Villians how to fix redside




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd be interested to know which Disney/Pixar movie Westin Phipps is the watered-down version of
Haha, well (again) we're only in the 20-30 range red-side (Westin is a 40+ Contact, right?). So far, all of the mishes we've done have felt more lackey-ish than like that of an up-and-coming villain.

Although, I suppose, all villains start somewhere. I guess we're more "Henchman 21" (Venture Bros.) than what your typical comic-book villain may start as.

Not such a bad thing, since 21 is a total bad-***.

But we've barely scratched the surface of the content on either side, so my comments are just those of a CoH newb. That's why I made sure to point that out.



Originally Posted by Nowhereman View Post
Villains can now choose to start in the Isles and work for Recluse, or start a life of crime in Paragon instead. Open up villain contacts in Paragon and hero contacts in the Isles.

Maybe even throw in a voluntary open world PvP system, so we can have heroes and villains slugging it out on the streets of King's Row or Perez Park or something. I stress the word voluntary though.
No!, let me clarify that last bit.

I would not mind PvP instances of Perez Park or whatever (or even a PvP open-world server). But no PvP, voluntary or otherwise, outside of designated, gated PvP zones, please.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



However if villains are running about the streets of Paragon, they should at least get periodic ambushes from Longbow or Paragon Police as they are spotted traveling to and from their missions.

The Devs really don't want to turn the blue side of the game into a version of GTO where you rob purses as the villain version of street sweeping so the current critter groups on blue side will also attack you on sight.

Unless of course the game adds some kind of critter group alignment system like what's in Praetoria so depending on the missions you took different, critter groups will react to you differently. Do missions for the Hellions, Skulls will attack you on sight and vice versa.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Well that's what Mayhem missions basically are already. And they are fun!

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



I thought this was going to be a thread about getting your villains spayed or neutered.



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Now, we do fight some of these forces, but it's more or less just Longbow. Yeah, there are groups like the Legacy Chain, but those groups seem to be too little in number and are probably underused.
"Longbow" has always weighed down on City of Villains like a cancer, and it's the manifestation of what I feel is a profound misunderstanding on the part of the development team. That was the decision to equate Arachnos with "evil" and make all villains implicitly aligned with them while equating Longbow with "good" and having all heroes implicitly aligned with them. You can see this in most PvP zones, where the fight is supposed to be good vs. evil but is, in fact, Arachnos vs. Longbow with players simply taking sides. I call this "a profound misunderstanding" because not all heroes want to associate with Longbow and not all villains want to associate with Arachnos, and not just in instances of "greater threat" co-op content.

Hero factions like the Legacy Chain and Wyvern and even the PPD fall by the wayside, because every time good has to oppose evil, it's always Longbow vs. Arachnos. Even in instances when factions like the 5th Council or the Circle of Thorns or Malta may be more appropriate, Arachnos are still "the big bads." Good and evil only ever exist through their representatives, and good and evil are only ever expressed by loyalty to one of those representatives. Granted, recent content has done a lot to move us away from this horrible status quo, but that honestly is how the game was originally envisioned - less good and evil, more Arachnos and Longbow. That's why people were and are sick of fighting Longbow all the damn time - because the original writers seem to have honestly though fighting Longbow is the same as fighting "heroes" when it actual practice it's like fighting the same one hero over and over again.

Giving the Legacy Chain and Wyvern a greater presence in the Isles and extending their level range up to 50 would help. Inventing new hero groups who AREN'T morally ambiguous and part of co-op content would help, too.

Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Now, one thing I'd like to see is not to have all Arachnos con as enemies. Porting over the tech from Praetoria might be nice here. One of the benefits of being a villain in a City of Villains is that you shouldn't be hunted by EVERYONE. Home turf, safe haven and all that.
I suggested the same a while ago. In fact, I suggested having most enemy faction that aren't outwardly aggressive use this tech. One of the reasons for the "Destined One" thing is that the game at Launch didn't support the ability to NOT make Arachnos soldiers attack us on sight, so they needed an excuse for them to attack us on sight while we're still technically allied to Arachnos. Enter Recluse's "Darwinian" government, where beat cops are ENCOURAGED to attack us so as to weed out the weak. This produced the unfortunate consequence of having us be officially sanctioned to go protect an Arachnos base, yet having to fight through a platoon of Arachnos soldiers just to GET to the base. This... Never really made sense, and excuses for it just make it more awkward, and furthermore make Arachnos come off as more incompetent, when its own agents keep its own bases from being saved.

I'd suggest making ALL Arachnos soldiers actually stationed at Forts have yellow reticles so that we can move about in their forts more freely. I'd further suggest making the bulk of Arachnos soldiers in the field use yellow reticles, outside of a few ******** who just don't like player characters and will attack us on sight despite their orders. You know those guys that contemplate "Hey, if we stand here, we can harass people as they come off the ferry. Wanna?" They're sufficient jerks to leave aggressive, but I'd suggest making most Arachnos soldiers neutral until provoked.

One big reason Arachnos often comes off as incompetent is that their soldiers are incompetent ********, more concerned with harassing people than being professional soldiers. So while the Council builds bases and works tirelessly towards an objective, Arachnos is always locked in internal strife. They lose bases all the time and no-one gives a crap. In fact, I'm often PRAISED for having taken out Arachnos bases because "they deserved it" or because, meh... Who cares about random Arachnos bases? The whole organisation comes off as being so crippled by internal strife as to be ineffectual, so when the story plays them up as the big bads, it comes off as hollow. The game just doesn't build them up as scary. It builds them up as bumbling and incompetent.

Having most of their soldiers be professionals and stick to their given tasks, rather than spazzing out and attacking villains would be a great way to achieve this. It makes them feel a lot more organised. I'd extend this to the RIP and Cage Consortium guards, as well. They have no reason to attack us, after all, unless we cause trouble of some sort. I'd go a far as to give yellow reticles to every faction that makes sense to not attack player characters on sight villain-side.

Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
However if villains are running about the streets of Paragon, they should at least get periodic ambushes from Longbow or Paragon Police as they are spotted traveling to and from their missions.
Like I said, that's not necessary. Not all of Paragon City is heavily policed. In fact, Hazard Zones are called this specifically because they're zones where the city overtly CANNOT and DOES NOT police. Perez Park, Eden, Crey's Folly, all of these places are out of control. So why not have a few bad sections of City of Heroes where authorities DO try to police, but just don't have the resources to do so? Street Spawns would be primarily PPD cops and Longbow soldiers, as well as the occasional costumed hero boss, but because sections are so lawless, the city can't afford to send kill squads at the drop of a hat. If you, say, rob a bank, bomb a few buildings, unleash a demon and antagonise the aliens and then duck back into the abandoned warehouse district, then yeah, you'll be hunted down - you'd be the most wanted. But for smaller crimes, like knocking over science labs, kidnapping people and so forth... The city just can't spare the resources from protecting the other zones and rebuilding. There is only so much manpower to go around.

HAVING legitimate law enforcement isn't the same as having an EFFECTIVE legitimate law enforcement.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It's interesting, I don't like red side because none of my characters are 'evil' nor are they somebody else's fall guy (or for me gal) or stooge which is how CoV works. I never really disliked the looks, indeed some areas especially Nerva and Sharks Head are my favorite working zones (the shards are my faveorite zones but... well nothing to see there).

Yet I dislike the Atlas revamp because I feel it makes AP look too much like Praetoria. So I can sort of see now why people prefer the looks of CoV.

Aside from the above mentioned reason, I play CoH because having got a 50 villain I'll never do the whole thing again unless the rogue ideal is properly developed. I don't mind doing missions there, I'll even work for contacts there but I'm not a villain.

Oh yeah and Grandville is the worst zone in the game (IMO) vertical? Don't make me laugh, its juts got a big tower in the middle which aside from a couple of contacts and eye candy is no more interesting than any of the huge structures in the game. Lie IP on it's end (let all the water run out and kill the squid) then call that a vertical zone, then it might be worth something.

By which I was envisioning something like the Citadel in HL2 rather than a stupid looking tower held up by oversized guy lines.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
...most players wanting to be heroes

You have numbers to back this up?

-Tries his hand a trolling the same way everyone else does.

Stand UP.



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
In a way though, I kind of wish they'd try. Not actual players of course, but NPC hero groups. Like heroes fight to keep Paragon basically in the hands of good, villains could fight to keep the Rogue Isles not. If that's what they want anyway; they may not care about Arachnos but they may wish to keep the area as lawless as they can.

Now, we do fight some of these forces, but it's more or less just Longbow. Yeah, there are groups like the Legacy Chain, but those groups seem to be too little in number and are probably underused.

Now, one thing I'd like to see is not to have all Arachnos con as enemies. Porting over the tech from Praetoria might be nice here. One of the benefits of being a villain in a City of Villains is that you shouldn't be hunted by EVERYONE. Home turf, safe haven and all that.
That's the case in Mercy Beta, btw

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
You have numbers to back this up?

-Tries his hand a trolling the same way everyone else does.
The Devs actually did provide some numbers a ways back in a livestream, something like a 60-40 Hero-Villain split.

That said, I for one don't think that means villains need 'fixing'. Some folks simply never will play Villains, and that's perfectly fine and also up to them.
What would be more advisable is listening to those who do play villains and try and improve it for them (less lackey-ism, make the skybox less grungy, etc)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
You have numbers to back this up?
That's actually the one concept I feel is safe enough to assume just by default. I'm not questioning that there is a significant number of perfectly normal, good people who simply prefer playing villains, but saying "most people want to be heroes" is still something that holds true the majority of the time. No-one sees himself as evil, and most people need to identify with, sympathise with or at least LIKE the protagonist of the stories they experience, and heroes are simply easier to like as they are written to be liked most of the time.

Everything I've said up to this point consists of ways of altering red-side to help ease people who need to like the protagonist of a story, and have looked at ways to allow us to actually LIKE our own villains. To a large extent, the original writers of City of Villains seem to have expected us to hate the characters we create, so having a game which constantly humiliates and demeans them was the way to go. Clearly, we'd like to see bad things happen to the people we hate, right? Trouble is, not that many people like stories full of people they hate. As Spoony says, when heels fight, the audience has no-one to root for. Villain-side needs someone to root for.

Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
That's the case in Mercy Beta, btw
So I hear, and it's incredibly encouraging. I hear it may be a bit... Unpleasant, though, but it depends on how gratuitous and malicious the evil is, as opposed to how self-serving it is to the villain. Truth be told, I need less opportunities for my villains to be evil and more opportunities for them to be badass

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Now, one thing I'd like to see is not to have all Arachnos con as enemies. Porting over the tech from Praetoria might be nice here. One of the benefits of being a villain in a City of Villains is that you shouldn't be hunted by EVERYONE. Home turf, safe haven and all that.
I'd love that, too. Also, if they used the yellow-conning system for Crey in non-hazard zones blueside.

And maybe the drones could be set not to shoot at yellow-conning NPCs. I worry about how anyone in Arachnos gets to work, what with being droned every time they venture near the transport system.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
However if villains are running about the streets of Paragon, they should at least get periodic ambushes from Longbow or Paragon Police as they are spotted traveling to and from their missions.

The Devs really don't want to turn the blue side of the game into a version of GTO where you rob purses as the villain version of street sweeping so the current critter groups on blue side will also attack you on sight.

Unless of course the game adds some kind of critter group alignment system like what's in Praetoria so depending on the missions you took different, critter groups will react to you differently. Do missions for the Hellions, Skulls will attack you on sight and vice versa.
I wouldn't mind Villains getting flagged for doing villainous things like robbing banks, setting off bombs, or attacking civilians. Do these things enough and you can get attacked and sent to the local PPD jail where you have to escape, but your flag is clear again. This could be separate from missions from contacts where you can further your greater career.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Ever see the Winchester house?

The complete randomness and design is surreal and I expected a somewhat surreal zone where all the normal designs and conventions were throw out the window.

Instead I see a design and concept in the chaos of villainy's headquarters.

It is too clean and yet depressingly dark. I expected Mad Max and got Mad Men.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
I worry about how anyone in Arachnos gets to work, what with being droned every time they venture near the transport system.
The drones teleport them to their cubicles.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I wouldn't mind Villains getting flagged for doing villainous things like robbing banks, setting off bombs, or attacking civilians. Do these things enough and you can get attacked and sent to the local PPD jail where you have to escape, but your flag is clear again. This could be separate from missions from contacts where you can further your greater career.
Actually, thinking about this... Why not just use regular ambushes. You knock over a bank, you get ambushed by PPD when you walk out. You release a sentient virus in the city, you get attacked by Longbow when you leave. It would be a good way to have villains in legitimate cities harassed for breaking the law while still allowing them to effectively get away scot free.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, thinking about this... Why not just use regular ambushes. You knock over a bank, you get ambushed by PPD when you walk out. You release a sentient virus in the city, you get attacked by Longbow when you leave. It would be a good way to have villains in legitimate cities harassed for breaking the law while still allowing them to effectively get away scot free.
Im down with that too. The bigger the crime/criminal, the bigger the response. Pull off something Doom-level and expect to get hit by PPD or Longbow heavies.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
However if villains are running about the streets of Paragon, they should at least get periodic ambushes from Longbow or Paragon Police as they are spotted traveling to and from their missions.
Like I said, that's not necessary. Not all of Paragon City is heavily policed. In fact, Hazard Zones are called this specifically because they're zones where the city overtly CANNOT and DOES NOT police. Perez Park, Eden, Crey's Folly, all of these places are out of control. So why not have a few bad sections of City of Heroes where authorities DO try to police, but just don't have the resources to do so? Street Spawns would be primarily PPD cops and Longbow soldiers, as well as the occasional costumed hero boss, but because sections are so lawless, the city can't afford to send kill squads at the drop of a hat. If you, say, rob a bank, bomb a few buildings, unleash a demon and antagonise the aliens and then duck back into the abandoned warehouse district, then yeah, you'll be hunted down - you'd be the most wanted. But for smaller crimes, like knocking over science labs, kidnapping people and so forth... The city just can't spare the resources from protecting the other zones and rebuilding. There is only so much manpower to go around.

HAVING legitimate law enforcement isn't the same as having an EFFECTIVE legitimate law enforcement.
I was trying to figure out how Villains roaming the streets of Paragon could have similar XP opportunities as Heroes do right now. Heroes are constantly given the opportunity to "clean up the streets" in every zone so what should Villains do? Are all existing critter groups in Paragon equally antagonistic to Villains as Heroes? I don't believe the Devs would look kindly upon the idea of attacking random citizens like in a GTO sandbox.

Police or minions from one of the several hero groups could have an increased presence around certain buildings like we see in Kings Row, Galaxy and Atlas. And I don't see a problem with having some official response meet you in the zone after you finished your mission, just not an army of them like in the Mayhem missions. After all you are a known Villain.

What fun is it if nobody tries to stop you.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



With the new alignment missions, we now have heroes going vigilante and able to visit the Isles. Villains can go rogue and enter Paragon. This "gray" area really needs fleshing out, because as of now, the only real benefit is acquiring exploration and defeat badges. You can't get contacts or missions until you've totally turned to the other side.

I say we start the revolution with Vigilante and Rogue contacts. Give us a new reason to walk the edge of morality, with uniquely themed story arcs and the odd badge or two. Once we take that step, we continue with Villain contacts in Paragon and Hero contacts in the Isles. Eventually the entire world (Primal Earth anyway) is opened up to everyone, eliminating "red" and "blue" sides forever.

I think John Lennon woulda wanted it that way...okay, maybe minus the supervillains.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.



Originally Posted by Nowhereman View Post
With the new alignment missions, we now have heroes going vigilante and able to visit the Isles. Villains can go rogue and enter Paragon. This "gray" area really needs fleshing out, because as of now, the only real benefit is acquiring exploration and defeat badges. You can't get contacts or missions until you've totally turned to the other side.

I say we start the revolution with Vigilante and Rogue contacts. Give us a new reason to walk the edge of morality, with uniquely themed story arcs and the odd badge or two. Once we take that step, we continue with Villain contacts in Paragon and Hero contacts in the Isles. Eventually the entire world (Primal Earth anyway) is opened up to everyone, eliminating "red" and "blue" sides forever.

I think John Lennon woulda wanted it that way...okay, maybe minus the supervillains.

I think we were led to believe this was what Going Rogue represented. Yet another misleading bait and switch, another unforgivable dropped ball. This was really too good of an opportunity not to take, one that would have brought people back in droves, I think, of their heroes could travel to the Isles and try their hand at cleaning up the streets there, and the villains could do their own thing, attempting to carry out their own schemes in Paragon City. Just re reading the blurbs about it, it was in fact what was advertised, and of course, never done. Shocker there. At least they're consistent.

Stand UP.



Nuke it from space it is the only way to be sure.

In all seriousness, they did it to Galaxy. The redside should be gone and in time Preatoria too.

Make all accessible and the problem is solved.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Nuke it from space it is the only way to be sure.

In all seriousness, they did it to Galaxy. The redside should be gone and in time Preatoria too.

Make all accessible and the problem is solved.
The chances of that happening are close to zero - like minus 5 or so

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork