



If anyone has an appropriate character on Beta, a quick AE run should determine this.

I bet it will trip it. Seems aimed at ambush farms.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
If this is effecting things like Speed TF's, Completion of Mission Arcs or any other normal gameplay, then please, file a bug report, send us a PM, let us know so that we can investigate it.
I added the bold for emphasis...

Well, that pretty much sums up the devs' thinking.

It was fun while it lasted.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
If anyone has an appropriate character on Beta, a quick AE run should determine this.

I bet it will trip it. Seems aimed at ambush farms.
Just start up a level 1 Claws/Electric Brute and see if you make it up to level 9.4 or so in the first mission. That's a bit slow without Spin, so a better test would be the second run with Spin and Hasten. You should hit around level 13.5.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Will MARTy affect this method?

Justice is my Home!

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Originally Posted by Shocklust View Post
Will MARTy affect this method?
I'd guess it would. There's no way this was intentional...



ok, just let me know what to change my settings to so I'm just under MARTy's cap. Instead of 4/8 maybe we should all just run 3/6.

Really not happy with the time/effort lost over this.



CEBR is not an exploit. If this was an exploit, the mods would have removed it long ago.

MARTy has no effect on it. I actually tested it. First mission got me up to level 9.5, second one (with spin and Hasten) to 13.5. So apparently going from 1 to 50 in around 5.5 hours is a reasonable rate for MARTy. Inf looked good, capped 1500 tickets each time, and there was no indication that I was defeating mobs without getting rewarded. I never even died, which is surprising since I only had enough Inf to buy a few Lucks before starting the first mission.

I expect to have a new level 50 Brute on Exalted tonight. Unless of course MARTy is more forgiving at lower levels. Then again the extra speed from the Increase Attack Rate Empowerment buff or the cheap Global Recharge PvPs and Purples I recommended in the original post may also make a difference. I suspect a few people will be trying it out later today. See you in the Atlas AE. It'll be a refreshing change from Mercy.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
CEBR is not an exploit. If this was an exploit, the mods would have removed it long ago.
It may not be an exploit per se.. but it CERTAINLY is aberrant gameplay (most folks don't eat several trays worth of Inspirations in an exceedingly short period of time and fight hordes of specially designed enemies at Level 1). Also, you can't cite lack of action as the act of giving permision, that boat don't float.

Might I comment, though, that this is the ONLY method of farming that I find fun. I spent several hours in AE helping a character get to 50... with a Level 1 (well, he wasn't for long)!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Might I comment, though, that this is the ONLY method of farming that I find fun. I spent several hours in AE helping a character get to 50... with a Level 1 (well, he wasn't for long)!
Well this I can agree with. I've never been one to farm, as I don't enjoy it and most of my characters are ill-equipped for it (mostly Defenders and Scrappers without damage auras). However I discovered that Cebr was actually fun for me. I haven't reached level 50 through it, and in fact the brute that I ran with is /EA, hardly a good fit for getting the most out of it (though I did play with Claws/Elec up to level 33)

Regardless, in the 7+ years I've been playing, I never looked at the game in the way that Cebr requires. There's a kind of elegance to it, and I liked TopDoc's analogy to riding a bike.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



For some reason, whenever Z said 'Aggressive' I always replaced it with CEBR.

I figured this was a primary target for MARTy so I'm kinda shocked it appears to not activate for TopDoc, though he could be right about higher levels hitting the threshold.

That said, I find this to be highly engaging and challenging. Not the typical 50+ Proc'd out snorefest that constitutes most farming, be it tickets or XP.

I 1st used this arc to get a Fire/Fire Blaster to 22 in about 2 hours. Then I went ahead and rolled a true CEBR just to see the difference. The Brute made it to 22 in something like 30 minutes.

22 used to be when the real fun would start for me. As I hated not having Stamina and SO's. Though once I started playing those 2 toons I found I wasn't connected enough to them, I hadn't played enough to have a chain or to know what needed what and when. I'd missed things like Hasten that I would've taken if I'd been struggling with recharge for an entire level etc, etc.

Then I realized I don't have to push to 20 for Stamina anymore! So I've started using this arc to get to level 12 for DO's with a quickness. This lets me jump right into enjoying the toon without the months of boring play to get there.

Yes, months. I'm a very casual player, usually only playing for 3 or 4 hours a week.
This combined with my severe altitis means I only have 3 50's and most of my toons are around 25-33. I don't play endgame so I have no desire to rush to 50, just to the point that the toon becomes fun to play.

I'm really shocked that MARTy won't prevent me from reaching level 12 in a single play session!! Shocked and pleased all at once.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



To me it appears parts of CEBR are exactly the sort of thing this is aiming to stop, especially the leveling 1-50 time. The fast ticket reward isn't really a large part of the discussion that I have read yet but there are a lot of pages (of the ~40 page thread, so far) I haven't even skimmed over yet. The quote below may mean all rewards are inclusive to this new regulation. It can be read that way.

Re: Discussion: Issue 21 - MARTy
First off, thanks for sharing your concerns.

To those asking if +4/x8 would be considered aggressive or exploitative:
The answer to this is, no, depending on how quickly you complete the mission. If you're completing the mission at a rate MARTy has determined is too fast, then it would be considered more than aggressive. It is our discretion that a player should not be able to level from 1-50 in a trivial amount of time.

We've chosen to implement a "speed governor" in a manner of speaking. Because we understand that the tools exist to create such circumstances (something we plan to address) and that the majority of players using these tools do not do so with malicious intent, rather than limiting the actual tools themselves, we have chosen to instead govern the rate at which you receive rewards. The result of this is that players know when the developer considers enough to be enough, the player has a gentle reminder (as opposed to a harsh message in their email) and the spirit of the game is protected.

Will we ever directly action based on logs from MARTy? It's possible. The purpose of the logs allows us to find the most egregious behavior, but just because you trigger MARTy doesn't automatically classify you as an egregious offender. The most useful function of logging will be in assisting us in finding exploits/content that is counter to the spirit of the game. A benefit to this is that when we do find an exploits of this nature, we’re not forced to immediately take all servers offline to address it, which is an immediate QOL improvement for all players. This allows us the time to thoroughly investigate if the report is accurate, that we’re not receiving a false positive and that we address the issue correctly the first time.

As stated in the announcement, we're going to continually monitor this new system to ensure that it is functioning properly
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



The problem I see with the previous quote and ultimately their solution is that you can set up a scenario in which two characters with exactly the same powers, enhancements and running the same map compete for the best time. It is unlikely they will achieve the exact same time. In this scenario it becomes possible that the faster one triggers MARTy, the other does not. The more efficient player is penalized, the less efficient one is not. The less efficient character achieves the exact same results as the more efficient, or stated another way, the more efficient player is brought down to the less efficient player's sub-optimal achievement.

This kind of control of a populace typically doesn't lead to long-term success. Maybe it works better in MMOs.


Biggo Shaker (SS/FA Brute)
Timbuck (SS/FA Brute)



I s it still efficient to level a Cebr Farmer beyond 22?
What I really mean to say is: do the bonuses gain from levelling (Purple and PVP Sets) outweigh the buffs offered by the sewers trial? (Boosts in damage, accuracy, recovery and defense).



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
I s it still efficient to level a Cebr Farmer beyond 22?
What I really mean to say is: do the bonuses gain from levelling (Purple and PVP Sets) outweigh the buffs offered by the sewers trial? (Boosts in damage, accuracy, recovery and defense).
Well the Sewer Trial buffs only work until 22 anyways.



I think we need to understand what Marty will do the CEBR leveling as well as lvl 50 +4/+8 fire-farm leveling. I guess we have to wait and see.



Guys, quit freaking about MARTy. It's for cheaters. CEBR is a tactic. If they want to break CEBR, you just remove all AE content set to under level 5, for example.

If they wanted to make it so the Chinese gold farmers weren't able to PL someone 1->50 in four hours, they'd implement a hourly level cap.

The examples of killing all the enemies in Perez Park simultaneously is an exploit. This is the first example he gave.



I don't think they are trying to break CEBR, but I do think that CEBR type leveling was on their minds when putting it into place. This is all conjecture, but I can imagine it going something like this:

Dev 1: "Hey guys, have you seen the brute forums lately? Check out the CEBR thread."

Dev 2: "What? One to fifty in five hours?"

Dev 3: "Holy crap! This guy has a screen shot of his character at fifty in two hours."

