Any update on servers 'dying'?

akarah the hunter



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The initial argument was simply "I can't get in and play. We're owed something."

the issue shifted gears into "I can't play *THIS* specific character! We're owed something."
And considering the EULA, they're not owed anything.

10. Interruption Of Service
a: NC Interactive reserves the right to interrupt the Service from time to time on a regularly scheduled basis or otherwise with or without prior notice in order to perform maintenance.

b: You acknowledge that the Service may be interrupted for reasons beyond the control of NC Interactive, and NC Interactive cannot guarantee that you will be able to access the Service or your Account whenever you may wish to do so.

d: NC Interactive shall not be obligated to refund all or any portion of any Account fee or Additional Feature fee by reason of any interruption of the Service by reason of any of the circumstances described in paragraph (a) or (b).
Especially with A and B ending with
"You agree that NC Interactive will not be liable for any interruption of the Service, delay or failure to perform resulting from any causes whatsoever."

While it was nice to get updates on what was going on, those wanting something in return for the outage won't get anything, and there were a LOT of people on the CoH Facebook page demanding monetary refunds/added time for the lost hours and such.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
So, Mercury Avenger, on the Infinity server, wanted to run a BAF, Lambda, and Keyes (if anyone was bold enough to organize it),
Keyes?!?! That's just crazy talk!

So, that's a window of 13 hours in which I tried to login to City of Heroes and was unsuccesful. Yay Paragon Studios. You win?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post

Why should Clouded, Samuel Tow, et al, be lambasted for speaking their minds?
They aren't, universally. In fact, as stated, if Clouded had said basically what Sam said later, instead of "Oh, but you wouldn't understand, that's just a bad idea" a fair bit of the thread wouldn't have happened.

I would be interested in knowing what character(s) and what server(s) Hyperstrike, Techbot Alpha, Memphis Bill, et al, played last night. My inclination would be to believe that they weren't in the pool of those who were forced to look elsewhere for entertainment, so what does it matter to them? How many level 4's were you guys playing last night?
What does that matter?
(A) Yes, I had to "look elsewhere" for entertainment when the entire game was down.

(B) I have characters on *all* servers. I had some locked out (Pinnacle was down part of the time.) Once I got kicked off of there, I... chose a different server.

And that's part of what I was trying to get across - that "Hey, here's an option for you."

As far as what I played? Partially, a (started as level 8, now 12) 'shade on Pinnacle, a late-teens Stone/Stone tank on Pinn (now up to 22,) 30-ish Emp/Psi on Champion, and after work, my 50 'shade on Victory (edit: until the servers went down again last nght.) Aside from hopping in during breaks to see if things were working when people asked.

Now this proves what to you? I obviously had characters unavailable. Even ones I was playing earlier.

As for me, my intention was to check the Market on Infinity during the day. I couldn't do that then.
Trials (which you mention later) I get - but you *are* aware the market is global? Just as a side note? I know I run into people *still* that don't. No, it wouldn't have helped with your standing bids. Just pointing out there's not an "Infinity" market, etc. in case that's why you're phrasing it that way.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I worked until I was done with the day at 4 p.m. I tried to log on... Still down. "Well, maybe the forums have some answers... Nothing in Announcements, let me check this giant thread in General, maybe it has a Dev response... Nope, just a lot of arguing."
There was a thread in Announcements within minutes of the server failure.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Group A play on specific servers and then complain when they are down. They get called out on this by group B saying they could be playing on other servers. Group C says servers are dead and asks when are the servers going to be consolidated. Group B counters saying they like it where they play and don't want to play on those other servers.
Group A/C: I want to play on THIS server but it's not up/there aren't enough people! I *demand* the Devs fix the server RIGHT NOW/merge this server with others so there's more people on it!
Group B: Why don't you just roll characters on servers that are up/servers that have more people?
Group A/C: No, that is unacceptable, I want to play on *this* server and I'm entitled to it. If it's not up when I want to play/doesn't have enough people for my tastes, that shows the Devs aren't doing everything they can. If they were really working with their customers in mind, the server I want to play on would be up/would have enough people.
Group B: The Devs are not going to bend over backwards to accomodate you personally, you realise.
Group A/C: Fanboi! Bootlicker! Corporate stooge!

Character index



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Trials (which you mention later) I get - but you *are* aware the market is global? Just as a side note? I know I run into people *still* that don't. No, it wouldn't have helped with your standing bids. Just pointing out there's not an "Infinity" market, etc. in case that's why you're phrasing it that way.
Yes, but I don't have the same stock of for sale items on every server, nor the Influence reserves on every server.

I was asking about your particular gaming because I was curious if you took your own advice. Since you have a 50 on another server (unless Victory is your home; maybe I misunderstood), it seems to me like it's typical for you to play on multiple servers. For those of us who don't, it's a bit of a drastic change, wouldn't you agree?

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
There was a thread in Announcements within minutes of the server failure.
Indeed. I saw after the fact how often Zwillinger updated, which is to be commended, but unfortunately, that wasn't the one I opened. I opened the server status page (which said down, all day, even when I refreshed (though it claimed that was unneeded); I wouldn't be surprised if that page still said the servers were down), as well as the update here.

I don't think we deserve any compensation, though it's not unprecedented as far as I remember. I was just one of the unfortunate few who had a lot of time available to play yesterday, and was unable to do so.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



... Did I kill it? YAY!

Regardless of any extraneous downtime, I do hope whatever issue is now fixed; Infinity had been bogged down with terrible lag over the past week.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Yes, but I don't have the same stock of for sale items on every server, nor the Influence reserves on every server.
Which is why I put that end bit on there. I wasn't sure if, from how you said it, you thought there was an "Infinity" market vs a "Freedom" or "Pinnacle" market.

I was asking about your particular gaming because I was curious if you took your own advice. Since you have a 50 on another server (unless Victory is your home; maybe I misunderstood), it seems to me like it's typical for you to play on multiple servers. For those of us who don't, it's a bit of a drastic change, wouldn't you agree?
But it wouldn't have to be.

See, that's what I was going on with Clouded about, though I think I finally get where he's coming from. There's a difference between "I can't play" - which wasn't true for a chunk of that time - and "I can't play the character I'm concentrating on."

If it's a matter of just playing, well, yeah, you can. If it's an issue with "I don't have my SG/friends/whatever," I tend to suggest inviting them over and/or starting something like a superteam - you get a good group and can start a nucleus of something when that main server IS down. Plus, of course, you get to meet *more* people and maybe try stuff you don't want to do on that main character.

If we're looking at "I'm working on incarnates" - or Amy_Amps' "This *is* when that group plays there," it's different.

I *still* think branching out is a good idea, if nothing else to give yourself options. But I think I 'get' the other POV better than I did.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I would be interested in knowing what character(s) and what server(s) Hyperstrike, Techbot Alpha, Memphis Bill, et al, played last night.
Servers were down when I got home at 5PM (Central). So I made a run up to the comics shop. Only two books this week.

Got back about 5:30.

While the Live servers were down I logged into the Beta server to see if I could catch a costume code. Didn't, oh well. New character Hyperbetastrike now exists if I want to play him (at least until the next beta purge). Tooled around on him and got him up to 6.

Virtue came back up first and was the only public server available for about 20 minutes. After training up on Beta, I logged in there to see how the server was. Seemed okay when I got on. Cleared some marketing slots and logged.

Read a book for a bit.

Came back and tested Protector (my home server) and it was running. Logged in on one of my scrappers that I don't play much (Mighty Pi, 105 hours of play in 38 months vs Hyperstrike with over 1500). Was able to get in on the regular weekly MOSTF run that Impyre does every Thursday the servers are available. We started a bit late, but because we were rocking mostly tanks/brutes/scrappers we opted for a zerg style of play and rocked the MO in just under an hour (with a short 10 minute break while Imp headed to Atlas Park to beat on some Warworks).

I then played Pi through part of a ship raid, and then a Lambda. Did a bit of marketing on him and then logged in to Hyperstrike for a couple minutes to clean out his sold stuff and check his time-in-game (which is how I know he has 1538 played hours on him).

Had some problems with my buffs and combat numbers during the STF and Lambda and a bit of Lambda lag. But nothing retoggling on occasion didn't fix.

So yeah. I got diverted for a while. But I eventually wound up being able to "go back home".

My inclination would be to believe that they weren't in the pool of those who were forced to look elsewhere for entertainment, so what does it matter to them? How many level 4's were you guys playing last night?
Your inclination would be incorrect.

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Originally Posted by kianazero View Post
and considering the eula, they're not owed anything.

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Originally Posted by hyperstrike View Post



Oh, I did go on the Beta for the first time last night. I'd had the bug about the Beta not recognizing my account as active, but it was finally fixed.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a character on there, so I just created one. The new sets weren't available (didn't have me as a Premium user, or whatever, I guess), so I just created something kind of new and tried out the tutorial. I thought it was really cool, but realized I'd rather experience it "for real" when i21 was live, so I logged out.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Yup. It's all way over your head.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Here's the thing - when I log into City of Heroes, it's to play a specific character. If I can't play that specific character, I'll play another game entirely. Technical difficulties are one thing, and they're perfectly understandable, but suggesting I upset my comfort as a response is quite another and not in the slightest tolerable. As was said lower down, if I can't play the character I want on the server I want, then to me, the entire game is in downtime, because I don't want "the entire game," I want that specific character on that specific server.
Do you also storm out of a restaurant or cafe when you can't have the seat you want?



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I would be interested in knowing what character(s) and what server(s) Hyperstrike, Techbot Alpha, Memphis Bill, et al, played last night. My inclination would be to believe that they weren't in the pool of those who were forced to look elsewhere for entertainment, so what does it matter to them? How many level 4's were you guys playing last night?
None. I saw the down-time and related threads...and went and played Minecraft instead.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



i have to concede that i have an unfair advantage when it comes to downtime: i always have far more things i could be doing than i have time. And that's just the stuff i enjoy doing, never mind things that need to be done at some point whether or not i want to do them. Usually i can juggle it so that i effectively have two or more things going on at once, but there's always more options.

So it's possible i might have difficulty fully empathizing with people who have nothing fun they can do if servers go down. i sorry.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I chalk this up in the same category as bringing home munchies and a 6-pack of adult beverage, settle into my chair, turn on the TV to watch the game and find out that the cable is out or worse, only that channel. Best laid plans ...

Hardware crap happens. I spent 3 hours trying to install my parents new DSL modem and getting it to work with their router. Worked plugged in directly to PC, not to router. Eventually it worked itself out but damn was I annoyed and frustrated. Upside I got free pizza.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
None. I saw the down-time and related threads...and went and played Minecraft instead.
Fallout III and some reading for me. Trying to get on when the servers were working badly or not at all seemed like it would be an exercise in frustration.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I chalk this up in the same category as bringing home munchies and a 6-pack of adult beverage, settle into my chair, turn on the TV to watch the game and find out that the cable is out or worse, only that channel. Best laid plans ...

Hardware crap happens. I spent 3 hours trying to install my parents new DSL modem and getting it to work with their router. Worked plugged in directly to PC, not to router. Eventually it worked itself out but damn was I annoyed and frustrated. Upside I got free pizza.
Free pizza and looking like a genius to mom & dad. After all the **** you put them through when you were a kid.


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Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Do you also storm out of a restaurant or cafe when you can't have the seat you want?
If it was supposed to be reserved for some reason and it wasn't, I wouldn't storm out, but I would complain to the manager, and likely leave unless they had something very nice to placate me with.

Our characters aren't like first-come, first-serve seats at a restaurant. We have a reasonable expectation that they'll be available at all times that are not previously declared maintenance. Anything less than that is a failure to meet expectations. We know it will happen sometimes, but it is still a failure.

On the note of failures...

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I also work in IT and simply because hardware upgrades fail doesn't mean that you failed in your job. It simply means there were other issues at play that you may or may not have been able to do something about.
A hardware failure may not be anyone's fault. Failure to have a plan that prevents that from impacting service in a major way is either (a) a failure of someone to ensure there was a contingency for that happening, or (b) a decision by someone with authority that a contingency for that failure was not cost effective. Depending on how wise that decision really was, (b) might have been a failure in judgment.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



So, servers are still down?



Originally Posted by thanos316 View Post
So, servers are still down?
Yes. It was recently announced that the servers will be down FOREVER!

Actually, they've been up since yesterday afternoon.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yes. It was recently announced that the servers will be down FOREVER!

Actually, they've been up since yesterday afternoon.
He may have been looking at the server status page, that seemed stuck on "Servers Down" for some reason.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Actually, I went to try and play and it said I couldn't for some reason.



Originally Posted by thanos316 View Post
Actually, I went to try and play and it said I couldn't for some reason.
Well, I guess it's a problem in your end, because I know for a fact that the game connected just fine for me today and I'm pretty sure others here can confirm that they've also connected. Perhaps you should seek assistance in the Technical Issues folder?