Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Power Set Proliferation




Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Please add tons of KB to it, thanks.

The only dissent will be from forum posters more interested in rewards per minute than having fun. KB haters are not a majority, just a vocal minority.

Thanks for all the new changes Paragon!
Not true at all, I will not play the set if the new power has massive KB. I've used dark blast in the past using the two other AoEs and omitting torrent, but it's just not going to be a functional set without picking the new power. DB is not a set you use for rewards per minute, others pump out more damage, it's a control heavy blast set, and spreading mobs out in a control heavy set is a disaster particularly given that I suspect people will choose secondaries with it that will like the mobs close together.

I know VERY few decent players that regard AoE KB as more of a benefit than a hindrance in a general team setting (there are some niche situations where it's useful). It just tends to get people killed and frustrate people whose AoEs were aimed at 10-16 targets and only hit 3.

Solo it has its uses, but the big problem is that while making one of 3 AoEs in a set situational is not a huge problem, making one of 2 situational is.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
lmao "only" two aoes
Every other set has at least 2 plus the T9, and only energy has just the 2 where one has this level of KB, with KB being energy's "thing" anyway.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Really happy to see the change to EA. I will now dust of my Lvl 50 SS/EA Brute that hasn't seen action in years.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



So... The one redeeming power in Energy Aura, the sole reason I rolled an Elec/EA Stalker... (that being Energy Drain) Has been eliminated, and replaced with a +Defense effect, when you're already sitting on one of the easiest sets to softcap in existence, plus you get the most worthless T9 power in the game, in Overload... For the love of all things holy, at least switch Overload to Resistance instead of Defense... Please... I beg you. Adding 45% defense to a set that already has 40%+ (I'm at around 56% to all types except Psi with IO's) and has reasonable debuff resistance does diddly squat. The only logical use I can come up with for Overload is running in to tank a mob with no toggles because you just got rezzed because you no longer have a useful heal. *sigh* I was just starting to like EA, too.

Aside from that complaint... Everything else looks freaking epic. I'll be needing more character slots... For a new Stalker (although I'll clearly be freeing up a slot with my current Stalker.. *sigh*), a new Blaster (possibly two... Or three...), and deleting my Mental/Thermal 'troller in favor of the Thermal/Psi Defender I wanted when I rolled it... Maybe a new tank or three, since the 4 or 5 I already have on Virtue clearly aren't enough. >.>



I'm sure plenty of people have said some/all of this by now, but I'll drop my two cents in the machine anyway.

Dark blasters are awesome, thank you. Fire/Thermal defenders are as well. Psi/Poison corruptors? Where can I mail the million fruit baskets? I love you long time, Paragon. I'm also stoked to see EA getting a port to scrappers as I was just about to roll a light-themed speedster and was gonna go with SR which I really don't care for, but now with EA I'll have something that I can make look like light armor, and adding in Energize just makes it that much awesomer.

And I'm going to hope that the awesomeness coming for Dominators is BOTH Illusion and Dark/Dark. I want an Illusion/Psi dom (It would be an instant main for me. Superior Invisibility + Phantom Army/Phantasm + Psi Assault = Godmode) and a Dark/Dark dom as well (I want to be able to create something similar to Ghost Widow, considering she's a Dark/Dark dom, though I would hope, that being the case, that a dominator version of Dark Assault or Dark Domination would include Soul Storm as it's otherwise unavailable to doms). And I'm also going to hope that if Dark/Dark doms are in the works that Controllers will receive Dark Control as well as a port of Dark Miasma, it's only fair.



finnaly psy corruptors ' pigs are flying an hell has frozen over "
i wasnt expecting poison ports tho i am surprised about that
tell me when this will happen is it wit i21 ?



Originally Posted by xanatos View Post
please fix pvp.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I agree with the others in saying Broadsword would likely be more feasible for Tankers than MA.

Of course, I would of liked it more if more effort was put into new animations. I'd gladly wait for these additions to take place following i21, there's no rush. Throw it with the rest that this next issue is supposed to launch.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I'm kind of worried at how absolutely easy this will be to soft-cap, too...
They can hit the "new" iTrial softcap with relative ease. 60% is well within their reach.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Is Poison getting the modifications the MM playerbase have been screaming for for a while, or, except for a change to a power, is it getting ported pretty much as is?
The tier one heal is getting a boost. Envenom and Alkaloid are now going to have a minor AoE effect, sort of like a splash effect, with mobs hit other than the main target receiving the debuff at half strength.

So said the U-Stream anyways.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
So, having spent almost three months of my life (if the in-game numbers are to be believed... I felt pretty lame when I did that calculation!) playing an /EA brute, I was curious as to what would be changed.

Interesting. This is good because it may open up a slot for me to put somewhere else, which I'll need to slot up Energize.

This one, however, concerns me a little. It creates a playstyle conflict within the set.

One of the things /EA has always done in a unique way is manage aggro, via unsuppressed stealth in Energy Cloak. Solo and in small teams, you can be much more selective in what gets pulled and what doesn't. Being the "stealth brute" is kind of cool.

I don't have any objection to a taunt aura for /EA (is the taunt component being pulled out of Energy Drain, btw?). I'm a little curious about the logic of putting it in the mez protection toggle, though. If I want to be stealthy in the way the set is designed to allow, I have to give up mez protection? That seems like kind of a steep trade-off.
This concerns me a heckuva lot. Mez protection with a taunt is unprecedented and I hope it gets reevaluated. Stealthing to mission objectives is a preferred playstyle by many in the game today, myself included.

Unless those groups see through stealth then there isn't a problem running without mez protection. If they can see through stealth then sneaking up on them wouldn't work anyway, so you would just leave the mez protection on.
I get the sense the above quote was made by someone that hasn't actually stealthed by the previously mentioned mobs that see through stealth.

Here's the reality - if I'm stealthing to mission objectives and I'm in a pve invis state, then I can go by Nems, Rikti, Rularuu (but not KoA) and just get a few potshots by specific mobs that can see me, very survivable. If I become unstealthy, then all of those mobs will fire. Against Rularuu, that's extremely dangerous.

Furthermore, if you're only stealthed (not invis), which is what Energy Cloak provides, you will attract far more fire while stealthing with a taunt aura than without. So turn mez protection off? No good when you're simply stealthed, as stealthing in crowded spaces will draw fire. Most all meleers can take this fire, no problem, but that's because they have their mez shield on. Having no mez shield in this scenario is deadly.

I really, really want to emphasize that a taunt in a mez protection is a very very bad idea.

On the other hand, I don't want to just be a complainer, I like all the other things I've seen for i21, especially for Energy Aura and Poison.

But back to complaining - please don't include taunt in Entropy Shield.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Please add tons of KB to it, thanks.

The only dissent will be from forum posters more interested in rewards per minute than having fun. KB haters are not a majority, just a vocal minority.

Thanks for all the new changes Paragon!
I love blasters like you on my tanks. I leave you with your KB aggro and go to the next group.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



After going over that list,my only issue is NOT knowing what to try first.....



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
I love blasters like you on my tanks. I leave you with your KB aggro and go to the next group.
So is that how I can get tankers like you to move faster? Now I need to find a way to get KB on my Fire blasters, so after you gather them you realize that your job in this spawn is over and it's time to move on.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Hope they tweak poison for corrs etc. If it's up to par with other corr secondaries, then I'll consider rolling another corr.

Rest of the list doesn't really make me excited, well maybe /dark for blasters and BS for broots.

Now ill/ for dominators would make me excited, but I doubt that will happen lol.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
NO. KB chances are horrid things, implements of Satan. 100% KB on a power makes it a wonderful positioning tool. Chances for KB cause scatter, because not everything gets knocked back.
I agree. Umbral Torrent will be decent if not great if the KB is guaranteed but will be suicide if random. I think that was one of the worst decisions made with Kinetic Melee yet one of the strongest things about Claws.



well i use the tiny heal as a emergency buff, people seem to forget a stalker is NOT a scrapper with stealth. A stalker main job is putting a lot of pain on a single target. like a sniper, they do not walk in with the rest of the group they and maybe a partner. sneak in ,setup the shot, wait for up to days,then get that 1 moment to strike,then they beat feet out of there.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



This morning's update wasn't this.....was it? I see no notes.



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
So... The one redeeming power in Energy Aura, the sole reason I rolled an Elec/EA Stalker... (that being Energy Drain) Has been eliminated, and replaced with a +Defense effect, when you're already sitting on one of the easiest sets to softcap in existence, plus you get the most worthless T9 power in the game, in Overload... For the love of all things holy, at least switch Overload to Resistance instead of Defense... Please... I beg you. Adding 45% defense to a set that already has 40%+ (I'm at around 56% to all types except Psi with IO's) and has reasonable debuff resistance does diddly squat. The only logical use I can come up with for Overload is running in to tank a mob with no toggles because you just got rezzed because you no longer have a useful heal. *sigh* I was just starting to like EA, too.

Aside from that complaint... Everything else looks freaking epic. I'll be needing more character slots... For a new Stalker (although I'll clearly be freeing up a slot with my current Stalker.. *sigh*), a new Blaster (possibly two... Or three...), and deleting my Mental/Thermal 'troller in favor of the Thermal/Psi Defender I wanted when I rolled it... Maybe a new tank or three, since the 4 or 5 I already have on Virtue clearly aren't enough. >.>
You rolled an EA stalker for the Energy Drain Heal?

It still heals with Energize, while being able to easily stay over the Defense Softcap of iTrials.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I really, really want to emphasize that a taunt in a mez protection is a very very bad idea.
I was hoping they would merge the two passives into one, and add a taunt aura as the tier 5 power.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Not true at all, I will not play the set if the new power has massive KB. I've used dark blast in the past using the two other AoEs and omitting torrent, but it's just not going to be a functional set without picking the new power. DB is not a set you use for rewards per minute, others pump out more damage, it's a control heavy blast set, and spreading mobs out in a control heavy set is a disaster particularly given that I suspect people will choose secondaries with it that will like the mobs close together.

I know VERY few decent players that regard AoE KB as more of a benefit than a hindrance in a general team setting (there are some niche situations where it's useful). It just tends to get people killed and frustrate people whose AoEs were aimed at 10-16 targets and only hit 3.

Solo it has its uses, but the big problem is that while making one of 3 AoEs in a set situational is not a huge problem, making one of 2 situational is.
Thank you. You said it much better than I ever could. Nice to see someone that understands Blaster gameplay.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
This morning's update wasn't this.....was it? I see no notes.
No, this round of proliferation is stuff that's going to release with Issue 21/CoH Freedom.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



"2. Entropy Shield is now Entropic Aura for Scrappers and Brutes. This power is a taunt aura that grants the user a scaling recharge buff based on the number of foes surrounding the user. The Stalker version of the set doesn’t have a taunt aura, but it offers a small Recharge bonus."

This sounds great, but is it going to still provide it's old protections as well? Knockback, holds, mez, ect?



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Please add tons of KB to it, thanks.

The only dissent will be from forum posters more interested in rewards per minute than having fun. KB haters are not a majority, just a vocal minority.

Thanks for all the new changes Paragon!
I see. I take it you haven't tried to play a high level Eng/Eng Blaster on a big team. The Warshade's that sets off Stygian Circle, the Dark Scrapper that sets off his heal, the Kinetics player that sets off Fulcrum Shift, the Tank that just herded a room, they all hate AoE KB because it screws up their best powers and/or tactics.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
NO. KB chances are horrid things, implements of Satan. 100% KB on a power makes it a wonderful positioning tool. Chances for KB cause scatter, because not everything gets knocked back.

completely forgot about that D: KD... please...

if it ends up being KB ill live... ive played sonics before and shockwave is kind of nice, but i would much rather prefer KD

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide