SS/Fire PPM on test server




Is it me or does PPM on the test server make SS/Fire even more op for farming? :O

Force Feedback +Recharge is always up.
The damage procs in my ball of lightning, burn, electrical fences, and blazing aura proc more.

I tested Armageddon fire proc in footstomp and it was 5-6 targets.



yeah thats alot of procs, i see a patch on beta soon lol.. unless this is as intended.. ^_^

WOOOOOOAH! it's like...i just....i can't.....WOW...



I didnt see the power icon for the proc next to your life bar at all. I watched up to supposed proc number 11. Your recharge stat also wasnt displayed so couldnt base it off of that either.



It goes off significantly more than half the time in Foot Stomp (assuming numerous nearby targets) on live already, y'know.

If Foot Stomp is slotted with, say, 60% recharge, it'll give 2*(2.1+20/1.6)/(60*2.6875) = 18.1% chance to proc per target, under i24 rules, which means a ~85% chance to go off if it hits 10 targets. This is pretty awesome, but not incredibly better than the ~65% chance for the same cirumstances it has under i23 rules.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
I didnt see the power icon for the proc next to your life bar at all. I watched up to supposed proc number 11. Your recharge stat also wasnt displayed so couldnt base it off of that either.
It proced everytime i did footstomp. I have a damage and recharge monitor below my health bar. It even proced on the last footstomp when there is like 3 mobs.
My footstomp is enhanced with 132% recharge with Spiritual Alpha.

I have a level 47 tw/fa in SO's that i tested. I just put FF proc in 3 attacks and they can get perma hasten if i'm constantly aoeing.