Perma Hybrid Incarnate Power
So you decided to tell everyone so they can all farm it before it inevitably gets fixed? good job.
If you farm ae and exit before it detoggles the timer for it will reset. |
(again going to have to give you a

This is not an AE-specific feature. Hybrid toggles (and also the GvE jetpack power, and probably any other time-limited toggles that I can't think of at the moment) reset their duration on zoning.
Snark with a smiley Face..gj Mike. Too bad this is already a known issue..and there have been a few threads on it. can they 'farm it', when it just involves leaving a power on? And since they are farmers (or inclined to farm) they would have been donig so..anyway...
Apparently it happens with most of the Hybrid powers, but not all of them actually 'stay' working, rather, they icon is still spinning, but there is not boost being applied. I know assault works this way. Some of the others (I think melee being one) were actually applying the buff constantly.
Snark with a smiley Face..gj Mike. Too bad this is already a known issue..and there have been a few threads on it. can they 'farm it', when it just involves leaving a power on? And since they are farmers (or inclined to farm) they would have been donig so..anyway...
Apparently it happens with most of the Hybrid powers, but not all of them actually 'stay' working, rather, they icon is still spinning, but there is not boost being applied. I know assault works this way. Some of the others (I think melee being one) were actually applying the buff constantly. |
True, you wont get the stacking damage boost from assault. But, the double hit does still work. Had my combat log open while I was in AE to make sure I was actually benefiting from it when hybrid never shut off.
Oh double hit still worked? That is odd. Is yours a t4 (or anything really)? I know on my blaster, I noticed is staying on after missions, and tested it. With a t3 double hit only power, forget the name. And it was not actually x2 hitting at all.
Oh double hit still worked? That is odd. Is yours a t4 (or anything really)? I know on my blaster, I noticed is staying on after missions, and tested it. With a t3 double hit only power, forget the name. And it was not actually x2 hitting at all.
T3 Assault total radial graft
MisterD, was that before or after the June 26 patch? The patch notes claim that the toggle effects should persist properly after zoning, but I haven't specifically tried it.
So i just started playing again and got the hybrid power. I noticed that it seemed to always be on when i was playing. So i just assumed it was always on, but it was the quick ae mission i was doing.
If you farm ae and exit before it detoggles the timer for it will reset. So i just been playing around with double hit hybrid in my ae mission.
This is on my ss/fire brute. Don't know if it's just me or it resets for everyone else :O
Tested Assault Radial Embodiment, Melee Total Core Graft, Melee Total Radial Graft