Who is nuke-able?




By that same token, could one survive the initial blast of a nuclear detonation by hiding by Captain America's shield? Sure the radiation would kill you eventually (maybe instantly - not sure if radiation penetrates Cap's shield) but would the shield protect you from the initial blast wave and the heat?

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
By that same token, could one survive the initial blast of a nuclear detonation by hiding by Captain America's shield? Sure the radiation would kill you eventually (maybe instantly - not sure if radiation penetrates Cap's shield) but would the shield protect you from the initial blast wave and the heat?
If you could actually fit yourself completely behind the shield, I suppose you would be shielded from the immediate first blast. However as the air (plasma) flows around it, the eddies will reach around and incinerate you pretty quickly. Even barring that, the ground you are standing on would quickly enough become a lava bath for you.

So, no, the shield won't cut the mustard in a nuke blast.

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Actually, some incarnations of Superman would not be able to survive it. For the original version, "nothing less than a bursting shell can penetrate his skin", and for a time in the late 70's the Earth 2 Superman was downgraded to that level.

I can't see Doctor Fate surviving considering the piddly amounts of energy it takes to get through his defenses. I suppose it depends on whether or not he also has his invulnerable body these days.

I can only think of three others not yet mentioned who would survive:

Chameleon Boy would probably become the Radko Beast of Serutuf XIV and suck the energy of the nuke up through a horn-shaped appendage.

Speaking of Legion members, Brainiac 5's force field seems to be nigh-impenetrable last I saw so he'd probably survive too.

and, of course, Chuck Norris.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Green Lantern
Captain Atom's daughter (i forget her name)
The guy in Zero Hour that absorbed all the energy of the universe and went boom



The Saint of Killers survived a nuclear blast in the pages of "Preacher," towards the end of the "War In the Sun" story arc. His comment: "Not enough gun."

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
Actually, some incarnations of Superman would not be able to survive it. For the original version, "nothing less than a bursting shell can penetrate his skin", and for a time in the late 70's the Earth 2 Superman was downgraded to that level.
Sure you don't mean late 80s? That sounds like the Man of Steel downgrade by Byrne. The 70s supes was pretty cosmic. They did cut him down a bit once, but it wasn't by as much as Byrne (there was a story arc featuring The Sand Superman in which his power was siphoned off some and never returned).

I can't see Doctor Fate surviving considering the piddly amounts of energy it takes to get through his defenses. I suppose it depends on whether or not he also has his invulnerable body these days.
Think this one is very writer dependent. I've seen issues where Fate duked it out with The Spectre, and that takes some major chops.

I don't remember if anyone mentioned the Spectre. He'd sit at ground zero of an H bomb and comment afterwards "was that a lady finger?"

Speaking of Legion members, Brainiac 5's force field seems to be nigh-impenetrable last I saw so he'd probably survive too.
Yeah, his force field is strong enough for that.

Too many alts to list.



Not yet mentioned:




50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
What is Gladiator's level of power from the Shi'ar Imperial Guard? It seems like he has the ability "if you think you can, you can." I seem to recall him doubting himself causing him to fail at one point.
Gladiator aka Shiar's version of Superman, has his powers tied to his sense of belief. As long as doubt doesn't creep into his thoughts or some form of psionic disrption occur then his power level is near Superman levels. Apparently he also has a cousin and she showed up in the recent Nova series battling Nova's recently empowered brother who outsmarted her and disrupted her powers. It was also mentioned that they are apparently the last two survivors of their race.....nah doesn't sound familiar at all....



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Not yet mentioned:



Sentry is a lame Superman-knock off and best left dead, but as I recall there is a backdoor open for his return....ugh.

Beyonder is best left in the past also.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I'd say the Captain Marvel who could turn into any EM spectrum energy would ignore a nuke.

Hm, that was Monica Rambeau and while she could turn into any energy form, I wonder if the EMP wouldn't be a problem and disrupt her energy field? Otherwise yeah she could survive it.

