What's so great about the BAF iTrial?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Such is the nature of the beast. If something is failable, it's too hard. If it's not, it's too easy. There is no in between. And there's always more than enough posts going both ways.

I'm glad I'm not a game developer. I'm glad that ours have thick skins and pretty much do what they want. Some people act like that's a bad thing, but it's times like these that hopefully some people realize that it really isn't.
I should clarify that I am not saying that the BAF is too easy. I'm glad it's so trivial and fast; I want my Incarnate stuff.

I just can't see any point to it other than as a means to get thst stuff. It has little to offer as a gaming experience otherwise, In my opinion.

It reminds me of the days of Speed Katies, although those were more fun, and I and a driend did manage to duo it (it took us 3 weeks).

I thi k the BAF would be much more fun on a smaller team.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Well for one, BAF, unlike Lambda, isn't too full of ******** non-game activities like avoiding fighting enemies while punching boxes to get temp powers that will confuse the below average intelligence quotient of the participants.

Instead it is just full of ******** non-game activities like putting escaped non-combatant prisoners back in their fascist-state brainwashing mind-control-prison by punching them repeatedly instead of, oh, I don't know, rescuing them and bringing them back to Primal Earth for deprogramming.

Fortunately the escaped prisoners part of the BAF is quickly over and done with and doesn't involve dying over and over and getting lost in lag-inducing weird warehouses and laboratories trying to find way-too-tough crates and clone vats to smash.

If these trials had been created in a manner that suits the genre we would not be running around looking for the counter-agent to portals or Marauder's super-rage within the confines of the very place Marauder is set to protect, but we would instead be planting super-bombs or computer viruses to destroy the facility.

We would also not be fighting the brainwashed prisoners but their armed and very much in control escorts who are slowly trying to bring them out of the prison before we can destroy the robotic wardens. When we defeat the entire escorting group we can lead the grateful prisoner to a portal leading to Primal Earth where they will be treated by the best Arachnos Fortunatas and Longbow Empaths we can muster, to break their programming.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
BAF, Union Style:

Wait for people to zone in.
Trigger Cutscene
Defeat 40 War Works.
Everyone goes to Bivouacs, draw Nightstar between them, defeat her.
1 Team goes North of Tennis Courts, 2 Teams go South, to choke points.
Defeat Escaping Resistance.
Go to BAF main building.
Fight Siege in entrance. Once Defeated:
1 Team Stays and fights Siege there.
1 Team goes to 9CU/Vicky Spawn point to defeat spawns
1 Team goes to fight Nightstar at Bivouacs.

Sync their HP at 20, then at 10, then at five. Wait for new spawn of reinforcements.

Add team burns down 9CU/Vickys, both teams take down their AV.

With luck, Trial completes. Bonus Astral Merits for taking them down without dragging them to the Tennis Courts, for not touching the gun tower controls, hopefully for not letting any mindwash prisoners escape, and hopefully for having no adds about on defeat of Nightstar/Siege.

Bam. One BAF, Union Style. Tennis courts? This ain't Wimbledon.
Much prefer these Mo-style runs - which are by-far the most common style on Union. Though it's fairly often the case that NS doesn't get pulled between the bivouacs - leaving squishies a little more exposed to tower-fire.

Been dissappointed on the few BAFs I've done on Defiant that they tend to run the more boring and slightly safer tennis-court AV-pull style.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Instead it is just full of ******** non-game activities like putting escaped non-combatant prisoners back in their fascist-state brainwashing mind-control-prison by punching them repeatedly instead of, oh, I don't know, rescuing them and bringing them back to Primal Earth for deprogramming.
I may have missed it if it has been said, but do we know where the 'defeated' escaping prisoners get sent? If we've not been told then maybe we are porting them somewhere for deprogramming.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
I may have missed it if it has been said, but do we know where the 'defeated' escaping prisoners get sent? If we've not been told then maybe we are porting them somewhere for deprogramming.
Why do we need to set them on fire, slice them up with katanas, electrocute them and smash their heads in with maces before we teleport them to safety?


Edit: now that I think of it, that bit of the BAF is totally stupid lol.


The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
It easy to understand for folks new to the Itrials. It does not rely on getting temps and if done right can give you some good rewards and be ran quickly enough so you can do something else.
Yup, most days if I am short on time, I cans still log in for a BAF or LAmbda. I can spend 30 min, and get some good rewards.

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My Portfolio



1. BAF is how we unlock Judgment and Lore, two of the most-desired Incarnate powers.

2. 90% of the time on Lambda, I get stuck on the Grenade team. I dont mind on a character running shields, but if Im on a squishy character this all but guarantees me the ten-threads-only reward, because I do nothing except die. I dislike this INTENSELY.

3. On Lambda people want to do stupid crap like not take out the turrets. This annoys me.

4. On BAF, people want to do stupid crap like assigning one team - which I am always on - to defeat the Warworks spawns. Unlike Lambda, I can ignore this command and keep hitting on the AVs for increased rewards. [I have seen several BAFs fail due to one team being redirected away from the AVs, luckily this stupid tactic seems to be going out of fashion.]

For all these reasons and more, I prefer BAF.



You don't increased rewards any longer on the spawn team.

Shared league wide now.



...Ah, the great ixp nerf [and yes, thats what it amounts to]. Thanks for the reminder.

I never cared about any possible Warworks-team increased rewards; what it looked like to me was that the people on that team had less of a chance to score the very rare reward table. I have no idea how true that was, nor does anyone outside the development team... but had no plans to continue trying to find out.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Why do we need to set them on fire, slice them up with katanas, electrocute them and smash their heads in with maces before we teleport them to safety?
The same way pummeling someone to a bloody mess cures brainwashing in anime - you literally beat the sense back into them.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Why do we need to set them on fire, slice them up with katanas, electrocute them and smash their heads in with maces before we teleport them to safety?
If we didn't suitably subdue them then any nurses/deprogrammers wouldn't be able to handle them.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



To be honest, BAF is my least favourite trials. It involves a bit too fudgy mechanics (I don't like synch-kills) and the lag on the escapee phase is still very, very annoying.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I've run it 5 times now, and it's been exactly the same each time.

Watch cutscene.
Kill some warworks.
Congregate in big crowd on tennis court near buffers/healers.
Wait for sb to pull Nightwing, defeat her.
Defeat waves of non-attacking runners for 5 mins.
Go back to tennis court.
Wait for sb to pull Seige, defeat him.
He rezzes, Nightwing arrives. Attack them both so they eventually fall within seconds of each other.

All of this happens in a very small area of one map.

I haven't noticed any specific ATs being required. I'm doing this on an en/en/fire Blaster, so I'm there for damage obviously.

Maybe I'm missing sth important being done by other ATs? I heard some talk of 'rings', possibly there's turrets involved?

I haven't been dying more than once per run.

It's all over in half hour, easy. It's extremely repetitive and simplistic, and appears basically unfailaible as long as the teams not made of morons.

I don't understand why anyone would do it more than once ot twice if it wasn't for the Incarnate rewards.

are there any fans of the BAF out there who like it for any reason other than it's an easy way to get threads etc in half an hour?

Wait, wait... you mean your computer doesn't pop a freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie out of the optical drive whenever you complete a BAF? It's the *only* reason i run them. (Well, that and the Incarnate rewards.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
...Ah, the great ixp nerf [and yes, thats what it amounts to]. Thanks for the reminder.

I never cared about any possible Warworks-team increased rewards; what it looked like to me was that the people on that team had less of a chance to score the very rare reward table. I have no idea how true that was, nor does anyone outside the development team... but had no plans to continue trying to find out.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
... and the lag on the escapee phase is still very, very annoying.

I'm over the BAF simply because of this. As a mission it's cool I guess, but I like the other 2 trials better even without the rediculous "all your powers look recharged but none of them really are" lag that is the escapee phase.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
...Ah, the great ixp nerf [and yes, thats what it amounts to]. Thanks for the reminder.

I never cared about any possible Warworks-team increased rewards; what it looked like to me was that the people on that team had less of a chance to score the very rare reward table. I have no idea how true that was, nor does anyone outside the development team... but had no plans to continue trying to find out.
Nice backpedal



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Nice backpedal

No backpedaling happened, not sure what you're referring to here. I never claimed I liked being on Warworks-spawn teams for "increased" ixp. Never cared about that, what I want is not to have to fight the AVs twice or have the trial fail.

And I do want a chance at the very rare table, I know thats an uncool admisison to make but there you have it.



I personally like BAF much more than Lambda or Keyes because it's easy to stay organized- I don't really like Lambda because of Sabatoge. The whole idea of scraps, brutes, and tanks who know exactly what they're doing blowing up crates and then running off to the next one while the Empathy defender who doesn't have the trial memorized is dying every 3 feet... Just doesn't appeal to me. Not to mention Marauder tromping around all over the place.

For Keyes, the whole trial is just total chaos- You can't even run back from the hospital before you're dead again. I've even gotten stunned by the massive invisible god mode weapon (or is it weapons? I still don't care enough to figure out much about it) as soon as I came out the hospital door.

BAF is a good trial because it requires teamwork, following instructions, and overall coordination... Without the hectic, people randomly dying when they didn't do anything wrong aspect that the other two both have.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I personally like BAF much more than Lambda or Keyes because it's easy to stay organized- I don't really like Lambda because of Sabatoge. The whole idea of scraps, brutes, and tanks who know exactly what they're doing blowing up crates and then running off to the next one while the Empathy defender who doesn't have the trial memorized is dying every 3 feet... Just doesn't appeal to me. Not to mention Marauder tromping around all over the place.
As a sidenote, my SO'd Grav/FF [non-shifted at all] has managed to survive the warehouse [without using pff, although she does have stealth]. But, I will say I do have the crate locations pretty well remembered now.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
The zone-wide auto-damage attack does not stun.
I was thinking they were referring to Time Stop. Which I can see as annoying if you're missing the queues [which I believe happens if you're in the hospital].

Let's Dance!



The obvious reason BAF is run so frequently is it's relatively straightforward, can be completed quickly, and is the easiest to earn merits on. End result is it gives more reward for less time/effort than the other two.

It's also more "inclusive" in that its design tends to encourage the league (or at least each team) to stay together in predictable locations/patterns - the squishier characters get to support the tougher characters, rather than the latter going their own way and the former trying to find them/keep up.

It also has the added bonus that it's a lot harder for a few bad players (clueless *and* doesn't read league chat, or outright griefers) to screw it up. In the other trials bad players can noticeably reduce the chances of success (not using the temp powers, aggroing Marauder at the wrong time, beating on anti-matter, etc), and if gone unkicked too long can actually cause the trial to outright fail. This makes BAF appealing both if you're still a novice (as your mistakes have less impact and are more likely to go unnoticed) and if you're not (so long as enough people play well the novices can't really stop the trial succeeding - that one guy can't ruin it for everyone)

(Kinda just repeating what others have said, but then so are a number of others, so why not me? )



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
If these trials had been created in a manner that suits the genre we would not be running around looking for the counter-agent to portals or Marauder's super-rage within the confines of the very place Marauder is set to protect, but we would instead be planting super-bombs or computer viruses to destroy the facility.

We would also not be fighting the brainwashed prisoners but their armed and very much in control escorts who are slowly trying to bring them out of the prison before we can destroy the robotic wardens. When we defeat the entire escorting group we can lead the grateful prisoner to a portal leading to Primal Earth where they will be treated by the best Arachnos Fortunatas and Longbow Empaths we can muster, to break their programming.
But that's not what the Greek Titan, who knows the plans of facist governments in other dimentions told me to do.



To make it simple the BAF is the easiest to complete and awards more Astrals, even without doing anything special, that either the Lambda or Keyes.

I don't think anyone is crazy about the current IXP nerf.. prior to 20.5 I could expect to get between 10-15 % of the XP required for Judgement or Lore on a BAF now I am getting 2-5%? I saw in another thread some one speculating that they may have started low and will up those percentage later but who knows for sure? To me it has definately become easier to simply convert Merits to threads and buy the IXP I need but not every player has several Tony Stark style (Billionare) characters around to finanace that.

At this point it really doesn't matter what your team is assigned to do since everyone gets credit for every defeat including the AV (S) on any trial. I have Blasters that have never fired off a single shot at an AV on a BaF and came away with rares or very rares. I have a plant/rad that usually gets assigned to the AV teams (why would you put a debuffer on adds?) but has occasionally been assigned to ADDS. I generally run over and put a debuff toggle on either or both AVs and then run back to help kill adds.. THAT troller seems to be a Rare/Very rare magnet and I actually had to craft commons to complete tier 3 and 4 powers because she wasn't getting any no matter what her assignment. Now they CLAIM rewards are random but that Troller has actually sold off very rares to fund other stuff and her debuffs are AoE along with a number of her vine attacks. I have melee ATS (my Tank and my Widow) that battle just a hard and as long and getting anything above an umcommon is a rare treat.

I can see the point made concerning the excaping prisoners but from the CUT SCENE, thank goodness we don't have to watch that every time anymore, we know that sleeper agent have been planted in with the regular prisoners. In the short amount of time we have to deal with the situation is it really a good idea (for RP purposes of course) to try to decide who is a GOOD escaping prisoner and who is a BAD one? The old "Shoot em all and let G O D figure it out" mentality seems best. Once we defeat both Nightstar and Siege to end the trail who is to say we don't go inside the facility and rescue everyone? Remember its COH.. nothing ever dies here I open up with my automatic weapon. I fire grenades at you, set you on fire with my flame thrower and when your health reaches zero you are magically teleported to medical facilities, healed and then sent back to a prison cell. Then considering the number of times I have defeated the same Council bosses on radio missions apparently the guards at the Zigg never bother to check your cell for that escape tunnel you used and throw you right back into the same one LOL

The BAF is probably the most popular trial at the moment, I see more of them forming than any lother, mainly because it is easy to complete and has better rewards.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



BAF is a little bit spechul ;p more times than not I don't get that extra Astral for no prisoners escaping