



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Thanks, Linea. I'll have to look again for that license.

My information is coming fromParagon Wiki which seems to state the opposite. It explicitly says that monthly stipend points DO NOT count toward the 1200 needed for a token and that "VIP Players are given one Reward Token per month of paid subscription time after Freedom launches."
That is correct. Subscriptions earn one Token per month, once they sort out awarding them (currently not working exactly right).

The only other way to earn Paragon Reward Tokens is by purchasing points from the Paragon Market. You earn one Token for your first purchase from the Market, and then you earn additional Tokens at a rate of 1 per 1200 points purchased (to include points from the initial buy, and any bonus points awarded from bulk purchasing)


First time purchase of 400 Points: $5 cost, earn 1 Token for 1st purchase
First time purchase of 1200 Points: $10 cost, earn 1 Token for 1st purchase, gain 1320 Points, earn 1 Token for buying 1200 Points.
First time purchase of 8000 Points: $100 cost, earn 1 Token for 1st purchase, gain 9600 points, earn 8 Tokens for buying 9600 Points.
Purchasing 4000 Points after having purchased 400 points: $50 cost, gain 4600 Points, earn 4 Tokens for buying 5000 Points.

Hope this clears up things.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
It was my understanding that you could purchase a 30 day MA license for ~$2-$3, and a 30 day IO license for the same. ~$5 - $6 for both, which would be considerably less than the subscription rate.

Also, while I can neither confirm nor deny, It is my understanding that only the 400 to 550 pp you get as a stipend per month counts towards your rewards, aka 3 months subscription = 1 token, not 3. I could be mistaken.
Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Thanks, Linea. I'll have to look again for that license.

My information is coming fromParagon Wiki which seems to state the opposite. It explicitly says that monthly stipend points DO NOT count toward the 1200 needed for a token and that "VIP Players are given one Reward Token per month of paid subscription time after Freedom launches."
You are correct BK - VIP's get tokens once a month and only get extra tokens if they buy paragon points directly, they don't get them for the bonus points that are part of the subscription. Premium players only get tokens if they purchase paragon points, 1 per 1200 points.

Part of the problem right now is that the mechanisms for granting VIP's their monthly tokens do not appear to be working right and there is a lot of confusion as to when you are supposed to get the token each month. Hopefully that will get straightened out in time.

EDIT: Errant beat me to it - the only thing I am not sure of in his post it the 1 token for first purchase, I had thought that bonus was only for free players, to encourage them to move to premium and allow a single purchase to get them to tier 2, but I could be remembering wrong.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Uhhh patch notes for 21.5 beta:

  • On Mission Architect maps, using multiple Ambushes will result in reduced rewards for Ambushes past the first. The first spawned Ambush will give full rewards, the second will give 75% rewards, the third will give 56.25% rewards (75% of 75%), and continuing to diminish to the cap.
That won't affect my 50 ss/fire incarnate because after one ambush+glowie I cap tickets but he fights 54s. But I think it may hurt my 33 level locked claws/fire who uses a level 3 map (and is also more fun because I just keep spin on auto and click followup, too much clicking on the 50 guy due to all the powers).



Looks like we are back to portal missions.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Uhhh patch notes for 21.5 beta:

  • On Mission Architect maps, using multiple Ambushes will result in reduced rewards for Ambushes past the first. The first spawned Ambush will give full rewards, the second will give 75% rewards, the third will give 56.25% rewards (75% of 75%), and continuing to diminish to the cap.
That won't affect my 50 ss/fire incarnate because after one ambush+glowie I cap tickets but he fights 54s. But I think it may hurt my 33 level locked claws/fire who uses a level 3 map (and is also more fun because I just keep spin on auto and click followup, too much clicking on the 50 guy due to all the powers).
Heh, looks like people will just go back to using cave maps that use a lot of patrols. But still depending on how fast you can down a main spawn and a couple of ambushes, it's still not that bad.



Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
Heh, looks like people will just go back to using cave maps that use a lot of patrols. But still depending on how fast you can down a main spawn and a couple of ambushes, it's still not that bad.
Well like I said I don't think my 50 ss/fire will even feel this, if I go thru 2 lvl 54 ambushes with him I cap tickets before the glowie. But on both my claws/ (elec and fire) who do level 3 farms I usually kill at least 3 ambushes to cap. It's sad because I prefer to farm with the clawgirls when I'm too lazy to click on all the SS/Fire powers



Time to finish up my last CEBR (Pinnacle). I had him level locked at 32, but I guess I'll just buy the recipes I want now rather than farming for them.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



And the game rolls on.

Me, I had fun runnin the 'non-CEBR' form. Ie, doing it with things like SS/Elec or Claws/EA, and in one case, DB/SR. Lots and lots of fun, though deliberately nonoptimal.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
And the game rolls on.

Me, I had fun runnin the 'non-CEBR' form. Ie, doing it with things like SS/Elec or Claws/EA, and in one case, DB/SR. Lots and lots of fun, though deliberately nonoptimal.
Well a 50 SS/Fire with investment is still faster than a CEBR, I enjoyed the CEBR form because it was lazier, and fast too unless I forgot to click hasten before entering. But I did it on two 'suboptimal' ATs to get to 25ish - a fire/fire tanker and a warshade. It was when the rezzed mobs gave xp, but the Tanker was very slow (even with combustion and blazing aura). OTOH the WS was kinda fast (sure, not as fast as any brute) - I got nova at 6, went to a level 1 ambush, and as long as I was softcapped I was mass murdering mobs using the AoEs, the mob ranged attacks were weak so he could survive the occasional hit, and after each time I used the two AoEs my insp tray would get a nice refill, it was way more entertaining than the Tanker which I deleted (hard for me to have fun with the AT, trying a SD/MA now who's 22 but while the damage isn't bad, I hate soloing her, too often I use my attack chain and there are mobs with like 1 health left and I have to 'waste' another attack, guess that's why I love damage auras so much on melee toons).



Meh, 70% of really fast, is still really fast. Sure, that's gonna be 1/2 the speed of the original, since the last nerf was a 70% nerf, but it will still be very fast. SS/Fire vs 54s will be better, but CEBR shouldn't be that far behind, and it's more casual friendly.

Change the maps to 3 or 4 ambushes plus patrols and call it a day.



Yeah, it just kinda means more turnaround.

I wish the game gave more 'normal' experiences like this. I love the huge pile of guys.



Well, if you spent a ridiculous amount a CEBR could probably beat a SS/Fire, if you get something like 5 purple sets and 5 healing PvP sets. With Spin killing all bosses around every 3-4 seconds it probably was and is game-breaking. But I don't think anyone actually attempted that.

And though I'll probably be grinding the lowbie trial for levels now, I did use CEBR on several characters, and found it to be a fun way to play the game.

TW/Elec Optimization



does the new change that purges enhancements on entering the mission kills CEBR?



Not really. It makes it less optimal, certainly, but two rows of 4 purples + whatever drops will keep you going for two or three minutes, which is a significant amount of time. Fill the rest of your inspiration tray (once you have more than 8 slots) with reds as before and go to town.

Brutes can already kill mostly everything with a SPin attack at low levels on Fury alone.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I need to figure out what exp-leveling mishes to use for my SS/FA and a newbie toon (hello Titan Weapons). The "FIRE!" chain of ambushes sounds like it's been pretty nerfed. 70% nerf you say? So it's only giving 30% of the exp now? Ugh. Maybe it's time to back to Battle for TV?



Just make a mission with as many patrols as you can fit and get back to burninating as usual.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Papaschtroumpf View Post
does the new change that purges enhancements on entering the mission kills CEBR?
I didn't even notice when that went it. It doesn't kill CEBR any more than the previous changes did, but it slows it down. You start out with a lower damage bonus and have to rely on Fury to really get going.

What else did I say needed to be fixed... Aha, next the Devs should reduce the damage cap on Brutes at low levels to be in line with other ATs.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
What else did I say needed to be fixed... Aha, next the Devs should reduce the damage cap on Brutes at low levels to be in line with other ATs.
Perhaps, if by "in line" you mean still taking their inherent into account rather than simply setting it to be equal to other ATs.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
I need to figure out what exp-leveling mishes to use for my SS/FA and a newbie toon (hello Titan Weapons). The "FIRE!" chain of ambushes sounds like it's been pretty nerfed. 70% nerf you say? So it's only giving 30% of the exp now? Ugh. Maybe it's time to back to Battle for TV?
Its all about the caves, man



Even with the inspiration purge on entering the cebr method is a nice alternative for a solo player or when you can't find a mish team.

"Theres a saying that perfectly describes reading a majority of your posts, "Like being bukkaked with stupid."" -Demonata on JMan



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
I need to figure out what exp-leveling mishes to use for my SS/FA and a newbie toon (hello Titan Weapons). The "FIRE!" chain of ambushes sounds like it's been pretty nerfed. 70% nerf you say? So it's only giving 30% of the exp now? Ugh. Maybe it's time to back to Battle for TV?
No, you misunderstood. It's 70% returns now (assuming optimal use of non-ambush and ambush mobs, I'd guess 3 to 4 ambushes instead of 6 in the maps I've seen), or -30%. But We've been nerfed twice. So it's .7x * .7x , or roughly half the returns of the original. Call it 10 or 12 hours (Estimated) instead of 5. Since I was using leveling pacts, that means 20 to 25 hours per pair vs 10 to 12, if pacts ever get turned back on.

Honestly, Fire Farming shouldn't even be grazed by the changes, just use patrols over ambushes, at worst you'll be looking at 1-50 in 5 hours instead of the 2.2 hours prior the the nerfs. (Again, an estimate)

I did do some CEBR with one of my defenders recently, and it was still stupidly fast, even with the totally non-optimal defender. I got her to mid 20's and SO/Generic IOs, in an afternoon, which was more than sufficiently fast for me. Ran TFs, SSAs, then ITFs after that. She was 50 in no-time. 15 to 20 hours Total. A pure CEBR should beat that easily, and a SS/FA power-leveler should be able to Foot-Stomp that into the ground hard.



Would this also work on a scrapper or is there a particulary reason to do it on a brute?

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
Awesome guide TopDoc.

I had a 12 Dark/Elec brute that I got up to level 38 the other day via CEBR. Dark is not as good as claws because of shadow maul, but its good enough to handle 0/8 no macros.

So I would expect any combo with a cone attack at 4 or less work. So thats claws, dark, broadsword, elec, katana, and street for primaries. And anything with a damage AOE at level 4 or less works for secondary (dark, elec, and fire). If you are using a cone make sure you hit as many bosses with it as you can.

Yeah I could make it work with a elec/elec brute and Jacob's Ladder/Sands of Mu, still wondering if I could do this with a scrapper too.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Razia View Post
Would this also work on a scrapper or is there a particulary reason to do it on a brute?
As the original post explains, Brute's Fury gets you a higher damage multiplier cap, so you will kill faster, so you'll get insp faster, etc... This is especially true now that you can no longer load up on red inspirations before entering the map.

That being said, you should still be able to do this on a scrapper. It'll just be a little slower and probably a bit less safe since insps won't drop as quicky.



Originally Posted by Papaschtroumpf View Post
As the original post explains, Brute's Fury gets you a higher damage multiplier cap, so you will kill faster, so you'll get insp faster, etc... This is especially true now that you can no longer load up on red inspirations before entering the map.

That being said, you should still be able to do this on a scrapper. It'll just be a little slower and probably a bit less safe since insps won't drop as quicky.
Yeah you can do it on a scrapper but it's nothing like a brute and you have to dial down the difficulty a bit otherwise you get swamped really fast.

"Theres a saying that perfectly describes reading a majority of your posts, "Like being bukkaked with stupid."" -Demonata on JMan