Testing Shards to Incarnate Progression




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hey Bill, how many purple recipes did you get during all of those missions?

Statistically speaking, it's highly likely it was zero. As long as we're building straw men to apply to dumb decisions such as, "I'm never going to run a trial or task force!", then keep running missions until you get two or three purple recipes, then calculate how long it will take someone, supposing they never want to use the market, to get a complete set for a power. Don't forget that due to the nature of random drops, getting that last specific purple is going to be a mother of a wait.

What's that? It would take years? Wow, that's outRAGEous! What were the devs thinking? Obviously, they want us all to do nothing but sit around playing with the market all day! Or maybe running "tests" and making unreasonable demands based on the idiotic assumption that one will literally never team up is a meaningless waste of time--indeed, the height of arrogance for demanding stuff based on something nobody does in reality, a play style you insist on for the singular purpose of pushing an agenda and making things easier.

Thanks for trying, though. Good luck with your next strawman I'm sure you're working on as I type.
Crawled out from under the wrong bridge this morning eh?

What you're overlooking is the fact that the trials (which not everyone can participate in due to time constraints, or the fact that they're viewed as "not fun", or that their computers simply aren't capable of dealing with the problems that the League system causes, inducing crashes) are GUARANTEED rewards. "Do A and you WILL get B".

Shard drops are "If you do A, maybe you'll get B, which, after you grind enough of them, can be converted to C, which, after you grind enough of them, can be converted to D, which, after you accumulate enough, can be converted to the desired E"

Simply because YOU happen to fall into the demographic best suited for grinding out incarnate rewards doesn't give you the right to be a richard to those who aren't Tony. So please, try to keep it tucked back a bit.

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Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
Bases off of Bills’ trade in idea
Let the different types or merits be able to be traded for Incarnate Components.
Vanguard Merits: 500 per Common Component
A couple of Mothership raids and you could easily get a T1.
Reward Merits: 120 per Uncommon Component.
I chose 120 as I seem to recall a LotG + recharge being about that. So a few days of Weekly Strike forces and you could get enough Uncommon Components
Hero/Villain Merits: 5 or 10 per Rare
Between 10 to 20 days of 0x1 Tip missions yielding a chosen Rare seems reasonable to me.

Now, what does this do for the Solo minded person? Does it give a path to the Incarnates that does not seem to far out of whack?
If you did a combo of trials and WTF, and solo, you would have an easier time all around.
Very Rare Components, Astral Merits and Empyrean Merits would be “gated”, but that seems a fair trade off, for the ability to have choice in how and what a player could do to get most of the Incarnate powers.
How is this for an idea?
There, problem solved. EVERYONE please look at this!

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
Sigh..I try to post an idea. But my post is bracketed by two Popcorn Munching Vids....I bet noone sees it....Guess I'll just go under my Bridge of Sanity..and troll there..
Originally Posted by Charnage
Hero/Villain Merits: 5 or 10 per Rare
Sounds good to me.



Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
Bases off of Bills’ trade in idea
Let the different types or merits be able to be traded for Incarnate Components.
Vanguard Merits: 500 per Common Component
A couple of Mothership raids and you could easily get a T1.
Reward Merits: 120 per Uncommon Component.
I chose 120 as I seem to recall a LotG + recharge being about that. So a few days of Weekly Strike forces and you could get enough Uncommon Components
Hero/Villain Merits: 5 or 10 per Rare
Between 10 to 20 days of 0x1 Tip missions yielding a chosen Rare seems reasonable to me.

Now, what does this do for the Solo minded person? Does it give a path to the Incarnates that does not seem to far out of whack?
If you did a combo of trials and WTF, and solo, you would have an easier time all around.
Very Rare Components, Astral Merits and Empyrean Merits would be “gated”, but that seems a fair trade off, for the ability to have choice in how and what a player could do to get most of the Incarnate powers.
How is this for an idea?
200 Merits for the LotG: def/+recharge, or 2 A-merits

EDIT: 500 Vanguard does seem as little high for soloist to get a common, but the idea is right.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
a foolish claim that it will take years to do something people are obviously doing in days is stupid.
You obviously aren't reading so good.

The people doing it in days are those GRINDING TRIALS.

Not everyone wants or is able to GRIND TRIALS.

Those NOT GRINDING TRIALS are given an arbitrary system that ramps up the time necessary to generate the same results from days or weeks to months or years.

And I'm not even going to do the "well you aren't the intended player" and "don't play them then" and "You don't NEED them" arguments the favor of calling them "disingenuous". They're outright, blindly, boneheadedly missing the entire blithering point.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You obviously aren't reading so good.

The people doing it in days are those GRINDING TRIALS.

Not everyone wants or is able to GRIND TRIALS.

Those NOT GRINDING TRIALS are given an arbitrary system that ramps up the time necessary to generate the same results from days or weeks to months or years.

And I'm not even going to do the "well you aren't the intended player" and "don't play them then" and "You don't NEED them" arguments the favor of calling them "disingenuous". They're outright, blindly, boneheadedly missing the entire blithering point.
That's a lot of polarized points based on comparing hard core grinders against what amounts to soloers or VERY casual players. Why can't you play a few iTrials a week while generating shards solo and converting Notices to threads? That's certainly on the casual side and it wouldn't take very long to augment a character with incarnate abilities. Solo content contributing? Check. Task Forces contributing? Check. And of course iTrials are the bread and butter-- as they should be.



Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
So basically what I see here is people crying because they are not getting the same amount of reward that we get from running teams of 24? You are in the wrong game. Way to make a lame attempt to bring teaming in an MMO (social based multi player game) to a grinding halt. The idea of the game is to try and influence teaming not stop it.

And honestly if you are soloing all the time what in the heck do you really need incarnate powers for anyhow?

The simple answer has been in front of your faces the whole time, if you don't like to team I have one word for you "X-BOX"
This stance is such bull...
MMORPGS are not all about teaming for missions.
Players who solo (or duo or trio or whatever-o) still buy things, sell things, interact to things in-between missions, show up to social events...
Just because your focus is on whatever you deem important doesn't make it so for everyone else.
And so you really think the reason for teaming is only because soloing isn't viable? And you think that's a good thing?
So, people who would rather solo or do smaller things should, instead, take part in larger teaming events so that others can take part in larger teaming events?

In that case, everyone should be required to role-play and take part in costume contests, build bases, badge hunt, buy and sell things regularly on the market (if not, you're hurting the game's overall economy, after all)...

Oh, do you not care about those things as much as teaming being superior and more justifiable than soloing?
Too bad, mate.

We could just all agree to allow reasonable levels of viability for it all and have a happy community of varied players (many of whom enjoy a bit of everything, by the way, even if their main preference and focus is one extreme or the other).

Grow beyond your own limited view of things.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Glad to see the responses in here.

I would be interested in hearing the argument for keeping shards as is. What problems would arise right now if the devs decided to move forward with a straight swap out?

All shards are converted to threads.
All common shard components are converted to a random common thread component.
All uncommon shard components are converted to a random uncommon thread component.
Repeat for rare and very rare.

Replace every instance of shards/shard components in the drop tables with threads/thread components.

Remove all references to shards in Incarnate Power creation.

What problems would this cause?
I would go a few steps further and just say get rid of the different types of components as well.

Make threads drop more than they shards do, maybe half or a third as commonly as threads do in the iTrials, but the shard drop rate is FAR too slow.

Add a 'Incarnate Mode' for the upper level task forces that make them harder, but you get thread drops at the iTrial rates as well. Have people get the option of a component, a number of threads, or astral merits. Have the WST offer the option of a rare component, more astral merits, or an emperian merit. Not sure of the exact numbers that should be but that'll work itself out.

Then instead of having 8 common types, 4 uncommon, etc...just make the pieces:

Common = 20 threads
Uncommon = 60 threads = 3 common
Rare = 4 uncommon
Very Rare = 4 very rare

One type of each level. Keep it simple. Keep the requirements for the various incarnate powers the same (3 common for T1, 1 uncommon 2 common for T2, 1 rare and 2 common for T3, 2 T3 1 very rare and 2 common for T4).



I'd support most ideas that remove the needless complexity to the system.



Very Rare = 4 very rare
you mean Very Rare = 4 Rares, right?



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
EDIT: 500 Vanguard does seem as little high for soloist to get a common, but the idea is right.
I don't feel like editing my post over and over again. It's 150 Vanguard merits for a Gr'ai Matter, which is a common. Oddly enough you could make it via 4 shards as well and my guess is you'll get the shards before the merits.



Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
What a lot of people fail to understand is the Incarnate system isn't there to be completed in a matter of a day or two.
You're laboring under the misapprehension that people ARE asking for this. They're NOT. Some of this stuff can be completed in a few days by relentless grinding of the trials. Great, fine and wonderful for those that want to do it that way.

But those that don't wish to grind trials, or are simply unable/unwilling to play them (for whatever reason) are being given a alternate system that kicks up the time necessary to generate similar rewards by an order of magnitude or more.

It's meant to last a good duration giving us something to work toward. I see a lot of people saying it'll take years to slot their character. What a load of crap, I'm sorry to say that, but it's true.
Do the math from Bill's original post. See how long and expensive it'd be to unlock each of the 4 tiers simply by relying on random shard drops.

Then tell me it's a load of crap.

Bill, I mentioned in another thread I had my Dominator who has never touched a trial and yet I have my 4 slots unlocked and slotted with Incarnate Abilities in 3 of them. I've been building up salvage since the release of Issue 19 back in November last year, it's now been almost 7 months since you could earn shards. So I've been stock piling them since then even after I slotted my T4 Alpha. I've been stock piling Notice of the Wells. At the time I couldn't use them, but now I can. You can break them down into 40 threads each. I have 22 of them saved, do the math it adds up pretty fast
And how much Inf did you burn in the shard-to-thread and thread-to-exp conversion? Is it realistic to tell someone to save up for 7+ months, then spend a few hundred million?

And honestly how much faster do you expect the solo path to be? Do you expect to run a mission, and get 4-6 astrals and a component at the end of each mission? Or 1 astral and 1 thread at the end of each mission? Do you honestly think a solo path will be as quick as running the trials? What would the speed of the solo path have to be to make you satisfied?
What'd be nice would be a series of missions (like Tips) that'd generate an Astral or two every day you ran the set of missions, then would generate an Empyrean at the end of an arc with an "alignment mission" type finishing mission. That and random thread drops here and there. Or better yet, if the missions are multi-objective, thread drops for completing the objectives.

It'd be SLOWER than relentlessly grinding trials, but not "a few days vs 7-12 months" slower.

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Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
That's a lot of polarized points based on comparing hard core grinders against what amounts to soloers or VERY casual players. Why can't you play a few iTrials a week while generating shards solo and converting Notices to threads? That's certainly on the casual side and it wouldn't take very long to augment a character with incarnate abilities. Solo content contributing? Check. Task Forces contributing? Check. And of course iTrials are the bread and butter-- as they should be.
The point is that the solo contribution is so negligible in comparison to the teaming route that it shouldn't even be considered. Your opinion is that the itrials should be the bread and butter. Ok, fine.

My opinion is that the current comparison amounts to the itrials being the bread and butter while the solo contribution amounts to fraction of a crumb and that this is unacceptable.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What'd be nice would be a series of missions (like Tips) that'd generate an Astral or two every day you ran the set of missions, then would generate an Empyrean at the end of an arc with an "alignment mission" type finishing mission. That and random thread drops here and there. Or better yet, if the missions are multi-objective, thread drops for completing the objectives.

It'd be SLOWER than relentlessly grinding trials, but not "a few days vs 7-12 months" slower.
There have been a number of suggestions like this, and I would love them to be done.



Teams are the best. I have gotten so many characters finished from teaming its sick. My drop ratio is through the roof.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
So we've got lots of forum posters going on and on about how the current solo path is good enough for incarnate progress.
And some of you find this fair? And equitable?
Who's saying that? I know all I've said is that it exists; not that it's a good option, just that it's the only option if you want to solo.




Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Why can't you play a few iTrials a week while generating shards solo and converting Notices to threads?
*I* CAN. Because I'm actually playing on the servers during their populous "prime time".

There are others who cannot. Due to schedule, network, or system limitations.

There's also the fact that there are social calendars in the game as well. I host a Fire/Rad group every Monday of mixed levels.

Tanker Tuesdays are...well...Tuesdays. Again, mixed levels.

I have a regular spot on Ship raids Wednesday nights. Again, mixed levels.

You're suggesting that people simply...stop... participating in any community but the raid community?

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Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
Bases off of Bills’ trade in idea
Let the different types or merits be able to be traded for Incarnate Components.
Vanguard Merits: 500 per Common Component
A couple of Mothership raids and you could easily get a T1.
Reward Merits: 120 per Uncommon Component.
I chose 120 as I seem to recall a LotG + recharge being about that. So a few days of Weekly Strike forces and you could get enough Uncommon Components
Hero/Villain Merits: 5 or 10 per Rare
Between 10 to 20 days of 0x1 Tip missions yielding a chosen Rare seems reasonable to me.

Now, what does this do for the Solo minded person? Does it give a path to the Incarnates that does not seem to far out of whack?
If you did a combo of trials and WTF, and solo, you would have an easier time all around.
Very Rare Components, Astral Merits and Empyrean Merits would be “gated”, but that seems a fair trade off, for the ability to have choice in how and what a player could do to get most of the Incarnate powers.
How is this for an idea?
I think that's a good suggestion-- but that system would allow stockpiled tokens to be redeemed for incarnate abilities up to tier 3 without ever running iTrials or any content what so ever, either new or old. Such stockpiled tokens are the reason this wasn't implemented initially, and possibly the reason that something like that never will be. The developers want you running iTrials, Task Forces or missions after the incentive system (incarnate powers) has been created, as the reward and the task are symbiotically designed.

If you can come up with a similar plan that does not allow for stockpiled tokens to be used, it would be viable. Attaching thread rewards as an option on some older content might work, but these will need to be meted by the time formula that constrains reward merits. If an optimized team can beat it in 25 minutes, you're not going to get much when most teams take an hour. But it's a start.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You're suggesting that people simply...stop... participating in any community but the raid community?
That wasn't what he was suggesting at all.

Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure
Why can't you play a few iTrials a week while generating shards solo and converting Notices to threads?
And I would suggest again, what if reasonable goals are simply unlocking the incarnate slots and putting a tier 1 power in them?



I'm not going to bother reading all the "do trials or shut up" posts that always come up whenever someone makes a reasonable request for an alternative to doing trials or shutting up, or the inevitable responses to these posts, so I apologize if this has already been said:

Billz is not normal, and his solo progress can't be taken as "typical." The average soloist will take far far longer.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Who's saying that? I know all I've said is that it exists; not that it's a good option, just that it's the only option if you want to solo.
Some of the people posting in this thread have stated that in other threads. Everything else you just stated is true.

It is not a good option for soloists. It is the only option for soloists.

Some of us, I dare say, many of us, consider this a mistake that needs to be corrected.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Dark_0mega View Post
Teams are the best. I have gotten so many characters finished from teaming its sick. My drop ratio is through the roof.
This is the best damn comment in this thread

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MMO = teamz ftwz



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
If you can come up with a similar plan that does not allow for stockpiled tokens to be used, it would be viable.

Ok, I understand your point. But, may I suggest that at this point the majority of people that had a GET IT NOW, have done the grinding the "usual" way. Enough so I feel comfortable calling them a majority.

I would say that for the remaining Solo-ers, those that have a stock pile of certain merits, would then be able to catch up to their peers. And be able to function better, if they did choose to join with other people, but would not be forced to do so.

I only made that post as an example. Maybe a starting point. But after I posted it, and someone replied that is would be 2 hero merits to equal 200 reward merits to buy something like a LotG +7.5%, that I came up with another idea. I'll post it in a sec.

210 50s and still counting!



Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
And I would suggest again, what if reasonable goals are simply unlocking the incarnate slots and putting a tier 1 power in them?
That reasonable goal is easily done by what I suggested. Simply running one iTrial a week to augment the solo path is a HUGE increase in speed. Add in converting notices from one Task Force and your goal is reasonable.