What would you do to make Keyes fun?




Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I'd make it so that people don't split up and race all over the place, making it impossible for anyone to get healed by characters with healing powers (not that I ever see more than one character with healing powers per Keyes, anyway). Like too many other "challenging" things in the game, it's something where a few characters essentially do all the work and get all the fun and glory, while the rest die over and over and over again.
I don't get this; I'm guessing I've never done a trial with you or been on the leagues that you've been on (since I'm on a diff. server I assume) but...I can kind of see what you're saying about everyone splitting up and what not. But if you know what to do and as long as the leader doesn't say otherwise, why wouldn't you be helping collecting temp powers, using them, or helping clear mobs (when it was needed)?

Again, maybe it's just the leagues you were a part of but...the times I've been on Keyes (either leading or just a part of one) sure there are times when people are 'doing their own thing' but it's usually coordinated "splitting". Everyone knows that x is the target and as long as x is accomplished then who gets the glory?

Now, if you carry a full tray of green inspirations, can solo a War Walker And Friends, and have full invisibility, it's fairly enjoyable. It also has a great Maniacal Villain Rant. On that note, it's one of the few points in the game where I actually feel like the antagonist is really a "supervillain."
During the 2nd reactor phase and beating up the EBs...you don't have to solo them...just go to where others are beating them up. *shrugs*

I always have all green inspirations (and depending on the toon, at least 1 BF just in case). It's usually recommended unless you have self-healing powers of some sort.

I can see how not having any stealth/invis. would be a pain in some parts (collecting temp powers in 1st and 3rd reactors) but if you know you can't collect temps without getting beaten up by the mobs...why not suggest to the leader that those with stealth/invis help clear the mobs on the 1st and 3rd reactors? Again, not saying you haven't done that but...*shrugs*

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I'd... rework the thing in general.

What irritates me most about Keyes isn't the continual damage, or pulses, or time stop (I survived all that as a non-bumped Blaster.) It's the disjointedness of the whole thing. It's like we had three separate teams, one working on each reactor "experience," and they didn't bother talking to each other.

Oh, and the blatant "Hey, INVITE A STALKER!" for one of them is just cheesy. (the bunkers.)

I'd work on making it a more coherent experience overall. That (and basically the mass chaos that was going on) was the biggest disappointment for the entire trial. (Heck, I *like* the "Don't kill Anti-matter!" twist.)

Edit: Side note -

I can see how not having any stealth/invis. would be a pain in some parts (collecting temp powers in 1st and 3rd reactors) but if you know you can't collect temps without getting beaten up by the mobs
As far as this... my blaster didn't have stealth, and still managed to get in and get the glowies. Actually *stayed* in at one point. Never aggroed.



I think Keyes is somewhat fun, and than it should be tweaked. I agree with all on Snow's suggestions.

So far, I have taken over 35 toons through the incarnate progression. FOUR have done keyes. Thats right, 4. Two of these were just because Keyes was the only trial going at the time, one was leading it myself on a badger type toon, the fourth I actually looked for the trial.

The pulse is a gimmick. Plain and simple. A gimmick because the other incarnate powers have made the first trials easy. Requiring a heal or rebirth..a gimmick. I dont find dying to something like that fun. As Snow says..cut the damage.

My suggestion..the map is a huge reactor right? How about have some areas with radiation leaks..good radiation leaks. Something like a big + regen effect, if you stand near a core or similar. This would give people without heals an option..duck in between pulses to heal up, and then get out a return to help out.



how i would make keyes fun? i would change the antimatter pulse to be more thematic, make it do resistable dmg to start off and then add unresistable dmg since antimater is losing control as he is getting hurt

the 2nd thing i would do is not make AM have to be near any of the terminals to activate

along with the first thing i would either make the pulse have a hit roll that is not affected by defense or increase the timer to 45 or 60 sec

to reduce the tedium and maybe increase speed of the trial i would combine ALL of the reactor phases into a single phase, and also increase the number of warworks (since the goal in this new design would include staying away from AM)

in the current state of the trial i refuse to run it at all, but if it was adjusted i might run it again



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Anyway, put me firmly in the camp of "Never touching the damned thing again, no matter how the devs try to bribe me". Period. End of story. There's nothing that can be done to make that mess 'fun' as far as I'm concerned.
Yep. It's like they had several ideas for different trials, couldn't (or didn't have the time to) figure out how to flesh each out indvidually, and then said, "screw it" and just mashed them together.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Keyes is fine. Just reduce the pulse damage a tad. I can keep an eye on it just fine, but 50% is a little steep when I'm forced to solo 5 Vickys.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Disintegrations: The player being disintegrated should be clearly marked in the team/league windows so that people healing can have a chance at preventing the player from being defeated.
That's probably the only thing I'd change. I enjoy Keyes though.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
Keyes is fine. Just reduce the pulse damage a tad. I can keep an eye on it just fine, but 50% is a little steep when I'm forced to solo 5 Vickys.

Just curious, when are you forced to solo 5 Vickys?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
First off, in Issue 21 Keyes will get an extra completion merit (Empyrean for the first time in a day on a character, Astral for the rest). Personally, I doubt that will be enough to get people to do it on a regular basis.

I think the pulse damage needs to be cut by 50%. Sending players to the hospital in a steady stream isn't my idea of a good time. The Anti-Anti-Matter badge is just being sadistic.

Both the Anti-Anti-Matter badge and the Bunker Buster badge should be awarded when achieved, no later than the beginning of the last phase.

The time stop has to go or a display marker for when it will happen needs to be made. No one likes being held then attacked. I suppose everyone could be phased and take no damage or count against the badges, but that would be trickier to do.

Speaking of the beams (Disintegration and Obliteration), a VISIBLE and separate counter should be put in the info window for these so that players (if they are paying attention) move.

Disintegrations: The player being disintegrated should be clearly marked in the team/league windows so that people healing can have a chance at preventing the player from being defeated.

Time Stop should not freeze people in the hospital, but if they exit, they should be fair game.

Yes, a lot of these impact badges, but even without the badges these should be looked at to make a better experience for the player. Maybe then we will have players actually doing Keyes on some of the smaller servers.

So what would you do to make this trial more fun for you?
Actually, I think this would make Keyes *easier* but I don't think it would make it more fun. Removing some of the frustration wouldn't make the rest of it automatically more entertaining.

I personally don't have a problem with Keyes, but I do see where the flaws are in terms of it having wider appeal. I think Keyes has three fundamental problematic issues that have nothing to do with dying, difficulty, or badges per se:

1. It encourages leagues to scatter.

You're supposed to collect temps from all over the place and without someone literally assigning individual people to collect individual temps from individual spots which is unlikely, you'll just have a mass of players not sure if they should be going after the blinkies or doing something else. This has nothing to do with explaining the overall structure of the trial either: if you don't get that after one pass through, you're just an idiot. Have something shiny to play with. But that's strategy. The tactics aren't something that is coordinated with individual precision (at least not that I've ever seen) and that breeds confusion.

Plus, scattering is counter-productive to most people's fun in the iTrials, because much of our collective incarnate strength comes from cross buffing and concentrated damage: it comes from acting in groups. Lambda encourages us to split up into two teams, then rejoin. If the individual teams scatter that's their problem. BAF encourages us to split up into a few teams, then rejoin. It doesn't encourage us to scatter: rather the opposite the towers and adds encourage us to stick together in one big mass or a pair of teams or a triplicate group, depending on the strategy.

2. Its serialized.

Except for the early timer sections, the bulk of the terminal work for the last two reactors requires Antimatter to be present. That means however fast we collect temps and however many people have them, only one terminal at a time can be used. It takes a parallel task and forces it into a serialized structure. And this means it forces a lot of people to wait around for others to finish a task. And there's not much for them to do while they wait, once the terminals are cleared. Which they can be by one crazy blaster with a couple of lucks and poor impulse control (like me). It doesn't take an entire team to do that, but whole teams are waiting around to do something.

This situation does not occur in either of the other two trials, nor in TM or Apex, nor in any of the task forces in the game as far as I know, to nearly the same degree, except in a few odd cases that *themselves* are seen as bad (of course I'm talking about Numina).

3. Its meta-puzzle tricks are too gimmicky.

The autohitting turrets in BAF can be turned off. Sequestration can be managed. If you run out of grenades in Lambda you can actually earn more. If Maurader jumps out of Lambda someone on your league is an idiot. But while I believe most things are fair game if you present them correctly, even I have problems with a meta puzzle in which you can be killed by a power that you have to move away from, and the game occasionally prevents you from moving, and those two things can happen at the same time. While its *possible* to manage this in theory, I consider this particular combination to be asking too much. Its like the original Hamidon that was designed to have the players all attack from range and all simultaneously move to the same new firing spot at the same time when the mito bloom occurred, twice. Its worth noting the players actually *thought up* this solution to Hami, and mostly concluded we'd never be able to coordinate it well enough to ever be worth whatever reward Hamidon could possibly give.

If I got all my friends together in the same room to attempt a Keyes run and I could count on them to obey my instructions perfectly and without question, I think I could beat that part of the puzzle without too much difficulty by precisely timing the damage we dealt to Antimatter to prevent simultaneous Time Stop and Obliteration. I'd like to know if the devs have ever managed that feat except by accident.

So, I could do it. But it wouldn't be fun, not even for me. It would be work. I'd be working to defeat the devs' design.

As I said, I'm fine with the overall trial (still need those badges though) and I'm fine with the overall difficulty. I'm even fine with dying. But if you ask me how I would make Keyes more fun, I don't think I would be focused on simply removing the parts some find annoying, but trying to replace the parts that directly impede fun with things more entertaining. If its entertaining, people will not be upset about dying. Dying is what I think people are upset about because they aren't getting enough entertainment for their deaths.

To do that, I would try to find ways to reduce the amount of scatter the trial induces. Funny how the whole point of the hospital lock out is to prevent dead players from just diving back into the trial all by themselves when in Keyes specifically there is absolutely no advantage to that enforced grouping up at all. I'd be looking for ways to parallel-ize the trial. Brainstorming, suppose you needed to bring Antimatter to the terminal to "unlock it" with the first temp, but once energized you could apply the next two temps without him being there. But energizing the terminal summoned reinforcement guards. You could then have an Antimatter team bringing him to the terminals one at a time fast while a separate team or set of teams then clears the terminals and applies the remaining temps. You have the same basic structure, but you get more players simultaneously involved. That's not a completely thought out idea, its just what I came up with off the top of my head for illustration purposes.

And as to Obliteration, I notice if I'm actually staring at the timer, its easy to avoid (the last of your badge runs I was on, I dodged several until I saw two separate people get hit, then I stopped looking at the timer - as soon as I did, I got hit by a beam). Lets face it: CoH players are still coming up to speed on raid mechanics and having to juggle different sources of information. We will get there, see Lambda and BAF, but it will take time. In the meantime, we need to continue to provide a learning curve. Don't assume raid leaders will explain everything precisely, and don't expect players will understand them correctly when they do. Give them some help: in this case, the Obliteration beam should generate a visible and audible warning in the screen of everyone targeted at least four seconds in advance that is *impossible* to miss. Four seconds is what it will take to give ample time for a player to escape the Obliteration beam that a) doesn't notice anything until the blatant warning sounds and b) just completed activating an attack and c) has another attack queued. On average you're going to lose nearly three seconds between two roots and human reaction time, and it takes a good fraction of a second to move clear of the beam.

If you're just staring at the timer and not using *any* attacks, its trivially easy to avoid the patch. But getting twenty four people to do that every thirty seconds is an unreasonable burden, for now, for our current playerbase. In a year, it might be old hat. For now, its not.

And Time Stop should stop time. Timers stop. Disintegration stops. Obliteration stops. Everything stops but Antimatter. If AVs have purple triangles to prevent players trivializing combat by perma-holding the AVs, the devs should consider the ramifications of giving Antimatter essentially an unresistable mez through which he can use powers that can kill us instantly.

As I said, I don't mind puzzles and I don't generally complain about the meta gaming requirements of making high end challenges. So if I think its a little wonky, the devs should assume most players think it sucks donkey balls.

Oh, and just apply a mag 1000000000000 immobilize to people that are being disintegrated already. Seeing players run away from the team as fast as they can or run behind buildings or even just in circles makes me want to shoot them myself.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Oh, and just apply a mag 1000000000000 immobilize to people that are being disintegrated already. Seeing players run away from the team as fast as they can or run behind buildings or even just in circles makes me want to shoot them myself.

hehe, that would be nice

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Just curious, when are you forced to solo 5 Vickys?
My failed stealth runs to get power cells and use them. Also, when my team fails to coordinate an attack on a Goliath and I'm the only one left standing. Sometimes another Goliath team happens to walk by.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I don't get this; I'm guessing I've never done a trial with you or been on the leagues that you've been on (since I'm on a diff. server I assume) but...I can kind of see what you're saying about everyone splitting up and what not. But if you know what to do and as long as the leader doesn't say otherwise, why wouldn't you be helping collecting temp powers, using them, or helping clear mobs (when it was needed)?
In fact, we play on the same server most of the time, and I'm pretty sure I've been on a Keyes run with you. People mostly followed the suggestions in your post, and it was a pretty smooth and enjoyable run for that reason.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And Time Stop should stop time. Timers stop. Disintegration stops. Obliteration stops. Everything stops but Antimatter. If AVs have purple triangles to prevent players trivializing combat by perma-holding the AVs, the devs should consider the ramifications of giving Antimatter essentially an unresistable mez through which he can use powers that can kill us instantly.
this is actually how i originally thought time stop would work, but after the original run on beta and left several posts of negative feedback about this (and the antimatter pulse)



The pulse damage as is now was a real bummer the few times I've tried Keyes.

The few times I *did* try the trial, it felt like pulling teeth getting a large enough league going because several people on Triumph were already swearing it off. After about a half dozen runs, though I was not in the "no no never again camp" I've definitely said to myself "meh, I've got better things to do" the few times I've seen a call for league mates on TW2.0 for the trial.



I don't care for this trial and haven't run it more than a few times. It is a lot of unfun. Too much AT bias. The toons that didn't pump up their HP are going to take a beating.

I don't think any of the trials are epic at all and totally not worthy of being part of the road to Incarnate world. I find them disappointing. However, I didn't mind running the BAF a few times and same with the Lambda.

I don't really have any ideas that haven't already been suggested. I just wish they felt more epic and had more that a couple of significant enemies. Oh, and NOT having a Praetorian theme might also be nice



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
In fact, we play on the same server most of the time, and I'm pretty sure I've been on a Keyes run with you. People mostly followed the suggestions in your post, and it was a pretty smooth and enjoyable run for that reason.
Ooooh, well hi then I don't know the forum name to global name conversion...there needs to be a chart....

Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I don't care for this trial and haven't run it more than a few times. It is a lot of unfun. Too much AT bias. The toons that didn't pump up their HP are going to take a beating.
Not like this will change your mind or anything but, as far as I know, the auto-hit pulse is a percentage of everyone's HP. It doesn't do 50% HP dmg to Blasters and only 10% to Tankers, it's, again I think, 50% HP for everyone (more if you damage Anti-Matter).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
don't run it? That's how i make it fun.
This. I don't care if they up the Empyreans to 10 per run, I am STILL not running this. I will not form a league to run it, I will not join leagues to run it.

Its crap gameplay mechanics in my opinion, and I am not validating it by spending time on it. Not fun, not even very profitable: I'm out.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
This. I don't care if they up the Empyreans to 10 per run, I am STILL not running this. I will not form a league to run it, I will not join leagues to run it.
However, if the devs wish to experiment with increasing the rewards on live to 10 empyrean merits per run, in the interests of cooperating with the devs to make a better game I would be willing to make the sacrifice of helping run those.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I think the pulse damage needs to be cut by 50%. Sending players to the hospital in a steady stream isn't my idea of a good time.
Yeah, the magnitude of the pulse damage is just stupid. I ran the trial once on a character who didn't have top-notch self-healing. ONCE. Never again. Fortunately, my badge toon is /regen so I may actually get all those badges some day. Maybe.

I would shorten the reactor phase. Seriously, do we need to do that bit THREE TIMES with minor window-dressing changes?

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Um, Snow asked "What would you do to make Keyes fun?" By the time I posted some already said, "it's fine as is", hence my, "as others have said".

And uh, I'm on Liberty not on Freedom or Virtue...and no Keyes isn't run much on Liberty (except by a few leaders besides me) which I find sad because, as I think, Keyes is already fun.
Yeah it's so much fun you don't get to run it often . . .

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Personally I'd like to see the pulse damage (the 50% upfront) be based on AT Threat Ratings - 4 gets 50%, 3 gets 37.5%, 2 gets 25%, and 1 gets 12.5 (base values only, except maybe Dwarf Form).

The Pulse doesn't make the trial harder by killing my blaster - it just ticks me off that I HAVE to run Rebirth to survive more than a minute.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
1: The drag Keyes to the terminal mechanic is tedious and boring. You end up doing a lot of standing around waiting for Keyes to get there. Yes, you can greatly reduce the tedium by taking out as many terminals as possible, but if you have players who are new to the trial, or die too much, or don't have all their level shifts, or can't duo War Walkers, or....for whatever reason can't blitz the second and third reactor, you're in for a lot of tedium.

2: The Keyes fight has way too much crap going on at once. Entanglement just needs to go. On all the trials I've been on everybody just ignored it anyway, it's one more obnoxious graphical effect. The green stuff needs to be more visible. Time stop...what does it even do, other than annoy people? It certainly shouldn't affect people in the hospital.

The amount of damage is fine with me mostly. I personally think it's a sucktastic mechanic for the trial, but if it's going to be included and not basically neutered into meaninglessness, it's about where it probably needs to be.

I just find the reactor phases boring and the end fight completely obnoxious. It's not obnoxiously hard - my problem has nothing to do with the level of challenge involved. My problem is that the challenge it does provide is achieved through some of the most irritating overload of "cheaty" AV tricks I have ever imagined. I have no serious problem with any of the "cheaty" things that the boss AVs do in the Lambda or BAF trials, or in the Apex or Tin Mage TFs. I like all of those, yet I greatly dislike the Keyes end fight, because it feels like someone tried to add all the tricks from all the other Praetorean TFs and iTrials to the end fight, and they created a mess.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



What I'd do (though I'm not sure if it's possible). Kinda writing it out off the top of my head, nothing I've put a great deal of thought into, but...

Increase the amount of time between pulses, but also increase the base damage. Maybe something like 70% at full health, and 90% damage at worst. HOWEVER, make it so that you get a bit of resistance against the damage for each player close by (give it a bit of range, of course). The idea being that if the team sticks together with everyone else, you take less damage (or maybe even none at all, if there's enough people there). Probably have the numbers around the area where you can split a full league into two or three groups, and have each one fully protected so long as they stick together (and there's not too much extra damage from AM having low HP).

This gives us a way to mitigate the damage AND it encourages people to stick together. The increased time between pulses is so that people can run off and do solo-ish stuff (like grabbing temps) and still have time to get back to the group with time to spare.

I think it would make the trial less frustrating while also keeping it suitably hard/strategic. And since people will be encouraged to stick together, there should hopefully be less people getting confused as to what to do (since everyone else scatters), which should help people understand the trial a little better.



Haven't even played it yet but really want to. No one is on when I am anymore lol.

I hear the stories about it though.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
This. I don't care if they up the Empyreans to 10 per run, I am STILL not running this. I will not form a league to run it, I will not join leagues to run it.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
However, if the devs wish to experiment with increasing the rewards on live to 10 empyrean merits per run, in the interests of cooperating with the devs to make a better game I would be willing to make the sacrifice of helping run those.
I'd sacrifice the PANCAKE out of that.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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