



The method for arc banning tends to err on the side of caution, and does not go through an exhaustive review. Chances are it's been petitioned before by others, and most of the time gotten a shrug and a 'whatcha gunna do?' from GMs, but recently an individual GM saw a petition and was having a grumpy day.

(I wish I was kidding.)



Honestly, what I think got attention drawn to it is MARTy - not the program itself, but mention of CEBR to test it when we finally heard of it.

(And while I'm not a particularly good farmer, well, I didn't see any throttling... so if that system goes by dev baselines, then CEBR wasn't excessive. High, yes.)



Man CEBR arc's are dropping like flies...

TopDoc could you post the settings on how to make the arc so we could roll it up?



I'm going to bet TopDoc isn't going to post that seeing as you've pointed out the "CEBR arc's are dropping like flies." Therefore it's be a safe assumption the devs don't want them and would probably frown upon posting how to make them.

Just sayin'...



Figured if this post wasn't banned outright this technique was still in a moral grey area. Everything else is a clearly outlined how-to, figured it wouldn't matter if it was refined to include details around the arc for personal use. More than happy to stick to trial and error and learning the MA system if TopDoc doesn't wish to add it to this manual.

Appreciate your feedback though.



The GMs still haven't gotten around to reviewing my arc (5 days and counting). But on general principle, I've adjusted it to not look like a farm. That means adding real descriptions and mob costumes, plus making it only a single mission long.

I believe I already explained the basics of the farm in the original post, in case someone wanted to roll their own. The map has changed since then but the objectives haven't. There are 2 boss spawns in the front with 3 ambushes each, plus a glowie to finish the mission when done. The mobs are all fixed at level 2. Some maps have lower than the 1500 ticket cap, so make sure you play it and check. The mobs are all Dual Blades/Regen with fairly few powers. The Minions only have thrown knives, while the Lts and bosses get that plus a single melee attack. They all have Revive and Fast Healing I think, maybe Quick Recovery if it makes a difference. They aren't all worth 100% of XP at level 2, but that's exactly what the Devs do to balance "easy" mobs.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



In fact this arc should not be in any "grey" area. You are at threat of defeat and often do die. This is the penalty they use to balance the game - the threat of failure.

You are fighting, in most cases solo as more are less effective. The XP gain is not as outrageous as some of the fire farm types where you doorsit.

I guess it was the open and honest appraisal of this that wee-wee'd in someone's cornflakes.

If we had a Dev step in and actually say what THEY thought was fair we would have a guideline. Otherwise we have to guess at some vague and threatening big brother standing over us with a stick to penalize us.



having played these I've died a lot and even racked up debt in the process. I consider that a reasonable argument that they aren't unbalanced. that said, I'm still trying to find a good map to build my own runs on. I like the idea of experimenting to find good weapons layouts, etc. how AVs and/or elite bosses changes the equations, etc.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
If we had a Dev step in and actually say what THEY thought was fair we would have a guideline.
This is never going to happen if the Devs are smart. The second they lay one down, everyone will create their farms within an inch of that line... and theoretically, the Devs will have not latitude to do anything. And if they do, the players will cry foul (and rightfully so).

Otherwise we have to guess at some vague and threatening big brother standing over us with a stick to penalize us.
Yeah, this comparison is going a bit too far.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
The GMs still haven't gotten around to reviewing my arc (5 days and counting). But on general principle, I've adjusted it to not look like a farm. That means adding real descriptions and mob costumes, plus making it only a single mission long.

I believe I already explained the basics of the farm in the original post, in case someone wanted to roll their own. The map has changed since then but the objectives haven't. There are 2 boss spawns in the front with 3 ambushes each, plus a glowie to finish the mission when done. The mobs are all fixed at level 2. Some maps have lower than the 1500 ticket cap, so make sure you play it and check. The mobs are all Dual Blades/Regen with fairly few powers. The Minions only have thrown knives, while the Lts and bosses get that plus a single melee attack. They all have Revive and Fast Healing I think, maybe Quick Recovery if it makes a difference. They aren't all worth 100% of XP at level 2, but that's exactly what the Devs do to balance "easy" mobs.
If they banned the arc, why would adding text and textures make a difference? I mean the point of the map is to abuse brutes with aoes that fight low levels mobs, to power level yourself starting at level 1.

Someone could easily just click report abuse again.



Not to distract from the drama, but I'm at 48 now.

This is all just playing 20 minutes here and there, every few days, when I have some time to play but not enough time to play much.

Re: Dev Drama
If more people do it, it'll get fixed. Though it's not an exploit, it's a group of people who discovered "there's a system to the system." Which is as it should be, and naturally, we should be stopped so as to have us challenged to find the next niche.



Originally Posted by Pureshadow2 View Post
If they banned the arc, why would adding text and textures make a difference? I mean the point of the map is to abuse brutes with aoes that fight low levels mobs, to power level yourself starting at level 1.

Someone could easily just click report abuse again.
Somehow "Crey Fire Cyborgs" is a Hall of Fame arc that is still around, despite being a major farm map. It looks like a regular single-mission arc. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it. In fact someone said that several of the Hall of Fame arcs are Fire farms, though I haven't verified that. Now mine just looks like a regular single-mission arc too, only at level 2. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Most recent patch removes additional XP from self-rezzing foes. FYI.



