Any update on servers 'dying'?

akarah the hunter



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
Infinity isn't ready to be online, might as well take it back off, it's unplayable.

Look, I'm all for giving a break for unexpected things going wrong, but it's getting out of hand. The product I'm seeing right now is sloppy and devoid of quality or a "customer comes first" perspective. And no, " a giant war walker stomping around the City Hall parking lot in Atlas Park..." (message that just popped up from Beastyle) isn't going to make up for it.
Careful. You should know that you aren't allowed to post complaints about this game even when they are valid complaints.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
As you stated before - "This is the Internet, what was I thinking!"

The stupid! It hurts!

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yet going by two consecutive weeks in which major hardware upgrades have happened is going to give you indications of future results?
I humbly submit that is a better indication of performance in the immediate future than going back half a decade.

But then, I live in the moment, which, on Infinity, is terribly laggy with intermittent map connection loss for everyone. But Beastyle's promised a War Walker in Atlas Park, so there we are.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
I humbly submit that is a better indication of performance in the immediate future than going back half a decade.

But then, I live in the moment, which, on Infinity, is terribly laggy with intermittent map connection loss for everyone. But Beastyle's promised a War Walker in Atlas Park, so there we are.
Does the Warwalker come with purple recipe's for all?, if not I'm not buying it.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
Does the Warwalker come with purple recipe's for all?, if not I'm not buying it.
There were half a dozen War Walkers by the end, but the valiant heroes of Infinity made short work of them. Call it an impromptu stress test.



So is it just me or is everything back down again?

I was hoping I would get the tiniest moment of game time in today, but that doesn't look to be in the cards.

ETA: Can't get into Infinity or Freedom. Can get on Virtue.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Why is the only server that matters not online??!!

Youd think theyd fix the one with the most people therefor customers first.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
So is it just me or is everything back down again?

I was hoping I would get the tiniest moment of game time in today, but that doesn't look to be in the cards.

ETA: Can't get into Infinity or Freedom. Can get on Virtue.
Infinity is now inaccessible to me, Freedom's officially grey, and Virtue is red but functional more or less. truly would like to be more impressed with this server upgrade.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
At least five of them are not.
Several "green" servers are not accessible right now (Pinnacle and Justice, among others), and the interface is acting wonky (crashing clear out to the login screen instead of staying on the server selection screen and dispalying the warning popup).

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
At least five of them are not.
I spoke too soon. When I wrote that they were up, everything was green, but currently, I cannot even maintain the map connection on a low-pop server like Defiant. <shakes head>

EDIT: And I just crashed the Mac client trying to access one of the evidently offline servers, which was craftily labelled green. Well played, server, but we shall meet again.



Originally Posted by Balos View Post
I'm beginning to wonder why we let them have their own country over there in the first place..

Yeah, well. It's not our fault your best general couldn't even beat a bunch of angry farmers.



Freedom is up again, but now you get mapserved every couple minutes. Sweet.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
I spoke too soon. When I wrote that they were up, everything was green, but currently, I cannot even maintain the map connection on a low-pop server like Defiant. <shakes head>

EDIT: And I just crashed the Mac client trying to access one of the evidently offline servers, which was craftily labelled green. Well played, server, but we shall meet again.
I've been on Defiant for the past hour. Playing CEBR (with, of course, a Claws/Elec Brute), things slowly got more and more unstable. When I completed the AE arc I was unable to start up another AE mission. (Other global services like mail and chat were working, though.) I was able to log out and back in, too.

My netgraph on Defiant was intermittently spiked with red blocks. Doing a ping -t on my ISP revealed no packet loss and an average ping below 30ms.

If you want to blame me for pushing the server too hard, I would understand.



Champion was working like a... uh... yeah... Champ. Everyone go there!



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Champion was working like a... uh... yeah... Champ. Everyone go there!
What if you don't have any characters there?



So, I can't get into Freedom, Union, and Victory was laggy and choppy as all heck...

So, champion? And, I've yet to get onto Virtue. 3 red dots means everyone else is on there.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
What if you don't have any characters there?
Roll up an alt. Make a sewer run. Hope that the War Walkers don't spawn on your server and kill it.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Roll up an alt. Make a sewer run. Hope that the War Walkers don't spawn on your server and kill it.

Seriously, an alt elsewhere won't kill you. It'll give you something to do when, oh, your main server is having issues. Bring friends. Start a superteam or theme team.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Roll up an alt. Make a sewer run. Hope that the War Walkers don't spawn on your server and kill it.
I'm not wasting my time playing a character to level 5 to only abandon it.

And a level 1 or 2 vs. War Walkers? Really?

<more crying and moaning>



Today is my Birthday and I was really looking forward to playing tonight. Its a real bummer.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

Seriously, an alt elsewhere won't kill you. It'll give you something to do when, oh, your main server is having issues. Bring friends. Start a superteam or theme team.
Terrible suggestion. I play only a handful of characters due to my limited game time.

I'm sure you won't understand.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
I humbly submit that is a better indication of performance in the immediate future than going back half a decade.

But then, I live in the moment, which, on Infinity, is terribly laggy with intermittent map connection loss for everyone. But Beastyle's promised a War Walker in Atlas Park, so there we are.
"Living in the moment".

That's a novel expression for "Attention span of an *OOH! SHINY!*"

Unfortunately more and more people are afflicted with this problem every day on the Inter....*SHINY!!!*

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Originally Posted by Dare-j78 View Post
Why is the only server that matters not online??!!
Protector was up and running mostly fine. There are some anomalies on teams in with combat numbers. But, for the most part, everything was copacetic.

Ran an MOSTF in under an hour. Only the team lead had lag issues.
Then jumped in on a ship raid. Was fine there.
Then bounced into an 8 man Lambda. A little laggy. But nothing severe.

Youd think theyd fix the one with the most people therefor customers first.
No. You'd think they'd fix the other ones first and pay the most attention to bringing the most populace one last, making sure there were no show-stoppers on the other servers.

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People, people, please!

You don't understand what the Server Maintenance process entails!

Usually, they can just change out the newspaper and sawdust for all the hamsters, maybe grease some of the squeaky hamster wheels and such.

Every so often, though, the servers need a massive overhaul! That involves going in to remove the old and dead hamsters and replace them with new and fresh ones. They might have found a little nest in the back where the weasels they use for the Freedom and Virtue servers have met and started interbreeding.

They had to break up the slave pens the weasels constructed, where they kept some of the hamster young for future consumption. This involved staging a guerilla war, as a nasty fisher had snuck into one of the weasel shipments and had organized the weasels into a mean, imperialist force.

As I understand it, War Witch led the charge, backed up by a weasel who understood who the true power players were in this game. They were assisted by a rag-tag band of the toughest, hardiest hamsters to operate the servers. Armed with pointy sticks and utilizing a cavalry of cat riders, they did smite the rebellious weasels, but at a heavy cost of life.

War Witch was fine, despite the fisher savagely latching onto her upper arm. It's still there... Gnawing away... Getting tired. And when it's exhausted, she'll be sure to make an example of it.

Then somebody had to drive across town to get more hamsters from the pet store. And some more weasels from animal control. The task fell to the developer who lost a long, and exhausting rock-paper-scissors tournament, which took hours in and of itself. Then everybody had to deal with Positron complaints that the competition was rigged, that he shouldn't have to go anywhere because, hey, he's the bossman.

This only tacked a doughnut run to his task as well.

So. There you have it. The server maintenance.

Oh, and while he was out, they pulled out a few circuit boards, dusted them, and put them back in. No biggie.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.