Drax the Destroyer, original version and "hulk" version from 90's could. His original version couldn't die as long as his soul/mind was bonded to his body. It was Moondragon's mind attacks that finally ended his first incarnation.



I just remembered how they killed Wolverine in the Ultimate universe... Someone drowned him. Basically, the idea is as long as you don't destroy the part of the brain that causes the regen and it has enough time to regen Wolverine, Sabertooth, X-23, and Dakin? (Wolverine's Son) will all regen from anything... So Assumedly as long his brain is attached to a lung or his regen is fast enough (ie within several minutes) he will survive.

Not quite sure how nuclear bombs kill exactly (i think there are several causes isn't there?) he'd range from easily survive to no way he'd survive...

Hypothetically, if Wolverine burnt down to all but the basic "living" part of his brain and someone found him soon after this happened and kept the brain tissue alive he could in theory completely regenerate from that...He could probably even regen from a single cell if that single cell lived long enough to start the regen process...

And that's pretty much guaranteed considering that his bones and spinal cord are encased in nearly indestructible metal...

The problem with kill Wolverine is that it assumes that death is an instant, but we've seen time and again that it isn't... Even if you drowned wolverine and eradicated everything you could, based on the rules that are put forth for his regen and what we know of human biology and what we know of his biology nothing short of destroying his adamantium lace skeleton would kill him permanently... it would take time for him to regen, but he'd still regen.



Going away from comic book characters now, but several beings in Dungeons and Dragons have survived attacks far more powerful than nuclear weapons, obviously like the Elder Evils, abominations, demons, the oldest dragons and greater deities. (Due to their damage resistance to various types of energy, magical abilities, insane regeneration, being immortal, et al)

About a year ago, I made a thread wondering how powerful a dungeons and dragons character could become compared to a superhero.

I stated that having the Evasion feat would let someone have agility on the level of Spider-Man.....when in fact it was much greater. With that feat, you can pretty much ignore an explosion, assuming you make your saving roll. That doesn't include upgraded versions of Evasion or other related and stackable feats.

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Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
The Saint of Killers survived a nuclear blast in the pages of "Preacher," towards the end of the "War In the Sun" story arc. His comment: "Not enough gun."
I've never read Preacher but I have heard of this.

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I sort of had Lucretia do this at the end of Bystander...there were a number of contributing factors however, most of her problem actually came from the associated terminal velocity fall...the actually nuke was outside atmosphere

I she can't survive the full force of a nuke at the current part of the story...heck, she can barely survive people with martial arts training

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Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
The Saint of Killers survived a nuclear blast in the pages of "Preacher," towards the end of the "War In the Sun" story arc. His comment: "Not enough gun."
And it was awesome.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Going away from comic book characters now, but several beings in Dungeons and Dragons have survived attacks far more powerful than nuclear weapons, obviously like the Elder Evils, abominations, demons, the oldest dragons and greater deities. (Due to their damage resistance to various types of energy, magical abilities, insane regeneration, being immortal, et al)
In a somewhat different point from your observation about the mechanics of D&D (or whatever RPG system you wish to bring up; Exalted comes to mind here in terms of over-the-top, quasi-god characters), is a supernatural entity (gods, demons, Lovecraftian weirdnesses, some portrayals of ghosts or fairies, etc.) more or less vulnerable to a nuclear attack based on its inherently magical nature?

In some settings, the intensely "real" nature of something like an atomic weapon might be harmful to such a being. For example, in a Dresden Files story, wizard Harry Dresden uses "ghost dust," an "intensely 'real'" substance made out of, among other things, depleted uranium, to harm magical entities, disrupting their magic with "non-magic."

On the other hand, in the late '80's Call of Cthulhu game supplement, Cthulhu Now, it's explained that shooting the Dread Cthulhu with a nuclear weapon doesn't affect him, since it's not a magical weapon. Instead, it just makes him radioactive, too. (To me, this always raised the question, "If Cthulhu is supposed to be crazy destruction incarnate, why wasn't he radioactive to begin with?")

As those examples show, there is no "right" answer here, but it's an interesting quirk that the original question raises.

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Sure you don't mean late 80s? That sounds like the Man of Steel downgrade by Byrne. The 70s supes was pretty cosmic. They did cut him down a bit once, but it wasn't by as much as Byrne (there was a story arc featuring The Sand Superman in which his power was siphoned off some and never returned).
In the 60s, Superman could literally sneeze planets out of orbit (physics be damned), but the 1940s Superman could have been hurt via a direct hit from an artillery shell...and was just barely faster than a speeding bullet/more powerful than a locomotive.

I have been checking out the old Max Fleischer cartoons, and I think the power creep started there. In one cartoon, Superman has trouble with a King Kong expy, and in another he is more powerful than a magnet capable of pulling planets out of orbit. I think the cartoons is where 'graceful leaping' gradually morphed into flying as well.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
In the 60s, Superman could literally sneeze planets out of orbit (physics be damned), but the 1940s Superman could have been hurt via a direct hit from an artillery shell...and was just barely faster than a speeding bullet/more powerful than a locomotive.

I have been checking out the old Max Fleischer cartoons, and I think the power creep started there. In one cartoon, Superman has trouble with a King Kong expy, and in another he is more powerful than a magnet capable of pulling planets out of orbit. I think the cartoons is where 'graceful leaping' gradually morphed into flying as well.
It was happening in the comics at about the same time, both in the early 1940s. Superman for the first 3 years or so may have been vulnerable enough to be killed by a nuke, but we really don't know. I don't recall anything giving him a significant injury even back then.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
In the 60s, Superman could literally sneeze planets out of orbit (physics be damned), but the 1940s Superman could have been hurt via a direct hit from an artillery shell...and was just barely faster than a speeding bullet/more powerful than a locomotive.

I have been checking out the old Max Fleischer cartoons, and I think the power creep started there. In one cartoon, Superman has trouble with a King Kong expy, and in another he is more powerful than a magnet capable of pulling planets out of orbit. I think the cartoons is where 'graceful leaping' gradually morphed into flying as well.
This is actually complicated by the fact that the 40s Superman is not the same individual as the 60s Superman. Those are respectively from Earth 2 and Earth 1. The Earth 1 Superman, also known as the Silver Age Superman, was as powerful as he got. he could shove planets around without much trouble, and do all manner of other silly stuff(lots of time travel, etc). He got dialed back by John Byrne in Man of Steel after Crisis, but some of the depowering has been eroded since then.

Eventually the Earth 2 Superman got ramped up as well, and it's actually rather a fuzzy thing when the transition to the Silver Age Superman really occurred.

Superman originally is likely based on the character from Gladiator. I've read the book and the individual in it pretty much has identical powers to Superman from Action Comics 1. Superman as we know him is not recognizable as the character from the book.

DC did later introduce the son of the main character from Gladiator (Hugo Danner) in Young All Stars. The hero Arn Munro had identical powers as his dad. These powers 'coincidentally' map almost perfectly to original Superman. He did not, however, wear a cape or costume.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
It was happening in the comics at about the same time, both in the early 1940s. Superman for the first 3 years or so may have been vulnerable enough to be killed by a nuke, but we really don't know.
To be fair, his creators didn't either, since nuclear weapons hadn't been invented at the time.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
To be fair, his creators didn't either, since nuclear weapons hadn't been invented at the time.
Quite true, also after having rewatched Batman/Superman Public Enemies, I wonder if Captain Marvel could take a nuke, since Batman blasted him with a missile and he was on the ground but back in the form of Billy Batson who was wounded. (still funny though when Batman tries to wake him and says "Say something!" "SHAZAM!")



You know Wovie was once beaten near to death by a guy with a stick. And he had his healing at the time.



who beat up Wolvie with a stick?

This is the first I've heard of wolvie having a soon.