But you see it isn't abusive because I can still farm the map with blasters, controllers and even some defenders. Tanks and Scrappers can do it easily and I even had a Stalker join me in one run from 1-22 and it took the two of us about 2.5 hours or so.

The real bonus for me is the ticket drops. I can cash them in when I feel lucky and doing just 5 runs netted me a recipe that sold for 3 million for my controller at level 10.

Yes, I die often on squishies but the ticket drops far outweigh the levels earned. To be honest if they cut the XP in half I wouldn't care one whit. The ability to fill many IO slots with stuff I got myself and didn't have to buy is a great advantage.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
But you see it isn't abusive because I can still farm the map with blasters, controllers and even some defenders. Tanks and Scrappers can do it easily and I even had a Stalker join me in one run from 1-22 and it took the two of us about 2.5 hours or so.

The real bonus for me is the ticket drops. I can cash them in when I feel lucky and doing just 5 runs netted me a recipe that sold for 3 million for my controller at level 10.

Yes, I die often on squishies but the ticket drops far outweigh the levels earned. To be honest if they cut the XP in half I wouldn't care one whit. The ability to fill many IO slots with stuff I got myself and didn't have to buy is a great advantage.
This is the reason I started it...getting tickets to redeem for recipes for my alts. The boost to prestige to my little two-player bases doesn't hurt either. I rarely sell the recipes...across the number of alts I have, I use most of them. And the recipes I can't use? Go to the bf.

Plus...when you only have 20 mins to half an hour on some days, a quick farm run or two is a nice time-filler.

Art (NSFW)



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
Somehow "Crey Fire Cyborgs" is a Hall of Fame arc that is still around, despite being a major farm map. It looks like a regular single-mission arc. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it. In fact someone said that several of the Hall of Fame arcs are Fire farms, though I haven't verified that. Now mine just looks like a regular single-mission arc too, only at level 2. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it.
There is a difference between farming level 54's and level 2's. It's in your own post because of the mobs accuracy.

These missions just contributed to today's nerf.

Mission Architect

Custom Critters within Mission Architect which are capable of self-revival will give no rewards when they are defeated for the second and subsequent times. The powers still contribute to the calculation of their custom XP values.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
The GMs still haven't gotten around to reviewing my arc (5 days and counting). But on general principle, I've adjusted it to not look like a farm. That means adding real descriptions and mob costumes, plus making it only a single mission long.
Weren't VIPs supposed to get better/priority customer service? (Are some VIPs more VIP than others?)

Ambush City, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ambush - Arc #1043
Strife of the Grave - Arc #3409
Shift - Arc #529411



Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
Weren't VIPs supposed to get better/priority customer service? (Are some VIPs more VIP than others?)
Priority support means that they'll get to you before the Freebs. As this doesn't keep TopDoc from playing the rest of the game, I imagine this means he'll get addressed after anyone who wrote in recently about not being able to play. In short - higher priority than non-VIP, lower priority than someone who is VIP and can't access the game. And I suspect there's been a lot of those lately...

Mostly Triumph with a side of Guardian
@mangagirl & @mangagirl2
AKA "Noah Bailey"



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Most recent patch removes additional XP from self-rezzing foes. FYI.
I hope you're mistaken. I know you aren't... but... um...

That is some male cow excrement right thurr..



Originally Posted by Papaschtroumpf View Post
Sooner or later something was going to be done about res farms. I just stupidly held out hope that the dev team would use this as a reason to buff the rez in /Regen.

There is a reason that you use the /Regen rez and that is that the power poses no risk or increase in the chance to fail.

I would be much happier with a buff players response over a nerf the farm response.

If the power didn't flat out suck it could have never been used in this manner.

You don't see RotP, Soul Transfer or Resurgence being used as the rez power in AE for a good reason.

RotP from 16 foes is going to hit for 100+ pt's of KB and you have only 12 points of protection and 0 resistance to it and 50+ stun thats going to drop your toggles and end the farm real quick. Never mind the massive damage from that many RotP's. Heaven forbid you hit 40 mobs with ION and get smacked with that inferno.

Soul Transfer: Hits for a mag 30 stun per mob. 16 of those and your toggle dropped and dead. Again if you led with Judgement your even worse off.

Resurgence: At 1st glance seems like it isn't that bad but the +tohit will mean that the mobs will nail you even with venge or 4 purples running. The +damage and +recharge get them the dps to drop you even with your capped res. This one is possible to deal with but it is by no means something you would have wanted to deal with in a farming mission.

So with these examples why nerf the type of farming instead of buffing a truly lame player power?

Either way the farm goes away but at least with buffing Revive you can tell the players hey we gave you a buff.

Global: @Kelig



You know the rezzing doesn't really matter.

Drop the rez power and just run it again!



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
You know the rezzing doesn't really matter.

Drop the rez power and just run it again!
Actually it does. That rezer mob was at about 30% health that gave full exp and inspirations. You could also damage the mob while it was rezzing.




Wasn't 30%...I'd say more like 60%....just picking nits, although it's double your estimate.

Also - I am sad panda with this. My Dark/Dark Brute will somehow manage, though.