What's In a Name?




For me, the name and the appearance of a character are extremely important. I've rerolled toons in their 30s just because I thought of a better name (and didn't want to buy a rename). Some of the cornerstone NPCs of CoH have excellent names...others not so much. Positron, War Witch, Ghost Widow are all strong, defining names. Images leap to mind when I hear them, even before I saw them.

My favorite names for my character thus far include:

Total Violence. My first villain ever and one of my all-time faves. A brutal, violent thug with more power than sense who is only happy when he's smashing something.

Johnny Shock. An elec/elec Blaster who gained his powers when his band was attacked during the Praetorian invasion.

Major-Disaster. A Shield scrapper and my only homage character to Captain America. You see the super soldier program didn't get where it did without a few less than stellar experiments...

So...what are YOUR favorite toon's names and how did you come by them?

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



I mostly use personal names, simply because descriptive names all too often sound corny. A lot of them are fake personal names, as well, like Samuel Tow. I just made that up to give my at the time only character an identity, way back before I knew about City of Heroes.

A lot of the time, I'll look for a name which has the right kind of sound to it, then pick it and stick with it. I like to have my characters evolve organically, and sticking with whatever name I thought was cool at the time gives them more personality. In a sense, I develop a fondness for the name, and in so doing expand my tastes, rather than shoehorning all names in the same narrow preference.

I don't really have "favourite" names since most of the ones I have I've grown to like more so than loved before I made them. I suppose "Brutticus" is the one that makes me smile the most, mostly because it's at once incredibly simple and obvious, as well as one that I've never seen taken anywhere I've tried to use it. And it's also the name of a woman. A very big, tough, brutish kind of woman from another dimension.

Recently, I scored Stardiver on Victory, and that one is unusual enough for me to build an entire character backstory around. I know it's kind of descriptive, but in this case it works to the character's benefit, since I want to make Stardiver mysterious and strange, almost more of a "creature" than a "person," even though she's well sentient and intelligent.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Techbot ALPHA, my main villain has always been a firm favourite. Not the most 'special' name, but it's served me well.

Power Burn, my Longbow Fire/Fire HeroBroot is one I'm very happy with and was amazed it was still available.

Umbral Nightwalker is another firm favourite, my villainous Nictus Scientist hellbent on improving the Nictus race to nigh godlike levels.

Wyld Fire my villain fire/fire/fire blaster. So much fun.

And Midnight Nova, my Dark/Dark Hero scrapper who is actually one of the Nuclear 90, albeit experimented on

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
For me, the name and the appearance of a character are extremely important. I've rerolled toons in their 30s just because I thought of a better name (and didn't want to buy a rename). Some of the cornerstone NPCs of CoH have excellent names...others not so much. Positron, War Witch, Ghost Widow are all strong, defining names. Images leap to mind when I hear them, even before I saw them.

My favorite names for my character thus far include:

Total Violence. My first villain ever and one of my all-time faves. A brutal, violent thug with more power than sense who is only happy when he's smashing something.

Johnny Shock. An elec/elec Blaster who gained his powers when his band was attacked during the Praetorian invasion.

Major-Disaster. A Shield scrapper and my only homage character to Captain America. You see the super soldier program didn't get where it did without a few less than stellar experiments...

So...what are YOUR favorite toon's names and how did you come by them?
humm... all my characters' names were my "favorite" at one point or another, otherwise I would not have chosen them... so it's hard for me to answer the first part of your question.

As the second part:
  • some are from my old Villains and Vigilantes PnP RPG sessions (Enora, Kreetch, No-Bana, Grey Templar, John Vanguard)
  • some are "inspired" by all those comic books I read (Madam Rouge [Teen Titans/Doom Patrol], GreenKnight [Knights of Pendragon], Chilltouch [60's DC comics], ChaosBringer [80's Image comics], Mademoiselle Loyal [Marvel's Crime Circus], Dirk Nebula [cheesy 60's horror comics hosts]
  • some are just from my love of truly horrendous puns (Herder P3-1416, First of July [Canada flag-themed hero], MENIAC, Urbain DuBois, C-Spot Ron, Grosse Douceur, Lionelle, Monique Sonique, Sergeant St.Nick [a cross between Sgt. Rock and Saint Nicholas], Doc Zilla, Dull Dan Dugan [Dual Blades Brute], Miss Yuu)

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Arachnos Commander has been, by far, my most favorite name. During the CoV headstart, I logged in right away and wanted to create a villain that paid homage to my favorite comic book villain, Cobra Commander. (Yeah, the comic book version wasn't the bumbling oaf as seen in the cartoons. Well, not as much.)

I saw the name Cobra Commander was free but knew it would be generic bait. Since CoV was focused around the Arachnos, I figured that I'd be in the clear. From that point I knew that the Arachnos Elite would have to be formed.

He was made into a Mastermind because, well, he IS a Mastermind. Have your henchmen in the forefront taking the heat while you're in the background overseeing them? Yep. A Mastermind all the way.

After 5 (?) years I figured it was time to make a change. I killed him off and remade him as a Warshade. The "new" AC has been my MOST favorite alt to play not only because learning how to play a WS was so much more different than a MM, but because I was able to craft a new background for him.

I'll be playing the Arachnos Commander till the servers shut down. What incarnation he will be next? Who knows? All I know is that I have a hell of a time playing him now

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Hmmmmm.... All those characters, to find a few favourites. Quite a few of mine are "real name" type names, admittedly. And trying to separate out "Like the name" from just "fond of the character..."

Memphis Bill - Might as well start with the first, after all. For me it just works - even if it was initially "Hmm, name, name, name... *glance at DVD* Memphis Belle... Memphis Bill. Yeah, that works." To me it hints at bits and pieces of personality, and I haven't quite caught that with other city-names (Chicago Cat, Arkansas Stone.)

Voidbane - well, what else would you name a militant, aggressive Peacebringer who made it her duty to hunt down Voids?

Yvette Horizon - Failed "conversion" to Warshade (grav/kin controller - trying for a "not warshade warshade.") Play on Event Horizon. Yeah, was looking forward to Singularity from level 1.

Deadly Diana - Musically inspired Thugs/Poison MM. And the one that really got me to liking masterminds. (Made after coming to the MM forums going "Bots/FF has bored me into hating masterminds, what's a set that actually has me doing something?" Good call, MM boards.)



When I look at my toons' names, I find that most of them are actually rather boring. A lot of them are descriptive, like Frostwing (a winged ice/archery defender), or Witch-Fire (emp/fire troller), or for that matter Shadow Kitty (stalker cat).

A lot of them is simply a combination of two descriptive terms, with additional hyphens or spaces or lack of spaces to distinguish them from other characters made before I made mine. Even the one out of mythology or reality, for instance Fimbulwinter and Sturmvogel respectively, are such names although in foreign languages.

And when I discard those boring names, great as they may sound, I end up with two toons.

First, there's Scary Li'l Devil Cat, who was the familiar to an Oranbegan mage with a short temper, so when he bound the spirit to the cat, he also made it impervious to most form of physical harm, so that it would survive the fireball he would sometimes throw at the familiar when upset.

Trouble was that he wasn't impervious to the physical harm inflicted on him by a passing group of heroes, so suddenly the familiar was out of job. Oh well, if you're an unemployed winged black cat, almost invulnerable, and lost in Rogue Islands, why not make a career out of it?

Second, there is Little White Lies, who is a demon that embodies... well, the little white lies we all tell from time to time. You know, "not tonight, honey, I have a headache", "sorry, honey, I have to work late" or "no, mom, we didn't do anything, we were just playing console games", even the more serious "I didn't do it".

Yeah, right.

Well, anyway, now you know who made you say it.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



My character names vary widely.

My first character, Mentalshock is so named due to him being an elec/mental blaster.

My brute, Talon Pyre is a claws/fire.

I have another blaster named Lestock, after the mascot of the Edmonton division of the PPCLI. (That's the Princess Pats Canadian Light Infantry, FYI)

My tanker, Keltarn is so named because it sounded cool.

Flux Inductor has been the source of some confusion on protector, because there is another player with a global name that I keep getting mistaken for. I keep expecting them to make another character that will be mistaken for me. It's almost a running gag on Protector at this point. (And the confusion was completely unintentional on my part, I just thought the name sounded cool for an elec/kin troller)

Neurovolt is the praetorian version of Mentalshock. (Elec/Psy Dom)

I have other characters, but I don't recall why I chose the names.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
So...what are YOUR favorite toon's names and how did you come by them?
Well, my favorite toons don't necessarily have the best names, and my toons with the best names aren't necessarily my favorites. BUT. There are a few that crossover, so to speak. Here's a couple:

Office Rocker
- electric/ice tanker - was a struggling rockabilly artist (and, occasionally, a really, really bad Elvis impersonator) forced to take a day job. His co-workers (prior to the accident that gave him powers) often said he was off his rocker, so when he registered as a Hero, well...

Trophy Wife - Arachnos Widow - a former beauty queen who married the wrong rich man. When she inadvertently stumbled upon his terrible secret, he had her killed. One of her husband's henchmen, who had 'worshiped her from afar' and all that, made use of certain facilities owned by her husband and almost - almost - brought her back to life. Naturally, she was not particularly happy about the situation...



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
So...what are YOUR favorite toon's names and how did you come by them?
As others have said, they are all favourites at one time or another.

Power Jenny - Don't know why I like that, but I do. Possibly because she's the first character I created in CoH Beta back in whenever! I was playing with the character creator and suddenly, there she was!

Adam Blast - A pre war hero that started adventuring when Statesman was young, he failed to disable a bomb back in the 30s and got blown straight to the twenty first century.

Murder Muse - There are in fact more than 9 muses. The others just don't like to speak of their darker sister. Murder Muse is a Greek demi-god and the personification of murder as art! She likes to possess mortal women (ones with latent super powers if possible, they last longer) to demonstrate her art to the world. Consequently I have multiple versions of this character, all look very similar but have completely different powersets. I really like this name

Alan Key - Robot Mastermind - A silly character made for the pun

Angernaut - Perfect name for a robot Brute

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



my name is a parody on myself



In Issue 2, when I signed up, I wanted the name Redline ... as in, where the tachometer goes. This was on Virtue, so of course it was taken.

So I wound up settling for a wild misspelling, which if you're artistic enough can be pronounced "Redline" if you want it to. I want it to ... and in my own mind (and in conversations) I always say "Red Line" even though the spelling for the name of my main and my global handle are Redlynne.

Redlynne, my MA/SR Scrapper has a costume thematic that involves (what else?) ... red lines on black. Mainly this takes the form of the incredibly ancient Stripe 1 pattern, which actually looks clean and elegant. Had to wait for Issue 4 though to get my Sneakers and Tight Pants though. It's been fun to taunt other scrappers on TFs, with lines like, "My sneakers do more damage than your sword!" to the Katana scrappers I'd be teamed up with.

The rest of my characters tend to follow the "find a pun" convention for their names.

Ms Terry - Tri-form Warshade
Seen in print, most people don't give Ms Terry's name a second thought. It's only when people pay attention and actually speak the name out loud that the pun tends to hit them square between the eyes. So far, I've only had one teammate on a TF ask me about it ... and true to form, I played ... mysterious ... in my reply (which was better than fine with the RPer teammate).

Shirayukihime - Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker
Shira = white (in japanese)
Yuki = snow (in japanese)
Hime = princess (in japanese)
So for those who "know" when looking at my tanker, they know they're teaming up with Princess Snow White. So naturally my color scheme for "Yuki" is an icy arctic blue (go figure). Character concept inspired by the Fairy Musketeers anime, which figures heavily in the character bio.

Ms Givings - Mind/Kin Controller
Not only was the name pun too good to pass up ... especially for a Mind Controller ... but the battlecry was beyond obvious once I'd secured the name. Pretty much always gets a laugh when first used in a PuG TF.
Battlecry: "Trust your Ms Givings!"

Topheavy Gs - Gravity/TA Controller
My first character where I deliberately went for a Max Chest Slider female, and couldn't resist making a joke about it in the character's name, her appearance, and best of all ... her bio. To this day, I get random tells from passers by in which I can practically *hear* the peals of laughter in the message text after they've read my bio. Needless to say, I get plenty of compliments from strangers when playing Topheavy Gs.

Autumn Turning - Quad-form Peacebringer
Autumn Turning was first the name of a Dryad character I played in a tabletop PnP fantasy game, who was actually a Changeling that was swapped in for a human child shortly after the human baby's birth ... and was "bound" to a bonsai tree in a pot, which, being "portable" allowed her to "go places" with other people. Most dryads couldn't "pick up their trees" and travel around the world, while Autumn Turning could. Lacking any better ideas, I recycled the name for my Peacebringer ... made her a redhead (boo yeah!) ... and settled on a rainbow color scheme thematic for her costuming that wasn't "in your face" about the color transitions from red through green to blue and purple (the latter being her shoes). Over the years, I've gotten lots of compliments from people on the poetic "cleverness" of the name Autumn Turning, which in addition to its combined pun aspects has the feeling of being something which an ordinary person could actually be named ... since neither Autumn, nor Turning, in isolation, are in any way "peculiar" for personal or family names.

Flight of Stars - Empathy/Archery Defender
The notion here was simple enough, if a little bit off the beaten path. Anyone who knows even a smidgen about (real) archery will be familiar with the term "flight of arrows" and I wanted to evoke that. But I was also going for a "starshot" pattern theme in the costume, and settled on Flight of Stars. And being a tremendous anime geek, I couldn't resist referencing Urusei Yatsura with my battlecry.
Battlecry: "Many stars will hit you!"

Soapland Shinobi - Ninja/Force Field Mastermind
Anyone who knows what the words "soapland" and "shinobi" mean, will get the joke instantly ... especially when paired with a color scheme of dark(est) purple and bubblegum pink. All of my ninjas are named after styles of japanese baths ... an inside joke that I'd expect only japanese speakers to get.

Ku no Ichi - Ninja/Trick Arrow/Soul Mastery Mastermind
Ku = 9 (in japanese)
Ichi = 1 (in japanese)
Ku no Ichi literally means "1 of 9" in japanese ... but "kunoichi" (with no spaces between the syllables) is the japanese word for "female ninja" derived from the radical strokes that form the kanji for the word "woman" (so I've got WAY TOO MANY contextual self references going on here!). My ninjas are all named as numbers ... 3 through 8, in japanese (of course), because they're all just faceless minions who DIE way too often ... with the extra added multilevel pun that I've named my boss pet "San" which is the japanese word for the number 3. This of course makes him Oni San ... which of course is not far at all in japanese from Onii-san ... the word for "brother."

Leggs - Huntswoman Soldier of Arachnos
Named after L'eggs brand pantyhose (for those old enough to remember them), this former fashion model of women's undergarments turned (involuntary) Soldier of Arachnos was originally conceptualized as being a Crab Soldier. But after perusing the SoA Forum here on the boards for a few weeks, I became curious about the possibilities/potential of the Huntsman build. Since I hadn't reached Level 24 yet at the time, it was easy to alter my future build plans to switch from Crab to Bane powers, while retaining all of the original Soldier Gun attacks. The fruits of my experience in building and playing Leggs can be found here. Even after swtiching from a Crab based build to a Bane based one for my Huntswoman build, I very deliberately worked up a 2nd Build which included Crab Powers in it so as to "enforce" the Crab Backpack costume part ... which was simply "necessary" to complete the character's Look, and I've never regretted the decision. In some circles on Virtue, Leggs has gained something of a ... reputation ... making her highly desired on any team with players I've teamed with before when playing her. And just in case it wasn't obvious from the name ... this girl is all about the legs! I've even got my aura set as Leaves, Combat with a pink color so they look more like Sakura Petals falling when I've drawn my rifle.

Golden Blond - Kinetic Melee/Willpower Scrapper
I decided I wanted an "all gold" themed character who would not only have all gold colored primary/secondary powers, but who would also have an all gold costuming scheme. The combination of mirrored shades, business suit jacket with sleeves and cufflinks, bridal mini skirt and strappy sandals looks really awesome in "daylight" in game, where the cloth texture of the jacket reflects the metallic gold color of the threading. Golden Blond looks totally like a Power Executive for some mega-corporation who would use $100 bills to light somebody else's cigarette without batting an eyelash.

Kinetic Kunoichi - Kinetic Melee/Ninjitsu Stalker
I've never played a Stalker before, and wanted to know "what it was like" playing the other side of the fence from Scrapper. And if you're playing an "assassin-like" Stalker, the first and most important thing in any transaction with a client is ... NO NAMES. So I chose a name that was purely descriptive without being even slightly "personal" in its aspect. Needless to say, it's been a lot of fun reading the stuff my Contacts say to me, where they're essentially addressing me "by title" rather than by "name" whenever I talk to them.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



One of my favorite character names is "The Speckled Band" for my Thugs/Poison. It's got a slightly obscure connection to a series I enjoy very much and through that connection carries a poison association. Plus, my henchmen say "Speckled Band" under them and that works using "Band" in its "group of people" definition.

Bonus points to anyone who knows where that name came from!

Oh, I should add that like Bill Thugs/Poison is the only MM combo I've found that was able to hold my interest. Loving the name of the character didn't hurt either.

I find myself using "The" quite a bit with my names. Anyone else do that?



There are a couple of names I'm particularly pleased with.

Radiant Decay, a Rad/Rad Corr. Caught in a containment failure at nuclear power plant, his body is crippled and highly irradiated. He lives via his power armour/life support suit. The incident give him a profound misanthropic depression and seeks to inflict it upon everyone else.

A name which I was very fortunate to nab was Captain Epic. The link'll tell you all you need to know about him.

Narada is my Warshade. The name means "Wisdom giver" in sanskrit and comes from a figure in Vaishnavic Hindu tradition. My character is a very old Kheldian, perhaps as old as Shadowstar, inhabiting the body of a brain-dead woman from Paragon. Having lived for so long, Narada has experienced so many things and hopes that through helping the people of Paragon it/she can prevent other from making the same mistakes it/she did.

There are others, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Most of my characters' names are the combination of two words. That said, here are a few of my faves:

Winterminal: Naturally my name sake and first toon, an Ice/Ice blaster. I've gotten a decent amount of compliments on this one. When I first set out, I was seeking a word I could combine with "Winter" and settled on "terminal" leading to an odd, yet unique, pronunciation of "win-TER-mi-nal" which I liked and lead to many people calling me "Winter" which I am fine with.

Wintervention: I get the most compliments on this name. Ice/Ice tank, along the same lines of Winterminal.

See also: Winterceptor, my Ice/Cold Controller, and Winterruption, my Cold/Ice Defender... I have a thing for Ice powers, so sue me...

Sagittarrow: An archery/devices blaster, I based his name (and powers) off of the archer constellation Sagittarius, then combined that with the word "arrow."

Phalanx Falcon: Not a combination of words, but he is a character very reminiscent of the classic comic book heroes, most notably Captain America since he is a Shield/SS tank. The thing I like about the name is the alliteration of sounds along with the iconic imagery it conjures.

I was also able to nab Arbiter Winters for my Arachnos Soldier

I LOVE this thread!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I'm quite happy with my Crab Spider's name, Pinchy. It was, as most assume, inspired by the Simpsons, but oddly enough not by the Lobster. Rather I had Stampy the Elephant in mind while naming a crab pet my dwarf hunter in another mmo had, and settled on Pinchy. Kinda childish amusement value that carried over to my Crab Spider in this game. I also like the disconnect between the silly name and him being a hulking juggernaut of destruction. It's neither clever nor creative, but it keeps me entertained

I'm also quite pleased with Cascade Electric, my Grav/Elec Dominator. It was the result of thesaurus and google searches (where it's used in categories of electric fires, of all things), but I really liked the way it sounds, which is rare for me with names generated that way. Couldn't really explain why, it just feels right to me.

The villainous Controller, City Hall, if only so I can have a battle cry of "You can't fight City Hall!" as he locks down the entire spawn

Scorchio, my Fire/Fire(/Fire) Blaster, just because I couldn't believe it was available on Freedom as late in the game as I nabbed it (and for the Fast Show reference).

And also Bow Selecta, Ninja/TA MM. I'm not actually a fan of Bo' Selecta!, but the pun still amuses me.

To be honest, most of my character names would score low on creativity and originality - they tend towards 'iconic' names (lets face it, most comics characters have pretty simplistic and obvious names), references to other material, or silly names that just amuse me. I'd be hard pushed to explain exactly why I like the names I like other than that they feel and/or sound right for the character (which often makes it tough for me to find names I like because while I can come up with loads of names that fit on paper, very few of them 'click' with me and feel/sound right).



What's in a name? Well, usually I look at character concept (their origin and background), powersets, and their personality to determine what name they go by. For example...

Daniel Eldridge is my Fire/Fire Scrapper on Protector, and has been my main character (through various incarnations) since City of Heroes launched. As such, he's gone through quite a few different names, most of which I reference in his current background. However, when you're a giant, muscly demonguy (and more often than not are covered in flames), you can't really have a secret identity. So he just uses his normal name.

Mercury Marvel is my Fire/Ice Blaster, also on Protector, and is a much more recent character. His entire concept revolves around the Golden Age comic book superheroes, and I wanted his name to reflect that: iconic, relates to his powers, and has a slightly cheesy nostalgic feel to it. He is as idealistic as it gets, and occasionally spouts off bits of dialogue styled after 50's and 60's comics. Mercury is, so far, my only true blue tights-and-cape wearing super, so I wanted to go all-out with it.

Guildenstern is my Arachnos Bane/Huntsman, and as you've probably guessed, is also on Protector. His naming is rather simple, when you boil it down: he's more of a covert ops. character (so I wanted a codename, as opposed to the standard 'Operative [blank]' or 'Agent [blank]'), the character is originally from Denmark, and the Arachnos recruiting officer that brought him in had a thing for Shakespeare. And yes, he is more than aware of the history behind his name. Guild does not expect things to end well when his time is up.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Oh, wow, where do I start?

My personal favorite:

Cluster Flux (mind/ff controller) - she is the walking Pauli effect. She walks into a mob and tries to 'help', and everything just goes straight to hell. (I get more compliments on this ONE character than on all the rest I have combined, except for...)

Psychic Hotline (fire/psi blaster) - renegade Seer in Praetoria... I went for the name on a lark and got it. WHEE!

Then there's:

Mender Anomaly (en/mental manip blaster), my time travelling, troublemaking, techie pagan nun-turned-Mender...

Trouble Magnet (en/en blaster) - the name just speaks for itself.

Soulsteel (bots/dark MM) - she has creeped people out because her bots are each inhabited by a nanotech scan of various heroes she's fought... which has more than a few people creeped out when they see NUMINA 4.0 over the Protector bot, and STATESMAN 5.0 on the Assault Bot (the number goes up each time she fights one of them).

Rabid Spoo (I forget his exact powersets, he's sonic/something) - my Babylon 5 homage character. Short and blue, his battle cry is "sigh". And he walks everywhere. No running, no flight, no teleport (unless someone else gets him). Walks.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Rift-Dancer = The name of her Kheldian before he was removed from her. She then almost died, mutated and became a Grav/FF/Psi Controller. Gravity worked because of the Warshades Grav based powers, and because they are always in a bubble forcefields worked as well.

White-Swan = Empathy/Psi Defender. Named after Toilet Paper because thats how crappy her defense is. Was originally an unattractive woman until finding a magical mirror which granted her beauty, and also cursed her with extreme vanity. She heals because scars and scarred people offend her very delicate nature.

Glitter-Bug = My Fey Rad/Nrg Blaster. She came through the mists and entered Praetoria, and mean resistance people called her a Glitter-Bug so she adopted the name because she though thats what Preats called faeries in their world

Cavalere = Shield/Kinetics. My Spanish woman turned PPD cop. Developed her powers over kinetics after working with a Kinetics controller on a mission. Both were nearly killed by Trolls when a younger troll felt pitty for her and injected her with superdine, absorbing the kinetics already applied to her right into her cell structure. Her shield absorbs energy and she released it in the form of attacks.

My main and mostest favorite

Disomnia = Mind Control/Psi Dominator

Normal Disomnia and Mega-Disomnia

She was diagnosed at a young age with a sleaping disorder called parasomnia which like narcolepsy caused her to fall into trance like sleeps. It got so bad her parents made her go to neuron labs. They gave her meds which resulted in her psionic protential to erupt. In her "Sleep Walker state" she is psionicaly aware of her surrounding and can interact with the environment, but when she is awake, she shows no psionic potential at all. Just appears to be a normal every day person.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Sherlock Holmes?
Right on!



As an alt-o-holic I've got lots of toon names I like:

Rangle M. Down (IE. Wrangle them Down), is currently a Grav/Storm controller. The original was deleted a long time ago on a server far, far away....

Taek M. Down (IE. Take them Down) is an ill/ff controller.

Dr. Phylum Down (IE. File them Down) is a Plant/Thermal controller. Phylum definition.

Ko Oni, and Ko Oni II (Ko Oni roughly translates into Little Devil/Demon or Imp), are both Fire tanks. Oni is a Fire/SS while Oni II is a Fire/Fire.

Interruption is a Dark/Dark tank. (got the idea for the name from NPC dialog in the game) She's always interrupting the bad guys plans.

Severance Package is a SD/Axe tank.

Virophage is a Spines/Dark scrapper. A Virophage in real life is a class of viruses that infect other viruses.

Comrade Polar Bear is an Inv/Dark/Ice tank. The toon started out as a way of poking fun at a different player in the game, but has grown beyond that.

One last one before I take up way more space then I already have;

Alamogordo Glass is an Earth/Radiation controller. The name Alamogordo Glass (more commonly known as Trinitite) comes from the glassy residue that was left on the desert floor after the explosion of the plutonium based Trinity bomb test in July of 1946 by Alamogordo, New Mexico. I thought it fit an Earth/Rad well.

I'll stop here for now...

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Rather than having to type all of them out, I just went to CIT and did a screen capture of them. All my toons are women. All my toons are of Italian Culture with story bios having them all related in some way. My first toon was Fusion 7 which I actually started up back in my college days on my roommates CoH account circa 2004-2005. Was lucky enough to still have that name available when I started back up again in Jan. 2009. Fusion 7 and Fission 8 are twin sisters. Fission 8 used to be red side but found it in her heart to go good and fight evil blue side.

Some names are pieces of Greek Goddesses or mythical names such as Brimoriota my Bots/Traps MM. "Brimo", defined as The Angry One, she was associated with the dark earthy life-and-death goddesses like Hecate, Persephone, Demeter and even Cybele. And by "associated" I mean that her name was sometimes used to modify the other goddesses' names, like "Persephone the Angry One." A goddess in her own right in a couple of places where other chthonic deities were worshiped, but more commonly known in conjunction with the big name ladies.

Or Chimera Mist my Warshade. "Chimera", defined as a monstrous creature with parts from multiple animals fits nicely with the shape shifting of the Warshade. Or Fhenix my Fire/Kin Controller. Wanted Phoenix, a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. But, I settle with Fhenix as Phoenix as obviously not available. I think one of the better features of this game is naming your toons.



I spend more time on the right name than anything else. Here's my list:

Lambent: so named from mid-Beta. Fire/fire/fire/Pyronic.
Mor-Dante: my first villain heh. Claws/EA/forgetwhichincarnate
Earth-Shine: named from one of my fav. Rush Songs: Katana/SR scrapper
Garrison: Dual Blades/WP; a 'magick' robot. Golem I guess.
Arbiter Calibre: VEAT Wolf; hmmm, now I know what his new costume is.

And others.
