

What the content the devs actually built in this game is irrelevant, for those types of people.
Oh, I agree with you there, not arguing that's *not* a point (see Smileytroll.) But the way it was handled cuts off another chunk of people who could otherwise enjoy it - who would like to be a scheming, plotting Lex Luthor and instead become Unnamed Mook 1029374 To Be Beaten Up In Scene 7.



Semantics. Unlockable alludes to being accessible by that character in some fashion (unlockable costume pieces/slots for example). But that's beside the point. Even for players that don't like being villainous, I'd assume they like putting heinous criminals behind bars. Well how heinous? You get to set the bar. Does your hero fight off petty thieves or world-threat class types?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Oh, I agree with you there, not arguing that's *not* a point (see Smileytroll.) But the way it was handled cuts off another chunk of people who could otherwise enjoy it - who would like to be a scheming, plotting Lex Luthor and instead become Unnamed Mook 1029374 To Be Beaten Up In Scene 7.
HEH, Smileytroll. I'll have to remember that one for you know who.

And you speak the truth.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I hardly think expecting something described as "forced content" to be non-optional is a semantic quibble, but please yourself. I still think it's a slightly daft idea, but at least this way it's not one that would get in my way; in that form I've no objection.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I hardly think expecting something described as "forced content" to be non-optional is a semantic quibble, but please yourself. I still think it's a slightly daft idea, but at least this way it's not one that would get in my way; in that form I've no objection.
Because it 'forces you' to do other content (on an alt, no less) to access more content.

But I don't see why it's 'daft'. This is one of the primary reasons I have so many villains compared to my heroes...because my heroes have their own villains and those villains have lackeys. I can't be the only person who has made a villain specifically to be a counter to their heroes. This idea just enriches that and gives more incentive to those that don't play villains to do so for the sake of bringing to life their hero's story through the foes they fight.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Because it 'forces you' to do other content (on an alt, no less) to access more content.

But I don't see why it's 'daft'. This is one of the primary reasons I have so many villains compared to my heroes...because my heroes have their own villains and those villains have lackeys. I can't be the only person who has made a villain specifically to be a counter to their heroes. This idea just enriches that and gives more incentive to those that don't play villains to do so for the sake of bringing to life their hero's story through the foes they fight.
Personally for me this wouldn't get me to play villains more.

Unless I had controls such as those in AE in crafting a true nemesis storyline.

Or than that it would be pointless. I might as well roll a villain the regular way.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Do you seriously read the verbal diarrhea coming from your lips Sammy? I do not need to insult your intelligence at do a damn fine job of that. Let us talk stupid allegations shall we? (Quotes from Sam are in '')

'People play hero-side because it's a better game that has more people in it which makes them feel good. People avoid City of Villains because it's the game the development team forgot, which ends up making people feel dirty for playing it.'

Yes, ok Sam..dead on the money there. Not. Its why this thread is full of people saying they LIKE redside. Basically it is why your post and Bill's are just wrong..your making all these claims that just are not true. Granted, it is YOUR opinion that redside makes you feel dirty (oh mommy, help, I got a speck on my white polo shirt, please help). Sure does not make a ton of people I know feel dirty.

'City of Villains needs more zones and it needs much bigger zones, or at the very least it needs zones that are only a portion of an island.’

Ok, obviously you enjoy those missions hero side where you have to run across 2 miles in IP..but I don’t. You can keep them. I am totally happy with my small villain zones. Why don’t you go play WoW if you are after a game that features massive zones you can walk across for days.

‘But City of Villains doesn't have seven zones because the development team thought fewer zones were "better." It has fewer zones because they couldn't afford to make more.’

So hang on..the devs thought less zones were better..but then, in your next go on and claim it is because the can’t afford to make more? Is there any logic at all in that? Either they thought less were better, which in my opinion, is better, or they can’t afford it, because, apparently the number of zones had some direct correlation to the amount of funds they have?

‘No, it's not right for a "lesser" villain to be me, because I don't want to be a lesser villain. I'm never a lesser hero snubbed for being weak and ineffectual hero-side, so I shouldn't suffer fools villain-side.’

Never a lesser hero? Tell you JOIN the freedom phalanx blueside? And no..I don’t mean just a shiny badge that changes and adds no story at all to the play. I mean, do you get an invite into the phalanx, get missions of that same calibre? No, you sure don’t(Besides Marias arc, where half the missions have you babysat by a NPC who can solo the map by themselves). But work for your patron..helping them while advancing your own goals, eventually basically become too powerful for even Recluse to pick on. Clearly, being too tough for Recluse = lesser.

‘Every contact in City of Villains treats us like low-life scum only worthy of contempt, but they are forced to lower themselves to dealing with bottom-feeders like us anyway.’

I can totally see why this is such a problem. Because redside, we are DESTINED ones. You know Sammy..destined? As in..not actually THERE yet? Obviously you feel that as a DO, we should begin the game doing super extreme hardcore villain schemes like trying to take over PC with the web device or something?

‘ I want at least one new zone villain-side that doesn't look so obviously evil and horrible, reality be damned.’

I see what you did there..apparently it is ok to stray outside the bounds of reality (neglecting the fact it is a GAME in the first place) but then you go on to complain that the island in the RI are not as big as the ‘real’ islands in the Pacific. Ah..what the? Are cities in paragon as big as ones in real life? Can you run across say..New York and only cover two miles? I guess that the in game world only has to follow, or not follow, reality, when you wish it. Not because maybe it was easier NOT to make cities and islands on a 1:1 scale with the real world.

And my favourite quote from you Sammy Boy..

‘Always a convincing argument practice, insulting your opposition.’

Then you go on to insult my arguments, that were not even directed at you, but rather Bill’s claims. And again, pay attention, I don’t care that YOU like blueside. I care that you claim to like it for a bunch of reasons that make zero sense and don’t stand up to any logic. Did you notice my arguments, or did some goats walk over your bridge? My arguments are my opinions..I like redside my opinion, there is more variety in lvl 40+ content redside. Which, there IS. When you can show me that the 3 main contacts (5 if you count Harvey and crimson) in PI give more variety than the EIGTHTEEN contacts in GV, then maybe you will have something worth arguing about.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I think its many people perception

Because whats the population now, 3 to 1, 4 to 1, Blue to red?

Rogues are red, vigilantes are blue...I should make a joke here, but cant think of one.
I really would like opinions to be expressed as opinions, and not as facts. This seems to be particularly rampant in any discussion about the state of the Rogue Isles. I often wonder if (and I don't know, as I can't read other forumites minds) the only motivation for these types of threads is to beat the 'red is dead' horse while the poor thing's been dead for a very long time.

As others have said, it's largely (but not only) a matter of perspective. Very little dialogue is objective where this topic is concerned. Like the numbers above - I doubt hard data was used to come to this conclusion. I'm not for a moment suggesting that blue isn't far more populated than red at any given moment, but the above is hardly scientific, and just serves to support the argument being put forward.

And as for the 'blue is almighty, and red is the poor illiterate cousin' because the population is much larger is like saying that the majority are always 'right'. If this was the logic my nation used in governing (and sometimes it does, I can't deny that), then I would fear for our democracy. Majority does not always equate to being 'right', it just often gives those within the impression they are.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
*Big long post*
I really don't think giving redside more zones and more new things, will get people playing redside more.

People already ignore it, even when given to things to do on redside.

People prefere the heroes. This isn't going to change. However, this isn't to say giving more zones/content is bad for players who prefere redside.

Though really, what I like about redside is the lack of so many zones. Why do we need tons of new zones?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I really don't think giving redside more zones and more new things, will get people playing redside more.

People already ignore it, even when given to things to do on redside.

People prefere the heroes. This isn't going to change. However, this isn't to say giving more zones/content is bad for players who prefere redside.

Though really, what I like about redside is the lack of so many zones. Why do we need tons of new zones?
Short answer? We don't.

What we need are more missions and content that focus less on villains being evil. I have zero interest in being an evil villain, because frankly, being evil is not enough. What I want to be is a magnificent *******. As a villain, I want the line to be my *****, to cross as many times as I please, all with the utmost of gusto.

I don't want to rob a bank. I want to walk into the bank bopping to "Zoot Suit Riot"; toss a backhanded compliment to the bank manager as I saunter past; and walk out with bags of money, the phone numbers of four tellers, and a date with the BM's wife. Why? Because screw you, that's why!



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Ok, obviously you enjoy those missions hero side where you have to run across 2 miles in IP..but I don’t. You can keep them. I am totally happy with my small villain zones. Why don’t you go play WoW if you are after a game that features massive zones you can walk across for days.
I seem to recall being annoyed by missions redside where I had to travel long distances, though instead of running 2 miles I had to swim a terrible distance across the ocean to a group of islands and try to poke around in forested crevices to find the magical hole that led to the mission. It was like taking a trip across IP in order to poke around in Perez.

Never a lesser hero? Tell you JOIN the freedom phalanx blueside? And no..I don’t mean just a shiny badge that changes and adds no story at all to the play. I mean, do you get an invite into the phalanx, get missions of that same calibre? No, you sure don’t(Besides Marias arc, where half the missions have you babysat by a NPC who can solo the map by themselves). But work for your patron..helping them while advancing your own goals, eventually basically become too powerful for even Recluse to pick on. Clearly, being too tough for Recluse = lesser.
So heroes should aspire to become a faceless minion of a group, and it's fine for villains to be faceless minions all the way up to the 40s.

I can totally see why this is such a problem. Because redside, we are DESTINED ones. You know Sammy..destined? As in..not actually THERE yet? Obviously you feel that as a DO, we should begin the game doing super extreme hardcore villain schemes like trying to take over PC with the web device or something?
So it's not City of Villains, it's City of People-Who-Might-One-Day-In-The-Far-Future-Perform-An-Act-Of-Villainy. I guess that name wasn't catchy enough. Of course, that's the problem with trying to make a game for Villains. Heroes are relatively easy because their role is reactive - a problem arises and they take care of it. Villains, on the other hand, are more proactive given that they're creating the problems that heroes should fix. In order to make them into the reactive sort appropriate for MMO questing you almost have to take the Villain out of them an make them into thugs and lackeys.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound