What would you do to make Keyes fun?




I would remove the DIS mechanic entirely from Antimatter, and change the trial min/max players to 8-16. No other change.

Of course, what would be fun to me may not, would most likely not be fun to other people.



My only issue is this, is that people are deferring to the easiest and fastest trial just to accomplish their goals.
And this will continue to happen.

Making BAF, Lam and any other trials as much of an unenjoyable, curse-word-ridden, mass-of-headlong-lemmings debt-farm as Keyes is will not result in a sudden mass-education and reformation of the playerbase into playing how peole such as yourself, want them to play.

It would mean people would start ignoring Incarnate content.

Many of us find Keyes unenjoyable. Good luck trying to punish people who do, out of that viewpoint. If anyone should do any learning, it should be the developers. "Hmmmm.... they just are NOT running that, they don't seem to like that one. We probably should not do that again."

Vent is an immersion-breaking annoyance and distraction. Anything requiring Vent to do successfully is massive fail.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
[*]Overwhelming players with information (constant text flashes desensitizes players to important warnings).
I did it for my second time over the weekend. I was on a fire brute, so I didn't even die.


I have absolutely no clue what happened. Occasionally, I would take damage, so I healed it. There were 3 separate timers going and I knew which one caused the green crap (a fairly useless piece of knowledge), but the other two were meaningless to me. The entanglement stuff was just flat out ignored by the entire trial. No one ever said or did anything about it. The only thing lacking a flashing visual cue was whether or not a particular terminal had been shut down yet (I could tell when one went down, but had no real clue which one it was) - and maybe there was since I'm pretty sure I missed half the trial while having random seizures.

The entire thing felt like babysitting 4-year-olds with ADD. And, no, I'm not comparing the other players to 4-year-olds, I'm talking about the mechanics. The whole trial is just a child staring you in the face and going "BAAA!!BAAA!!BAAABBAAA!!!!!BAAA!!!!!!!!AAAAHHHHHHW OOOGGGITTYYYBOOOOOO!!" at the top of his lungs over and over again while occasionally headbutting you.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
The entire thing felt like babysitting 4-year-olds with ADD. And, no, I'm not comparing the other players to 4-year-olds, I'm talking about the mechanics. The whole trial is just a child staring you in the face and going "BAAA!!BAAA!!BAAABBAAA!!!!!BAAA!!!!!!!!AAAAHHHHHHW OOOGGGITTYYYBOOOOOO!!" at the top of his lungs over and over again while occasionally headbutting you.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
Vent is not required to successfully complete Keyes. It's not even necessary for Master of Keyes runs.
Yes, but the person to whom I was replying was implying that one reason people felt Keyes was not worth it, was because they lacked the coordination that Vent could bring.

Bunch of people nattering on about nothing, was what I got out of my brief time experimenting with it. I listen to nonstop talk at work, I don't want to hear it in the game. Too many people love to hear themselves talk. WAY TOO MUCH.



I rather like Keyes. There is one thing I would change about it; I'd just get rid of Entanglement. It's one more thing to look at in an already very busy encounter, and as far as I can tell, it's pointless. I spent a lot of time in my first runs, on my corruptors, trying to avoid the Bubbles of Opposing Color because I had the impression Entanglement was a Bad Thing. Then I did the trial on a melee character, my stalker, and quickly learned that we could all gang up on AM and simply ignore the stacked Entanglements; if it wasn't having any noticeable negative effect on me, I doubt it was hurting the tanks and brutes.

That said (WARNING: anecdotal "evidence" imminent), I can't help but notice that I seem to be in a minority. There are plenty of people on the forums that seem to think it's great as is; a few have even posted in this thread. But in game, I see lots of people forming BAFs and Lambdas. Some Keyes, but certainly not as many. Even on league chat, it's not uncommon for people to discuss how much they hate it, although some will do it just for the merit. I've been fully expecting the devs to announce changes to the trial; specifically, I expected them to change the pulse (either by making it pulse less often, or for less damage) and to somehow simplify the final battle. I didn't anticipate the move to simply making the rewards greater, but I can see the point; it's a longer, more complex trial, so I think a greater reward is appropriate. Still, I have to wonder if it's a "first step", as in, "we'll see if this will get more people playing it, and if not, we'll consider changes to the trial itself."



On the topic of the ITF as proof that people run the easiest things possible, there are two reasons above all others that I believe makes the ITF popular, and they almost never get mentioned:

It is a co-op, level 35-50 TF. It is the most accessible TF in the game. Nobody loses any powers, both sides can participate at the same time (increasing the total pool of players), and everyone 35+ (a massive level range when considering time, and the fact that most people feel leveling slows down around 35) can run it. When the LGTF was 35-50, it was far more popular than it is now.

This level of accessibility also creates a snowball effect-- people are more willing to run ITFs because people are more willing to run ITFs. People hate standing around waiting to form TFs and trials. There is very little stand-around-and-wait time when forming an ITF because so many people want to do it, and people want to do it because they know there's so little standing around time!

As far as end-game TFs and ease, Kahn is hands down the easiest and fastest end-game TF. Why don't people run it non-stop? Besides being hero-only and 45-50, it's boring.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by TheProtector View Post
My only issue is this, is that people are deferring to the easiest and fastest trial just to accomplish their goals. Even if they make the trials harder to accommodate characters getting stronger, people will still just run the easiest missions for grinding purposes.

If BAF and Lambda were scaled up in difficulty, it wouldn't stop people from playing Incarnate content, it would just make Keyes seem like a more acceptable choice. People can throw out a lot of reasons why they avoid it, but it all boils down to it being the most difficult and time consuming of the 3. Two Emp Merits already cover the time consuming factor in i21, and whether you enjoy difficulty or not is a personal matter.

It's just my feeling if all 3 were around the same difficulty, people wouldn't outcast one of them. I have no idea how Snow Globe thinks less people will play the trials if they were tougher. I guess that speaks more about himself as a person than anything.
Here's the thing. If I were being asked to run trials one time, then that arc could be like Keyes and I'd run it. But if I'm being asked to run something multiple times, 20+ times per character (at minimum), and I'm given a choice between repeating Keyes or BAF/Lambda, I'm going to choose BAF/Lambda every time. That's not backing down before a challenge, that's wisdom.

If the game asks for ginding, then the game is going to have to acknowledge that people are going to choose the easiest path through that grinding.

On the topic of the ITF, I like it for one main reason: it's tons of foes, even waves of foes, presenting themselves for a good smacking. If I can wind up hip deep in piles of defeated enemies then I'm probably going to like that arc, and the ITF is the best IMO at presenting that situation.



Wow, I read through this entire thread and I can't believe I haven't seen a few things mentioned:

1. The pulse damage and the hospital door timer are one and the same. If you can't make it out of the hospital and back to a group fighting in 30 seconds, there are other problems.
I also want to note here that as a scrapper, the pulse damage doesn't bother me much, but the damn Vickis kill me probably more often than the pulse kills squishies, cause I see the inside of that hospital a lot.

2. Antimatter goes to the same regeneration terminals in the same order every single trial. If you fight him near the terminal he's going to go to, 'Freeze Time' lasts roughly 2 seconds.

3. The 'Freeze Time' happens at 80, 50, and 20 health. You have a health bar visible in the little window. How hard is it to designate one person to shout in request to stop attacking at 85 health until after everyone is clear of the green stuff?

4. Entanglement matters a lot if you are also being disintegrated. If you're targeted and Alpha entangled, stay the heck away from Betas or you will die on the 99% hit every time.

5. His 'Atomic Blast' can hold non-squishies. When it says back away. Back the heck away unless you have break frees on you!

That said, the reactor part is tedious and I would love to see the bottom floor of terminals disappeared.



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
Wow, I read through this entire thread and I can't believe I haven't seen a few things mentioned:

1. The pulse damage and the hospital door timer are one and the same. If you can't make it out of the hospital and back to a group fighting in 30 seconds, there are other problems.
I also want to note here that as a scrapper, the pulse damage doesn't bother me much, but the damn Vickis kill me probably more often than the pulse kills squishies, cause I see the inside of that hospital a lot.

2. Antimatter goes to the same regeneration terminals in the same order every single trial. If you fight him near the terminal he's going to go to, 'Freeze Time' lasts roughly 2 seconds.

3. The 'Freeze Time' happens at 80, 50, and 20 health. You have a health bar visible in the little window. How hard is it to designate one person to shout in request to stop attacking at 85 health until after everyone is clear of the green stuff?

4. Entanglement matters a lot if you are also being disintegrated. If you're targeted and Alpha entangled, stay the heck away from Betas or you will die on the 99% hit every time.

5. His 'Atomic Blast' can hold non-squishies. When it says back away. Back the heck away unless you have break frees on you!

That said, the reactor part is tedious and I would love to see the bottom floor of terminals disappeared.
for points 2 and 3, it actually requires the league to LISTEN and respond to whats going on, ive been on several runs where poeple shout to slow up on the dmg cause of the time stop and yet half of the league is still wailing on him full force, EVERY person in the league has to be on the same page for this to work right

for point 4, yes ive seen that happen, but very very rarely, most poeple are smart enough to not stand in the middle of the group when they are being disintegrated

point 5 ive never even heard of being an issue talked about among poeple who hate keyes (including myself)

the major hate in keyes trial comes from the antimatter pulse and the fact that there is NO way to avoid it or lessen it (only make it worse), and the fact the obliteration beam is hard to see because its faint green (which all of AMs attacks are too), and entanglement just adds a helluva lot of screen clutter and does basically nothing 99% of the time



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
That's weird, the run I was on that got me Avoids the Green Stuff we didn't need to do any of that stuff. Just went in with a small team, and made sure everyone knew what they were doing and alert enough to not stand around like a fool... no need to have anyone door sit (or hospital sit, as the case may be). And it was actually pretty fun getting the badge.

It seems to me that the one making the badge attempt unfun for you was the team leader, not the devs.
I won't say its not possible for a team of sixteen to jump right in and get this badge. However, after seeing *many* attempts, I've concluded each person above the minimum necessary to take out AM substantially increases the difficulty of acquiring the badge. Its not just the obvious. With less people its easier to spread out and ensure you are either the target of the beam or nowhere near the target. This means you will get an extra message telling you that you're the target: an extra cue to move. There's less power spam to obscure the beam. There's less people jockeying for position on AM, and therefore less people either hovering or hopping around. Being in the air when the beam happens to target someone greatly increases the odds of the beam reticle showing up in a spot someone else cannot see no matter what their zoom out and orientation is. It happened to me once, and I do not believe there was anything I could have done to find that beam and then move out of the way: it happened to be in the worst possible spot for me to see, even though I was *in* the thing.

Completely separate from the fact you can put the people with the most practice dodging Obliteration out there, the actual act of dodging becomes far simpler with far less people. But to me, something seems wrong with the fact that anything more than about five people makes the task increasingly difficult, but you can't actually start the trial with five people. The trial doesn't *force* you to sit people in the hospital; I'm sure its theoretically possible to eventually get sixteen people to get the badge while all simultaneously engaged with AM. But it *encourages* you to do so because by design it radically simplifies the task.

This isn't a case of the players somehow exploiting a flaw in the task force, like the old logout bug in villain respec. This is a case where the actual design of the task says: the more people you put in there, the harder it will be to see what you're doing or actually do it.

I should point out that I am not saying the devs are asking too much to ask players to kindly look for a green cross hair and then move out of its way. If there was a badge to dodge a hundred obliteration beams I'll go out there and solo that ******* for the league (I'd need several runs to do it, of course). And I think its not asking too much for players to practice and learn how to do that. But in a high density group the probability of a degenerate case causing a problem: a target in the air, a target in a cluster of players, a target you can't see or a simultaneous Obliteration and Time Stop where AM is out of place, becomes extremely high and these are not things that are all trivial to control in a league. And just one of them can destroy a lot of prior work to get the badge.

One last thing. As I've said previously, I actually like Keyes. I don't mind running it. However, when we got this badge I was less happy and more relieved. I actually felt a lot of pressure out there to get this thing done. An entire league was counting on me (and a few other people) not to screw up or take my eyes off the ball for even one second. I honestly didn't want to let anyone down. In the back of my mind for the entire run that thought was echoing around: don't let anyone down. I would say that's a bit alarming, because I think if I'm feeling any sort of pressure at all, a lot of players are probably feeling it worse on any given Keyes badge run. And many of the players that don't feel that pressure are probably also not 100% focused on every element of the trial necessary to award these badges.

So speaking as someone that has this badge now, and would do it again to help a league get it if asked, and even acknowledging some people might be having a rip-roaring great time getting it, my opinion is that this badge is not designed with any specific entertainment value folded into it explicitly by design. I would say it sucks donkey balls but after making that crack the last time the first Keyes I ran after that on the first reactor Antimatter decided to just aggro right on me and kill me, and *then* aggro on me as I exited the hospital and kill me again, and then target his first two Obliteration beams on me at the end. Message received Positron, message received.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
for points 2 and 3, it actually requires the league to LISTEN and respond to whats going on, ive been on several runs where poeple shout to slow up on the dmg cause of the time stop and yet half of the league is still wailing on him full force, EVERY person in the league has to be on the same page for this to work right
Before every trial (Lam, BAF, or Keyes), we shout out in league and tell everyone to tag F7. If they don't, and won't listen when someone tells them how to add League chat to their tab, they get booted and replaced (or sometimes not replaced).

This is an incarnate trial for level 50 players. If you can't listen to a leader on the most basic of tasks, you have no business being on my team.
Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
for point 4, yes ive seen that happen, but very very rarely, most poeple are smart enough to not stand in the middle of the group when they are being disintegrated
I mention it because it's been the Achilles heel to many of our 'Loves a Challenge' attempts. I've seen it happen a bunch of times where the disentegrated target keeps running away from the healer of the opposite entanglement but the healer persists and gets the guy killed. I would love to see this go, it adds unnecessary complication to an already overpowered attack.
Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
point 5 ive never even heard of being an issue talked about among poeple who hate keyes (including myself)
I bring it up because the hold animation is (at least pretty sure it is) the same animation as the 'Freeze Time' hold animation (This should REALLY be changed!). I get stuck in Oblit from this hold far more often than because of an actual Freeze Time.
Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the major hate in keyes trial comes from the antimatter pulse and the fact that there is NO way to avoid it or lessen it (only make it worse), and the fact the obliteration beam is hard to see because its faint green (which all of AMs attacks are too), and entanglement just adds a helluva lot of screen clutter and does basically nothing 99% of the time
Oh the pulse definitely sucks. I like the suggestion upthread where it's based on base threat level instead of x% across the board. I was just mentioning that the Vicks kill me more often than the pulse does - they can almost one shot me as a scrapper (and then the pulse would finish me off regardless of how much damage it does).

Maybe the Oblit ray is easier for me to see because I'm playing low graphics? I only had a problem when rebirths are done at the same time. When running badges we asked that everyone change their color schemes to be not green and that helped others a ton (this obviously is a design flaw)

Would be nice to see entanglements get tossed, they are generally ignored and rarely does anything bad happen.



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
Before every trial (Lam, BAF, or Keyes), we shout out in league and tell everyone to tag F7. If they don't, and won't listen when someone tells them how to add League chat to their tab, they get booted and replaced (or sometimes not replaced).

This is an incarnate trial for level 50 players. If you can't listen to a leader on the most basic of tasks, you have no business being on my team.

I mention it because it's been the Achilles heel to many of our 'Loves a Challenge' attempts. I've seen it happen a bunch of times where the disentegrated target keeps running away from the healer of the opposite entanglement but the healer persists and gets the guy killed. I would love to see this go, it adds unnecessary complication to an already overpowered attack.

I bring it up because the hold animation is (at least pretty sure it is) the same animation as the 'Freeze Time' hold animation (This should REALLY be changed!). I get stuck in Oblit from this hold far more often than because of an actual Freeze Time.

Oh the pulse definitely sucks. I like the suggestion upthread where it's based on base threat level instead of x% across the board. I was just mentioning that the Vicks kill me more often than the pulse does - they can almost one shot me as a scrapper (and then the pulse would finish me off regardless of how much damage it does).

Maybe the Oblit ray is easier for me to see because I'm playing low graphics? I only had a problem when rebirths are done at the same time. When running badges we asked that everyone change their color schemes to be not green and that helped others a ton (this obviously is a design flaw)

Would be nice to see entanglements get tossed, they are generally ignored and rarely does anything bad happen.
the reason i bring up listen is because even with a group of poeple i know ive seen that happen dozens of times where poeple werent paying attention or missed something because this trial is information overload, its not always someone not paying attention (could be lag or whatever) but thats usually the reason

the only melee toon ive run on this is my stone brute since he has a self heal (dark melee), without inspirations i wouldnt last long vs the vikkies either but it was usually the pulse that did more dmg to me than anything (i never noticed the hold portion of atomic blast because my stone brute with rooted has like mag 20 protection, but in that trial i almost never had rooted on because of all the running around it required



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
2. Antimatter goes to the same regeneration terminals in the same order every single trial. If you fight him near the terminal he's going to go to, 'Freeze Time' lasts roughly 2 seconds.
During the 9 Keyes runs I did this last weekend, I clearly said each time to fight AM at the NW, SE, SW reactor in order. Even with an experienced team that didn't happen every time.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
3. The 'Freeze Time' happens at 80, 50, and 20 health. You have a health bar visible in the little window. How hard is it to designate one person to shout in request to stop attacking at 85 health until after everyone is clear of the green stuff?
Ha. Seriously, a few times we hit the time freeze just before the first Obliteration beam landed. It starts at a 15 second count-down. Having his health drop faster than people can respond is a problem for any communication.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
4. Entanglement matters a lot if you are also being disintegrated. If you're targeted and Alpha entangled, stay the heck away from Betas or you will die on the 99% hit every time.
Yeah, if you can see the bubbles with all the visual spam going on.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
5. His 'Atomic Blast' can hold non-squishies. When it says back away. Back the heck away unless you have break frees on you!
That was never an issue in any of the runs that I could see.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
One last thing. As I've said previously, I actually like Keyes. I don't mind running it. However, when we got this badge I was less happy and more relieved. I actually felt a lot of pressure out there to get this thing done. An entire league was counting on me (and a few other people) not to screw up or take my eyes off the ball for even one second. I honestly didn't want to let anyone down. In the back of my mind for the entire run that thought was echoing around: don't let anyone down. I would say that's a bit alarming, because I think if I'm feeling any sort of pressure at all, a lot of players are probably feeling it worse on any given Keyes badge run. And many of the players that don't feel that pressure are probably also not 100% focused on every element of the trial necessary to award these badges.
I know, and I felt bad that I was the cause of the 8th run failing. This pressure is also why I (and a few others) aren't doing Keyes badge runs for the next couple weeks.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
So speaking as someone that has this badge now, and would do it again to help a league get it if asked, and even acknowledging some people might be having a rip-roaring great time getting it, my opinion is that this badge is not designed with any specific entertainment value folded into it explicitly by design. I would say it sucks donkey balls but after making that crack the last time the first Keyes I ran after that on the first reactor Antimatter decided to just aggro right on me and kill me, and *then* aggro on me as I exited the hospital and kill me again, and then target his first two Obliteration beams on me at the end. Message received Positron, message received.
This section made me smile. Thanks for that, Arcana.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
Before every trial (Lam, BAF, or Keyes), we shout out in league and tell everyone to tag F7. If they don't, and won't listen when someone tells them how to add League chat to their tab, they get booted and replaced (or sometimes not replaced).
That is fine for Virtue, not so much for a small population server like Triumph.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



So let me get this straight.

You want a Master of Incarnate Trial to be doable with a group of players who do not listen to their leader?


I mean, Keyes has it's faults for sure, but if you can't get a tank or brute, or both to taunt AM over to the correct regen terminal, I fail to see how that is the fault of the developers.



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
So let me get this straight.

You want a Master of Incarnate Trial to be doable with a group of players who do not listen to their leader?

Did you mention Master anywhere in this:
Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
Before every trial (Lam, BAF, or Keyes), we shout out in league and tell everyone to tag F7. If they don't, and won't listen when someone tells them how to add League chat to their tab, they get booted and replaced (or sometimes not replaced).
No? If not, then kill the attitude.

I want a REGULAR Keyes (you didn't specify Master anything) run to be doable with a group of players, even with a few that don't listen. I don't have to do badge runs with them, but other nights I have little choice.

Some days it is a choice between having enough players that will listen or not doing the trial at all. There is no "they get booted and replaced" when a leader can't find anyone to replace the 1-2 people that aren't paying attention (edit: and the league can't get the minimum amount of required players).

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
I mean, Keyes has it's faults for sure, but if you can't get a tank or brute, or both to taunt AM over to the correct regen terminal, I fail to see how that is the fault of the developers.
I make sure I get at least one tank/brute that knows what they are doing (even if I have to switch to a tank myself), and a couple healing characters on every Keyes trial.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
So let me get this straight.

You want a Master of Incarnate Trial to be doable with a group of players who do not listen to their leader?
A part of me says if the league can't get their act together, they should fail. That's what trial badges test for: league-wide performance. But on the other hand, the sometimes draconian steps necessary to *guarantee* such synchronicity are things that aren't explicitly necessary for success, and more difficult for some servers than others due to population. If the person is an idiot or can't listen, heck I'm fine with bumping them. But bumping every single person that shows *any* signs of not being a robot is not always practical.

And I say that as someone who, if the league leader told me to hover 48.2 feet above Antimatter and do the facepalm emote 4.5 seconds before the next Obliteration beam while wearing a bikini and a top hat, and I thought it would help, would set up special macros to do it.

(If I think it wouldn't help, I would shoot you in the face Snow).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And I say that as someone who, if the league leader told me to hover 48.2 feet above Antimatter and do the facepalm emote 4.5 seconds before the next Obliteration beam while wearing a bikini and a top hat, and I thought it would help, would set up special macros to do it.

(If I think it wouldn't help, I would shoot you in the face Snow).
If you think it wouldn't help and said so, I would carefully consider why you said that. I'd then probably come up with something else more practical.

And thanks for the laugh.

And I still can't figure out how you defeated me during that one run.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
On the topic of the ITF as proof that people run the easiest things possible, there are two reasons above all others that I believe makes the ITF popular, and they almost never get mentioned:

It is a co-op, level 35-50 TF. It is the most accessible TF in the game. Nobody loses any powers, both sides can participate at the same time (increasing the total pool of players), and everyone 35+ (a massive level range when considering time, and the fact that most people feel leveling slows down around 35) can run it. When the LGTF was 35-50, it was far more popular than it is now.

This level of accessibility also creates a snowball effect-- people are more willing to run ITFs because people are more willing to run ITFs. People hate standing around waiting to form TFs and trials. There is very little stand-around-and-wait time when forming an ITF because so many people want to do it, and people want to do it because they know there's so little standing around time!

As far as end-game TFs and ease, Kahn is hands down the easiest and fastest end-game TF. Why don't people run it non-stop? Besides being hero-only and 45-50, it's boring.
In addition to this you have the versatility of being able to speed through large portions of it (even with characters who have nothing helping them speed through) or killing everything in sight. You effectively get two larger groups of people willing to run the same trial because it fills both of their requirements - even if not at the same time.



You're right, I didn't mention master, but it seems as though you created this thread having been frustrated with multiple attempts to get master badges.

I've gotten the master badges more than 2x over and I had lots fun doing it, so I figured I'd chime in.

But I digress. Even on low population servers you should be able to get 16-24 people to locate and hit their F7 key when asked in league chat. Even if it shows up in team, the team leads can verify it was hit. If it someone doesn't hit F7, send a private tell instructing them on how to add league chat to their chat window. If they still cannot listen, it's a wonder how they dinged 50 in the first place (also, they are probably 'that guy' who doesn't press the big green button upon entry).

If you truly cannot find 16-24 players who can see league chat and hit F7. Ever. Then I'd suggest switching servers so you can play with a more competent selection of people. But I'm pretty sure even the Euro servers could find a group capable of that.

Another note: People gather wherever the first person shows up at the Truck Depot is. So have someone go there and go to the first regen terminal before the final reactor terminal is down. Once it's down, they will all crowd around said person, AM will show up and fly straight where you want him, and then Freeze Time will be so short you'll stop caring about it (on a regular run - Master you do have to have players watching out for Oblit & Dis). Whomever has his aggro should go to the next regen terminal so that AM follows him.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And I still can't figure out how you defeated me during that one run.
Keep wondering, buck-o

(I haven't had the chance to examine the logs of that trial yet)

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Being in the air when the beam happens to target someone greatly increases the odds of the beam reticle showing up in a spot someone else cannot see no matter what their zoom out and orientation is. It happened to me once, and I do not believe there was anything I could have done to find that beam and then move out of the way: it happened to be in the worst possible spot for me to see, even though I was *in* the thing.
That's another thing that really needs to change if they're going to keep using these area effects targeted on a player. It's just annoying, especially when you have a flying target that melees have to jump or fly to reach.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
You're right, I didn't mention master, but it seems as though you created this thread having been frustrated with multiple attempts to get master badges.
No, I'm frustrated with the trial in general. The badges add to that frustration though.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
But I digress. Even on low population servers you should be able to get 16-24 people to locate and hit their F7 key when asked in league chat. Even if it shows up in team, the team leads can verify it was hit. If it someone doesn't hit F7, send a private tell instructing them on how to add league chat to their chat window. If they still cannot listen, it's a wonder how they dinged 50 in the first place (also, they are probably 'that guy' who doesn't press the big green button upon entry).
There have been times where I couldn't get the 12 players needed to START the trial, let alone 24 to fill the league. Sometimes I think the developers share the little world of Virtue & Freedom and expect other servers to be able to gather enough players to do these trials.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
If you truly cannot find 16-24 players who can see league chat and hit F7. Ever. Then I'd suggest switching servers so you can play with a more competent selection of people. But I'm pretty sure even the Euro servers could find a group capable of that.
That is not, and should never be, the answer. If that is the developer's answer as well, I want them to move the 20 slots I've applied to Triumph as well.

Originally Posted by Dinah View Post
Another note: People gather wherever the first person shows up at the Truck Depot is. So have someone go there and go to the first regen terminal before the final reactor terminal is down. Once it's down, they will all crowd around said person, AM will show up and fly straight where you want him, and then Freeze Time will be so short you'll stop caring about it (on a regular run - Master you do have to have players watching out for Oblit & Dis). Whomever has his aggro should go to the next regen terminal so that AM follows him.
Funny, we did that. Except that for the second & third terminal sets, the pets kept AM at the NW terminal, despite the presence of 2 tanks and a bunch of toggle debuffs.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters