What's In a Name?




I have 3 names I quite like;

Frigid Thoughts: my ice queen, Cold/Psi Defender

Hidden Clause: you know that small print at the bottom of a contract that you never bother to read? You really should there might be a hidden clause or two. 'Clause is an assassin to take out those who violate their agreements. Claws/SR Stalker

and my most recent
Obscure Reference: Was searching thesaurus for words like dark and saw Obscure.. Obscure how have I seen that used.. OH! and thus the name Obscure Reference was generated. Elec/Dark Brute



Floodgates, my favorite name by far. You could also imagine my suprise when even in I19 on virtue server, the name was available

Need to get that guy to 50 already Dark/fire tank FTW!

It is amazing that /Fire is one of the best sets for replicating water

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



My new technopath scrapper (DB/WP) the Little Professor. I won't directly say why her name is so special to me, but if you do a little searching on Google you can figure it out. Also, whoever figures it out wins a virtual cookie of their choice.



Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
Bonus points to anyone who knows where that name came from!
Specifically, from the way the first victim referred to the snake that actually did the killing in the story. Got a hard one?

As for my names, I have a fondness for Lightning Red, Elec/Elec scrapper. It is a reference to her hair color/nickname before powers, her powers, and a pun. What's not to like.

Chilly Death, Ice/Ice blaster I couldn't play for a couple of years because his name sucked so badly. One the two name tokens I have purchased, to give him is much better name. Now I rotate him in more often and he is finally gaining levels. I still haven't gotten around to creating his counterpart, a fire/fire blaster named Chili Death.

Ipilya's Voice, Sonic/Sonic corrupter, a genetic experiment that escaped from Crey and was attacked by heroes as a monster since she was unable to speak at the time, attacking with sound every time she opened her mouth. Her lizard-like skin and sound attacks lead to taking her name from an Australian Aboriginal deity, who is a lizard that creates thunderstorms and roars very loudly. He is sort of ambiguous, since thunderstorms can be good or bad, and so is she. When she hits 20, she will be switching alignments to something less villainy.

Field Theory, Grav/Kin controller, a physicist who gained the ability to control gravity and other nuclear forces, now she is in the field, using those forces to fight crime. The Time Manipulation powerset strongly urges me to recreate her, OTOH, there are more servers with slots to fill.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Shade in Shadow's name is the favorite among my crew... Both because it suits her look and personality so well (Shade is that dark-phase, black-hooded stalker-girl in my avatar picture.), and because I simply like the sound of it. It's also a good counterpoint to her bright-phase, white-costumed most-blindingly-shiny-thing-in-the-entire-history-of-blindingly-shiny-things Peacebringer mate's name. I called him Mist in Moonlight.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Two of my characters were inspired by, of all things, creepypasta.

I know now there are immortals in the world. Today I learned their secret. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"May I have five minutes of your time?"

"Sure," I said.

"Thank you," they said as they hung up.

Suddenly, I felt a little older. .
That's the Hour Thief, a Grav/Kin controller. The other, Cordycepsis the Mind/Thorns dom, is somewhat longer, so I will link rather than quote.

{}... .-



I have always went by Jot in other MMOs and before so when I came here I wanted a more hero comic type name but all the ones I wanted were taken of course. So I named my first char Hero Jot to keep it simple. Then I made my peacebringer and named the kheld Alpha for story background stuff, so the name switched to Hero Alpha. Now that is my favorite char and basically the only one I play alot and I couldnt imagine him having any other name.



I've posted it before on similar names, but probably my favourite name of my toons is Fortunata Cookie. Simple, elegant, and horrible

I also have a certain fondness for my Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Archimedes' Lever- a reference, of course, to the famous quote attributed to that philosopher, and it seemed fitting for a character wielding one of the fundamental forces.

Tempus Fugitive, my time-travelling Warshade is another one I rather like, although I'm sure I'm not the only one to think of that particular play on words. And he may find himself renamed, since Time Control will be arriving soon >.>

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
I know now there are immortals in the world. Today I learned their secret. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"May I have five minutes of your time?"

"Sure," I said.

"Thank you," they said as they hung up.

Suddenly, I felt a little older. .
That's the Hour Thief, a Grav/Kin controller.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Hotwire: Fire/Elec Blaster, with one of my absolute favorite backstories. She's on a server I never play on anymore because I don't know anyone on Guardian anymore... I really, really need to move her, I suppose, but I'm sure that would mean giving up the name, and I just can't do that to her!

Psychedelika: Mind/Psi Dominator, again with an origin backstory I'm very happy with, even though it's not nearly as complex as Hotwire's.

Pam Demonium: Dark/Elec Brute.... short but sweet backstory that I love... huh, I think I see a trend here.

Dreadfall, Dire Scourge, Shadowfell, Tinker Toyah... I think the only character name I don't love BECAUSE of their backstory is Incandesse. Mostly because she hasn't told me enough of her backstory to put down anything but a very short bit of prose. Not all of my characters wind up with anything in their bio box, and there's a few that have always been blank that I still love playing. But something about having something written down makes them more precious to me.



I like the awful, punny names a lot, so much so that I sometimes see one fly or ss by that makes me giggle. As others have said, my favorite toons don't have my favorite names and vice versa, but some that I rather like are (groan alert) Ice Ice Baby (ice/ice blaster), Trapper Jayne (plant/emp troll whose parents served in the Korean War--name that tv show, heh), Doc Holly Daye (emp/ice def--before dual pistols, alas), Malice N. Chains (dom of some sort, on some server), and Kari A. Toon (blaster I never play, but I think she's probably sonic/ --if she's not, she should be).

Then there are the simply descriptive ones; my favorite is Summer Vine (plant/thermal troll, of course--she's also probably a wino ).



Bougie - Fire/Thermal Corr
Chandell - Fire/Traps Corr

Tara Keller - SoA
Sara Keller - Warshade
Yea, those two are linked story-wise.

Cirzo - Ice/Ice/Arctic tank. Cookies to whoever gets where I got this from. No, it's not the exact same name.

Sidhe Cinrae Nighe - Dark/Dark/Soul brute.
Bean Sidhe, or Banshee; a female spirit in Irish mythology. I also heard that the Sith from Star Wars were somewhat inspired by those, but don't take my word on it.
The other two words are also dark/night/shadow themed creatures or derivations of their names.

Beside that, I have a bunch of names that I come up on the go, but aren't really as interesting as those. I'm seriously thinking of renaming my Widow, since she's using a namesake that I haven't used in ages before coming back two months ago. And it's not a creative one, either.



To answer the question though...Whats in a name? Everything and absolutely nothing at the same time.

People who try hard to name their toons for concept reasons do so because they follow comix or really just want a toon to be epic...story wise. Something they could actually see in a comic book. Something that inspires them to make that toon thrive.

On the other hand real names toons...first and last names can be the same. Jean Grey is often called just that. And for a good reason. She made that choice but then later went back to Pheonix.

On the other side of things people who name themselves Fire-Spines...Or Sonic-Dark...or whatever their power sets are still feel epic. Thats fine too.

But for players who imagine or have imagined as a kid either being a super hero, or had an idea for one, the first two options I mentioned seem to be the most popular.

Mine are named heroic or names that are "Code Name-ish" because I grew up in the Matel Generation of 80's cartoons. So I want that type of thing.

But having toons names simple first and last name also appear in comix and cannot be discounted and being less heroic.

Naming your toon after a game mechanic can be fun, or people who use social commentary, or just sily names are fine...as long as they are having fun and no one loses and eye



Originally Posted by Tahliah View Post
I like the awful, punny names a lot, so much so that I sometimes see one fly or ss by that makes me giggle. As others have said, my favorite toons don't have my favorite names and vice versa, but some that I rather like are (groan alert) Ice Ice Baby (ice/ice blaster), Trapper Jayne (plant/emp troll whose parents served in the Korean War--name that tv show, heh), Doc Holly Daye (emp/ice def--before dual pistols, alas), Malice N. Chains (dom of some sort, on some server), and Kari A. Toon (blaster I never play, but I think she's probably sonic/ --if she's not, she should be).

Then there are the simply descriptive ones; my favorite is Summer Vine (plant/thermal troll, of course--she's also probably a wino ).

I have a Dom named Ms. Ery. Nobody ever seems to get the joke though

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Some names I've been lucky to snag, like Ray Gunn, my homage to 30's serial scifi. I've no idea why it wasn't used earlier.

A few of my favorites were born of necessity, but their names grew on me:
Ace Barnstormer: a "chocolate in my peanut butter" moment after being frustrated with being unable to use the two single words. I wouldn't trade the name now.

Lumineon: (say Loo-MIH'-nee-ahn) my kinetics scrapper. I tried to develop a black light/neon effect and spent hours going to every variation of the words "fluorescent", "lumin", and "neon" that I could think of. In the end, it was another "chocolate in the peanut butter" moment.

I've thought of renaming my tank a few times, since his name is rather long, but I have too much fun with people recognizing Streetwise Hercules, and playfully calling out "I need a hero!"

And, I've had some praise recently for the name of my beefy mace/willpower brute, Fightanic. He's quite the beast in combat and a good fit to the name.



I don't know that I have a favorite name per se, but concept (especially a cheeky concept) matters to me a lot. I keep my characters more or less ordered according to how "central" they are to my play. Here is my current list on Virtue:

However this screenshot doesn't tell the full story. To understand my attitude about this stuff, you have to see my Freedom list:

In case you aren't sure what you're looking for in that second shot, its the fact that the same characters have been rolled and transfered off my main server multiple times. Oedipus Tex has been rerolled at least 12 times (I deleted most of them). There have been 2 Cold Readers (Mind/Ice and Ice/Mind Trollers and Doms). Turban Legend took over as a name transfer for Oedipus Tex twice. With all these new powersets coming out I'm positive I'll be flopping characters all over the place again; server transfer is something I'll be getting a HUGE amount of use out of.

I never did think of a good turn of phrase for "Merengue" or "Plasma Globe." They are quite literally what they are. Sort of the same with "Jazz Funeral." I just wanted to play certain sets together so took off, with the idea I can buy a rename later.

PS yes I'm aware I was way wrong on the pronunciation of "deus" as rhyming with deus. The challenges of growing up South of the Mason Dixon line. ;/



I'm not a stickler for silly concept/punny names (though I do have a few!) but, oh man, I must say... Oedipus Tex, your character list made me laugh so hard my husband came in the room to see what broke me this time. I think Pinball Blizzard is my absolute fave!!

Thank you for sharing!



Well... since my latest reboot I only have 8 characters at the moment so I guess I'll list those..

D'Shan Steelclaw (Level 37 claws/regen Scrapper)
Edie Wyldfire (Level 37 fire/devices blaster)
Ranger Lord (Level 4 dual blades/willpower scrapper)
Lady Arc-Light (Level 1 electric/electric blaster)

La Bella Mafia (Level 30 thugs/thermal Mastermind)
Assisted Afterlife (Level 30 dual pistols/energy blaster)
Re-Stitched (Level 1 gravity/energy dominator)
Sundered Remains (Level 1 battle axe/invulnerability brute)

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I have a Dom named Ms. Ery. Nobody ever seems to get the joke though
Does she love company?



I think I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with all of my character's names.

I imagine that I must have loved them all as my favorite when I chose them, hehe.

The Electric-Knight (I never considered this a good name... then, much later, came to like it... then have loved and hated it and all the things in-between since... but I never let it bother me one way or the other, haha... it's just his name). This was a character that I created many years ago in a pen and paper Marvel RPG group and he stuck as my favorite. The name actually came from a poem I had written back then that had the words "electric night" and I just grabbed that (as a place holder, I think).
Then his secret identity/real name became Eric Knight... and I loved/hated the ridiculousness of that.

Amazing Ape has been kind of a fun one. Rather simple, but to the point I suppose (his real name is Professor Dembe Silverback, though! Dembe is a Ugandan name that means peace).

The Loyal Guardian just works so well for the character. He's a gentle giant and will do all he can to protect others.

One of my favorites is Zavathanir (Zah VATH ah neer). He was based off of a concept I came up with for a an old, well-traveled wizard for a fantasy setting, but he very easily worked his way into this game and it helped me have a cosmic, wizardly magicky super hero, so that was nice.

Oh... and Malfaz just sounded right to me. He's a psychotic mutant who's powers were vastly intensified by backfired scientific tampering... and his powers are heavily based around suffering from and transferring severe migraines and mental anguish. I have to admit... The name Tralfaz - which is (George Jetson's dog) Astro's real name form his original owner - always stuck in my head, haha.

"Ralfaz... Ruck!!"

I'll spare you all from any more!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
So...what are YOUR favorite toon's names and how did you come by them?
Wow... I have spent countless hours over the past 4+ years picking names! In fact, the only activity (outside of actually playing) that I do more, is probably costuming. And, for various reasons, I like all of my character's names.
  • Corridor - I was driving to class one night when I mused about this name and whether it would be available... It was. So it became the name of an evil magic-user on Justice. I greatly enjoy the simplicity of it.
  • Decimal - I just created this character the other day. I got inspired to make an Elec/Devices Blaster and had the idea he would be a technopath of some sort. As such, a name that went back to numbers seemed appropriate... although Binary woulda fit a bit better perhaps.
  • Spiritglass - I have REALLY begun to like the smash-two-words-together-without-a-hypen names. I have a ton of them. In this case, I was looking for a name that could serve as the character's name as well as the name for the artifact that gives him his powers. The artifact enables to channel his soul into the artifact to power it up... he's an Energy/Energy Blaster.
  • Mender Cocytus - I like this one because it references Dante's Inferno... The character is an Ice/Ice Tanker. I also enjoy the fact that he is a part of an existing group in CoH as well as the fact that this particular river in the Inferno runs contrary to most folks' ideas about hell: it's frozen.



Originally Posted by Shazzie View Post
I think Pinball Blizzard is my absolute fave!!
Many good ones, but IMO Attila the Honey is the sweetest!



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
I've thought of renaming my tank a few times, since his name is rather long, but I have too much fun with people recognizing Streetwise Hercules, and playfully calling out "I need a hero!"
So you're the one who swiped that name! D:<
*dramatic fist shaking*

To be honest, a lot of names pop into my head when I least expect it to. some good, some terribad beyond belief.

Of my characters (off the top of my head):

Crazy Dragon: DB/DA scrapper. This guy's proven to be a one hell of a speedbump-riddled road. He originally started out as Mr. Pointless (which has since become my Global again after the list merge) on account of only just getting the game (covermounted on PC Zone UK o_O) and wanting to give it a shot already and not even being aware of the RP community on Union at the time (seriously, it was pure dumb luck that I stumbled into Union RP the same week I started playing). After a tenner spent renaming him, I settled on Crazy Dragon. His backstory is that he's an ex-underground fighter who stumbled across a carrier bag full of spellbooks and then later acquired a couple of swords. He's also a little nuts and a bit of an idiot, so I thought the name fit well.

Broadband Dragon is his Preat counterpart, who instead developed equipment to enhance his latent psionic abilities, along with other things. Mind/FF Controller.

Reactor Party stemmed from the song by ****disco. The character's main "costume" itself was instead inspired by a different band, Late of the Pier. Rad/Rad Defender.

High Tide, I honestly don't know where this name actually came from. What I do know it what kind of char to apply it to: An En/En Blaster with the additional mutant ability to breath underwater.

Sure Shot Shirley is currently my favourite name so far. The character's a vampire treasure hunter born on the day the Texas became a US state. The first two thirds of name I actually got from an old shareware game, And the name Shirley I found suitable for further alliteration. Of course, now I've just found out that said name would have actually been unusual for a woman born in 1845. *bangs head* Anyway, DP/Kin Corruptor.

Hellhog: Fire/Fire Blaster. He's a fat biker from Yorkshire whose powers stem from some magic ink his tattooist used in error. Ironically, he's a bit of a gentle giant on an everyday basis.

Hundred: DB/WP Scrapper. Originally, the char started out as part of a RP Magical Girl SG, but when that slowly fell on its backside for a number of reasons I retconned the character into a Cumbrian woman with minor and very much localised Chronomancy powers (to the extent that she only used them on herself). I considered calling her Hundred Blades, but I thought it was too corny before I even checked for the name.

Emerald Eileen: Illusion/Thermal controller. This sort of just popped into my head as I was rolling her. She's a mage from another universe who's been studying the Superhumanity phenomenon on Primal Earth since she first discovered it. As well as a reference to her green skin, the name's a pun on the poetic name for Ireland, though I haven't really considered whether Eileen would have any Irish blood in her.

Mashup: Sonic Blaster. The name's both a play on the character's first name, Masha, as well as a reference to her music industry past.

Sky Stormer: Storm/En Defender. Yeah, I wanted "Himmelsstürmer" (after playing a fair bit of Söldner-X when it came out) but I couldn't use the ü character).

Wintertron En/Cold Corruptor, if I can remember right. I just wanted a snappy name that was suffixed with "-tron". I think it worked out alright, although contrary to what the name may suggest, he's an almost-nobody who depends on a rusty old pickup for transport and spends a good deal of his spare time cracking open a cold one to Spongebob marathons. And would most likely be played by a younger Bruce Campbell.

ShoXtar Elec Brute. Snappy, stylish portmanteaus a-gogo, baby!

And then there's Patsy Crusher, my classic SS/Inv Tanker. I'm not sure what the hell I was thinking with this one, but it's stuck, I guess. She's an immortal teen from the North-East of England.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Names and costume combination make or break the character for me. If the name and costume don't evoke both humor and a certain image in my mind, the character gets re-named if I really love how it plays or it gets the hose.

Current favorites actually in play include:

B'Zinga - An alien that gained his powers when a crate of magic earth relics fell on him when a co-worked was playing a prank on him.

Kungfucius - His description is simply "Kungfucius is kung-fu fighting, that cat is fast as lightning, in fact he is a little bit frightening, but he fights with expert timing."

Minimus Prime - Looks like my Mini Cooper turned into a transformer.

I sit for hours thinking about names.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post

Kungfucius - His description is simply "Kungfucius is kung-fu fighting, that cat is fast as lightning, in fact he is a little bit frightening, but he fights with expert timing."
