A new itrial every issue? How about no?




Originally Posted by _SPYDER_ View Post
Take a trip with me if you will. To any other MMO with rewards given for certain tasks.

There is a boss here that drops a Shiny New Dagger. The dagger is good but not worth the time or effort it takes to kill the boss. The devs should make the dagger craftable so i dont have to kill that hard boss.

The dagger is made craftable to make players happy.

The items to make the dagger are far to expensive the stats on the dagger are not good enough for the items it needs they should change the recipie so its easier to craft so i can have this new dagger.

Craft recipie is changed to make players happy.

The devs should change the skin of this dagger it looks ugly now that i have it, it should look better.

New skin made for the dagger to make players happy.

I should be able to Dual wield this dagger so i can have double the stats...

give a mouse a cookie....

Play the game? Why should i since i got everything i want just by logging in?

The Devs choose the worth of a certian item for a reason. This reason is to give you an incentive to run content. You feel that the content is not worth your time or Merits for the items you want? Then dont spend the merits on that item and spend it on what you do want. The devs make these incentives to keep you coming back to thier PRODUCT. Nothing should be handed to you just cuz you feel it should. Like it or not it is a business.

I'm really not sure what your point is. It appears you are arguing that player feedback should never be considered because it always leads to a slippery slope in which the entire game implodes. That's a level of doomsaying and pessimism far beyond anything stated even by the people who have said they don't like the incarnate system.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
No, it's not. Doesn't matter how many times certain people repeat it, or how much it gets rationalized, the point of an MMO is for people to play together.
So if you're at a party with a bunch of people does that mean you're all on a team?

If you go to a 4th of July event, is everyone on the event on your team/league?


Massively Multiplayer simply means that you have multiple people sharing the same environment. Nothing more.

That is what the vast majority of players want, and that is why people subscribe in the first place.
Again, stop attempting to claim majority. You don't have the data to back that claim, and it looks stupid when you make it.

Otherwise they'd just be playing any of the huge number of single player games that are out there.
What about the non-teaming social component of the game?

Or are you now going to claim that people who inhabit chat servers/irc channels, etc, would all be off "playing in notepad"?

Yes, there MAY be other options, but an MMO is designed around people teaming.
Incorrect. Teaming is one of several options, and may be required for CERTAIN content, but it's not the sole reason for playing an MMO.

But please. Let's hear more of your One True Way.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So if you're at a party with a bunch of people does that mean you're all on a team?

If you go to a 4th of July event, is everyone on the event on your team/league?

None of which are an MMORPG.

Again, stop attempting to claim majority. You don't have the data to back that claim, and it looks stupid when you make it.
So, would you claim that the majority of the general MMO player base prefers to play solo & dislikes teaming? I think it's obvious how silly a claim that would be.

As far as data goes, the developers have access to plenty of it, and have a much better idea what the majority of existing, and perhaps more importantly, potential players desire from an MMO. The recent development direction of the game is a pretty clear indicator of what they think is important to those players. And that's teaming with other players.

They're not doing this for their own amusement. They're doing this to keep a business running and profitable. They are going to allocate resources based on what appeals to the largest number of players.

What about the non-teaming social component of the game?

Or are you now going to claim that people who inhabit chat servers/irc channels, etc, would all be off "playing in notepad"?
What about it? People socialize all the time while playing single player games or multiplayer games like L4D or CoD. Doesn't make those games MMORPGs. Heck, I can socialize at work while I'm using Excel... Pretty sure Excel isn't claiming to be a MMORPG.

Incorrect. Teaming is one of several options, and may be required for CERTAIN content, but it's not the sole reason for playing an MMO.
Never claimed it was the "sole reason" for playing an MMO. Nice strawman though..

And again, I'm not saying the devs should ignore solo players completely. I'm not saying teaming is the only way to play the game. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to play solo sometimes, or even all the time. I do those things myself.

However, when you break an MMO down to its core concept, it's about people playing with other people. Rationalize all you want, it won't change that simple & basic concept..



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Otherwise they'd just be playing any of the huge number of single player games that are out there.
This keeps being bandied about a lot and I just don't get it. What if...I like City of Heroes' gameplay? There really aren't that many good superhero games out there, let alone ones where I can play a psychic werewolf cyborg ninja alien that shoots yellow fire out of her eyes.

Yeah, most singleplayer games don't come with a monthly fee, but soon enough anyone can play most flavors of CoH for completely free, so...

Originally Posted by _SPYDER_ View Post
Nothing should be handed to you just cuz you feel it should.
This strawman keeps being bandied about despite being chewed up, soaked in gasoline, set ablaze, and chopped in half. Then buried, spit upon, nested on top of by wild geese, then dug up again, slapped around, tossed in a swamp, sunken, hauled out by a rusty winch, then stepped on with stilettos, followed by one last kick from a South American football player.

Never surrender! Never give up!
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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
By this logic, all the people saying "We want more trials, you solo players can suck it" are likewise being dismissive and combative, correct?
Yes, those who say that are jerks.

Luckily, the devs are splitting there attention and providing both types of content.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by _SPYDER_ View Post
give a mouse a cookie....
Are you aware that this is the same argument used by Objectivists for why you should never do anything nice or unselfish for anyone, ever?

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Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
None of which are an MMORPG.
I see I'm going to have to lead you through this slowly.

Does the word, or acronym for "teaming" come up ANYWHERE in MMO?

So, would you claim that the majority of the general MMO player base prefers to play solo & dislikes teaming?
I did not say this. And I'm not making any claims to "majority" without any real support other than "IMNSHO". YOU are the one doing this.

As far as data goes, the developers have access to plenty of it, and have a much better idea what the majority of existing, and perhaps more importantly, potential players desire from an MMO.
Yes, but YOU don't have that data. So YOU (personally) don't know and are unqualified to make quantitative statements. You can make guesses as to what's going through the developer's minds by their actions all you want. But it's still just that, a guess.

However, when you break an MMO down to its core concept, it's about people playing with other people. Rationalize all you want, it won't change that simple & basic concept..
"It's about people playing with other people".

Again, "teaming" is NOT mentioned there. It's, as I have maintained, merely one of many options.

If teaming was the raison d'etre, you'd be dropped into the game and slotted into a team.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I see I'm going to have to lead you through this slowly.

Does the word, or acronym for "teaming" come up ANYWHERE in MMO?
Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
On the other claw, sometimes in developing a massively multiplayer game we are going to have content which encourages and rewards multiplayer play.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Still, it humors to me no end that people cried about no end game content for years and now that we're finally getting it people are complaining about all this new endgame stuff being added.
You noticed this too, eh?

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
You noticed this too, eh?
Yeah... something tells me that it's different people. I know I for one have not changed my mind about this.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Yes, those who say that are jerks.

Luckily, the devs are splitting there attention and providing both types of content.
This has always been true. The problem for some is when both types of content comes out. It would be nice if both sides got content every Issue, but some Issues just don't make sense that way. If the Devs choose to focus an Issue on Incarnates, does it really make sense to throw in some random arcs for everyone else? Content is better when it's focused.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Whatever floats your boat!



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
This strawman keeps being bandied about despite being chewed up, soaked in gasoline, set ablaze, and chopped in half. Then buried, spit upon, nested on top of by wild geese, then dug up again, slapped around, tossed in a swamp, sunken, hauled out by a rusty winch, then stepped on with stilettos, followed by one last kick from a South American football player.
Dang strawzombies.



GoldenGirl, you realise that that quote from Black Scorpion directly contradicts the other statement right? Therefore it does not support anyone's argument in the way they think it does.

A new ITrial every issue


Sometimes (their word, not mine) rewarding multiplayer play


Hyperstrike, I agree and understand what you mean. In fact in the theoretical side of MMOs (okay, so Virtual World Theory) just the ability to communicate and interact with other parties is enough to make it Massively Multiplayer. Nothing is ever, ever set in stone with regards to having to work together on a single goal.


I'm going back to the creative section now, Cya.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
GoldenGirl, you realise that that quote from Black Scorpion directly contradicts the other statement right? Therefore it does not support anyone's argument in the way they think it does.

A new ITrial every issue


Sometimes (their word, not mine) rewarding multiplayer play
Black Scorpion was talking about the Incarnate system being team focused, not the amount of Trials being put out per Issue.

The devs are aiming to release one Trial per Issue, along with a few of these in between "mini-Issues" to boost the number of Trials - and the Incarate system is team focused because in an MMO, there will be some things that are team focused.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
More iTrials please, kthnxbye.
Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Some solo startable incarnate content please.
I agree with both of these comments.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I don't think you quite got what I meant.

(ETA - Not worth arguing with you. Removed. Forget it. I'm going back elsewhere.)