Dev 1: "We've got to shut this down."

Dev 2: "Aw man, the farmers are going to raise holy heck when we do."

Dev 3: "We could blame that new guy in accounting. What's his name?"

Dev 1: "Martin."

Dev 2: "Yeah, it's not us, it's Marty. He's just trying to make sure the playing environment is safe for everybody."


Biggo Shaker (SS/FA Brute)
Timbuck (SS/FA Brute)



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
Guys, quit freaking about MARTy. It's for cheaters. CEBR is a tactic. If they want to break CEBR, you just remove all AE content set to under level 5, for example.

If they wanted to make it so the Chinese gold farmers weren't able to PL someone 1->50 in four hours, they'd implement a hourly level cap.

The examples of killing all the enemies in Perez Park simultaneously is an exploit. This is the first example he gave.
The MARTy thread has examples of non-exploit activities triggering MARTy. There's a great big picture (seriously, can nobody resize anymore) of a fire farmer being gimped by it. Yes, wiping out an entire map or 16 AVs at once are considered MARTy triggers, but so are things that come in FAR below that bar.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
CEBR is not an exploit. If this was an exploit, the mods would have removed it long ago.

MARTy has no effect on it. I actually tested it. First mission got me up to level 9.5, second one (with spin and Hasten) to 13.5. So apparently going from 1 to 50 in around 5.5 hours is a reasonable rate for MARTy. Inf looked good, capped 1500 tickets each time, and there was no indication that I was defeating mobs without getting rewarded. I never even died, which is surprising since I only had enough Inf to buy a few Lucks before starting the first mission.

I expect to have a new level 50 Brute on Exalted tonight. Unless of course MARTy is more forgiving at lower levels. Then again the extra speed from the Increase Attack Rate Empowerment buff or the cheap Global Recharge PvPs and Purples I recommended in the original post may also make a difference. I suspect a few people will be trying it out later today. See you in the Atlas AE. It'll be a refreshing change from Mercy.
I would assume Marty will have more effect at higher levels due to the xp numbers being larger in scale. As long as I can pl to 22 I'm happy.



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
I would assume Marty will have more effect at higher levels due to the xp numbers being larger in scale. As long as I can pl to 22 I'm happy.
This seems to argue otherwise:

I will be the 1st to admit that we don't have all the facts but if your not triggering MARTy on the 1st two runs in CEBR it's not like your going to start killing more mobs per run at any point.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
This seems to argue otherwise:

I will be the 1st to admit that we don't have all the facts but if your not triggering MARTy on the 1st two runs in CEBR it's not like your going to start killing more mobs per run at any point.
I am more concerned that at higher levels you get more xp per kill. My understanding so far is that marty looks at an xp/min sort of thing, though I dont know if the limit scales with level or not.
Assuming Doc didnt get permabanned already, I guess we might hear about it tomorrow



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
Assuming Doc didnt get permabanned already, I guess we might hear about it tomorrow
If they considered CEBR to be an exploit, this thread would've been deleted and TopDoc sent a warning way back on August 2nd.

As the thread hasn't been deleted and we have confirmation that the Dev's are aware of this thread it seems pretty obvious it's not an issue to them.

MARTy may trigger at the upper tiers of CEBR, but I doubt they are specifically targetting AE with this system.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Top Doc is probably working on a CEBR for Exalted

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
I am more concerned that at higher levels you get more xp per kill. My understanding so far is that marty looks at an xp/min sort of thing, though I dont know if the limit scales with level or not.
Assuming Doc didnt get permabanned already, I guess we might hear about it tomorrow
My understanding is exactly the opposite: rather than looking at XP/min directly, MARTy looks at it indirectly through other metrics (for the most part). I suspect its probably looking at "bars/min" more closely than "XP/min" based on some of the testing results that have been discussed to date. Which makes sense because XP/min increases so fast with level that there is no way to make a sensible throttle looking at the direct numbers. Anything reasonable for level 10 would be absurd for level 49.

And whenever I say "MARTy looks at" you should presume I mean "MARTy *also* looks at" because there's zero doubt in my mind MARTy looks at multiple metrics over multiple windows of time.

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Level 1 to 19 in a leveling pact in CEBR didn't annoy Marty last night. Unless it changes once you get all your recharge goodies as you level, it's ok so far.