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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NightSable View Post
    I have seen a lot of great scrapper videos. Soloing AVs, TFs, some epic and some funny. Anyway, This is not the best quality video, but it is my favorite. Good action and a bit of story and the song is kinda cool too. I rolled a MA scrap after I found this years ago. Post your favorite scrapper vids!!!!


    I always hated how people show random scenes of atlas park and etc, like we never seen it before. It's like that scene on catwoman when shes riding a motorcycle for 5minutes
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    I dislike WP because it has no reactive mitigation...WP is on a slope constantly and you are either going up, standing still, or going down, and the player cannot really influence it in any meaningful way. So you can watch yourself die and do nothing when cascading failure sets in.

    I like to have more control than that.
    Could always click an inspiration and not watch yourself die. Just saying.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
    I don't normally run a ruptor, but my spouse does. I thought I'd share this with the Corruptor forum because, while I am hard pressed to play one, I respect the AT for what it's capable of and thought everyone here might get some amusement out of it.

    So, my dear spouse had not gotten the chance to get the badges from the summer event and asked me to do it for her. I logged on and que'd up on her Fire/Therm. While I waited I took stock at what she'd done with the toon:

    Snazzy attack chain, check...
    Capped Def to s/l/e/n and all her positionals... wow...
    T3 in Alpha, Destiny and Lore... huh... (didn't know she had it in her)...
    Stackable debuffs... (o.o she knows what those are!?)
    Two stackable boosts to her attacks?

    Now, on the summer event, a lot of those things don't matter because of the level cap, but I was very impressed. It explains how she jumps into mobs at +4/x8 and lives to maniacally laugh as she cuts them down with 'moar fiar!'. But, my underestimation of my spousal unit aside, lets get back to the story.

    So I zone into the event and assess the team, myself (a corruptor), a brute, a MM and a Fender. The casino heist goes well, and I managed to net all of the badges there for her while getting used to her UI before we had to do all-out combat. But, then something happens and as finish up the last AV in the heist, our MM goes *poof* and DCs never to return. There's a bit of discussion among the team, and after a bit I convince them that I've run the arena portion of the event with less than four, so we go for it. The animation begins and before long, we find ourselves toe-to-toe with the Minotaur. The following is the gyst of the conversation in team as we beat on him:

    Brute: Tedious...
    Me: Indeed.
    Fender: Well, what do you expect, we're the three least damaging AT in the game.
    Me: ...
    Me: I donno, I think I do pretty well for damage.

    Then I notice... I'm the only one popping off heals or shields... (which the brute had kindly reminded me to recharge, again...not a 'ruptor). What's more so I took a look at the 'fender a bit closer and tapped <info> and about cried. Rad/Elec... *sigh*
    Now at upper levels, isn't the damage bonus cap on Brutes like 700%? I don't consider that anything to shake a stick at. Scourge puts Corruptors on par, if not better than, Blasters considering the debuffs they're punching out. That's not anything to take lightly either.

    We won, even managed to pull off getting the badges, and I was impressed enough with my better half's toon that I'm seriously considering giving the Corruptor AT another try. So, am I wrong in my thinking?

    And, as my last question, anyone have a suggestion as to fun combos to play? I've done the different incarnations of dark on different AT so i'd like to try something else, and I'd prefer to run something a bit different than the spouse's Fire/Therm just for the sake of variety.

    Thanks all, hope you got a chuckle/gasp of disbelief out of the story as well.

    I feel sorry for who's married to you. The way you belittle them in a game, i wonder how it is real life.
  4. Pureshadow2

    Merc question

    Why does it matter if the medic suicides? I would be more worried about Commando living than the lowly medic.

    Mercs have always been on the low end of MM's. I retired my merc/dark for a couple years now. Just no reason to play him when all the others are better. I liked them at first, til i tried other mm's and saw how mercs have a disadvantage.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    I have to strongly disagree with what you said bout the FA tank. I have out lived many Inv, WP, and SD tanks on my FA tank in both Itrials, and reg content. The tankest tank I could think of really depends on your own play style and how you build them. I have seen someone put up a really good build but had difficulty surviving due to not knowing how to play them and was not good for there play style. The last time I did a BAF on my FA tank i was taking out the canisters for acids by myself with out dieing while the inv tank with the rest of the team kept dieing. I have also seen other ppl do the same on there tanks. Back t what I was saying it is all in your play style, and how u build it to suit your needs, and play style.
    You know people have different level shifts in itrials? I can solo all the acids on my pb just by running around in lightform.

    Not much of a play style to FA other than hitting Healing Flame. Just because you outlived other players doesnt set a standard that FA is better.

    If im 50+ and mentor tanks on my scrapper. I can easily make a bias survival comparison.