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
A level 51 with all four thread-based incarnate powers starts being able to solo great swaths of the level 50 taskforces, Arch-villains and all.
Really? If my Blaster could solo the ITF, then that's incentive for me to Incarnate him up the wahoony. If only I can put up with the endless dull grind of the trials.

Solo Incarnate paths and no minimum TF start rews would be winderful for solo players



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If the Devs choose to focus an Issue on Incarnates, does it really make sense to throw in some random arcs for everyone else?
Apparently, it does to the Devs, what with the new Signature Arcs and all.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
the Incarate system is team focused because in an MMO, there will be some things that are team focused.
There's already quite a lot of content that is team focused. All task/strike forces, for instance. You can't start one without a team, and if you want to solo it, you would have to bend the system quite a lot and make an effort.

So the incarnate system would still be team focused if there were task forces added instead of trials. Then they wouldn't have had to develop an entirely new raid system for the incarnate content, and the programmers could focus on other cool stuff.

One possible reason that Incarnate content is almost exclusively trials is that trials are the fad of the day among the devs. They do them simply because they like them.

Another possible reason is that the devs are convinced that raid-like trials are necessary as end game content because all other big MMOs have them. This becomes even more important now that CoH is going F2P/subscription hybrid: they feel that it's necessary to be more like the other big MMOs in order to attract new customers. If the game wasn't going F2P, it wouldn't be as important, because then the incarnate system would just have to cater for old customers that are accustomed to the old ways the game was played.

In neither possibility, teams have anything to do with the reason for incarnate content being trials.

In fact, the regular instanced mission system is one of the best pieces of evidence for the game being team oriented. In almost every other MMORPG out there, there's a single player quest system, with a few add-ons that let you share quests (start another instance of this quest at the other player) provided you both are at the exact same spot in the quest chain. The only exceptions are the raids and few instanced missions there are.

This makes CoH stand out even more: its mission system isn't a regular MMO single-player quest system with raids tacked on as an afterthought. It's made for teams! Here, the leader (or for that matter, anyone) sees the team's members' missions, select one of them, and the entire team clearly sees what is going to be done next and can read up on the story if they want.

Hence, trials doesn't give or take anything from the game's team orientedness. It already IS team oriented, from the ground up.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Hence, trials doesn't give or take anything from the game's team orientedness. It already IS team oriented, from the ground up.
But previously, we have been allowed to choose our own teammates and how many of them we want to tool around with, with relative impunity. Even the TF/SF - very few of them require a full team.

I prefer to hang out with the 3-4 people I play regularly with. Previously to the incarnate system, this was plenty. We could solo when we wanted to, get together and run missions together when we want a glorious cascade of destruction of many mans, and even invite PuG people to fill out our teams when we were adventurous or wanted to do a TF that required more folks.

OTOH, the Trials are a complete departure from this. You're pretty much forced to play with a load of strangers, there's not much socializing getting done, and the small group/solo play is such a long path to advancement that it basically doesn't exist.

I, like many others, really loved the shard system, and enjoyed it immensely. I could run a TF/SF and snag a whole component, or just rampage around on missions and get shards to turn into components. It was pretty much the perfect system. Why they decided to "fix" this to FORCE people to do the League thing is beyond me.

The problem really is that CoX has, from the ground up, pretty much offered ALL options for advancement to its players. You want to solo all the way up? That's cool. Want to team all the way up? You can do that. Want to sit in AE and never leave one building while you get to 50? We got that. Want to do TFs every single day until you hit 50? That's available. Story arcs or random scanners, teaming or not teaming, there has ALWAYS been an EQUALLY VIABLE WAY to get where you're going.

Now, there isn't. THAT is the problem.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I agree with both of these comments.


Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I agree with both of these comments.

I do too.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I agree with both of these comments.

I do too. As long as they make the same commitment to solo/small team content.

Just because raids dominate the endgame of other MMOs, doesn't mean we have to be the same.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by _SPYDER_ View Post
You've gotten FREE issues/powersets/costumes/emotes for 7 years. As soon as Devs ask for you to spend a bit of fake currency for new ones they feel are worth the cost you b*tch and moan about it. It's very childish, even for this game.

You mention hyperbole in my previous post where in fact there is none.

Try harder.
The only thing I'm having to try hard to do is type while laughing at your post. Let me give you a newsflash, buddy, making personal attacks against people because they disagree with you is childish. Deliberate exaggeration of what those people are asking for is hyperbole. Both of which exemplified your first post and merited it being mocked.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.