    By the way BAF doesnt have acids, that would be Lambda.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    I didnt see the power icon for the proc next to your life bar at all. I watched up to supposed proc number 11. Your recharge stat also wasnt displayed so couldnt base it off of that either.
    It proced everytime i did footstomp. I have a damage and recharge monitor below my health bar. It even proced on the last footstomp when there is like 3 mobs.
    My footstomp is enhanced with 132% recharge with Spiritual Alpha.

    I have a level 47 tw/fa in SO's that i tested. I just put FF proc in 3 attacks and they can get perma hasten if i'm constantly aoeing.
  7. Is it me or does PPM on the test server make SS/Fire even more op for farming? :O

    Force Feedback +Recharge is always up.
    The damage procs in my ball of lightning, burn, electrical fences, and blazing aura proc more.

    I tested Armageddon fire proc in footstomp and it was 5-6 targets.

  8. Pureshadow2

    This just in!

    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    So rejoice my squidly brethren, for now we can explode much more often and with no crash to speak of.
    I just assume now Light Form + Inner Light + Walk in Group + Dawn Strike = Smoke Break
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    This is a silly thread.

    But, just to go with the flow and pretend it's not a silly thread, Fulcrum Shift is not particularly overpowered as long as I can do this:

    How is this a counter arguement? Like you said as long as u can do this. The /auctionhouse is tier 8 in paragon rewards. So the game should be balanced around that?

    I haven't played my fire/kin or healer in a long time. Isn't kinetics heal the 2nd strongest aoe heal. Fulcrum shift was op back when there was just heroes, when everyone was in PI power leveling players.

    I think reducing it's buff of damage or preventing it from working on the caster would balance it some.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    Regen is about layers, moderate resists, good defense and tons of regeneration...it makes you hard to kill.
    All the power sets have good survival end game. I just don't see the point of regen without a taunt aura, damage aura, +hit, +recharge or +damage buff.

    I only noticed people rolled regen back in the day for pvp because everyone was the same lvl in pvp zones.

    Just my thoughts on regen, dont want someone to hit 50 then regret it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    There actually isn't really all that much redraw when your build is finished...you only use the clicks when you get into trouble...too many people make this out to be far worse than it actually is...and since fewer people play regen these days, the myth is self perpetuating due to ignorance/inexperience.
    Do u mean end game with def? The regens i leveled up use heals alot because of aoe and the lack of decent res and def. I think the only time i didnt use heals was in maybe +0 missions. Though most people lvl +2 and +3. Aoe will tear you up.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    Sure we can race, add > @Cagney. <
    And I personally only one stack rage, was a hard habit to break but it certainly paid off. Your time is very nice, but how you can do it in that speed and ss/fire in almost 6 hours I'm a bit clueless about.
    So did this person ever race you. I'm kinda skeptical to believe someone with only 3 posts.

    I just started pimping out elm/shld scrapper with very rares and i really don't see it being faster than my ss/fire.

    Don't get me wrong i like my elm/shld for missions and trials, but i just don't see it. :O

    Thunderstrike is just too long and small area to compare to footstomp. I mean my ss/fire has like 185% recharge right now and can clear a short ae ambush faster than my elm/shld with 165% recharge that would buy all reds before entering to give them an advantage. There's also a sb npc near entrance to offset recharge and both characters have all incarnates.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    It's really very cheap to make a purpose-built SS/Fire Brute. I'm not disputing that the people you talked to spent billions, but if all you want is a farm-capable Brute build, you don't have to break the bank.
    Agreed, SS/Fire Brute is cheap. 90% fire res and 2x rage is easily 160% damage.

    Don't see how that's billions.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    So you decided to tell everyone so they can all farm it before it inevitably gets fixed? good job.
    I just started playing again, assumed someone would had noticed by now :P

    It's not as good as what reactive interface used to be for burn
  15. So i just started playing again and got the hybrid power. I noticed that it seemed to always be on when i was playing. So i just assumed it was always on, but it was the quick ae mission i was doing.

    If you farm ae and exit before it detoggles the timer for it will reset. So i just been playing around with double hit hybrid in my ae mission.

    This is on my ss/fire brute. Don't know if it's just me or it resets for everyone else :O

    Tested Assault Radial Embodiment, Melee Total Core Graft, Melee Total Radial Graft
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    For me, TW is garbage. But, only level 24 so far.(so I really should hush!)

    Still, at this point, why consider Momentum? It's a gimmick. A player shouldn't need momentum to maximize dps. Just use the attack that's recharged and ready.

    You know, the way a fire brute would. A fire/fire. Rage is nifty, doubly so with burn. But no rage crash with fire/fire, and no momentum to fuss about either.

    Go with fire/fire. No gimmicks just burn, fire ball, Fire Sword Circle. Everything is pretty much dead at that point anyway.
    How's it a gimmick? You can still faceroll keyboard like fire. There's just a slow attack every now and then. TW is also a defensive set since it has an attack which buffs def. So it shouldn't really be super powerful.
  17. Pureshadow2

    BS vs. Katana

    I just assumed katana has more cones and BS has more single target. Thats why BS and SD can go together. I wouldn't mind busting out cones with K/SD if i could
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post

    Every now and then sure. Far more often I'll hear about sewer teams and sewer trials and hero tips and 'try my arc ID', but then again this is Virtue and not Freedom.
    Thats because a lot of role players are on virtue. When they say try my arc it means farm. They're just using role playing code. We all know that arc is fire farm. Virtue AE missions are probably guys in tuxedo's emoting each other, only to get farmed.
  19. Pureshadow2


    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    You know the rezzing doesn't really matter.

    Drop the rez power and just run it again!
    Actually it does. That rezer mob was at about 30% health that gave full exp and inspirations. You could also damage the mob while it was rezzing.
  20. The mobs that rezzed would only had like 30% hp and still give full rewards. You can throw down burn and still hit mobs rezzing.

    So in a 54/8 run this kills half the experience in the run. It reduces half the money, too. I still get ticket capped and reset mission though, since the mission i used went a little over.

    I think power leveling price will be the same, it just effects the people getting power leveled, 5hrs - 8hrs , 1-50?

    I dont see how marty helped pin point any of this. Theres forum guide on how to farm, youtube videos and you can just look at the most rated maps, which are fire farms.
  21. Pureshadow2


    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Somehow "Crey Fire Cyborgs" is a Hall of Fame arc that is still around, despite being a major farm map. It looks like a regular single-mission arc. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it. In fact someone said that several of the Hall of Fame arcs are Fire farms, though I haven't verified that. Now mine just looks like a regular single-mission arc too, only at level 2. You have to use the right character and know how to farm it.
    There is a difference between farming level 54's and level 2's. It's in your own post because of the mobs accuracy.

    These missions just contributed to today's nerf.

    Mission Architect

    Custom Critters within Mission Architect which are capable of self-revival will give no rewards when they are defeated for the second and subsequent times. The powers still contribute to the calculation of their custom XP values.
  22. Pureshadow2


    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    The GMs still haven't gotten around to reviewing my arc (5 days and counting). But on general principle, I've adjusted it to not look like a farm. That means adding real descriptions and mob costumes, plus making it only a single mission long.

    I believe I already explained the basics of the farm in the original post, in case someone wanted to roll their own. The map has changed since then but the objectives haven't. There are 2 boss spawns in the front with 3 ambushes each, plus a glowie to finish the mission when done. The mobs are all fixed at level 2. Some maps have lower than the 1500 ticket cap, so make sure you play it and check. The mobs are all Dual Blades/Regen with fairly few powers. The Minions only have thrown knives, while the Lts and bosses get that plus a single melee attack. They all have Revive and Fast Healing I think, maybe Quick Recovery if it makes a difference. They aren't all worth 100% of XP at level 2, but that's exactly what the Devs do to balance "easy" mobs.
    If they banned the arc, why would adding text and textures make a difference? I mean the point of the map is to abuse brutes with aoes that fight low levels mobs, to power level yourself starting at level 1.

    Someone could easily just click report abuse again.
  23. Arrgg, you'll never take my bootie!

    So its just a power. There is already the costume and aura.

    Does it summon a ghost ship? Swashbuckler costume? It seems lack luster, maybe for 100-200 points?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    Stalkers are actually quite good at the BAF escape phase since the runner groups are often spaced far enough apart you can usually be back in Hide after each one. Don't bother with AS. Just unload a Hide crit on a LT and let your friends add some AoE splash damage. Or if you have a decent AoE of your own, attack the whole run group. I do that too if Fireball is ready.
    How is that good killing one LT and letting others aoe? My brutes and scrappers kill all the mobs that come out of a door for 5 mins.

    I've seen probably one or two stalkers do the trials and thats because they made the group. There just isn't anything groups really needed from stalkers. If they added increased damage from attacking mobs from behind like 1.5x damage, group crit buff? I've seen WoW and other games make rogue classes wanted, just not this game.

    When leveling from 1-50, people fight +3 and +4 mobs. So the stalkers burst seems to mean little with brutes double rage doing better damage.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    When did you conduct your survey? I don't remember being asked.
    Haha who needs a survey. Just look at atlas park broadcast on Freedom.

    If people rp'ed AE then there would be RP AE mission broadcasts. You know all the SS/Fire guys outside AE are farming and all the lowbies are gonna get farmed outside of AE entrance.

    I can't even afk in an AE entrance or people will whisper me to get farmed til i block them. "Farm me for free" "Who do i ask for invite?"

    The way i understood MARTy was that it just prevent exploits like a whole zone dieing at the same time for experience. I wouldn't doubt that theres people that use hacks and exploits on this game. It's no different than WoW where people would fly under the map to mine.

    AE farming won't be changed anytime soon considering most of the population is at atlas park AE. They would lose money. They knew this when they made AE. Just remember captain dynamic/rooster teeth episode 1 and they made fun of him doing easy missions for the best rewards.